100 Unusual Treasures [CLEAVES]

Homebrew and House Rules

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102. A bag of 10 diminutive intelligent toy soldiers. They are made of bronze with shields and armor painted either red or blue and when set up in either formation or standing in an open area, they will fight each other until a seemingly fatal blow has been struck against all members of a team.

103. Balor-skin Bag of Holding. It's a "sack". Made of Balor skin. Let your imagination figure out the rest. Obtained from a Balor Lord after a very successful Tumble and critical hit by a Dwarven Rogue.

Dotting all Cleaves.

49: Librarians paperweight: This marble plaque says "Quiet" in common. It has the silence spell cast permanently on it.

It's like sonic invisibility so I would charge 5000GP to put it on an object. What does a marble plaque cost?

Wand of Korscythe may already be in use for the Lich running around as monster 0.

For the robe of blending, GM must roll or choose.
1.Works as described, and probably kills the first person who puts it on.
2.Standard magic item in the core rulebook.
3.Looks like an expensive cloak with 2 huge pockets. If you put an open container full of anything in one pocket, it reappears in the other pocket with the contents blended(ie fruit turns into a smoothy).
4.Expensive robe with gold threading fire bird pattern on the back. Non magical but it helps you blend in with high society.

You can continue to contribute to this file. It's always fun to add a unique item to a standard, boring, treasure.

Treasure chest booster pack item. These can be used to sub for an undesirable item, such as the bag of rotting food. If you are rollong percent dice instead, unique items can be replaced with this.

1: Vial of cure light. 4 does of cure light in a small, heart shaped bottle. The potion is an opaque, pink color and tastes mildly of peppermint. This item is common and up to 5 can be in a deck.

Goth Guru wrote:

Treasure chest booster pack item. These can be used to sub for an undesirable item, such as the bag of rotting food. If you are rolling percent dice instead, unique items can be replaced with this.

1: Vial of cure light. 4 doses of cure light in a small, heart shaped bottle. The potion is an opaque, pink color and tastes mildly of peppermint. This item is common and up to 5 can be in a deck.

2: Copper Coffee Pot. Rare(usually 1 or 2 in a deck).

3: A bag of 10 diminutive intelligent toy soldiers. By robert best 549.
Uncommon(up to 3 in a deck).
4: Balor-skin Bag of Holding. by chbgraphicarts. Unique, type IV. Radiates evil for no other reason than how it was created.
5. Treasure chest. In every booster pack with that name. It is played to the dungeon with an unopened booster pack under it. It's locked with a poison needle trap(black adder venom). When opened the pack is also opened and the items are distributed to the characters as usual.
6. Golden chamber pot. Worth 100,000GPs or credits. Uncommon.

Bag of Folding: Any clothing put into this bag is magically instantly cleaned and neatly folded.

Deck of many kings: A standard playing card deck at first glance, yet any card drawn is a king.

Ring of bisection: This ring grants the wearer 1d6 additional slashing damage on any melee attacks. On critical hits, the opponent must make a fortitude check or be instantly killed via being cut into two exactly equal halves.

Decanter of endless lager: Guaranteed to be a hit at parties.

Amulet of natural armoire: When worn, the wearer can conjure up an armoire made out of natural materials, such as wood.

Belt of giant length: This belt grants the wearer reach. If the wearer already has reach, that reach is increased by 5 feet.

Eyes of the beagle: This item lets the wearer give someone puppy dog eyes, which grants a +2 diplomacy bonus but also applying a -4 intimidate penalty.

Boots of elvenblind: This item curses the wearer to be unable to see elves or anyone with the elf subtype.

Headband of blast intelligence: This item lets the wearer add their int mod to the damage of any alchemical weapons they use.

Cloak of existence: This cloak does indeed exist. Some say it has always existed.

Ioun stoned: When placed in orbit around someone's head, they are enchanted with feelings of euphoria, and take a -2 to all skill checks and attack rolls. May be habit forming.

FortisDelta wrote:

7. Bag of Folding: Rare: Any clothing put into this bag is magically instantly cleaned and neatly folded.

8. Deck of many kings: Unique: A standard playing card deck at first glance, yet any card drawn is a king.

9. Ring of bisection: Uncommon: This ring grants the wearer 1d6 additional slashing damage on any melee attacks. On critical hits, the opponent must make a fortitude check or be instantly killed via being cut into two exactly equal halves.

10. Decanter of endless lager: Rare: Guaranteed to be a hit at parties.

11. Amulet of natural armoire: Common: When worn, the wearer can conjure up an armoire made out of natural materials, such as wood.

12. Belt of giant length: Uncommon: This belt grants the wearer reach. If the wearer already has reach, that reach is increased by 5 feet.

13. Eyes of the beagle: Uncommon: This item lets the wearer give someone puppy dog eyes, which grants a +2 diplomacy bonus but also applying a -4 intimidate penalty.

14. Boots of elvenblind: Uncommon: This item curses the wearer to be unable to see elves or anyone with the elf subtype.

15. Headband of blast intelligence: Rare: This item lets the wearer add their int mod to the damage of any alchemical weapons they use.

16. Cloak of existence: Common: This cloak does indeed exist. Some say it has always existed.

17. Ioun stoned: Rare: When placed in orbit around someone's head, they are enchanted with feelings of euphoria, and take a -2 to all skill checks and attack rolls. May be habit forming.

The cloak could be a mundane item with a false aura, or it could be a minor artifact that blocks disintegrate spells. GM call.

18. Cracked Cubic Gate: Rare: Always opens a gate into a random room in The Cleaves.

19.Cloak of spell stitching:Uncommon:Once a week it can be held up to conceal a pile of treasure or something. When the command word, hey presto is said, the stuff becomes a stitched pattern on the cape, not weighing anything. The stuff can be released the same way, at home. Then it can be used again, one week later. GPV 10,000.

20:Fireforged clamp: Rare: While it looks like 3 foot long pliers it allows you to safely hold hot objects. You can use it to hold a piece while blacksmithing, pick up and throw a burning coal, or even carry a Sunstone without getting burned. GPV 1,000

21:Wall Paint
One can covers up to a 10X10 area. It effectively replaces a door, archway, or hole with the same kind of substance as adjoining walls. The paint job, if any, will look brand new. It uses both nano machines and magic(alteration). Rare 5'000GPV. Guardians trying to contain a great evil may pay more.

22:Door paint
One can covers up to a 10X10 area. It effectively creates a door. The door will be of adjacent materials such as wood, stone, metal, or even high impact glass. There will be a lock, but when created, it won't be locked. There is one key taped to the bottom of the can. That key works for all painted doors. It uses both nano machines and magic(alteration). Rare 5'000GPV.

23:A 10,000 gold piece value diamond set in a silver plated ring. The other 8 settings are empty. Completely non magical. Very rare.

24:Skeleton key: Looks like a tiny skeleton. When put into a keyhole, the door opens and 6 skeletons come out doing the skeleton dance for 10 minutes before fading away. Usable 3 times a day. Very rare. 10,000. Contraband in some places. Festive for Halloween.

25. Bottle of Spell Restoration (common)
This potion restores one first level spell slot per dose and there are 5 doses in this potion bottle. You could drink multiple doses at once to restore higher level spell slots. It works for all spellcasters. The potion is clear blue and tastes weird. Usually sells for 2,000 per dose, worth 10,000 total. Drinking more than 5 doses at a time usually requires some of the liquid be removed, a special feat, or a magic item.
26. Long Lasting Hand Sanitizer(uncommon)
In addition to killing mundane germs, the next spell cast has double the duration. There are still 6 applications in the bottle when found. It’s worth 5000 GP a dose but good luck getting a spell caster to part with it. To make it you have to have the feat or be a master craftsman.

27. Cauldron of souls(very Rare)
Filled with water and precious materials(minimum 1,000GPV per spirit) then brought to a boil, it summons up to seven spirits who appear in the steam. You need a special ingredient for each spirit, although blood is good to summon and interrogate soldiers. A soul trapped on another plane of existence can be called and be put in any empty body(Their own or even an android body).

Crafting. The spell or ritual séance is required. Cost 10,000 GPV.

28. Cape of Flying (Rare)
This cape lets the wearer fly as the fly spell. It’s blue with embroidered white wings on the back. It’s got a bag of holding type 1 built into the underside so vigilantes can stow a civilian disguise.
Value 56,000 GPV

29. Adamant butter knife(very rare)
It's blunt so it does subdual. Otherwise it's like a stiletto. What, if anything, it can be used for is up to the GM and players to agree on.

Value 1,000 GPV.

30: Fake rock(rare)
It has a seam that shows the hidden screw lid(DC18 to spot). Inside is 3 ounces of stone salve. The magic of the salve is detectable.
Value 12,000 GPV

31: Arrow of direction(uncommon).
When you say any noun(person, place, or thing) and hold it loosely or throw it down, it will point to the nearest occurrence of that thing.

32: Arrow of misdirection(uncommon).
Virtually identical to the arrow of direction, it will point to the opposite of what is asked for.

The CLEAVES, 100 Unusual Treasure Booster Pack I

33. Arrow of Indication (uncommon)
Sometimes called indicator arrows (and they also come in crossbow bolt versions), they are found in quivers of 10 or 1d10 on creatures. These arrows deal double their enhancement bonus on readied attacks (for both attack and damage) when their user calls specifically that they will attack if their target (either a single creature or any member of a group that are all within 10 feet of each other) moves "to the left" or "to the right" (not up, down, forward, or backwards, though a creature moving left or right while moving in those other direction will trigger). The direction is from the user's orientation and does depend on their perspective (ie. standing on the ground or hanging from a ceiling) and, as such, does require them to have a discernible front and back (or more specifically, a left and right).

Anyone observing the user as they ready may make a Perception check (modified for distance) DC 10 + user's size modifier to determine that they are aiming to their left or right, though not what that necessarily means.

Note: Firing an arrow of direction or throwing down an arrow of indication gives the target an appropriate save. For example, a gold vein has 90% cover due to being hidden by dirt or rock.

34. Potion of Cure Heavy Wounds (uncommon; The CLEAVES 100 Unusual Treasures Booster Pack I)
This is identical to a potion of cure light wounds except when imbibed by a creature whose body weight is in the upper quarter (25%) of their race's typical average weight range or greater, in which case it functions as 4 caster levels higher for determining healing. This bonus can exceed normal spell caps for healing. For example, a potion of cure heavy wounds (CL 3) would function as CL 7 and heal 1d8+7 hit points, not being capped at +5.

35. Banner of Banishing (CL 11) (rare, The CLEAVES 100 Unusual Treasures Booster Pack I)
This banner or standard can be presented, held high, or otherwise displayed by its wielder as a standard action, requiring at least one hand to do so. All summoned and extraplanar creatures within a 60 foot burst must make a Will save (DC 16 + wielder's Cha modifier) or be dispelled or banished (as the banishment or dismissal spell) respectively. This can affect up to 22 HD of creatures and the lowest HD creatures are checked first. Spell Resistance applies. The banner has up to 3 charges (roll randomly if found as loot on a creature) and cannot be recharged. It crumbles to dust after the last charge is used.

36. Banner of Bansheeing (CL 11) (rare, The Cleaves 100 Unusual Treasures Booster Pack I)
This banner appears to be a banner of banishing (see #35) and detects as one similar to a cursed item. When used, all creatures withing a 30-foot burst radius, including the wielder, must save or be affected by banshee blast. It then crumbles to dust.

37. Carrot On A Stick (Common, The Cleaves 100 Unusual Treasures Booster Pack I)
This is a carrot, tied to a 6-foot stick by a string. Can grant a +2 circumstance bonus to Handle Animal checks for moving certain animals around.

38. Bedroll (Unique, The Cleaves 100 Unusual Treasures Booster Pack I)
A perfectly ordinary-looking bedroll of sleeping bag.

No really. It's fine.:
This is actually a medium-sized mimic that died of natural causes while disguised as a sleeping bag or bedroll. It stayed in that shape for some reason. It's perfectly usable, but is always inexplicably hard and rough, making it somewhat warm, but not very pleasant to sleep inside. Examining or appraising it requires a DC 20 to note its true nature (Appraisal or Knowledge (dungeoneering)). Other mimics encountering someone using the sleeping bag will avoid them unless attacked or otherwise provoked, thinking they've already been claimed.

39. Horn of Plenty II (CL 11) (rare, The Cleaves 100 Unusual Treasures Booster Pack I)
This magical cornucopia is identical to #86.

No really. It's fine.:
This horn of plenty is actually a cursed porn of hentai, a basket that works normally until the user is alone and tries to activate it. At that time it summons black tentacles which deal no damage, only grapples and pins, casts unnatural lust on the user (DC 17), and silent table. These effects have a one hour duration but end if there is no one within the tentacles' reach for two consecutive rounds. Other creatures entering after the tentacles appear can be brought into the effect.

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