Xealot's Protecting your Home


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Male Gnome Sorcerer (fey bloodline) 1

Yikes, miss a day, and I miss a whole bunch! Sorry about that. Just had a busy day.

Brev has remained totally silent during the exchange, just standing beside Venedictos, watching and listening. Finally, he pats Venedictos's legs. "Well done, Venedictos, my friend," he says. "I've always said that you're a fine talker as well as a fine singer."

He goes over to the dwarf and holds out his hand in greeting. "How do you do? My name's Brevaddelar. I know we've had a bit of a rough start, but why don't we just start fresh? Perhaps we can all learn to be friends: Tanner's Crossing, dwarves, and kobolds alike."

He pauses to see if she takes his offered hand.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22

Yay! Finally a good roll!

Max HP: 16 | Current Hp: 16 | AC 13, T 10, FF 13 | CMD 9 | F 3, R 2, W 6 | Init +1 | Perc +7

Venedictos smiles down at him. "Thank you, Brev."

He turns to Simon. "Friend Simon, I do wish you had not spoken to the kobolds about involving chiefs. I had hoped that we could arrange this claim of Isis' without the leadership of Tanner's Crossing. I can already see the lights of greed that will enter their eyes upon hearing this news, where only the lights of peace and love should be. Even if we could convince them to honour the spirit of this agreement, let alone the letter or it, how long do you think they will be able to resist the racial hatreds, their desire for more and more gold? Eventually, the dark whispers will arise in their ears, speaking of deceitful kobolds, and they will convince themselves that eradicating the kobolds is their only alternative. I am not an expert in local laws, but isn't it true that if we, as private citizens, stake a claim in this area for a gold mine we've found, we will be the sole owners of said claim, that we and we alone will have the authority to decide what actions are taken against the native residents of our claim?"

Female Human Witch 1
Mercy Ülricsdottir wrote:

Mercy is obviously annoyed at what just happened. She agrees completely with the dwarf they had just saved, and is feeling incredibly put-off by allowing the kobolds to live. Hearing the dwarf's story, she identifies with her completely, and now that Caelin has berated her down and called her a liar, feels a lot of helpless rage she can't quite express. She gives Caelin an ice-cold glare and then returns to where Isis is standing.

"Let's go get your damn Bear," she mutters as she passes Isis, and she walks back into the woods for the horses where they had left them where they had first contacted the kobolds (which is ~60 feet back into the woods at most, I would assume). She seems frustrated, kind of walking blind, almost stumbling along the pass as she heads back.

DM Only:

If any of the Kobold are still in the 100' range then Isis will cast Message and say in Draconic to the departing Kobold (not Meekins in the hopes that the person that gets the message won't speak up when they hear her whisper her words). 'Don't trust the lies of the Dwarves. In five days they will ambush and slaughter you.'[/b][/ooc]

Isis hopes that such a message will encourage the Kobold to try to ambush the Tanner Crossing people that will lead to a war. A war where maybe the villagers will blame the Kobold for ambush and clear the gaining of title to the mine. She can't trust the village elders to see that she and her sisters get a fair division as the elders will see that they divide everything up for themselves.

'Yes, Mercy. Right away Mercy.' says Isis turning to follow Mercy and retrieve the mounts for the ride back to Tanner's Crossing.

The Exchange

Female Dwarf Wizard 1

"Thank you Venedictos for saving my fellow dwarf. I appreciate it very much and I wanted you to hear that before bitter words which may be spoken later. Before I get sidetracked with my new found friend, what word of the village Kern? Did Meekis have anything to say of that?"
Pause for response from any of the negotiating party.
Kiptera offers her dwarven friend hand up to ride behind her. "Seriously, we have to make good time. Regardless of our feelings on this, Tanners Crossing Elders, thier reps or even if self-appointed selves will have to hammer out the agreements onsite here. It likely won't include her nor me. I've got a living to make, Kobold Liaison ain't one of them. And yes Venedictos, I believe Tanners Crossing will have to decide what type of people they will be very soon once word gets out. Greed knows no bounds. The Dwarves they would've left alone, hoping to profit by proximity. Humans probably skirmishing between Kern and Tanner as well as a flood of independent claimjumpers; Kobolds, well we can take a quick survey of just the party here and already it ain't looking good."

Kiptera departs with or without party following. She unsheathes her machete and starts blazing and clearing a trail as she backtracks to the caravan trail. She wants it to be easy to find so her pace is not fast.

Thus ends my contribution tonight. I'll post journal tomorrow morning

The Exchange

Female Dwarf Wizard 1

Looks like my post got inserted earlier in the converstation. I am reposting so that it doesnt get skipped. pardon the repost otherwise.
"Thank you Venedictos for saving my fellow dwarf. I appreciate it very much and I wanted you to hear that before bitter words which may be spoken later. Before I get sidetracked with my new found friend, what word of the village Kern? Did Meekis have anything to say of that?"
Pause for response from any of the negotiating party.
Kiptera offers her dwarven friend hand up to ride behind her. "Seriously, we have to make good time. Regardless of our feelings on this, Tanners Crossing Elders, thier reps or even if self-appointed selves will have to hammer out the agreements onsite here. It likely won't include her nor me. I've got a living to make, Kobold Liaison ain't one of them. And yes Venedictos, I believe Tanners Crossing will have to decide what type of people they will be very soon once word gets out. Greed knows no bounds. The Dwarves they would've left alone, hoping to profit by proximity. Humans probably skirmishing between Kern and Tanner as well as a flood of independent claimjumpers; Kobolds, well we can take a quick survey of just the party here and already it ain't looking good."

Kiptera departs with or without party following. She unsheathes her machete and starts blazing and clearing a trail as she backtracks to the caravan trail. She wants it to be easy to find so her pace is not fast.

Thus ends my contribution tonight. I'll post journal tomorrow morning

Female Human Oracle 1
Isis Hex wrote:

'Yes, Mercy. Right away Mercy.' says Isis turning to follow Mercy and retrieve the mounts for the ride back to Tanner's Crossing.

As they walk, following Kiptera with the horse and Bear, Mercy sighs, rubs her hand over her face and looks down to Isis. "This is stupid," she says in a voice not meant for others to hear. "This is going to end up biting us all in the rear. And we had to let a pack of little slaughterers go to get our hands on gold. I feel dirty."

Mercy seems to apologize for her rudeness in body language, but not in words. She feels a little bad for cursing at Isis.

Female Human Witch 1
Mercy Ülricsdottir wrote:
Isis Hex wrote:

'Yes, Mercy. Right away Mercy.' says Isis turning to follow Mercy and retrieve the mounts for the ride back to Tanner's Crossing.

As they walk, following Kiptera with the horse and Bear, Mercy sighs, rubs her hand over her face and looks down to Isis. "This is stupid," she says in a voice not meant for others to hear. "This is going to end up biting us all in the rear. And we had to let a pack of little slaughterers go to get our hands on gold. I feel dirty."

Mercy seems to apologize for her rudeness in body language, but not in words. She feels a little bad for cursing at Isis.

[whispering to Mercy]'I agree. But what can we do. It's in the hands of the elders now. All we can do is follow the lead of people like Venedictos and Simon. I mean, it's not like we can just follow the kobolds back to their mine. You know, just so we know where it is. Kiptera is the only one who could do that and she's taking us back to Tanner's Crossing. I mean it is all trust trust with no verification.'

Male Human (Teldrua) Modern Hero (Soldier) 2

"So much for a man of the church as greed it self pours forth from your words brother" laughs out loud "Indeed my mind was set in claiming this mine for our group so we could let the kobolds do the work and we give them the food they want as payment, this is just to great opportunity to pass and we keep peace for everyone" shurgs his shoulders "If they seem to attempt anything funny we just get rid of them since they are not holding their end of the bargain, in any case it's a win for us"

Female Human Oracle 1
Isis Hex wrote:

[whispering to Mercy]'I agree. But what can we do. It's in the hands of the elders now. All we can do is follow the lead of people like Venedictos and Simon. I mean, it's not like we can just follow the kobolds back to their mine. You know, just so we know where it is. Kiptera is the only one who could do that and she's taking us back to Tanner's Crossing. I mean it is all trust trust with no verification.'

[whispering back]"If *I* could follow them back... that'd be nice. Would make this a lot easier. Too bad I can barely even see the color of the grass from here." She gives Isis a half-hearted smile. "I trust these people to do what's best with this... I just don't trust all of the others we're inviting into our business. I have a feeling we're making a mistake. Oh well; we're just the blind beat-stick and the herb gatherer. What do we know?"

Talking seems therapeutic and she's losing her focus on her anger.

EDIT: Wish I could respond to Caelin, but Mercy and Isis are probably out of earshot of them by now.

Male Human (Teldrua) Modern Hero (Soldier) 2

Please do so, Caelin is not the whispering kind of guy just a very strong loud voice normal for an Ulfen ^^

Mercy Ülricsdottir wrote:
Isis Hex wrote:

[whispering to Mercy]'I agree. But what can we do. It's in the hands of the elders now. All we can do is follow the lead of people like Venedictos and Simon. I mean, it's not like we can just follow the kobolds back to their mine. You know, just so we know where it is. Kiptera is the only one who could do that and she's taking us back to Tanner's Crossing. I mean it is all trust trust with no verification.'

[whispering back]"If *I* could follow them back... that'd be nice. Would make this a lot easier. Too bad I can barely even see the color of the grass from here." She gives Isis a half-hearted smile. "I trust these people to do what's best with this... I just don't trust all of the others we're inviting into our business. I have a feeling we're making a mistake. Oh well; we're just the blind beat-stick and the herb gatherer. What do we know?"

Talking seems therapeutic and she's losing her focus on her anger.

EDIT: Wish I could respond to Caelin, but Mercy and Isis are probably out of earshot of them by now.

When Denis heard about her obvious dislike she smiled, though he of course could not hear the whisper well enough as he got closer to Mercy and looking up at her. He too decides to whisper to her.

[whisper]"I agree too. I wish we instead killed them and took all the gold. If I had my way I would've driven my rapier into his heart, but this was a peaceful solution and I am no one to lead a group."[/whisper]
Denis continues to walk beside Mercy, hood down as he had already assumed she had seen him cearly before they left and she had approched him with kindness when he had his hood up. So far as he knew nothing had changed.

Max HP: 16 | Current Hp: 16 | AC 13, T 10, FF 13 | CMD 9 | F 3, R 2, W 6 | Init +1 | Perc +7

Venedictos stares coldly at Caelin. "What you mistaken for greed, sir, is merely simple prudence. I do not claim this mine for ourselves for the sake of the gold or lining our pockets, but because I know that I can be trusted not to turn on the kobolds for the sake of that greed. I do not trust the elders of the town to feel the same. I, for one, can think of several people in town who could use the charity I would be able to provide with the proceeds from a gold mine. Can you?"

Female Human Witch 1
Denis Dubosc wrote:
Mercy Ülricsdottir wrote:
Isis Hex wrote:

[whispering to Mercy]'I agree. But what can we do. It's in the hands of the elders now. All we can do is follow the lead of people like Venedictos and Simon. I mean, it's not like we can just follow the kobolds back to their mine. You know, just so we know where it is. Kiptera is the only one who could do that and she's taking us back to Tanner's Crossing. I mean it is all trust trust with no verification.'

[whispering back]"If *I* could follow them back... that'd be nice. Would make this a lot easier. Too bad I can barely even see the color of the grass from here." She gives Isis a half-hearted smile. "I trust these people to do what's best with this... I just don't trust all of the others we're inviting into our business. I have a feeling we're making a mistake. Oh well; we're just the blind beat-stick and the herb gatherer. What do we know?"

Talking seems therapeutic and she's losing her focus on her anger.

EDIT: Wish I could respond to Caelin, but Mercy and Isis are probably out of earshot of them by now.

When Denis heard about her obvious dislike she smiled, though he of course could not hear the whisper well enough as he got closer to Mercy and looking up at her. He too decides to whisper to her.

[whisper]"I agree too. I wish we instead killed them and took all the gold. If I had my way I would've driven my rapier into his heart, but this was a peaceful solution and I am no one to lead a group."[/whisper]
Denis continues to walk beside Mercy, hood down as he had already assumed she had seen him cearly before they left and she had approched him with kindness when he had his hood up. So far as he knew nothing had changed.

When Denis moves up to walk by Mercy, Isis drops a few steps back to follow behind. She slouches a bit and keeps her eyes more focused on the ground.

If Mercy glances her way, Isis just makes a quick shake of head but otherwise drifts along.

There would be time later to talk.

Male Human Paladin of Erastil 1

I think it is time for us to speak of the future . It seems evident that we have divergent opinions on what would be the best way to proceed . We each consider kobolds differently .
I think of them as fellow beings per se . No being should be judged on his appearance but only on his acts.
So far, from what we know , these kobolds are guilty of having reacted violently to what they perceived as an invasion of their homes and did battle to protect their home . As the dwarves are guilty of the same thing and did counterattack when the kobolds did draw back , I can only say that so far I can not see myself passing judgment on any side. I can only see it as a tragedy on both sides.
Now , what troubles me in these words of claiming the lands is that , in my mind , these lands belong already either to the dwarves or to the kobolds . They are the native occupants after all. I understand Venedictos wish only to claim them because he thinks this the best way for humans to respect the territory of the natives but frankly I would much prefer to have it officilay stated that these lands belong to their initial owner .
Now if some unscrupulous people afterwards decide to attack the kobols , the consequences will be on their heads . For those of you who did miss it , this is a big tribe who has been able to vanquish a clan of dwarves and who has shamanic magic at its disposition , I do not doubt that they will be able to 'deal' with intruders...
I just hope we'll be able to address this problem in the treaty beforehand.
That's what I intend to report to the mayor but I would like to hear your take on the situation "

The Exchange

Female Dwarf Wizard 1

"Aye, I think Simon has the right of it. He has the big picture. I speak with a certain bias, so keep that in mind. I can see several solutions and we must discuss to refine our arguements so we reduce the time that the Humans/Dwarves/Kobolds can broker a peaceful treaty. The dwarves are not likely to give up a developing mine, especially one as potentially rich they've started. Our ballads constantly laud the recovery of lost opportunities and the heroism displayed." She pats the hand of her fellow dwarf.

"The Humans, well, already I see gold lust in their eyes. I suspect there may be bloodshed unless a strong purposeful hand is able to restrain them. I'll not speak further to avoid offense." Kiptera glances pointedly at the other humans.

"The Kobolds. Venedistos, you speak eloquently. By default, You may end up representing the Kobolds interest with Meekis and the tribe shaman. You'll be a traitor in many a greedy eye. A difficult path you tread, but also an opportunity to go where none have before."

"I know the lay of the land hereabouts and might have some possible solutions that'll keep the peace for a generation. Let me speak to my brethren before I go further." Kiptera drifts off into thought. If you sense motive DC10,

It is obvious she is not surprised by discovery of gold, nor the mention of other riches.

Kiptera resumes talking to her fellow dwarf riding behind her.

Max HP: 16 | Current Hp: 16 | AC 13, T 10, FF 13 | CMD 9 | F 3, R 2, W 6 | Init +1 | Perc +7

"Chances are very good that humans were not the native inhabitants of the land around Tanner's Crossing, either. Eventually, people carve out sections of wilderness for themselves by killing the real native inhabitants, usually creatures like kobolds. I doubt very much that the kobolds would care if a piece of paper said that the land belonged to people like ourselves, so long as their lives were undisturbed by our ownership. If we say, however, that the land belongs to the kobolds, then the people of Tanner's Crossing will look on that as an excuse to invade it. Unfortunately, most people don't regard kobolds as fellow beings."

Female Human Witch 1
Simon Bornen wrote:


I just hope we'll be able to address this problem in the treaty beforehand.
That's what I intend to report to the mayor but I would like to hear your take on the situation "

Isis felt like clapping at hearing the words of Simon but stayed her hand for fearing to embarrass herself too much in front of the others.

He was like the hero in a bard's tale giving his speech. Discussing his views of right and wrong and providing the morality in the play.

He was also totally naive if he thought the villagers would see it that way. The idea that the kobolds could be considered to hold the claim to something that they would trade for a few crumbs of cake was ludicrous.

It was like thinking that a baby could really hold title to farm without some guardian to watch over things. It was the responsibility and moral duty of others to hold title to things which the baby could not understand.

Now, maybe the dwarves had held title to the land but their clan was wiped out. They'd lost their claim when they couldn't keep it secure from the forces of nature that beset them. The mine was really, just an abandoned farm now.

Besides, Isis would bet that the dwarves had done what most dwarves do and set up the mine without ever filing a legal land claim. Dwarves continually were cutting holes in the ground and robbing humans of minerals stating that their gods had given them everything under the ground and they didn't need to file any land claims with any kingdom.

The Dwarven proverb of 'The first to mine it is the first to own it,' was more often their way. They didn't care if it was underneath a farmer's field or the King's castle.

Proper laws and society meant as much to most Dwarf clans as the distance they could swing their pick.

Sovereign Court

Male Human 20th Level Paladin

Speaking up, now much calmer than she was minutes before, the dwarf interjects a bit. "I believe you misunderstand me, my clan was not wiped out, far from it, my clan, resides about a 2 months north of here, only mining expedition of 36 of miners and surveyors were here in the south."

"My name is Asvora Stoneadder, and I guess I was a bit rude earlier, but you can understand my frustration I hope."


The kobolds were out of range, having scampered away as soon as they dwarf was released. Also, convincing kobolds to attack your townspeople isn't exactly the epitome of LG. More like LE as it was cold and calculated. =)

In Dwarven:

Asvora will respond with a list of names and family members of all 36 members of the expedition that died, as well as the precise location of the mine, with where their campsite was, the mine entrance, and where they ran into the kobolds at. She also informs you that they had only caught up with her in this clearing.

Keep talking on your way back to the village or let me know when you want to kind of fast forward time to get back to town.

Sovereign Court

Male Human 20th Level Paladin

Check OOC for important post. It involves XP.

Male Gnome Sorcerer (fey bloodline) 1

Brev nods and gives Asvora a friendly pat on the arm. "I can totally understand your frustration. You've had a trying time. I'm sorry for your losses. But thank you for the information on the mine and your campsite, and I will try to remember all those names, but I must confess, my memory for such things isn't the best."

He doesn't pause to see if she's surprised that he understood Dwarven. Instead, he starts rummaging through his backpack. "I'd like to offer a gift to a new friendship, but I'm afraid I don't have much to give." He stops rummaging through his pack. "Do you like fish by any chance? I could catch you a fish if you like. As soon as we pass a location where I can catch fish, that is. Or perhaps I can find you a butterfly." He starts to gaze around, looking for insects, seeming almost to have forgotten the rest of his surroundings.

Sovereign Court

Male Human 20th Level Paladin

Brev, over the two days it takes to get back, you can try and find her a fish in one of the streams or a butterfly, just give me a roll for it.

Profession Fisherman.

Male Gnome Sorcerer (fey bloodline) 1
Xealot wrote:

Brev, over the two days it takes to get back, you can try and find her a fish in one of the streams or a butterfly, just give me a roll for it.

Profession Fisherman.

Sure thing. Profession (fisherman): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19

Sovereign Court

Male Human 20th Level Paladin

You're able to catch several fish, enough for diner for everyone one.

Female Human Witch 1
Xealot wrote:


"My name is Asvora Stoneadder, and I guess I was a bit rude earlier, but you can understand my frustration I hope."

Isis: ** spoiler omitted **

In Dwarven: ** spoiler omitted **

Keep talking on your way back to the village or let me know when you want to kind of fast forward time to get back to town.

DM only:
Okay. Had to try. I don't think Isis would have seen it that way in terms of good and evil but only as causing mischief. She would have believed in the skills of people like Kiptera to spot the Kobolds before they succeeded in any ambush. Isis would then figure that the hopes of a treaty would be crushed for the time being giving more opportunity to avoid the Elders in messing things up with some deal that they worked out. Isis would figure that it was a case of the needs of the many out weighing the needs of the few. Of course, gold fever (greed) would have her justifying many actions she might not normally do.

I see Isis being the type that if she found an injured Kobold then she would heal the creature or try to save its life. On the other hand if she had the choice between saving a human life and a kobold life then she will save the human every time.

Isis listens to Asvora and curses privately.

More brands were now sticking their nose in the fire.

If the Kobolds did have gold then it was sure as Erastil's Aim that the Dwarves would immediately claim the lands of the Kobolds and everything in between. It wouldn't matter whether they'd actually brought any ore from the ground.

The dwarves would use the 'smelled it' defense to say they knew the gold was there because their miner's had smelled the gold in the rock.

Her father had been jipped out of one claim because of that. A group of dwarves had started a mine on the opposite side of a hill from where he was mining and then claimed his mine because 'that was where they'd been heading when they started tunneling.'

While she didn't have anything personally against dwarves and could see that Kiptera was a decent person, she could see why elves had been more than once angered to war with them.

It was said to be easier to separate a cub from a bear than to separate a dwarf from the smell of gold.

It looked like Venedictos was going to walk a narrow line. If he succeeded then he would be the praise of the town. If he failed then he might find his fortunes failing as the newcomer to town that messed things up. That might help Isis' family as it would drive his free benefit's clinic from the area.

Male Human (Teldrua) Modern Hero (Soldier) 2

"Asvora, my name is Caelin extends a hand to her, I agree we had a rough start and I will let this slide as an insult like coward is not something I can pass over kindly and sorry I lost my temper" he says it seriously but with a lot of effort not used to give apologies.

"Venedictos, I did say before I will have your back in this matter, of making peace with the kobolds and you can count I will do all that I can but probably speak since I'm not a very diplomatic man" gives out a small laugh "I can think of people that need that money too, like us for starters and not because of greed, but tell me that you wouldn't like to have a nice church to offer your service as a priest, Isis witchery shop is not in the best of days either, I doub Mercy wants to be a barmaid all her life if she has a way to live diffrent, tell me of a dwarf that doesn't like shinny stones" chuckels at the joke "Denis would also have a need for this money in someway I do not know off, as well as Kiptera and Brev. For me, I live a simple life I have no need of luxuries, just want simple things in life you know, family, decent living and probably if you can say greedy is to start my own clan" shurgs his shoulder "Just very diffrent ways that of my people and rest of yours" saying this last halfhearted like disapointed somewhat.

Male Human Paladin of Erastil 1

Simon listened with attention with what has been said so far and then looks one by one to the ones who stayed silent:
" Isis, Mercy, Denis ,Brevadellar , what are your opinion of the situation ? "

Simon Bornen wrote:

Simon listened with attention with what has been said so far and then looks one by one to the ones who stayed silent:

" Isis, Mercy, Denis ,Brevadellar , what are your opinion of the situation ? "

"Situation?" he looks about for a moment and things back to what they had indeed done and how they resolved things. [b]"Stable...Kobolds are not known to be very trustworthy. Some new cheif may rise up and tear up the agreement, but it's not my decision. This way no one got hurt."[/c]

Male Human Paladin of Erastil 1

Good point but what form do you think the treaty should take ? Or even if we have to have a treaty in fact ...

Female Human Witch 1
Simon Bornen wrote:

Simon listened with attention with what has been said so far and then looks one by one to the ones who stayed silent:

" Isis, Mercy, Denis ,Brevadellar , what are your opinion of the situation ? "

'Oh, uh, umm, I really don't know Simon. I mean, my opinion really doesn't matter. As soon as we get to Tanner's the elders will likely step in.'

Isis could just see the boar fat dripping from their fingers as they spent the night pawing over their imaginary piles of gold and trying to figure out how they could best profit from the situation.

'I mean, Tanya, probably won't recognize the change in things but as soon as she hears of kobolds and gold then you can expect the whole county to know it a minute later.'

That blabber mouth couldn't sing the praises of Venedictos' healing enough. Stupid goose running a shop called the 'Finer Things' in a bush community. Isis would often stare in the window and see dresses with matching hats and wonder who could ever afford a hat for every dress you owned. It was rediculous and impractical. Still, they were some very beautiful hats. And there were even lace gloves.

Not that she had a clue when someone would ever have an opportunity to wear such things when you needed to always be handling horses or never knew when one of the village dogs would use you as a pounce pole in greeting.

'Kender Leftfoot, though knows the weight of a coin. You can be sure that the day that he smells money is the day that everything becomes triple price in town. His store is like Bev's collection with one of everything. You need something odd and Kender will have it but if he knows that there is kobold gold in the hills then you can be sure the price of picks and shovels are going to price of a cottage.'

'I know its not nice to say so of neighbours but everyone in town that's lived here their whole lives knows it.'

'Course, the Mayor knows the most of the town but I'm not too sure on how good his letters are. He'll keep you busy for hours talking on how the town was when it was founded and things like who ran off with who or bagged which deer. I'm sure he'd be plum happy to know that there was gold to be had but I don't for a moment know that he'd really know what to spend it on if you plunked a bag down in front of him.'

'Then there's Haggard and Claire. They've got more sense between them then more than half of Tanner's Crossing. Haggard though will likely resist the idea of any change. He fought in real wars and stuff. All he wants to do is make beer and keep things quiet. He'll likely sign just anything provided it don't interrupt his current life. Claire looks after him as good as any daughter or wife could. If you want some peace deal then you best start with them.'

'Course, Haggard would likely more than want to wash his hands of the whole thing then have Tanner's turn into another mining town. He likes the quiet life and he don't want no rowdy miner's making their own laws up as they see fit. He'd probably sell the whole claim to the dwarves rather than have miner's wrecking his peaceful life.'

'Course, these are just my opinions of them. You can have your own from living here. I'm just stupid foolish girl. What do I know?

DM only:

I'm just making up jibber jabber here based upon the little in the discussions thread and adding in impressions of a 17 year old girl. If I'm way off base than you can freely add in any additional thoughts or details that you like and just blame my writing on a 17 year old's warped impressions of life.

Female Human Oracle 1
Denis Dubosc & Isis Hex wrote:

When Denis heard about her obvious dislike she smiled, though he of course could not hear the whisper well enough as he got closer to Mercy and looking up at her. He too decides to whisper to her.
[whisper]"I agree too. I wish we instead killed them and took all the gold. If I had my way I would've driven my rapier into his heart, but this was a peaceful solution and I am no one to lead a group."[/whisper]
Denis continues to walk beside Mercy, hood down as he had already assumed she had seen him cearly before they left and she had approched him with kindness when he had his hood up. So far as he knew nothing had changed.


When Denis moves up to walk by Mercy, Isis drops a few steps back to follow behind. She slouches a bit and keeps her eyes more focused on the ground.

If Mercy glances her way, Isis just makes a quick shake of head but otherwise drifts along.

There would be time later to talk.

Mercy sees Isis drift back, and glances back to Denis. [whispering]"Who gives a trog's tail about gold?" She seems angry he brought it up, and makes sure to set him right. "It's about vengeance."


Simon listened with attention with what has been said so far and then looks one by one to the ones who stayed silent:

" Isis, Mercy, Denis ,Brevadellar , what are your opinions of the situation ? "

While Isis speaks, she nods along. Sounds about correct in all cases. As Isis finishes speaking, she seems to wrestle with something in her mind for a second before stopping in her tracks. Mercy wheels around, her cooled anger flaring up again and then she goes into a tirade. "Thirty-six people die and we make an agreement with their killers to help them prosper all in the name of money. Out of greed. And you dare to blame it back on her?" She can't see Caelin, but the words are definitely aimed directly at him. "Kobolds aren't people. If you were digging a well and came up into a badger den and the badger mauled your son you wouldn't parley with the Gorum-damned creature. You'd put it down, like you should! Even if we'd saved Asvora and killed the kobolds we'd be shaking the location of the mine out of her right now with big coins in our eyes. The whole thing makes me sick. That's my opinion!"

Mercy pauses and realizes she was yelling. She looks at everyone staring at her with likely wide-eyed expressions and then immediately cuts into the brush after Kiptera at a brisk pace, her face red. It is extremely obvious that the whole situation has brought up some bad experiences for her and she does not want to talk about it.

Male Gnome Sorcerer (fey bloodline) 1

Brev shakes his head sadly. "I think we are in a very precarious position," he says. "I believe Venedictos did a wonderful job with the negotiations, but there will be resistance on every side, as Mercy here has just shown, and we need to do our best to calm feelings everywhere. Mercy, you say that kobolds are not people, but how do you define people? Humans? That would eliminate myself, Kiptera, and Denis. Is it creatures who just look close enough to your definition of human? Denis has horns. Does that eliminate him from being people? As for badgers, I might actually try to parley with it if I thought it would help. I can talk to animals, although an enraged badger can be very hard to parley with. If the badger needs to be...put down as you say, it is because there is no reasoning with it. However, Venedictos just proved that there is reasoning with kobolds. Even if they turn around and betray us--which they might; it's just as likely as the town really--but even if they do, they have shown that they can listen and reason."

He turns back to Simon. "So Simon, my opinion is that we have a very hard road ahead."

Max HP: 16 | Current Hp: 16 | AC 13, T 10, FF 13 | CMD 9 | F 3, R 2, W 6 | Init +1 | Perc +7

Venedictos just shakes his head and sighs. "So many troubled souls," he confides in Brevaddelar.

"I guess the solution would be to go and buy our picks and shovels before telling the townspeople about why we would need them," he says to Isis. "We shall have to outfit the kobolds with proper equipment if they are going to be doing our mining for us. And Isis, you really shouldn't call yourself a stupid foolish girl, since you aren't, nobody is fooled, and it's really just not a nice thing to say about anybody, including yourself."

Finally, answering Caelin, "And yes, I would love very much to have a beautiful church in which to lead a flock. However, a beautiful church that I built solely because I am ludicrously rich would have so little value to the townspeople themselves that it wouldn't be worth the mortar in the joints. Money can buy pretty things, but not beautiful things without the love, passion, and devotion that go into their construction. No, a service held in a temple built with stolen gold would hold all the beauty and wonder of the worship of Abadar."

Mercy Ülricsdottir wrote:

Mercy sees Isis drift back, and glances back to Denis. [whispering]"Who gives a trog's tail about gold?" She seems angry he brought it up, and makes sure to set him right. "It's about vengeance."

While Isis speaks, she nods along. Sounds about correct in all cases. As Isis finishes speaking, she seems to wrestle with something in her mind for a second before stopping in her tracks. Mercy wheels around, her cooled anger flaring up again and then she goes into a tirade. "Thirty-six people die and we make an agreement with their killers to help them prosper all in the name of money. Out of greed. And you dare to blame it back on her?" She can't see Caelin, but the words are definitely aimed directly at him. "Kobolds aren't people. If you were digging a well and came up into a badger den and the badger mauled your son...

Denis looks up as she says this. It was true what she said, though he personally liked the idea of gaining gold, spilling blood to get it made him smile more.

Hearing what Mercy has to say he nods his head.
"I agree. They're horrid, violent creatures who kill without a second thought. We could've made a deal with the dwarf instead and we would still get some gold as a reward." he seems focused on gold and blood as he says this though which seems to be a strange qwerk he has."When we return to Tanner's Crossing and we get another job like this, I suggest we kill the enemy and not make deals with them." though he says this what he really thinks is:
Of course, if they have gold I may turn a blind eye. All I need is to make my own life better, not other's.

Male Human (Teldrua) Modern Hero (Soldier) 2

"Well I'm truly sorry Venedictos I'm just used to see other gods churches so fancy and nice, I was thinking your good was like that also" nods to Venedictos "I was not looking to offend you tho I think I'm not the best with words" gives a short laugh and halting his movements in place until he can see Mercy "I agree with Brev in his view of things, you must think fast and avoid unnecessary conflicts, just think about it if your temper even allows it" pauses for a moment just thinking he might have sed something stupid but he just continues "If we attacked the kobolds they could have killed Asvora and then what, you wanted innocent blood in your hands to know because your impulse to kill gave in and an innocent people would die" slight pause try not to get angry "As a warrior one must think all this things im moments Mercy and no time for double checks and regrets once a decision was made" starting to look like he is actually mentoring Mercy of sorts or scolding her "Now, kobolds might betray us but so does the people in the town, but we saved Asvora, found out what kobolds are doing and if Asvora chooses can tell us the kobolds lair exactly" he then just glances over to Asvora "As you can see is not that I enjoy friendship with kobolds I can care less, fact is why accomplished our task with no blood spilt, get that in your head. I like you Mercy but in battle it's a diffrent world where your personal thinking and emotions are more dangerous to us then our enemy and that goes for everyone here" he continues going forward with a gloom face for what he sed to Mercy.

Thinking Yeah! Now she really gonna like you more, by Erastil I hope I'm doing the right things to keep my new battle-brothers and her safe.

Max HP: 16 | Current Hp: 16 | AC 13, T 10, FF 13 | CMD 9 | F 3, R 2, W 6 | Init +1 | Perc +7

Venedictos looks absolutely shocked. "Not like beautiful churches!? Shelyn's churches are the most beautiful buildings of any faiths'! The difference, sir, is that Shelyn's churches are built as offerings to the goddess, not as ostentatious pomp and foolery! When I was still an apprentice woodsmith, my master and I were hired to provide the carvings for the altar and sanctuary of a newly constructed monastery devoted to Shelyn." His eyes glaze over slightly, as if looking back on fond memories. "It took us four months of work just to complete the altar, and it was magnificent. We didn't take four months so we could stretch out the work and get paid more, the monks were already paying us quite handsomely, but because it was a work of art that we were committed to. Shelyn is glorious, and by adding beauty to the world in whatever small way we can, we enrich it and make it a better place."

"By taking kobolds, showing them compassion and understanding, we enrich their lives and plant a little beauty in their souls also. Beauty is like a seed: you plant it where you may and if you nurture it, it grows into a mighty plant which puts forth its own seed. Tell me, Mercy, how does slaughter, blood, and death enrich the world in any way? Zon-Kuthon's laughter is not a merry sound at all."

Judging by the look in Venedictos' eyes, it seems there might be a bit of a temper hidden behind that calm veneer, a burning anger against people who kill and despoil.

Sovereign Court

Male Human 20th Level Paladin

Every time someone tries to speak to Asvora she says little, only what is required to not seem unappreciative. She politely informs them that she would rather just be alone and have to think. After all she just lost 35 friends in about as many hours. She says she hopes to be ready to answer more of your questions when she gets back to a bit of civilization and gets to sleep in a bed.

Female Human Oracle 1
Brevaddelar wrote:

Brev shakes his head sadly. "I think we are in a very precarious position," he says. "I believe Venedictos did a wonderful job with the negotiations, but there will be resistance on every side, as Mercy here has just shown, and we need to do our best to calm feelings everywhere. Mercy, you say that kobolds are not people, but how do you define people? Humans? That would eliminate myself, Kiptera, and Denis. Is it creatures who just look close enough to your definition of human? Denis has horns. Does that eliminate him from being people? As for badgers, I might actually try to parley with it if I thought it would help. I can talk to animals, although an enraged badger can be very hard to parley with. If the badger needs to be...put down as you say, it is because there is no reasoning with it. However, Venedictos just proved that there is reasoning with kobolds. Even if they turn around and betray us--which they might; it's just as likely as the town really--but even if they do, they have shown that they can listen and reason."

He turns back to Simon. "So Simon, my opinion is that we have a very hard road ahead."

"You mean well but soon we'll be negotiating treaties with devils for gems. Who are we to pass down judgment?" she quips.

She honestly resents the implication she regards the demi-humans in the party as creatures instead of people, and feels guilty for talking back to the usually kind Brevaddelar. She doesn't, on the other hand, show any outward remorse, caught up in her anger, the berating of the other party members fueling her rage.

Venedictos wrote:

"By taking kobolds, showing them compassion and understanding, we enrich their lives and plant a little beauty in their souls also. Beauty is like a seed: you plant it where you may and if you nurture it, it grows into a mighty plant which puts forth its own seed. Tell me, Mercy, how does slaughter, blood, and death enrich the world in any way? Zon-Kuthon's laughter is not a merry sound at all."

Judging by the look in Venedictos' eyes, it seems there might be a bit of a temper hidden behind that calm veneer, a burning anger against people who kill and despoil.

Mercy doesn't say anything back. She feels ashamed for letting her anger take control of her and feels ashamed for her words. At the same time, she feels indignant towards Venedictos. She remembers her father at the hearth with the iron-bound Gorumskagat in his weathered hands, her on his lap, reading to her. The poem feels like yesterday:

An eye for an eye/and blood for blood./Those who commit themselves to killing/in turn commit themselves to death./Those who commit themselves to lay down their sword/in turn commit themselves to death./A vow of peace does not protect the weak/from the will of the strong./Those who vow peace/commit themselves to death./If you wish to fight, fight./If you wish to live, fight./if you wish to protect, fight./Never refuse to fight if you wish to live./Never refuse to fight if you wish to protect./So said First Blade among the pacifists and the nonviolent/and they wept for their lives as they were cut down in their inaction./An eye for an eye/and blood for blood./And Gorum smiled.

She feels resonance with her memories now. Gorum's laughter, is, she thinks, keeping herself moving forward.

Caelin McHern wrote:
"I agree with Brev in his view of things, you must think fast and avoid unnecessary conflicts, just think about it if your temper even allows it" pauses for a moment just thinking he might have sed something stupid but he just continues "If we attacked the kobolds they could have killed Asvora and then what, you wanted innocent blood in your hands to know because your impulse to kill gave in and an innocent people would die" slight pause try not to get angry "As a warrior one must think all this things in moments Mercy and no time for double checks and regrets once a decision was made" starting to look like he is actually mentoring Mercy of sorts or scolding her "Now, kobolds might betray us but so does the people in the town, but we saved Asvora, found out what kobolds are doing and if Asvora chooses can tell us the kobolds lair exactly" he then just glances over to Asvora "As you can see is not that I enjoy friendship with kobolds I can care less, fact is why accomplished our task with no blood spilt, get that in your head. I like you Mercy but in battle it's a diffrent world where your personal thinking and emotions are more dangerous to us then our enemy and that goes for everyone here" he continues going forward with a gloom face for what he sed to Mercy.

You're not my father. Stop talking like you are. You don't know what it's like. I hate you., Mercy thinks, but does not say.

Mercy endures the tongue-lashing. She doesn't say anything besides what she says to Brevaddelar, and she keeps her distance from everyone.

Male Human Paladin of Erastil 1

"So Isis , your main objection is that you fear that the reaction of tanners will be greed rather than see the opportunity we have to build something.
Denis , kobolds are not goblins. Now goblins have a reputation of being totally crazy and impossible to reason with. Even so, I dislike making generalizations. The race of a being might be a reason to be prudent if there are bad tales about them but I prefer to judge a being by his acts .
Now Mercy , you are saying kobolds are killers. I must disagree with you , they were in a war and in war people die. I 'm sure that many kobolds died too. Now I understand that you would prefer to wash your hands of the whole matter and it is indeed a possibility .
We have two choices before us . We can just establish frontiers with the kobolds and let them live without telling anyone about the gold and let the situation return to normal . Or we can tell everyone about the gold and try to ride the tiger of changes this will mean to the region. Personally , my heart is divided there.
I would propose to let the majority rule there"
Can we have a show of hands ? Those for telling on the right side of me , the others on the left side "

Male Gnome Sorcerer (fey bloodline) 1

Brev looks back and forth to either side of Simon. He starts to move towards the left side, but then stops and looks back at the right, and sighs. "The problem," he says, "is whether we can be sure no one will find out about the gold anyway. If we could, I would vote for not telling about the gold and never having to think about the gold again. However, I really don't think we can be sure of that. So best to tell everyone and deal with the situation now before it can get any worse." He moves over and stands to the right of Simon.

Male Human (Teldrua) Modern Hero (Soldier) 2

Approaches Venedictos and whispers something so other's can't hear "Look I know I'm not the most charming guy with words since I can tell people don't take well when someone speaks his minds as is" pauses for a bit "About your trade with woodmaking things... can you teach me to make something for someone as a present, I do feel bad for what I sed and how that felt I have eyes and I can see that, even tho I don't think I'm wrong I just have no idea what to do" making it sound like desperate "Truly does the way my people live is that difficult and hard to mix with others? Is living life simple, wanting simple things and saying things for what they are and what one heart feels is bad?

Female Human Witch 1
Brevaddelar wrote:
"I believe Venedictos did a wonderful job with the negotiations, but there will be resistance on every side, as Mercy here has just shown, and we need to do our best to calm feelings everywhere. Mercy, you say that kobolds are not people, but how do you define people? Humans? That would eliminate myself, Kiptera, and Denis...

Brev says some high philosophical mumbo jumbo that is lost on Isis. How he could liken people to kobolds and badgers was beyond her comprehension. It was clear to anyone that ever grew up in Tanner's. Calistria herself couldn't twist the truth so badly that you couldn't look in a mirror and recognize what clearly in front of your nose. Brev might think whatever he wanted but as far as the people of Tanner's Crossing would be concerned he'd always be a new comer. True people were born and raised in Tanner's or had shed blood and tears carving a living from earth with their broken nails instead of spending their days fishing and catching butterflies.

Venedictos wrote:

"I guess the solution would be to go and buy our picks and shovels before telling the townspeople about why we would need them," he says to Isis. "We shall have to outfit the kobolds with proper equipment if they are going to be doing our mining for us. And Isis, you really shouldn't call yourself a stupid foolish girl, since you aren't, nobody is fooled, and it's really just not a nice thing to say about anybody, including yourself."

'Yes, sir' drawing out the sir in a pouty grimace. Argh, did she just say 'Sir' to Venedictos? Stupid, stupid, but when he spoke like that it was like his mother speaking to her and she instinctivly had to reply. How come she didn't have a bloody backbone in her whole body. Not like Mercy or Kiptera. They got mad and they showed it. They wouldn't buckle down to no one and no way.

Venedictos wrote:

... Tell me, Mercy, how does slaughter, blood, and death enrich the world in any way? Zon-Kuthon's laughter is not a merry sound at all."

'You have no right judging Mercy, Venedictos. You, uh, just don't.

Isis sticks out her tongue and rushes up to keep close to Mercy.

Max HP: 16 | Current Hp: 16 | AC 13, T 10, FF 13 | CMD 9 | F 3, R 2, W 6 | Init +1 | Perc +7

Venedictos smiles at the Ulfen warrior. "Honesty is never bad, Caelin," he whispers back. "Never. Sometimes it hurts, and sometimes the hurt of a lie is preferable to the true sting of truth, but in the long term, honesty always wins. If truth destroys a relationship, then that relationship never had any worth in the first place. The key to discretion is to know when to present that truth." He sighs and pulls Caelin a few steps away from the group. "Take me, for example. I have just lost my temper at Mercy over there and no doubt riled her back up even more than it already was. I spoke only truth as I see it, but it was to early for that kind of truth. Harsh truths require a relationship to be solid and well-formed first; otherwise, they may crumble under the strain. If I had waited many days or weeks before speaking so rashly, perhaps Mercy would have been more inclined to respect what I had to say. Now, I fear, she holds only anger towards me, and methinks, perhaps to you as well. Is she the one for whom you wish to make this gift?"

Max HP: 16 | Current Hp: 16 | AC 13, T 10, FF 13 | CMD 9 | F 3, R 2, W 6 | Init +1 | Perc +7
Isis Hex wrote:
'You have no right judging Mercy, Venedictos. You, uh, just don't.

Venedictos watches her go and smiles faintly and conspiratorially with Caelin. "Perhaps she is right, Caelin. Perhaps she is a foolish, stupid girl."

Venedictos then looks shocked at his own statement. "Oh, dear, now that was an ugly thing to say. My temper is all riled up and I'm not of a right mind. If you will excuse me, I shall ride apart from everyone so that I may collect my thoughts."

With that, he leads Modestine 30' or so away from the group and chants softly to himself.

During the first night of rest, he will approach both Mercy and Isis. To Mercy, he apologizes for his outburst and for failing to respect her point of view. To Isis, he apologizes for his whispered comment to Caelin, and reaffirms that he does not truly think her stupid in any way. He then tries to explain that he had not been judging Mercy earlier, but instead judging the mentality that lesser creatures should just be killed as a simple solution to problems.

Male Human (Teldrua) Modern Hero (Soldier) 2

Back postmonsta *whip sound* back I tell you *more whip sounds* darn thin ate my post

"Yes Venedictos it is for her" looking over his shoulder towards Mercy, and then just keep walking and after listening to Venedictos "whispering" I just look at Isis indiferent regarding her stupidity or the lack of it since I haven't seen something that would make me think so.

Well dunring camp Caelin will try to get close to Mercy to appologize if he hurt her someway he doesn't know and try to get to know more of her to understand her sentiment.

Female Human Oracle 1
Venedictos wrote:
During the first night of rest, he will approach both Mercy and Isis. To Mercy, he apologizes for his outburst and for failing to respect her point of view. To Isis, he apologizes for his whispered comment to Caelin, and reaffirms that he does not truly think her stupid in any way. He then tries to explain that he had not been judging Mercy earlier, but instead judging the mentality that lesser creatures should just be killed as a simple solution to problems.

Since it seems that we're moving ahead with the timeline...

Mercy apologizes for her outburst as well, and explains to Venedictos that she follows the worship of Gorum, the god of battle, which may have led to the meltdown of communications between the two of them. She further explains that her upbringing with her strict father may have colored her perceptions a bit red when it comes to the rules of engagement.

Caelin McHern wrote:

Well dunring camp Caelin will try to get close to Mercy to appologize if he hurt her someway he doesn't know and try to get to know more of her to understand her sentiment.

She accepts his apology, but brushes him off when it comes to getting to know her better. She explains to him that she's had some bad experiences that she doesn't wish to share, but that the circumstances pushed her towards anger. She still seems to hold a grudge, having projected her own experiences onto Asvora's, but doesn't say so.

For the rest of the camp, Mercy apologizes to the group for acting like a petulant child and then sheepishly hides in her tent for the rest of the night.

Heading out. Looking forward to the posts that will await me when I return!

Sovereign Court

Male Human 20th Level Paladin

The group of heroic companions ride back into town having lost no one, and in fact added to their already sizable contingent of adventurers. The entire village gathers are you ride back into town, curious about the newcomer as well well as word from the happenings in the west.

Haggard comes out and gives a very friendly welcome to Mercy and Claire begins asking question after question.

Haggard also smiles when he sees Caelin and comments that he missed his best customer, informing him that he has a new batch of ale that he wants him to try. "Drink all you want tonight friend, it's on the house."

After a few seconds of hounding Mercy, Claire sees Denis and waves and smiles shyly before blushing and talking to Mercy again.

Kiptera notices none of the dwarves from a few days are there. How ever the mayor comes up and congratulates her on a safe return and beckons Simon over as well. He then asks both of them questions about what they found. It's readily apparent that he completely trust the judgment of these two. "What news do you have?"

Isis realizes, much to her chagrin that her mother is in town and has her typical scowl on her face. She comes up to Isis and where no one but Isis can hear whispers. "You acted foolishly and impulsively... but you did the right thing, for the right reasons. You can stay out tonight, your sisters have taken over your chores while you were gone."

Brev and Vene have no one really seeking them out, being relatively newcomers, although everyone is rather friendly. It's a few hours after noon.

The Exchange

Female Dwarf Wizard 1

Assuming no random encounters...
Kiptera offers a possible resolution during camp.
"Folks, we have several issues on the table. Only one was tasked by Tanner's Crossing. Lets resolve that first and foremost. A formal peace treaty with drawn boundaries of exclusiveness and a shared wilderness of resources. That way we can keep populations safe and alerted of dangers at the same time."

She pauses, looks at Asorva.
"On behalf of Asorva and out of respect for our dwarven traditions, formally request the return of the fallen so we may honor them appropriately. Also a return of personal effects from the mining site, I think this group would be the best ones to do that with no interference from the Kobolds."

"Regarding the disclosure of the mine, this should be delayed until the matter of my first two requests are formalized."

Kiptera sighs heavily. This all weighs heavily on her, as if she has taken Asorva's burden as her own. She sets up her tent and bedroll for her to use, Kiptera settles closer to the fire, head propped up on saddle.

Xealot wrote:

After a few seconds of hounding Mercy, Claire sees Denis and waves and smiles shyly before blushing and talking to Mercy again.

Denis is surprised and blushes as he notices her interest in him. He had his hood back up again of course as they entered town. Seeing her again warmed his heart and he turned to the rest of the group.

"I feel warey from all this travelling. If anyone needs me I'll be in the Everful Mug, ready for our next jurney out." after this he leaves the group, indeed feeling tired from all the walking he had done with the others and entered the Inn, taking his usual place, sitting there and waiting for when Claire returns. He was hopeful, but very frightened about what things he could say to her or what things she could say to him? It was all very new and very strange. The more he thinks on it the more he worries and the more he doesn't understand her attraction to him, if any. He orders a Ale to pass the time and hopes it calms the nervs for the conversation he might end up having.

Heading to bed. I'll let the DM bot my character if there is a sudden increase in posts and by the time I get back to the thread the group has left town or something else important has happened.

Male Human (Teldrua) Modern Hero (Soldier) 2

time traveling to campsite lol

"Kiptera I will agree with taking back Asvora clansmen and honor them, but about the shared resources don't be naive, greed will overcome this town or treason from the kobolds and any thing is going to be used as an excuse to ignite a war we cannot afford with a big den of kobolds" rubs his chin while he thinks "Well about the personal belongings I don't know the kobold culture so they might take "trophy" from fallen enemies and such things so it will be kind of hard" then he makes a grim face, I think it's more important the honoring of the dead then the resources yet, you put higher importance in resources already"[/b] looks at the rest of the group "Get my point when I say that is naive and any pretext will ignite a war" shurgs shoulder "I don't mind to fight but as long as it's for a reason I think is correct and not just greed disguised as something else now if you excuseme I'll go to bed and speak about this matter in Tanner's Crossing regardless"

Female Human Witch 1
Simon Bornen wrote:


I would propose to let the majority rule there"
Can we have a show of hands ? Those for telling on the right side of me , the others on the left side "

Isis riases her left hand to vote for not revealing the possability of gold with the kobolds for now.

Venedictos wrote:
To Isis, he apologizes for his whispered comment to Caelin, and reaffirms that he does not truly think her stupid in any way. He then tries to explain that he had not been judging Mercy earlier, but instead judging the mentality that lesser creatures should just be killed as a simple solution to problems.

Isis feels odd having someone apologize to her, especially someone older. Not sure what to do, she decides to do what her mother seems to do in cases where she's mad and people appologize to her. She keeps a scowl on her face and says nothing but simply nods her head as Venedictos speaks.

After he leaves, she gasps. It is way hard keeping a scowl going for so long and she'd seen her mother do it for hours when she was upset with her father or her sisters. Her mother must have practiced for years to be able to do that for so long.

Xealot wrote:

The group of heroic companions ride back into town having lost no one, ...

Isis realizes, much to her chagrin that her mother is in town and has her typical scowl on her face. She comes up to Isis and where no one but Isis can hear whispers. "You acted foolishly and impulsively... but you did the right thing, for the right reasons. You can stay out tonight, your sisters have taken over your chores while you were gone."


Isis hung her head at her mother's first words. The praise in her voice was unexpected. It was like finding that there was a drop of honey in the bottom of your bowl of oatmeal. The reminder of chores and her sisters reminded her that she was going to be paying a hefty bill to her sisters. They were likely going to make sure she paid them back by sticking her with the worse of the chores like mucking out the pig's stie. Though, for tonight, she could stay out late.

It would be sure great to be able to stay at the Mug and hear everyone tell their tales. Maybe someone would get Asvora would tell more of what happened to her people. Then again, she might say nothing till the elders gathered.

That reminded Isis, she did have a duty, even though she was a witch in training, to report to her mother the events that had occured but not here in the middle of the street.

'Uh, sorry on that mum. I'm going to take Bear home first and wash up a bit. Maybe, we could talk for a bit?'

Yippee! 300 posts! Keep up the posts and the fun.

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