FAWTLhouse Five

Off-Topic Discussions

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Nekkid worrying for top? Suck.

I hope he feels better soon.

Bitter Thorn wrote:
Where has TAD been? Is he OK?

He still posts, just not here.

Solnes wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Where has TAD been? Is he OK?
He still posts, just not here.


Bitter Thorn wrote:
I hope he feels better soon.

So do I, poor little guy has been sleeping all day. Ucky fever and scratchy throat.

Edited for manners: And thank you for the well wishes.

Bitter Thorn wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Where has TAD been? Is he OK?
He still posts, just not here.


Mmmm, dinner smells good. Baked chicken, broccoli and cheese rice, corn on the cob, and biscuits.

And apparently Grilled cheese for the sick one. :)

The Exchange

Solnes wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Jess Door wrote:
Moorluck wrote:

Ok, minor debate in the Moore house, contains minor spoiler for Skinsaw Murders...

** spoiler omitted **

I would give it to the monk. The druid has other options.


Guess I lost that argument...thanks a bunch guys. :P
hey now I said handle it in game. Turn into a tiger and eat her. Then you get the magic item all her loot and XP to boot.
I gave up the wild shape ability.

And you call yourself a Druid! For shame. ;)

The Exchange

Bitter Thorn wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Where has TAD been? Is he OK?
He still posts, just not here.


I only need the two socks covering my feet.

Scarab Sages

Solnes wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
I hope he feels better soon.

So do I, poor little guy has been sleeping all day. Ucky fever and scratchy throat.

Edited for manners: And thank you for the well wishes.

"Edited for manners"? You must have really had a fun day.

My oldest son got sick last night and emptied his Heward's Haversack worth of stomach contents on the middle of the floor. Which left me with a wide range of emotions late at night...

Solnes wrote:
Jess Door wrote:
Moorluck wrote:

Deleted my post on account of it being to crass. Maybe I am getting more mature?..... Nah, I just don't want to offend the lovely Jess.

He's worried about offending the newest female. Just kick him. :P

ayy carumba.

Solnes wrote:
lynora wrote:
Moorluck wrote:

Two things, the first being, Wolf that is f#!*ed up buddy! I mean really, really f#!*ed up.

And second, dice seem to love dark chocolate.... they really do. I haven't ever seen 4 20's rolled in one fight, or an entire party crit in a single round. O_o

What did I tell you about appeasing the dice gods? We wouldn't do these crazy things if they didn't work. ;)
I know right?!

Although I have never tried giving them chocolate. This is a good idea. I think I shall have to try it before next session since we're heading into the endgame.

Liberty's Edge

Moff Rimmer wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
I hope he feels better soon.

So do I, poor little guy has been sleeping all day. Ucky fever and scratchy throat.

Edited for manners: And thank you for the well wishes.

"Edited for manners"? You must have really had a fun day.

My oldest son got sick last night and emptied his Heward's Haversack worth of stomach contents on the middle of the floor. Which left me with a wide range of emotions late at night...

Don't you love it when they do that?

Solnes wrote:
Poor Kellen. My little buddy is so sick. :(

Hope he feels better soon.

Bryce is in the same boat, although he's now just better enough to be irritating.

Think I am going to cuddle and kiss the kids, and then get them into bed. I know its early, but as sick as the one is I want the others to rest as much as possible.

Moff Rimmer wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
I hope he feels better soon.

So do I, poor little guy has been sleeping all day. Ucky fever and scratchy throat.

Edited for manners: And thank you for the well wishes.

"Edited for manners"? You must have really had a fun day.

My oldest son got sick last night and emptied his Heward's Haversack worth of stomach contents on the middle of the floor. Which left me with a wide range of emotions late at night...

Ha Ha....no really, I hope he is feeling better. There is something nasty going around this area.

As for my day...its been a Monday thats for sure. I responded to the post, moved on, went back and read it and realized I never thanked him. Felt it was poor manners. :P

Wolfthulhu wrote:

Ok, I'm about 95% certain that Jess is just waiting for this post. How to start...

We were happily playing Kingmaker this afternoon. Doing some kingdom building in the back room of Asgard Games, a local FLGS. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch someone entering the room. Now, the way things are situated, I sit on the far end from the door, in front of a row of lockers that customers use to store their (mostly) wargaming stuff. If I look to my right, towards the front of the store, I have a clear line of sight to the front door. I like it that way (some call it paranoia, I call it being observant, whatever). So, I glimpse this person coming into the room, but didn't pay attention. Lockers, remember this happens several times a day.

Only this person wasn't going to a locker. She quickly walked up next to me and laid a folded slip of paper on top of my open campaign journal. She then turned, without saying a word and walked out of the store and went off to the left of the door. Nobody in the room said a word. We all sat there in puzzled silence for a minute until I reached out and took the paper.

strange note wrote:


"They" Know that
the Weird one
already fell down
So *quite* Quit (quite was crossed out)
while your ahead.
No more wispering
in its ear!
I'm warning you! (each word in this line was underlined twice)

I read it again... and again. When I looked up, wondering if one of my friends was playing a joke on me, everyone was staring, obviously curious. So I read it out loud. Nobody seemed to be in on it, so I was wondering about my buddy Scott, who had left to cross the street to get a soda from McD's.

When Scott came back, we all stared at him. I can't speak for anyone else, but I was watching for some grin or smirk. Any crack that would indicate his knowledge of what had happened. Nothing. So we all started talking about it and when we got to talking about what she looked like, Scott realized he had passed her leaving McD's as he was going in and had...

Saw you post the note on Facebook. It would be a great way to start a Paranoia campaign, at the least. :P

Woodraven wrote:
Woot got my test results back from the Dr. my blood glucose was 89, my thyroid was 3.0, My good cholesterol was 30 and my bad cholesterol was 115. According to the nurse that told me the scores, all my results are good. So after that I will probably get and take the meds for blood pressure and just forget about the cholesterol med. Just because I am heavy doesn't mean I am completely out of whack. Now time to get ready for work.

So, you don't have to take cholesterol meds, or are you just choosing to not take it? Make sure I'm reading you correctly.

Bitter Thorn wrote:
I think we need more pics of gamers and such.

With Facebook accounts. ;-)

You wake up in cloning chamber number 2.

Solnes wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Where has TAD been? Is he OK?
He still posts, just not here.


Urizen wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
I think we need more pics of gamers and such.
With Facebook accounts. ;-)

I don't think so scooter. ;)

Scarab Sages

Mothman wrote:
Moff Rimmer wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
I hope he feels better soon.

So do I, poor little guy has been sleeping all day. Ucky fever and scratchy throat.

Edited for manners: And thank you for the well wishes.

"Edited for manners"? You must have really had a fun day.

My oldest son got sick last night and emptied his Heward's Haversack worth of stomach contents on the middle of the floor. Which left me with a wide range of emotions late at night...

Don't you love it when they do that?

spoilered for grossness:
On AFV and other places, they have wives taking videos of their husbands' inability to handle strong smells. Wimps. My wife said again last night how she wouldn't know if she could have handled cleaning that up. I get to clean up the nice huge poops -- the ones that somehow slide through the entire length of the footie pajamas, the vomit messes -- the ones that start at the decent sized pool in the middle of the living room and have a nice stream/trail all the way to the bathroom, etc.

...or ...

maybe they are actually smarter than I am...

Bitter Thorn wrote:
Urizen wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
I think we need more pics of gamers and such.
With Facebook accounts. ;-)
I don't think so scooter. ;)

Quid pro quo, brochacho! ;-)

Twin Agitate Dragons wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Where has TAD been? Is he OK?
He still posts, just not here.


Urizen wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Urizen wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
I think we need more pics of gamers and such.
With Facebook accounts. ;-)
I don't think so scooter. ;)
Quid pro quo, brochacho! ;-)

Dohp! I still have a myspace and picture trail.

Wow! I wonder if mentioning Ortho will make him appear too?

Moff Rimmer wrote:
Mothman wrote:
Moff Rimmer wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
I hope he feels better soon.

So do I, poor little guy has been sleeping all day. Ucky fever and scratchy throat.

Edited for manners: And thank you for the well wishes.

"Edited for manners"? You must have really had a fun day.

My oldest son got sick last night and emptied his Heward's Haversack worth of stomach contents on the middle of the floor. Which left me with a wide range of emotions late at night...

Don't you love it when they do that?
** spoiler omitted **

Hubby and I seem to be rotate who can handle what when. There are times that I run away gagging and he has to take care of it, and then there are others when its me cleaning and him yaking. I seem to be able to handle the runny poos better than the vomit. I think its the lack of sound effects.

Scarab Sages

Bitter Thorn wrote:
Wow! I wonder if mentioning Ortho will make him appear too?

You did notice that it was Urizen in disguise... right?

Bitter Thorn wrote:
Wow! I wonder if mentioning Ortho will make him appear too?

Take a closer look there tiger. Not the real TAD. :P

Solnes wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Wow! I wonder if mentioning Ortho will make him appear too?
Take a closer look there tiger. Not the real TAD. :P

Ninja'd :P

Hey Uri, how's tricks?

Scarab Sages

Solnes wrote:
Hey Uri, how's tricks?

Silly Solnes -- Tricks are for ...

Aw, never mind...

Crimson Jester wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Where has TAD been? Is he OK?
He still posts, just not here.


I only need the two socks covering my feet.

*snicker* This needs a like button.

Moff Rimmer wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Hey Uri, how's tricks?

Silly Solnes -- Tricks are for ...

Aw, never mind...

lol... Go ahead...finish your thought. :P

Moff Rimmer wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Wow! I wonder if mentioning Ortho will make him appear too?
** spoiler omitted **


You know.... I find it annoying that all the Yankees like to poke fun when we close schools and public offices for snow or ice. Yeah, I know it was only an inch or so. But seeing as how we so rarely see it and we are not used to driving in it, I would rather my kids stay home for the day, than have them on the slippery roads with drivers who don't know what the hell they are doing. Or better yet, on the roads with the hot doggin' Yankees who can't seem to slow down. There were 10 accidents by noon today thanks.

I find myself getting crankier and crankier tonight. I think I will take my leave and sleep a bit. Gamed until almost 2am last night and then got up early for work. Maybe a little sleep will improve my mood.

Liberty's Edge

Moff Rimmer wrote:
Mothman wrote:
Moff Rimmer wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
I hope he feels better soon.

So do I, poor little guy has been sleeping all day. Ucky fever and scratchy throat.

Edited for manners: And thank you for the well wishes.

"Edited for manners"? You must have really had a fun day.

My oldest son got sick last night and emptied his Heward's Haversack worth of stomach contents on the middle of the floor. Which left me with a wide range of emotions late at night...

Don't you love it when they do that?
** spoiler omitted **

Yeah, more often than not those sort of clean ups are my job too. Maybe I should develop a weaker stomach.

Solnes wrote:
I find myself getting crankier and crankier tonight. I think I will take my leave and sleep a bit. Gamed until almost 2am last night and then got up early for work. Maybe a little sleep will improve my mood.

I hope you feel better too!

Solnes wrote:
Hey Uri, how's tricks?

Blergh. Hard liquor and I are getting a divorce after last Saturday. On the flip side, I'm going to go through the process to register to go back to school for the Spring. Since I've really no clue what I really want to do, I can at least get the requirements out of the way for a Associates of Science degree at a Community College and then transfer over to a Liberal Arts college afterwards.

Solnes wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Where has TAD been? Is he OK?
He still posts, just not here.


I only need the two socks covering my feet.

*snicker* This needs a like button.


Bitter Thorn wrote:
Moff Rimmer wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Wow! I wonder if mentioning Ortho will make him appear too?
** spoiler omitted **

Need something for that glaucoma?

Marijuakurion {4:20} wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Moff Rimmer wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Wow! I wonder if mentioning Ortho will make him appear too?
** spoiler omitted **
Need something for that glaucoma?

That's not my "cup of tea", but beer is starting to sound really good right now.

Clockwork Gnome Publishing

Urizen wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Hey Uri, how's tricks?
Blergh. Hard liquor and I are getting a divorce after last Saturday. On the flip side, I'm going to go through the process to register to go back to school for the Spring. Since I've really no clue what I really want to do, I can at least get the requirements out of the way for a Associates of Science degree at a Community College and then transfer over to a Liberal Arts college afterwards.

That is good news.

Clockwork Gnome Publishing

Hmmm...sushi roll with brown rice is actually pretty tasty.

The Exchange

Allen Taliesin wrote:
Hmmm...sushi roll with brown rice is actually pretty tasty.

I was surprised at being able to stand sushi. Not really my food of choice but much better and a lot less gross then I thought it would have been.

Liberty's Edge

Paid for school today. Getting close...

I don't WANT a new updated profile.
Why do I have to have it?

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