Twin Agate Dragons |

ghettowedge |

Davi The Eccentric |

Twin Agate Dragons wrote:Why would it tank if Spidey was black?It's gonna tank if they do this. I for one will not bother to see it in the theater.
Well, at the very least there would be a huge pile of nerd rage, but that would be less from racism and more from Peter Parker generally being whiter than styrofoam covered in white-out in a blizzard.

Orthos |

Twin Agate Dragons wrote:Why would it tank if Spidey was black?It's gonna tank if they do this. I for one will not bother to see it in the theater.
As Davi said, Peter Parker is as white as white can get, to the point where it's somewhat embarrassing for him. To do a black Spidey, they'd either need to rewrite Peter completely, or introduce a "new" Spider-Man character who isn't Peter Parker.
Either option will not end well.

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Imagine a 'black spiderman 3'
*Movie ends, credits roll*
post credits scene:
*Peter and Mj, (Toby McGuire and Kirsten Dunst) sitting in bed, MJ has remote in hand, as if turning the TV off.*
Peter: What? I'm black?
MJ: Now Peter, the world doesn't know who Spiderman is, remember? Call it 'artistic license'.
Peter: But they got everyhing wrong! It would be like making a movie about us, but we never got married, Mayday was never born...
MJ: hush Tiger, you'll wake Mayday, she has school in the morning.
*Peter rolls over and buries his head in the pillow, mumbling obscenities.*
Edit: Bonus points if they take off 3d glasses before dialog ;-)

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I don't know,
poor orphan kid, raised by his hard-working uncle and aunt, in the poor side of town, scrawny, picked on by athletes at school, bit of a science geek, gets bit by a radioctive spider and develops super powers, shows off, gets hit in the face by his own irresponsibility, decides to so something good with his powers...
Nothing there says "black" or "white" to me.
As long as they didn't turn it into the Fresh Spider of Bel-Air...
The problem, as I see it is, they either need to reboot (which doesn't make sense since the first Spider Man movie with Toby was dead on), ignore the continuity developed by having the same actor in the first three films, give some kind (most likely the lame kind) of explanation for the change, or redevelop the story altogether (at which point why make a Spider Man movie?)
Now, the best thing they could do with this is a Spider Man 2020 sort of thing, where the guy is inspired by the original Spider Man to fight crime in a futuristic setting. But they'd probably end up being all cornball if they did this.

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Fresh Spider of Bel-Air
Now this is the story all about how
My life got flipped, turned upside down
And I’d like to take a minute just sit right there
I’ll tell you how I became the spider of a town called Bel-air
In south Joisey I was born and raised
In the classroom where I spent most of my days
Geeking out, studying, buddying with my only friend
Some rich dude with nothing but money to spend
When a big dumb jock who was up to no good
Started making trouble for this friendly neighborhood
Spider Man
Does whatever a spider can
Spins a web, any size,
Catches thieves just like flies
Look Out!
Here comes the Spiderman.
Is he strong?
Listen bud,
He's got radioactive blood.
Can he swing from a thread
Take a look overhead
Hey, there
There goes the Spiderman.
In the chill of night
At the scene of a crime
Like a streak of light
He arrives just in time.
Spiderman, Spiderman
Friendly neighborhood Spiderman
Wealth and fame
He's ingnored
Action is his reward.
To him, life is a great big bang up
Whenever there's a hang up
You'll find the Spider man.
I pushed this creep cross the room
Mary Jane she got scared
Aunt May hit me with a broom
And said “Pack your things, we’re moving to Bel-Air”
She threw me in a cab and when it came near
License plate said “Webz” and it had pumpkin bombs in the mirror
If anything I could say the cabbie was quite a scare
With that goblin mask and razors for hair
So I trashed his cab and webslung to Bel-Air

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I don't know,
poor orphan kid, raised by his hard-working uncle and aunt, in the poor side of town, scrawny, picked on by athletes at school, bit of a science geek, gets bit by a radioctive spider and develops super powers, shows off, gets hit in the face by his own irresponsibility, decides to so something good with his powers...
Nothing there says "black" or "white" to me.
As long as they didn't turn it into the Fresh Spider of Bel-Air...
The problem, as I see it is, they either need to reboot (which doesn't make sense since the first Spider Man movie with Toby was dead on), ignore the continuity developed by having the same actor in the first three films, give some kind (most likely the lame kind) of explanation for the change, or redevelop the story altogether (at which point why make a Spider Man movie?)
Now, the best thing they could do with this is a Spider Man 2020 sort of thing, where the guy is inspired by the original Spider Man to fight crime in a futuristic setting. But they'd probably end up being all cornball if they did this.

ghettowedge |

The problem, as I see it is, they either need to reboot (which doesn't make sense since the first Spider Man movie with Toby was dead on), ignore the continuity developed by having the same actor in the first three films, give some kind (most likely the lame kind) of explanation for the change, or redevelop the story altogether (at which point why make a Spider Man movie?)
This is a reboot. Raimi and Tobey left Spiderman 4 and the studio shut it down and said they're starting over with teenage Spiderman.
I'm with you about Spidey doesn't scream white (except for that emo stuff he had going on in part 3), nerd definitely, but not white. As long as it doesn't become blacksploitation Spidey I think it would be a huge success.

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Nothing there says "black" or "white" to me.
Perhaps not, but you're ignoring the fact that Peter Parker / Spider-Man is one of the more iconic fictional characters of all time. The Samuel L. Jackson inspired Ultimate Nick Fury didn't really bother anyone, but that's because Nick Fury is a fairly obscure character. Spider-Man in one of the three most popular superheroes ever. Making him black for no other reason that to have him be black is moronic, and should be avoided.
The problem, as I see it is, they either need to reboot (which doesn't make sense since the first Spider Man movie with Toby was dead on), ignore the continuity developed by having the same actor in the first three films, give some kind (most likely the lame kind) of explanation for the change, or redevelop the story altogether (at which point why make a Spider Man movie?)
The movie is supposed to be based on the Ultimate Spider-Man comics, where Peter is still in high school. And the Raimi versions were not that great. They absolutely ruined Peter and MJ. Everything about those characters was done wrong. Writing, directing, casting, acting...all of it was bad. And if you can't get the two main characters right, then why bother?
I look forward to this reboot, at least if it doesn't destroy itself in an effort to be overly PC.

Blazej |

Making him black for no other reason that to have him be black is moronic, and should be avoided.
I don't really think that the goal is to suggest that he should be made black for racial equality, rather I see it such that there are a number of actors applying for the part and if the best one happens to be black, I don't have any complaints about putting him in the role.

ghettowedge |

Perhaps not, but you're ignoring the fact that Peter Parker / Spider-Man is one of the more iconic fictional characters of all time. The Samuel L. Jackson inspired Ultimate Nick Fury didn't really bother anyone, but that's because Nick Fury is a fairly obscure character. Spider-Man in one of the three most popular superheroes ever. Making him black for no other reason that to have him be black is moronic, and should be avoided.
I don't believe the only reason black Nick Fury is ok is that he's a lesser known character. I don't think it matters what color the character is, as long as the characters behavior and motivations stay true to the source.
I look forward to this reboot, at least if it doesn't destroy itself in an effort to be overly PC.
And having PP be black doesn't make it PC. PC would be if the studio felt like the Spiderman franchise was alienating minorities and they needed to black it up to bring in more cash. I would hope that any choice for the character would be because the actor fits the role. If he happens to be black, that's fine.

Darkwolf |

Kthulhu wrote:Making him black for no other reason that to have him be black is moronic, and should be avoided.I don't really think that the goal is to suggest that he should be made black for racial equality, rather I see it such that there are a number of actors applying for the part and if the best one happens to be black, I don't have any complaints about putting him in the role.
Actually, this originated at io9 and basically it does boil down to, 'He should be not-white just because'.
I think it's a bad call, myself. But then, I think the whole reboot of a successful series is a bad call. I think the series could continue on just fine with a different actor, while not writing off the current storyline.

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I agree that there's nothing that makes Peter Parker inherently white. He's not like Shaft or Luke Cage or someone like that, largely defined by their race. But Peter Parker been portrayed as Caucasian in every widely accepted adaptation since the character's creation fifty years ago. And as I pointed out, the character has become iconic in a way that very few comic characters have...hell, in a way that very few fictional characters ever have. Changing his race just plain won't be accepted.
I mean, can we give the guy a break? Marvel seems intent on destroying him (as anyone who's followed the comics for the past few years can attest). Do we really need to add to his woes by throwing an identity crisis at him? (again) Sure, he join in with Psylocke for a Race Switch Group Therapy session. But c'mon, the poor guy is still dealing with the fact that Harry Osborne is randomly alive again.

ghettowedge |

Blazej wrote:Kthulhu wrote:Making him black for no other reason that to have him be black is moronic, and should be avoided.I don't really think that the goal is to suggest that he should be made black for racial equality, rather I see it such that there are a number of actors applying for the part and if the best one happens to be black, I don't have any complaints about putting him in the role.Actually, this originated at io9 and basically it does boil down to, 'He should be not-white just because'.
I think it's a bad call, myself. But then, I think the whole reboot of a successful series is a bad call. I think the series could continue on just fine with a different actor, while not writing off the current storyline.
Umm.. you're link says the opposite of that.
I'm not saying that the producers need to force the issue; that they need to cast a minority just for the sake of it — but in the face of such underwhelming options like Billy Elliot and the kid who played young Voldemort, why not broaden the search? It's not like any of these blokes are lighting the world on fire like a young Johnny Depp or Leonardo DiCaprio.

Darkwolf |

Wolfthulhu wrote:Blazej wrote:Kthulhu wrote:Making him black for no other reason that to have him be black is moronic, and should be avoided.I don't really think that the goal is to suggest that he should be made black for racial equality, rather I see it such that there are a number of actors applying for the part and if the best one happens to be black, I don't have any complaints about putting him in the role.Actually, this originated at io9 and basically it does boil down to, 'He should be not-white just because'.
I think it's a bad call, myself. But then, I think the whole reboot of a successful series is a bad call. I think the series could continue on just fine with a different actor, while not writing off the current storyline.
Umm.. you're link says the opposite of that.
io9 wrote:I'm not saying that the producers need to force the issue; that they need to cast a minority just for the sake of it — but in the face of such underwhelming options like Billy Elliot and the kid who played young Voldemort, why not broaden the search? It's not like any of these blokes are lighting the world on fire like a young Johnny Depp or Leonardo DiCaprio.
Yes, he says that... then comes up with no compelling reason other than, 'why not'. Reeks of PCness to me.

nathan blackmer |

I agree that there's nothing that makes Peter Parker inherently white. He's not like Shaft or Luke Cage or someone like that, largely defined by their race. But Peter Parker been portrayed as Caucasian in every widely accepted adaptation since the character's creation fifty years ago. And as I pointed out, the character has become iconic in a way that very few comic characters have...hell, in a way that very few fictional characters ever have. Changing his race just plain won't be accepted.
I mean, can we give the guy a break? Marvel seems intent on destroying him (as anyone who's followed the comics for the past few years can attest). Do we really need to add to his woes by throwing an identity crisis at him? (again) Sure, he join in with Psylocke for a Race Switch Group Therapy session. But c'mon, the poor guy is still dealing with the fact that Harry Osborne is randomly alive again.
Can't help but agree here, it'd be just like picking a non-white to play superman...its not superman. he's too well known, too established and frankly the fanbase (which is exceedingly rabid) would go berserk.

Jason S |

I don't want to see a black spiderman anymore than I want to see a white Blade, a white Luke Cage, or a white Shang-Chi Master of Kung Fu.
Btw, I'm not that impressed they made Nick Fury black. It's true, Nick Fury is a minor character, however when you change him like that, you're also changing his very iconic look (the grey hair a the temples, the hair done in a certain way, the cigar). Imagine wolverine with an afro instead of his wolverine hair, ridiculous isn't it? Same thing here, at least for me.
Personally, I dislike studios and directors changing the skin color of any actors, most recently, I dislike the fact they used a white actor to play in Price of Persia.
Anyway, it's a matter of opinion I suppose.

ghettowedge |

Personally, I dislike studios and directors changing the skin color of any actors, most recently, I dislike the fact they used a white actor to play in Price of Persia.
This opinion makes sense to me, because the character's ethnicity is important to what he is. If spiderman had any sort of cultural importance in his background it might be the same thing. If PP had been drawn black from the get go, there is nothing about the character that says he should have been white.

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Considering how much I'm raging at stuff like the Prince of Persia being played by a white guy or the Inuit-analogues in the Airbender movie being played by white kids or LOL EARTHSEA LOL, it would be hypocritical of me to say I thought this was an actual good idea.
I think I would rather see Martha Washington Goes to War.
There is a plethora of strong female/non-white/LGBT characters out there that have not been given their due in film adaptations.
It would be nice if Hollywood could grow some stones and actually do some straight up adaptations without falling into those tired and cowardly traps like "But not too black." and "Too explicitly ethnic, people will never be able to relate to him/her".
I'm just tired of a lot of Hollywood in general. The old Chapelle Show joke of "The Last Black Man On Earth, starring TOM HANKS" still cuts painfully deep.
*Not just because it's a strong black female lead, but because it actually proved that Frank Miller can, every once and a while, write a good female character that is something other than a prostitute. NO, SERIOUSLY.

seekerofshadowlight |

Btw, I'm not that impressed they made Nick Fury black. It's true, Nick Fury is a minor character, however when you change him like that, you're also changing his very iconic look (the grey hair a the temples, the hair done in a certain way, the cigar)
This was the Ultimate lines doing. No character was safe from reworking really[Poor,poor DOC DOOM} as that is an alt universe and not tired to the standard marvel one. And guess what, he is drawn just like Sam Jackson. I laughed hard back in 04 {I think it was 04 or 02) when they first showed him, Everyone was like..shields ran by Sam Jackson.
And the new movies {Iron man, the last hawk} are very, very heavily influenced by the ultimate line. So really that was a decision to go with the new line and not just make the dude black to be making him black, it was a choose to go with the ultimate version of things and so far the movies really are IMO
As to a black peter Parker, I call PC BS, plain and simple and would not watch it.

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Forgot to point this out, but:
I, too, have my Spiderman movie.
As long as we're posting our favorite alternate Spider-Men....

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I remember griping about Jubilee being white in the Gen X TV movie.
I don't mind if it's alternate universe right off the bat (Marvel Apes, Ultimates, etc.) but when dealing with Marvel's Iconics, I think they have to tread very carefully and NOT go somewhere just because 'they can'
Thor is Norse, not an African rain god.
Cap is white, though I'd love to see Howling commandos being led by Ultimate Nick Fury.*
Iron Man is a womanizer. Heck, Iron Man is a perfect example with Jim. It doesn't matter to Tony Jim's skin colour, instead he's a friend he'd trust with his life. Do the posters at io9 want to argue that Jim should be white?
Spiderman's a white boy plain and simple.
I'd be pissed if they made my dream X-men next class movie and suddenly Kitty was Catholic**
Though I'll admit, Amara and Amanda's 'pallat swap' in X-men Evolution didn't bother me as much since a) Amara's backstory is complicated and b) Amanda's a minor character (That I wish I'd seen more of, I like the little fuzzy elf)
The A plot would be trying to protect a mutant, Foxx, from assassins (the Marauders (my Marauders would be Blockbuster, Harpoon, Scrambler, X-23 a Scalphunter/Madison Jeffries cross, and led by Havok)) Angel would be taken out early, as would Scrambler on the Marauder's side. Havok would be captured, to be revealed as Scott's brother. Climax would be the new X-men vs the Marauders, in Sinister's lair. Angel would be brainwashed into Arcangel, with Havok fighting on the X-men's side.
Movie ends, our heroes defeat the bad guys; Arcangel, confused and wounded, flies off into the sky; scene with Wolverine confronting X-23. Cut scene after the movie shows Sinister's lair wrecked, with various frosted over cloning tubes. toss in a couple of easter eggs in names on the tubes (Greycrow, John; Dane, Lorna...) and the last two tubes read "Summers, Scott" and "Pryor, Madyline."
Of course I don't know if the studio could afford Ellen Page again, but Ashmore, Culdmore, etc should be affordable. By using Foxx (which comic book fans know was a Mystique cover identiy) and Sinister, you can even Retcon that 'Jean' in X-3 was a Sinister clone and he abducted Scott, and that Raven got her powers back, thus so did Magneto...

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In Night of the Living Dead George Romero cast Duane Jones as the leading man not because he was black but because he was the better actor. Why should it be any different for any fictional character?
Because Duane Jones was never represented as anything else before Night of the Living Dead. While Spider-Man has been represented as the archetypal "white and nerdy" kid for about 40+ years.

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In Night of the Living Dead George Romero cast Duane Jones as the leading man not because he was black but because he was the better actor. Why should it be any different for any fictional character?
Because of what has gone before?
Should Alice (Resident Evil) be played by Christopher Lee?
Should Chun Li be played by Jet Li? (ok, bad example, that might have been an improvement)
Should Thor (Norse god of thunder) be played by Wesley Snipes?
Heck, would you have a problem if Black Panther was played by Ryan Reynolds? (since he seems to be playing everyone?)
Part of Steve Rogers as Cap (don't get me started on Bucky-Cap) is that you have the blond haired, blue eyed, Aryan god, on our side, not the Ratzis.
It would be as silly as seeing Ellen Page as Wonder woman (I think she's cute as hell, and can act, but she doesn't scream 'Amazon Princess' Donna Troy maybe, but not Diana) or Christina Ricci (again, who I like) as Red Sonja.

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My 2 cps:
Do I think this Glover kid could play Peter Parker? Maybe. Before this, I didn't even know who he was.
Do I think he should play Peter Parker. No, but only because I prefer to see the character as he has been portrayed for decades - a nerdy white kid. I like it when they stick as close to the source material as possible.
I'd be that way with any long standing comic book or literary figure. Wouldn't want to see a black Captain America, or a white Blade, or an hispanic Superman. I'd have rather seen an actual Persian actor play the Prince of Persia as well.

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I'd be that way with any long standing comic book or literary figure. Wouldn't want to see a black Captain America, or a white Blade, or an hispanic Superman.
Did you have the same problem with a black Nick Fury? Personally I have greater problems with the way Peter Parker was written in the third movie. Even before he puts on the symbiote... he's gone from nerd to being a fairly major jerk.
There have been at least FIVE Captain Americas counting Steve Rogers. Why couldn't one of them, or number Six be black? Are black men or a black woman... "less" American.
Watch out... some day we'll wake up one morning and find a black man is President.

ArchLich |

I don't want to see a black spiderman anymore than I want to see a white Blade, a white Luke Cage, or a white Shang-Chi Master of Kung Fu.
Btw, I'm not that impressed they made Nick Fury black. It's true, Nick Fury is a minor character, however when you change him like that, you're also changing his very iconic look (the grey hair a the temples, the hair done in a certain way, the cigar). Imagine wolverine with an afro instead of his wolverine hair, ridiculous isn't it? Same thing here, at least for me.
Personally, I dislike studios and directors changing the skin color of any actors, most recently, I dislike the fact they used a white actor to play in Price of Persia.
Anyway, it's a matter of opinion I suppose.
I saw Black Nick Fury and thought: "Crap. They had better not make all these movies after their Ultimate line versions."

ArchLich |

Aberzombie wrote:
I'd be that way with any long standing comic book or literary figure. Wouldn't want to see a black Captain America, or a white Blade, or an hispanic Superman.Did you have the same problem with a black Nick Fury? Personally I have greater problems with the way Peter Parker was written in the third movie. Even before he puts on the symbiote... he's gone from nerd to being a fairly major jerk.
There have been at least FIVE Captain Americas counting Steve Rogers. Why couldn't one of them, or number Six be black? Are black men or a black woman... "less" American.
Watch out... some day we'll wake up one morning and find a black man is President.
Yes I have the same problem with the Ultimate Nick Fury.
And this is not a racial issue. This is a discontinuity issue.

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Did you have the same problem with a black Nick Fury? Personally I have greater problems with the way Peter Parker was written in the third movie. Even before he puts on the symbiote... he's gone from nerd to being a fairly major jerk.
There have been at least FIVE Captain Americas counting Steve Rogers. Why couldn't one of them, or number Six be black? Are black men or a black woman... "less" American.
Watch out... some day we'll wake up one morning and find a black man is President.
So I take it Lazar, you're for Steven Segal as T'Challa?
And, as has been pointed out, Ultimate Nick Fury is black, and is modeled on Samuel L Jackson.
But hey, don't let the facts get in the way of a perfectly good rant.
Watch out... some day we'll wake up one morning and find you have a clue.

Freehold DM |

LazarX wrote:Did you have the same problem with a black Nick Fury? Personally I have greater problems with the way Peter Parker was written in the third movie. Even before he puts on the symbiote... he's gone from nerd to being a fairly major jerk.
There have been at least FIVE Captain Americas counting Steve Rogers. Why couldn't one of them, or number Six be black? Are black men or a black woman... "less" American.
Watch out... some day we'll wake up one morning and find a black man is President.
So I take it Lazar, you're for Steven Segal as T'Challa?
And, as has been pointed out, Ultimate Nick Fury is black, and is modeled on Samuel L Jackson.
But hey, don't let the facts get in the way of a perfectly good rant.
Watch out... some day we'll wake up one morning and find you have a clue.
I understand his post got you heated, but your facts could easily be used against you- there were several people who were upset about Ultimate Fury being black due to discontinuity issues and did indeed go onto the internet to complain, same as people here are doing with the idea of Spidey being black. Similar thing happened with the black Captain America issue a handful of years ago, and even moreso(although much quietly due to the lack of the internet) several dozen years ago with the Battlestar/Bucky condundrum.
And yeah, I'd love to see Steven Segal and his fairly bad acting try to pull of T'Challa. That would be HILARIOUS!!!!

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Hm. I'd only be up for this if it was an alternate reality. That said, I REALLY like the Indian semi-alternate reality Spider Man, and the Native American alternate reality Captain America.
I liked Miguel O'hara (then again, I like PAD's writing). The 'reveal' of Heather Hudson in Exiles was good because a) it was a nice twist and b) a big deal wasn't made of it.
I don't like it when it is 'lets make something just to shock/awe/placate somebody' Ultimate Colossus being gay didn't bother me, nor did the hints that Ultimate Wolverine might play for both teams. Making 616-Colossus gay to have a 'gay superhero' would have offended me. I hate the character of Daken (wolverine burnout) but his (bi)sexuality has nothing to do with it. We've moved away from the urge to make a minority hero knock off by sticking 'colour' in front of a term (Black Goliath, maybe Black Lightning). Or doing a gender switch (Ms Marvel, Supergirl).
I don't read comics because of the colour of their skin, Heck I loved War Machine (original series) and wanted to see the subplot where Jim's parents were hostile to his (white) girlfriend. Jubilee was a character I wanted to see developed, and Dani is my favourite New Mutant after Illyana. (And I really don't like the Xian-is-a-lesbian thing, it feels like they went 'we need a lesbian mutant! Well Karma's not been used in a while...) I wanted the Dani/Rahne pairing. (and Rogue's original scripted origin while we're at it).
On the DCAU side, I got in to Static Shock, and the DCAU made me interested in John Stewart (and Martian Manhunter, but that's not relevant to the discussion).
I also enjoy the Shatterstar/Rictor paring, both because it's PAD (again!) and it's fun watching Rob Liefield sputter and curse. Shatterstar (and Laura/X-23) should be at least curious about switch hitting, because of their non-standard origins. Laura could be a portal to the entire inborn vs external argument of sexuality. "Do I like being with him because I'm female, or do I like being with her because I'm a clone of a man?"
You couldn't (easily) do it in a movie, I don't think, but a scene where a character sees alternate versions of himself from other realities (to use Cap, the Revolutionary War Cap, Captain Confederacy, Captain Canada, Captain Colonies, etc) is always interesting. It doesn't change that Captain America is Steve Rogers.

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So I take it Lazar, you're for Steven Segal as T'Challa?
I could be if the background was presented right. I also don't have problems with plays with a Black Jesus or a Black Mary. I'm also not in the big meltdown on the fact that all of the Airbender movie main characters have been cast using white actors. And I think that Samuel L. Jackson makes an awesome Nick Fury. (after all, the ultimate Nick Fury isn't a world war 2 hero, he's modern day)

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Matthew Morris wrote:And, as has been pointed out, Ultimate Nick Fury is black, and is modeled on Samuel L Jackson.
But hey, don't let the facts get in the way of a perfectly good rant.
Watch out... some day we'll wake up one morning and find you have a clue.
I understand his post got you heated, but your facts could easily be used against you- there were several people who were upset about Ultimate Fury being black due to discontinuity issues and did indeed go onto the internet to complain, same as people here are doing with the idea of Spidey being black. Similar thing happened with the black Captain America issue a handful of years ago, and even moreso(although much quietly due to the lack of the internet) several dozen years ago with the Battlestar/Bucky condundrum.
And yeah, I'd love to see Steven Segal and his fairly bad acting try to pull of T'Challa. That would be HILARIOUS!!!!
Yeah. Then again, I consider Nick Fury a 'minor' character like Amara in X-men Evolution. I didn't go see Iron Man to see Nick Fury, I didn't go to Iron Man II to see him either. (I did go to see the War Machine, and I liked Don Chedalle's take on Jim).
My issue with 'Truth' was it tainted the purity that was Captain America. (not racial purity). Tuskeege became an abomination after 1947, but why taint Captain America? Why not just make it part of the (retconned) Weapon II - Weapon IX plans? OR make it Weapon I and keep Cap as a one off?
The Bucky/Battlestar was shoddy research. I didn't understand the change at the time, but remembered there was a gamer online who had a die hard Fianna fetish, and was horrified when his character name, who'd been called 'Paddy' for years, was discovered to be an Irish slur. So I understand (even if it makes me think his super power is changing into a ship looking for earth) Still, I wish we'd see Battlestar more, I like Lemar (then again, considering what they've done to US Agent, maybe he's safer in Limbo).
Coming soon from Marvel. Horrid casting for Marvel Superheroes! Black Panther (Steven Segal) leads a band of C listers including Human Torch (Jackie Chan) Doc Sampson (Will Ferrel) Photon (Kate Moss) and the Punisher (Jean Claude Van Dam) against the Mad Thinker (Ryan Reynolds) for the life of Nick Fury (David Hasselhoff)!

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Matthew Morris wrote:I could be if the background was presented right. I also don't have problems with plays with a Black Jesus or a Black Mary. I'm also not in the big meltdown on the fact that all of the Airbender movie main characters have been cast using white actors. And I think that Samuel L. Jackson makes an awesome Nick Fury. (after all, the ultimate Nick Fury isn't a world war 2 hero, he's modern day)
So I take it Lazar, you're for Steven Segal as T'Challa?
Actually he still is a WW II hero.
I'd be as irritated at a white guy playing T'Challa as I would a black Peter Parker. I mean, T'Challa is the king/heir of Wakanda, not Rhodesia. Now I could see a movie about a character born on the 'street' (ala Luke Cage) doing the vigillante thing as 'Coal Tiger' discovering he is a prince and becoming Black Panther (Think 'The Princess Diaries' for guys) because it keeps the core mythos intact, Prince of Wakanda becomes the Black Panther.
Movies that are adaptations, especially iconic movies need to be careful with the liberties they take. Physiologically, Hallie Berry was about perfect for Storm, as she was conceived as specifically having a mix of ethnic features in the books (dark skin, blue eyes, causasian features, but 'asian' eyes) Patrick Stewart was perfect for Xavier, etc. But the fans would have been irritated if Xavier wasn't in his chair, if Cyclops didn't have to wear his glasses, and Storm was some scrawny white chick from California. I don't expect every movie of a band of seven heroes defending the villiage against bandits to be Samurai. I don't expect every ethnicity to match (Cote de Pablo playing a 'born and bred' Israeli is a good example) but changing things for the sake of change is counter productive and annoying. From a profit point of view, it spreads 'bad press' among the fan base, and it confuses the movie goer who now wants to read more about these characters.
I think that's part of why they're rebooting the Spider-franchise. Peter and MJ aren't a couple in the MU anymore, but they are in the movies.

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Forgot to point this out, but:
Heathansson wrote:I, too, have my Spiderman movie.As long as we're posting our favorite alternate Spider-Men....
My god, its full of Mecha!

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Matthew Morris wrote:I think that's part of why they're rebooting the Spider-franchise.Also,
with some consideration to $$$$$.
Sorry, thought I was making that clear it was my point too :-)
Person sees Spiderman 1-3 goes to comic store.
"Hey, where's MJ? Why aren't they together? What do you mean JJJ's Mayor? etc etc." Walks out of the store confused, wondering what OMIT is, and not buying anything

ghettowedge |

Because of what has gone before?
Should Alice (Resident Evil) be played by Christopher Lee?
Yes. Any chance you have of getting Christopher Lee in your movie you should take it. Especially as a genetic experiment.
Should Chun Li be played by Jet Li? (ok, bad example, that might have been an improvement)
I'm good with that, too. What I know of the SF2 universe (Chun Li is just some attractive interpol agent), could easily be switched for a dude. (Note: I did not and will not watch Rise of Chun Li.)
Should Thor (Norse god of thunder) be played by Wesley Snipes?
No, but again being the Norse god is an important part of the character.
Heck, would you have a problem if Black Panther was played by Ryan Reynolds? (since he seems to be playing everyone?)
Big problem, but Black Panther was part of Marvel's attempt at blacksploitation and his race is a big part of his identity.
Part of Steve Rogers as Cap (don't get me started on Bucky-Cap) is that you have the blond haired, blue eyed, Aryan god, on our side, not the Ratzis.
I agree again.
It would be as silly as seeing Ellen Page as Wonder woman (I think she's cute as hell, and can act, but she doesn't scream 'Amazon Princess' Donna Troy maybe, but not Diana) or Christina Ricci (again, who I like) as Red Sonja.
Have you seen Community (a show I enjoy). Donald Glover does a great job of portraying a witty nerdy kid, so it wouldn't be like these examples because he fits the role, except for what? His skin color? I'm not arguing that they should make Spiderman black for the sake of having a black Spiderman. I'm saying that skin color shouldn't hold back the casting of an actor suited to the role.
I haven't read Spiderman regularly since the 90's, but I can't recall any strong link to race for the character. I don't remember any deep Irish Catholic roots or anything. Maybe I'm wrong. For me, Spiderman doesn't have to be white and nerdy, he just has to be nerdy.

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Aside about Cap,
I read the essential Captain America (Vol 4) when I checked it out from the public library.
Talk about blaxploitation... The way the (black) supporting characters came down on Cap for getting involved in 'their neighborhood' and Falcon for working with Cap... because he's white. The hostility was incredible to my country born sensabilities, was it really that bad?
There's a scene where Falcon's girl is in Wakanda and is just so completely out of her element because it's not Harlem. Her Wakandian escort/guard is completely put off by her attitude.
Of course this was written in the 70's. I found it funny that Sharon Carter was Peggy's kid sister in these stories.