Colonel Schafer |
If someone starts a full round attack on me, and their first attack hits, and I use Acrobatic Dodge to take a five foot step out of their reach, what happens to the rest of their attacks? Do they just not get them? Do I get hit even though I'm out of range?
Claxon |
Firstly, that's a third party feat not published by Paizo.
One thing to remember is you cannot 5 foot step in the same round you move. Another thing to remember is that if someone starts a full round attack and you 5ft step out of the way, they can take a 5ft step between attacks so they will follow you (unless they took a 5ft step to get to you).
If you are out of reach they could no longer attack you, but as I stated they will likely just 5ft step to follow you and keep attacking you.
Claxon |
Claxon wrote:This feat appears to specifically allow that.
One thing to remember is you cannot 5 foot step in the same round you move.
Not by my reading. In fact, it goes so far as to say "If you cannot take your 5-ft step, you cannot use this feat. This movement doesn't count against any other movement you are taking, and does not provoke an attack of opportunity."
Which means, if you use this movement it doesn't count against your total movement speed for the turn, but anything that prevents you from taking a 5ft step would prevent you from using this. Such as, already taking a 5ft step or using a move action to move. Either prevents you from taking a 5ft step and would make you unable to use this ability.
James F.D. Graham RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8 |
Also remember that a person can decide who to target with each attack just before they make it.
So, if they attacked you, and you did this dodge thing. They could just choose to swing at someone else within range.
In fact, if it was their first one, they could decide to take a different move action with the rest of their round instead.
You are not 'locked in' to a full-round attack until you make an attack roll after the first. Even then, you don't have to take all the attacks.
icehawk333 |
The_Lake wrote:Claxon wrote:This feat appears to specifically allow that.
One thing to remember is you cannot 5 foot step in the same round you move.Not by my reading. In fact, it goes so far as to say "If you cannot take your 5-ft step, you cannot use this feat. This movement doesn't count against any other movement you are taking, and does not provoke an attack of opportunity."
Which means, if you use this movement it doesn't count against your total movement speed for the turn, but anything that prevents you from taking a 5ft step would prevent you from using this. Such as, already taking a 5ft step or using a move action to move. Either prevents you from taking a 5ft step and would make you unable to use this ability.
You gain a free 5‑foot step as part of this Acrobatics check,
Claxon |
Claxon wrote:You gain a free 5‑foot step as part of this Acrobatics check,The_Lake wrote:Claxon wrote:This feat appears to specifically allow that.
One thing to remember is you cannot 5 foot step in the same round you move.Not by my reading. In fact, it goes so far as to say "If you cannot take your 5-ft step, you cannot use this feat. This movement doesn't count against any other movement you are taking, and does not provoke an attack of opportunity."
Which means, if you use this movement it doesn't count against your total movement speed for the turn, but anything that prevents you from taking a 5ft step would prevent you from using this. Such as, already taking a 5ft step or using a move action to move. Either prevents you from taking a 5ft step and would make you unable to use this ability.
And? If you have already moved in the round or already made a 5ft move you can't make another in the same round. Which means you can't take the 5ft step, which means you can't use the feat.
Lifat |
Got to agree with Claxon here on the 5 ft. step thing.
As others have pointed out:
Unless the attacker took a 5 ft. step to get to you then he could follow you with his own 5 ft. step and continue his attacks.
If he hasn't made his second attack yet, then he can simply choose to take a move action instead of taking the rest of his attacks.
If there are other targets within reach he can simply attack those instead.
RedDogMT |
And? If you have already moved in the round or already made a 5ft move you can't make another in the same round. Which means you can't take the 5ft step, which means you can't use the feat.
That would be incorrect.
The movement doesn’t count against any other movement you are taking...
If the 5-foot step does not count against any other movement, then it does not matter whether or not you used a 5-foot step earlier in the turn. What I think "If you cannot take your 5‑foot step, you cannot use this feat" is referring to is when there is no legal space in which you could step into.
Kemedo |
I stick with:
"If you have already moved in the round or already made a 5ft move you can't make another in the same round. Which means you can't take the 5ft step, which means you can't use the feat."
After some lot of problems on what the player or NPC are really doing, we put a housebrew rule, the player (or GM when is the case) must declare his actions on the beggining of his turn. While he can change mind in the middle between by reasons, this occur by a -2 in any roll for the rest of his turn, because the momentum of action was interrupted.
Luckly have a limit per day to use. But why the hell not? Let the player's characters do nice things ;)
Kazaan |
What it means when it says, "If you cannot take a 5' step, you cannot use this feat" is that things that would prohibit you from performing the 5' step (ie. you have 5' max speed, difficult terrain, can't move, etc). It isn't talking about not being able to take a 5' step because you've already moved or used your 5' step; just that this action, which is technically not a 5' step, is mechanically identical to one regarding circumstances that would prohibit making a 5' step. Otherwise, there would be absolutely no point in saying, "Doesn't count against any other movement" because taking a move action would ordinarily mean you don't get a 5' step; if you can use this action to take a "5-foot'ish step" in the same round you take a Move action to move (ordinarily can't make a 5' step), then why can't you also use it in a round in which you've made an actual 5' step?