Noble Sacrifice--Chapter Three: Holding Ground



I once again enjoy the way the fight scenes portray game mechanics without seeming turn-based. I want to know how the city fared though, did they make it in time?

Very good finish! Can't wait to start getting these books.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Nicejob. I am loving this weekly fiction!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

As am I. Wednesday just used to be another day during the week, now its got a lot more meaning. :)

Dark Archive

Love it! Nice twist in having the leader call him out.

Dark Archive Contributor

I'd love to see more stories about the many wars that have occurred or that are occurring in Golarion. It's a great opportunity to see the politics and cultures clash ... and of course to lop off more hobgoblin heads!

Dave Gross wrote:
I'd love to see more stories about the many wars that have occurred or that are occurring in Golarion. It's a great opportunity to see the politics and cultures clash ... and of course to lop off more hobgoblin heads!

Agreed! The Oath Wars especially seem like a great opportunity to show conflict between some of the region's major religions, as well as between the Humanists of Rahadoum toward the end of the war.

I would really love to see these two return, certainly I would purchase a full Pathfinder Tales novel based on them if given the opportunity.

I really do love the idea of throwing an Eagle Knight and Hellknight together.. it's almost the ultimate fantasy buddy cop scenario... now if only they had a monkey.

Gallifrey wrote:
I would really love to see these two return, certainly I would purchase a full Pathfinder Tales novel based on them if given the opportunity.

Me too... oh wait, I don't think I count do I.

Gallifrey wrote:
I really do love the idea of throwing an Eagle Knight and Hellknight together.. it's almost the ultimate fantasy buddy cop scenario... now if only they had a monkey.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find any excuse to include a monkey, but who knows what the future might hold.

Dark Archive Contributor

Fordy wrote:
Gallifrey wrote:
I would really love to see these two return, certainly I would purchase a full Pathfinder Tales novel based on them if given the opportunity.

Me too... oh wait, I don't think I count do I.

Gallifrey wrote:
I really do love the idea of throwing an Eagle Knight and Hellknight together.. it's almost the ultimate fantasy buddy cop scenario... now if only they had a monkey.
Unfortunately, I couldn't find any excuse to include a monkey, but who knows what the future might hold.

Not a monkey. A goblin. :)

Dark Archive Contributor

Dave Gross wrote:
Fordy wrote:
Gallifrey wrote:
I would really love to see these two return, certainly I would purchase a full Pathfinder Tales novel based on them if given the opportunity.

Me too... oh wait, I don't think I count do I.

Gallifrey wrote:
I really do love the idea of throwing an Eagle Knight and Hellknight together.. it's almost the ultimate fantasy buddy cop scenario... now if only they had a monkey.
Unfortunately, I couldn't find any excuse to include a monkey, but who knows what the future might hold.
Not a monkey. A goblin. :)

A goblin played by Joe Pesci.

Sovereign Court

Dave Gross wrote:
Dave Gross wrote:
Fordy wrote:
Gallifrey wrote:
I would really love to see these two return, certainly I would purchase a full Pathfinder Tales novel based on them if given the opportunity.

Me too... oh wait, I don't think I count do I.

Gallifrey wrote:
I really do love the idea of throwing an Eagle Knight and Hellknight together.. it's almost the ultimate fantasy buddy cop scenario... now if only they had a monkey.
Unfortunately, I couldn't find any excuse to include a monkey, but who knows what the future might hold.
Not a monkey. A goblin. :)
A goblin played by Joe Pesci.

Why would you get a kobold to play a goblin?

personally i see it as our boys getting ambushed in the mwangi expanse and having to escape their captors with the help of a fellow prisoner, who happens to be a sentient ape rogue...

Scarab Sages

Very well done :) That opening chapter was especially thrilling and had a wonderful cliffhanger! One element I found particularly pleasing was the way you played with the title's foreshadowing, presenting the opportunity to fulfill its promise only to find a credible way of bypassing doing so just one more time.

As for the characters, I had a hard time getting into Kal but I really enjoyed Tiberion incredibly. Even though the story is written moreover in Kal's voice, Tiberion was the one I could hear talking when I read his dialogue. You did an excellent job with both characters though and I'd love to see the continued adventures of either one (better yet, both).

Incidentally, one reason I may have gravitated his way could simply be that everytime I saw Kal's name I couldn't help but think of Kael from "Willow" which, of course, instantly gives me a double dose of dark knights. Great stuff and I hope to see more of you as I read through these tales. Cheers!

PS- If you really want to have a monkey in the plot, maybe you should have an eccentric druid join their party ;)

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