Gauging Interest on a D20 Modern / Sci-Fi Campaign

Gamer Connection

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Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

There's a strong hint on the Paizo blog that the Gamemastery Guide will be including material to adapt Pathfinder to other genres including Modern and SciFi play

Okay, Chaz is up and done.

Any feedback is appreciated.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4

I look exactly like Abraham Lincoln.

DAD, I think you probably caught on that I'm out for this. It's real interesting, but I've been lagging in the pbp I'l already playing, and there's no way I have time to learn the Modern/Future rules stuff. So, rock on & have fun, and thanks for the invite.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Scipion del Ferro wrote:
I look exactly like Abraham Lincoln.

I bet you do. *nod nod*

This may be a breach of protocol, but I'm rolling up an engineer (Smart Hero) on the off-chance I can score a slot on board, and I notice that gear is handled via the Requisition system. Now, I played in a game that used the Requisition system some months ago, so I know I have the book it's in (I have d20 Modern, Cyber, Future and Urban Arcana), but for the life of me, I can't find it. Anyone have a page number or a quick dress-down of the system for me? :)

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4

Sooo.....Reycied I already have a Smart Hero similar to what you describe, mechy engineer dude, but I don't mind changing him up to be a jarhead type character and you be the repair guy. I had fun with the skill monkey on Veed Droon and it might be fun NOT sucking in combat for once.

I think I'm also fuzzy about the Requisition thing. Everyone else seems to have a lot more items then I thought we would have...

That would be fun! Maybe my character could be your mech's maintenance man. :D But if you'd rather I switched out, don't be afraid to ask me. The LAST thing I want to do is step on anyone's toes. Though this conversation is moot at this point anyway. XD I'm all jazzed with inspiration now, though!

Reycied wrote:
Anyone have a page number or a quick dress-down of the system for me? :)

pg 90-91 D20Modern book.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

I'm having trouble loading it at the moment, but I generally find this a very useful resource (wikified/htmlized MSRD):

Wizards still also keeps the .rtf version of the MSRD on their Website.

This is Reycied's character--a Washington native, graduate of MIT, and military engineer named Alec Dean MacGregor. Still working on his gear and such, but I wanted to be ready just in case a slot does open up for me! I hate to seem rabidly eager, but I really love sci-fi stuff. XD

Also, thanks for the help on the Requisition rules! For some reason, I skipped right over them...

Billzabub wrote:
DAD, I think you probably caught on that I'm out for this. It's real interesting, but I've been lagging in the pbp I'l already playing, and there's no way I have time to learn the Modern/Future rules stuff. So, rock on & have fun, and thanks for the invite.

No worries Billzabub, just wanted to keep you in mind just in case.

Lucendar, Urizen, and Fray: Let me know if you've got your character done, as we are starting today. I need to know if you can still make it. If not let me know, no worries either way :) [/ooc]

Just want to give a headsup to anyone interested in playing, I have a spot open for one or two more players if anyone is interested.

I'd like to get in on this if possible. :)

Go ahead and make your character, let me know if you have any questions, and once you're done creating it, post in the In game thread.

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