Half-Dragon Animal companion

Homebrew and House Rules

Would it be possible for a druid to gain a half-dragon, half-animal companion at a penalty to his effective druid level?

Dark Archive

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[snarky] but you could always try a dm bribe. Most DMs can be bought for around $10 per favor[/snarky]

That would definitely be a house rule, but Dragons are not natural by any sense of the word, let alone a half dragon animal. It does not go with the druid Concept, You need a whole new class (Huzzas!).

Kierato wrote:
That would definitely be a house rule, but Dragons are not natural by any sense of the word

nat·u·ral (nchr-l, nchrl)

1. Present in or produced by nature

So maybe by one sense. ;-)

I don't think dragons are unnatural. Not the way aberrations or undead are. Not even in the way magical beasts are. It would depend on your setting of course but in many settings Dragons have always been around and are not the result of something extraplanar or due to magical creation etc. The fact they can perform magic is also not anymore unnatural than a druid using magic.

Anyways to the OP the answer is NO. That would be a very powerful animal companion. The stat boosts alone are around what you'd get over 20 levels of druid.

Work with your DM to flavor your animal companion. As it grows in level you could start mimicking something partially draconic. As natural armor bonus increases it's scales can get thicker and harder.

There's always leadership. Wyvern at level 10.

In Forgotten Realms, they came from another plane. Their bodies are to heavy to lift with their wings yet they can fly, the older ones have pure elemental energy running through their veins, They can breed with anything, They live for thousands of years, they inherit most of their knowledge from their parents, what about them is natural?

Kierato wrote:
In Forgotten Realms, they came from another plane.

Never played in FR. Like I said. Many settings. Not all or even most. Eberron for example makes them a natural part of the world who have been around since the beginning of time. It was even a Dragon that taught the secrets of druidic magic to the lesser races.

Their bodies are to heavy to lift with their wings yet they can fly, the older ones have pure elemental energy running through their veins, They can breed with anything, They live for thousands of years, they inherit most of their knowledge from their parents, what about them is natural?

In a world of magic being magical is not inherently unnatural. What's natural about a summon nature's ally spell?

Speaking of Summon Nature's Ally the spell description just makes this whole idea even funnier. I quote "This spell summons to your side a natural creature (typically an animal, fey, magical beast, outsider with the elemental subtype, or a giant)." I guess in Golarion natural includes elemental energy things and any creature that lives and procreates in the world.

Does their type in FR change to Outsider? Humans seem to be able to breed with anything. Genetic memory is hardly unnatural and is something I'd never even heard of till I started playing 3.5 DnD.

Anyways I was only teasing you because of your excellent hyperbole. "In NO SENSE OF THE WORD" hehe. Just pointing out depending on the setting he's in Dragons can be perfectly natural and are not anathema to druids.

Name Violation wrote:

Not by raw

[snarky] but you could always try a dm bribe. Most DMs can be bought for around $10 per favor[/snarky]

Only $10? Seems kinda low...

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