Xealot's Protecting your Home


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Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15

Gotta love and hate the evil DM laugh lol. Give me a sec, just read the post about allowing the change in feat.

Male Human Paladin of Erastil 1

Perception 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19

Female Human Oracle 1

Even though she's probably not the one to make a perception check...

Perception:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7

Male Human (Teldrua) Modern Hero (Soldier) 2

love the evil DM laughs... not really do we ALL have to roll or just Kiptera, Denis and me?

Female Human Witch 1

Isis will choose to skip on the perception check. She's currently too focused on trying to keep quiet and watching what other people are doing to keep an eye on her surroundings.

Yipee! I had chalk. I guess I get to chalk that one up to good role-playing. hehe. Using missile deflection to protect myself (and yes Isis does have the feat).

Sovereign Court

Male Human 20th Level Paladin

The group hears some sounds ahead and then catches glimpse of what appears to be kobolds. They haven't seen any of you yet and act as if they are celebrating. They are in another small clearing up ahead.

They are about 60ft away.

Kobolds. There there are. I'll make sure to be ready. Denis draws both his rapier and his sicle, making sure to have both weapons in hand, ready for when combat would start as he doesn't wish to be the first person to enter battle. I wonder if I can hear or understand them...

Denis will try to listen in, remaining in the shadows as he doesn't wish to get too close to the Kobolds from fear of being caught.

Languages are Common, Abyssal and Draconic if the Kobolds are speaking any of those.

Male Human (Teldrua) Modern Hero (Soldier) 2

Stops and attempts to hide within the bushes to view the Kobolds numbers and set up and ambush on them. Turns to look at Kiptera and give her a sign about the kobolds position and to fall back. Then turns to look at the rear group to stay low and signals the kobolds position.

Male Gnome Sorcerer (fey bloodline) 1

Brev is noticeably excited by this turn of events. He casts a mage armour spell on himself and then waits to see what happens next.

Sovereign Court

Male Human 20th Level Paladin

Denis briefly hears the kobolds and can tell they are yipping, and jeering at at something or someone in draconic, letting fly insults. However it all comes to an end when Brevaddelar casts mage armor, his voice carrying towards the clearing as he says the verbal commands.

Now on alert the kobolds take up a defensive position around whatever they were just yipping over.

And initiative.

Female Human Oracle 1
Xealot wrote:

And initiative.

Mercy, unable to see past 30ft., asks in a hushed whisper as the others suddenly tense up: "What? Is something happening?"

Initiative:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

Xealot wrote:

Denis briefly hears the kobolds and can tell they are yipping, and jeering at at something or someone in draconic, letting fly insults. However it all comes to an end when Brevaddelar casts mage armor, his voice carrying towards the clearing as he says the verbal commands.

Now on alert the kobolds take up a defensive position around whatever they were just yipping over.

And initiative.

Voices:Damn stupid Gnome. We could've understood what they said and might learn something, now they know we're here. Kill that Gnome, he's worthless.

Denis shakes his head brifly, but remains trying to hide in the bush, hopeful that the Kobolds don't know of him being nearby so that he can strike when one of them are exposed.
He's a good guy, but everyone makes mistakes. For now, I'll kill the Kobolds and return home as a hero.

Initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22

Will I need to make another Stealth roll or since they havn't spotted me yet, can I remain hidden and if I act first I get a sneak attack if close enough?

Sovereign Court

Male Human 20th Level Paladin

You may remain hidden.

Male Human (Teldrua) Modern Hero (Soldier) 2

"Well so much for the ambush plans Brev, guess it's more fun this way" as he stands up and starts approaching the kobolds "I'll distract them, make use of that to come up with something Kiptera"

Caelin will advance ready to fight the kobolds

Edit: Forgot Initiative 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7

Male Human Paladin of Erastil 1

Initiative 1d20 ⇒ 8

Double move to approach
" Hello , there ! Your choice to fight or speak !"

Female Human Witch 1

Speaking to Mercy

'Not much to see. Kiptera went off with Denis and Caelin followed them.

'Oh, there's Caelin. He's standing up. Not really good at hiding if you ask me. I'd think you'd want to stay low to the ground. I mean, how are you going to hide out in a grassy field where everyone can see you standing there?'

Initiative 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

Male Gnome Sorcerer (fey bloodline) 1

Whoops, didn't realize we were quite so close. I'm getting a bit confused by exactly where everyone is in relation to one another. Oh well. Them's the breaks!

Brev's face reddens slightly in embarrassment at his mistake.

Initiative: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

He will cast sleep if the kobolds attack first. If not, he waits to give people a chance to talk.

Edit: He will only cast sleep if he can be certain of not targeting any of the party members.

Max HP: 16 | Current Hp: 16 | AC 13, T 10, FF 13 | CMD 9 | F 3, R 2, W 6 | Init +1 | Perc +7

Venedictos slips his glaive through the strap on his back, loads his crossbow and skulks lower into the bushes, advancing with the rear group.

Initiative: 1d20 ⇒ 20

The Exchange

Female Dwarf Wizard 1

Kiptera hears the gnome's magical casting, and also the suddenly quiet clearing up ahead. The Sleeping bear is awake before we poked it...Thems the breaks. Kiptera whispers "Isis can you hear me? Probably not..." Well I know where Denis is. Let me back off and give him a chance to shine. [i] Kiptera glances back to see if the others are coming up or hunkering down. [handslap to forehead] "Caelin McHern" [/handslap] Well I know where the Kobold's attention is at.

Kiptera stays hunkered down, loosens her flail, and takes aim with her crossbow at the lead Kobold. She awaits for a charge from either side, or Vene's attempt to parly. Parlee? Pah lei?

Perception 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
Stealth 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

Female Human Oracle 1
Brevaddelar wrote:

Whoops, didn't realize we were quite so close. I'm getting a bit confused by exactly where everyone is in relation to one another. Oh well. Them's the breaks!

Brev's face reddens slightly in embarrassment at his mistake.

Initiative: 1d20 + 5

He will cast sleep if the kobolds attack first. If not, he waits to give people a chance to talk.

Edit: He will only cast sleep if he can be certain of not targeting any of the party members.

We've got it in the OOC thread worked out. Kind of!

Marching order would be...
Venedictos Brevaddelar Isis Mercy Simon ... Caelin Denis Kiptera

and it's now Venedictos Brevaddelar Isis Mercy ... Simon Denis Kiptera ... Caelin

Isis Hex wrote:
'Oh, there's Caelin. He's standing up. Not really good at hiding if you ask me. I'd think you'd want to stay low to the ground. I mean, how are you going to hide out in a grassy field where everyone can see you standing there?'

"Oh, no. Let's..." Mercy can hear Simon now, and her heart jumps. "I think we found something."

Female Human Witch 1
Kiptera Stiresong wrote:

] Kiptera whispers "Isis can you hear me? Probably not..." ...

<via whisper spell>'Yes, Kiptera, I can hear you. Why's Caelin standing in the middle of the field? Isn't he supposed to be hiding like you?

Whisper spell range is 100' and according to the DM listing in the OOC Discussion thread, I'm with the group a 100' from the Kobolds and you're with the group that is 40' from the Kobolds. I make that 60' roughly to you which is well within the range of Message. A handy little spell that we've been getting more usage out of in my RL game on Sundays.

The Exchange

Female Dwarf Wizard 1

Kiptera grins. She is beginning to warm up Isis.
For Isis


"Ask Venedictus and Simon if they want to formally parley. Otherwise I recommend we engage very soon. Caelin has passed me and is big target. I suspect we have one chance for diplomancy before hostilities are exchanged."

Now how can I best protect Caelin from himself? Aint gonna move, which Kobold am I gonna stay focused on?
Readied action, Shoot Crossbow, I'll only engage hand to hand if Caelin is getting flanked. Then I'll attack with flail alongside him.

Female Human Witch 1
Kiptera Stiresong wrote:

Kiptera grins. She is beginning to warm up Isis. "Ask Venedictus and Simon if they want to formally parley. Otherwise I recommend we engage very soon. Caelin has passed me and is big target. I suspect we have one chance for diplomancy before hostilities are exchanged."

Now how can I best protect Caelin from himself? Aint gonna move, which Kobold am I gonna stay focused on?
Readied action, Shoot Crossbow, I'll only engage hand to hand if Caelin is getting flanked. Then I'll attack with flail alongside him.

Isis quietly calls to Simon and Venedictus, 'Umm, Simon, umm,' gosh she was speaking to Simon. Simon. And he was listening to her. 'Well, uh, I'm in contact with Miss Stiresong, she should just say Kiptera but that just sounded so informal and Simon was like a Paladin and you just didn't use regular village talk with a Paladin even if you'd known them for years. 'She wants to know if you and Venedictus want to attack or parley because she says Caelin's made himself a big target, so, ya gotta, make a decision real quick.

I can speak Draconic if you need, like Simon would need anyone. He was perfect as he was. Already leading his first campaign against Kobolds. Five years from now he'd likely be leading whole armies on quests to wipe evil from all the lands or single handidly wrestling dragons to save fair maidens. ' like if you need an interperter or something.

Isis stares at the ground unable to meet Simon's eyes.

Max HP: 16 | Current Hp: 16 | AC 13, T 10, FF 13 | CMD 9 | F 3, R 2, W 6 | Init +1 | Perc +7

I never gave Venedictos languages at creation because I didn't know what part of what world we were in. Thinking it's a bit too deus ex machina to say now that one of them was Draconic, more likely elven and sylvan.

Venedictos glances briefly between Isis and Simon and nods. "Of course, parley is far better than violence, if violence can be avoided." He quickly unstraps his crossbow and hands his glaive to Isis. "If things go poorly, child, please get this to me with all due haste."

With that, and a quick guidance spell on his person, Venedictos emerges from the cover of bushes unarmed. He holds his arms out in a peaceful gesture, walks towards where Caelin is standing, and calls out in common' "Greetings, noble kobolds. May the peace of Shelyn be upon you. I hope that one of you at least understands my speech. My companions and I mean you no harm. We are emissaries from the community of Tanner's Crossing some days travel from here. We wish to open a dialog with you. Will you talk peaceably with me?"

Venedictos readies an obscuring mist spell should the kobolds start showing undue hostilities (which means more than a simple arrow shot which may be their way of testing the waters).
Diplomacy roll: 1d20 + 9 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 9 + 1 = 28 Boo-yeah!!

Male Human (Teldrua) Modern Hero (Soldier) 2

As Venedictos approaches "Hope they understand you, tho I won't be happy I couldn't hear Deathbellow" turns to look at the kobolds "Let's see what they have to say"

[ooc]Great diplomacy roll, I was going to do intimidate[/dice]

Female Human Witch 1
Venedictos wrote:

... He quickly unstraps his crossbow and hands his glaive to Isis. "If things go poorly, child, please get this to me with all due haste." ...

Isis suddenly finds herself burdoned with the crossbow and glaive along with the throwing sticks she was trying to hold in her left hand and spell components in her right hand.

'but, uh,' Isis was going to say something but sees Venedictos already striding off.

Isis is clearly unfamiliar with the weapons that she now struggles to try and hold and keep from tipping over and falling in the dirt.

She was a witch, not a broom closet. Dammit, and she didn't even like Venedictos. It wasn't that he was a bad person but he just gave away his healing to anyone that would ask. How were honest witches supposed make enough money to buy things if people just gave away healing salves?

Charity was all fine but Isis would like to eat something more than plain oatmeal in the morning.

<via Message to Kiptera>'Ah, Kiptera, Venedictos is coming your way and he's unarmed. I really hope he knows what he's doing or he and Caelin are going to end up looking like porcupines. Um, I know this isn't exactly the time but if I had some time to rest then I might be able to try and get one of these kobolds to be more friendly and talk to us. That is to say, I sorta know a spell, but I don't really have it ready. I mean, I suppose I should have it ready, but I didn't think that I would really need it; so, I don't have it ready. Oh dear, I'm getting this all confusing and how the heck do you hold this crossbow thing so you don't hurt yourself?

Denis will remain hidden just keeping watch and making sure that things don't go wrong so that if it all kicks off he can come out of the hiding and attack the nearest kobold in surprise. For now he'll play it by year and listen in on them.

Venedictos certainly sounds very diplomatic, as if he's done this before. I better wait this out and listen to them. It might get hairy at any moment. These creatures don't follow any moral code.

The Exchange

Female Dwarf Wizard 1

For Isis


"Isis, why do you have a crossbow? Nevermind, put it down and focus on what you can do with the sticks or spells of yours. As for the Make Friendly spell, live and learn girl, the best laid plans go awry when encountering the enemy and their plans. Now keep an eye out for Kobolds trying to do a sneak around, I am a little busy right now Dear."

Kiptera waits patiently for all heck to break loose.
Venedictus, I am of two minds about this diplomancy with kobolds. If it works we've avoided bloodshed and I learned a valuable lesson, if it doesn't then ol'Vene will have learned a valuable lesson.

Female Human Witch 1
Kiptera Stiresong wrote:

For Isis

** spoiler omitted **
Kiptera waits patiently for all heck to break loose.

Isis follows the instruction given and drops the crossbow and glaive.

I'll let the DM make whatever they want of that deciding if the crossbow was loaded at the time and if it triggered. Sorry all, Isis is just not one to give toys to that she doesn't know how to handle.

Max HP: 16 | Current Hp: 16 | AC 13, T 10, FF 13 | CMD 9 | F 3, R 2, W 6 | Init +1 | Perc +7

The crossbow was definitely loaded and readied.

Female Human Oracle 1

Initiative chart looks like this right now....

Mercy ... 23
Denis ... 22
Venedictos ... 20
Isis Hex ... 9
Simon ... 8
Brevaddelar ... 7A
Caelin ... 7B
Kiptera ... 3

Mercy places her hand on Isis's shoulder, knowing that she's the one responsible for whether or not Isis makes it out of this if things go bad. "Be careful," and she follows Venedictos up. She makes sure to try to obfuscate her obviously dangerous nature, generally staying within guisarme's-reach of the priest in order to protect him.

Isis now has a shield of faith cast on her, and I'll move half speed up after Venedictos. 10 ft. behind him. Looking innocent!

The Exchange

Female Dwarf Wizard 1

Wait for it...
Kiptera adjusts her aim to keep from firing towards her team as Venedictos, Mercy and Caelin pass her.
She may have a bead on one or two after several rounds of delayed action until diplomancy fails.
Perception per round as needed
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
Wait for it...

edited for commentary Did I say perception? I meant Attack, called shot to the head.... D'oh!

Male Human (Teldrua) Modern Hero (Soldier) 2

nice rolls Kiptera. I was wondering how many Kobolds can I see and what are they surrounding?

Sovereign Court

Male Human 20th Level Paladin

The kobolds now seeing, and hearing several members of the group, become very anxious, but do not immediately attack.

Everyone can see ten kobolds. They are standing over something, but in the grass and being surrounded by kobolds it's impossible to tell. It's also impossible to tell if its moving or not because of the mass of kobolds around it.

As Caelin approaches the kobolds tense up and look like they are going to attack until Venedictos steps out, unarmed and begins speaking in a calming voice.

The kobolds look around at each other, almost as if they understood a few words, but not the whole thing. One of the kobolds looks to the others and starts yipping in a high pitched voice.



Meekis think they no want hurt. Meekis try talk to tall ones.

After yipping to the others kobolds, one of them takes a few steps forward, looks back to his group, who urge him on, takes another step forward and say, "You... you... you no want hurt Meekis?"

Max HP: 16 | Current Hp: 16 | AC 13, T 10, FF 13 | CMD 9 | F 3, R 2, W 6 | Init +1 | Perc +7

Venedictos smiles warmly at the kobold. "Greetings, Meekis. I am Brother Venedictos, and it is my honour to speak with you. With your permission, I will summon up one of my companions who speak your language, so that we will be better able to communicate." Venedictos turns back to the group and calls out. "Somebody who can speak Draconic, come over slowly, without weapons."

Sovereign Court

Male Human 20th Level Paladin

The kobold Meekis looks like he has just been insulted. "Meekis talk good. Why you want get tall one talk Meekis language when Meekis talk tall one language. Meekis talk good, tall one see, Meekis talk good!"

Max HP: 16 | Current Hp: 16 | AC 13, T 10, FF 13 | CMD 9 | F 3, R 2, W 6 | Init +1 | Perc +7

"Yes, you are right. I see that you do speak well. It is very impressive that you were able to learn our language, given how little chance you must have to practice it. Very impressive indeed. I can see that I shall be speaking with a kobold of great wisdom and intelligence indeed."

Diplomacy roll to help fix this little gaffe: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29

Wow! So far this character has rolled 3 20s and an 18. Heaven help him if he actually gets in combat and only has 1s and 3s left!

Sovereign Court

Male Human 20th Level Paladin

Meekis chest puffs out and he gets a little arrogance in his demeanor. Looking back to the other Kobolds he says in his native tongue.


See, even tall ones know how smart and wise Meekis is... maybe you can all learn something from the tall ones.

"Yes, you smart tall one, understand Meekis smart and wise. Meekis not just smart and wise though. Meekis strong and fast, big warrior. Meekis want know what he call you tall one? Maybe Meekis call you round one." Meekis start laughing hysterically and stops only long enough to tell the other kobolds to laugh, which they do, although it's obvious they aren't sure what they are laughing at.

Meekis prepares to speak again, but turns to a sound coming from the middle of the group of kobolds. It sounds like a muffled voice.


Keep her quiet, she interrupts Meekis' discussion with the tall ones.

Xealot wrote:

Meekis chest puffs out and he gets a little arrogance in his demeanor. Looking back to the other Kobolds he says in his native tongue.

** spoiler omitted **

"Yes, you smart tall one, understand Meekis smart and wise. Meekis not just smart and wise though. Meekis strong and fast, big warrior. Meekis want know what he call you tall one? Maybe Meekis call you round one." Meekis start laughing hysterically and stops only long enough to tell the other kobolds to laugh, which they do, although it's obvious they aren't sure what they are laughing at.

Meekis prepares to speak again, but turns to a sound coming from the middle of the group of kobolds. It sounds like a muffled voice.

** spoiler omitted **

Her? What is her? I better reveal myself and speak with Venedictos otherwise if there is a innocent there she might get hurt.

Denis rises slowly, making sure the Kobolds can now see him and scheathing his weapons infront of them, slowly and making sure to make no sudden moves as he is afraid of startling them and possibly kicking off a commotion. He walks slowly over to stand next to Venedictos and looks to him.
"They have someone over there." he points to the mass the kobolds were on and then he turns to Meekins and starts to speak in Draconic


"Who or what is that over there? I heard you call it a 'her' so is it a person? Some young woman you have found?"

Denis looks very determined down at the kobold, but knows to stay his hand as his weapons are both sceathed. He wants answers and if this is a innocent, he can save a life and earn a reputation for it. His hood is down to make sure the Kobolds see what he looks like in an attempt to look intimidating, but showing that he is working with Venedictos and won't hurt them.

With the Kobolds calling Venedictos "round-one" I wonder what they'll suggest for Denis? "Horned-one"? "Horny?" I'll give a cookie to anyone who can guess where I got the second name from :D

Female Human Oracle 1

Mercy keeps her distance, listening to the conversation. She can't see anything. She's picturing at least fifteen or twenty scaly gnomes with swords surrounding a tied up little boy with his head peeking out of a sack.

Squinting and unsquinting, she's trying to see something if anything at all.

Male Human (Teldrua) Modern Hero (Soldier) 2

Perception try to find what is their "prisioner"1d20 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 1 = 11

"Denis just stay there for a moment and mind your words"

Max HP: 16 | Current Hp: 16 | AC 13, T 10, FF 13 | CMD 9 | F 3, R 2, W 6 | Init +1 | Perc +7

Venedictos winces and braces himself for the arrows, preparing his obscuring mist spell should the kobolds attack.

"Do you have a prisoner, Meekis? Perhaps you would be willing to negotiate an exchange?"

Luck's gotta run out eventually... Diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18

Male Gnome Sorcerer (fey bloodline) 1

Brev moves slowly forward, being as unthreatening as he can (not that he ever really looks threatening), until he's beside Venedictos. He just listens intently to the conversation. He, too, can speak Draconic (something he completely forgot to mention to the party), and so he pays particular attention to what the kobolds are saying amongst themselves.

Perception, in case it's needed: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

Not so great a roll. Apparently, he just got distracted by a butterfly or something. :)

Venedictos wrote:

Venedictos winces and braces himself for the arrows, preparing his obscuring mist spell should the kobolds attack.

"Do you have a prisoner, Meekis? Perhaps you would be willing to negotiate an exchange?"

Luck's gotta run out eventually... Diplomacy: 1d20+9

Denis just remains silent next to Venedictos, knowing that he wasn't particularly good with talking and getting along with people let alone strange lizard creatures. Remaining like this he hopes to show that they are willing to negotiate but that he can strike out. For the moment he is unarmed though in hopes that the Kobolds will see this gester as a way to say he too wishes for no blood shed to happen, even though in his mind he sees himself more as a hero who skewers the Kobold Meekins through the eye and has the maiden or whatever in his free arm.

You should kill them Denis. Kill them or perhaps use them to take control and seize power, it's your destiny. Denis ignores the voices once again, not wanting to cause any unnessacery strain as he tried to focus on the girl.

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12 And he has dark vision of up ot 60 feet which should help him in the darkness.

The Exchange

Female Dwarf Wizard 1

CRAP! I gotta teach these folks that parleying with the enemy means not showing your hand. Anyone else want draw attention to themselves? Perhaps paint themselves in alternating colors of red and white. Huh? A hostage? Well, lets see if I cant get the guard in my crosshairs.

She remains as still as possible, shifting her aim to the rearguard.
DM Xealot

If she feels she can remain hidden while Kobolds attention is on diplomancy, she'll backup/flank around until hostage site is within range ~80 feet.
Stealth 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22
As she is doing a crawl/crouch through the underbrush,

Isis hears the following in a very low whisper a few comments interspersed with periods of silence.
"Everyone wants to be center of attention" few minutes later "Isis despite her sheltered upbringing is prob the smartest of all of us, well most likely to survive anyway and that makes her smart." "Rule #1, dont be a hero. If it goes badly Kiptera, my priority is to alert TannerCrossing and dwarves." "Uhhh, Isis? Are you still listening? Don't mind me, just talking to myself. Keep your distance and get ready to make a choice if things go poorly."

Female Human Witch 1
Kiptera Stiresong wrote:

Isis hears the following in a very low whisper a few comments interspersed with periods of silence. ** spoiler omitted **

Isis does her best to follow the conversation going on but at a distance of 100' can clearly hear only snatches of things being clearly shouted.

Hearing Kiptera whisper via message makes her feel better and she nods her head in agreement forgetting that message doesn't transmit nods as communication.

At a distance of 100' which is more than the distance between the bases in baseball diamond, I figure that even though Isis understands Draconic, she's not hearing what the Kobolds are saying unless they clearly shout it out. At least in real life I know that I can't hear what the catcher and batter are saying to one another.

Game wise, I think it is -1 per 5' to any perception check which makes it -20 without any positives for loud voices.

Sovereign Court

Male Human 20th Level Paladin

"Yes!" Meekis says proudly, "She Meekis prisoner. She attack Meekis warren, kill many Meekis friend and family. Meekis and clan track her for last day, just catch. Meekis not really want trade her, but Meekis listen what tall ones offer for her. Meekis like, Meekis give her to tall one. Meekis not like, Meekis take her back to warren, give to shaman."

Female Human Oracle 1
Xealot wrote:
"Yes!" Meekis says proudly, "She Meekis prisoner. She attack Meekis warren, kill many Meekis friend and family. Meekis and clan track her for last day, just catch. Meekis not really want trade her, but Meekis listen what tall ones offer for her. Meekis like, Meekis give her to tall one. Meekis not like, Meekis take her back to warren, give to shaman."

I assume by now that shield of faith has run off on you, Isis. Good spell usage! Good spell.

Mercy frowns. This is very close to home for her and it makes her visibly uncomfortable. She seems to be getting angry. She moves up beside Venedictos, (about ~10ft.) holding her guisarme like a walking stick. "What do you want?"

Sovereign Court

Male Human 20th Level Paladin

"What Meekis want? Meekis just want Meekis clan be safe. Meekis want her people stop attack Meekis people. Tall one give Meekis that, Meekis give her. If not help, Meekis take her to shaman, shaman help find way use her to stop Meekis clan from getting killed."

Meekis is clearly upset that the tall woman acted like he was at fault.

Female Human Oracle 1
Xealot wrote:

"What Meekis want? Meekis just want Meekis clan be safe. Meekis want her people stop attack Meekis people. Tall one give Meekis that, Meekis give her. If not help, Meekis take her to shaman, shaman help find way use her to stop Meekis clan from getting killed."

Meekis is clearly upset that the tall woman acted like he was at fault.

"There's no need to take anyone to a shaman. Who are her people? Are they from the nearby village?" After she receives an answer, "Why are they attacking you?"

Mercy is very down to business. She'd like to just charge in and kill them, but she feels her moral obligations towards justice holding her back.

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