Star Wars - Dawn of Defiance PbP - GM Kalderaan - OOC Postings

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Another heads up.
I'll be AFK this weekend due to traveling. Will be back sunday.

Wangslinger/Kess - I sure hope you feel better soon. Things will won't be too hectic. Concentrate on your health.

Male Human

I am beginning my internship tomorrow, so my posting may be a little off for the next few days until I get myself a little acclimated to my new status quo and other work-related stuff.

Although I believe -or at the very least hope- it will not be affecting my posting after all, I thought I should give you guys a heads up just in case.



Male Human

Due to the death of my graphics card I am currently without a computer. Thus, I will be unable to post for the next few days until I resolve this little problem. Please feel free to DMPC my character until I can get back. Sorry for the inconvenience guys.

Okay folks. The thread is dragging a bit. Can we kindly pick up the pace?


Everybody follow the silly Jedi!

Use the Force, to find trouble for us!

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Nerd 5/Expert 1

Hmm, if Allerick hadn't already taken the Official Troublemaker spot, then I'm sure Kess would fill in nicely.

LOL. I ask for an increase in posting - you guys came though - and now I have to delay.

I have school and a Renaissance Festival I am participating in this weekend. I most likely won't post our next event after the bar until Monday.


Liberty's Edge

Male Human Nerd 5/Expert 1

That's okay Kalderaan, enjoy THE RENAISSANCE FESTIVAL! Huzzah!

I think you can tell my interests now.

Nice. I have not been to a renaissance faire in years. Enjoy!

Male Human

I have my computer again! Yay!

The Renaissance Festival is done. Huzzah!

I have posted your next encounter for all to see and enjoy in the in-character thread.

Male Human

Bump, if I do say so myself.

F. Castor wrote:
Bump, if I do say so myself.

My turn is up. I am about to board a plane and am taking my wife to Universal tomorrow. I will try to post before we leave in the morning.

Thanks for sticking with the game despite my hectic schedule lately folks. You guys are the best!

Have a great trip to Universal. That sounds like a blast! We'll be here when you get back. :)

markofbane wrote:
Have a great trip to Universal. That sounds like a blast! We'll be here when you get back. :)

The new Harry Potter ride is fantastic. I recommend you don't eat beforehand though - it is quite tumultuous!

I have the next round of actions up for the NPCs. They were sorry shots this round!

I just have to say: I love any game where my complete lack of anything resembling tact is both an opportunity to have a ball and an opportunity to let other PCs seem much more charismatic. Fun!

Kess wrote:
"I know how you feel," Kess responds to Alistair. Kess keeps her blaster in hand, but lowers it to her side to present a non-threatening look. With a smirk she says "At least things seem to be going according to plan: Allerick shouts a lot, Colvin tries to patch things up, and the rest of us get to see just how long it takes for a firefight to break out."

This cracked me up! And how so very true to the Star Wars universe flavor!

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Nerd 5/Expert 1

I do my best to throw that in there but really, I wouldn't be able to do so without all the ammunition that I'm provided with by their antics.

Allerick Hose wrote:
"Stand back gentlemen, I have this. Look, Darga, we're here for a business proposition. You see, you scratch our backs, we scratch yours. Well, maybe not, but I can definitely build a back scratcher droid, or some sort of device that doesn't require me to actually touch you. No disrespect intended, of course, but I have this thing about touching people. Or Hutts. I don't do it unless I absolutely have to. It's not a wierd thing. It's more a hygiene thing. I mean, I scrub daily, and I appreciate that sort of cleanliness. I mean, you seem like a clean guy, stuck here in this pigsty of a planet. I mean, how do you stand it, surrounded by obviously less intelligent people? I mean, your minions let a bunch of murderous thungs in, lead by a guy who can be easily intimidated when you blow up his house and possibly kill his closest friends. It's pretty foolish. But of course, once you find minions, then you have to keep them alive and they're always complaining about lack of social skills and 'oh you shouldn't have blown up that wall' or 'why did you make the captain cry?' It's a truly uphill battle and I feel your pain, Darga, I truly do."


Expert 3

I'm starting up a Dawn of Defiance campaign this weekend, so as part of my preparations I wanted to read someone else's campaign to see how things played out.

I just wanted to say thanks for the entertaining read, good job by both the GM and the players. :)


O.o It appears we have a lurker o.O nice!

Expert 3
Sigz wrote:
O.o It appears we have a lurker o.O nice!

Yes, I will be lurking from now on - though I'm guessing my stares won't be as uncomfortable as Allerick's when he thinks something kinky is going on.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Nerd 5/Expert 1

Waiting for update...

Wandslinger wrote:
Waiting for update...

Totally my hold up folks. Been traveling like a fiend lately, including up to the Arctic Circle. Can you say internet challenged up there? Umm, yeah. Will get back on track with updates by Monday.

Thanks folks!

Kalderaan wrote:
Wandslinger wrote:
Waiting for update...

Totally my hold up folks. Been traveling like a fiend lately, including up to the Arctic Circle. Can you say internet challenged up there? Umm, yeah. Will get back on track with updates by Monday.

Thanks folks!

Arctic Circle? Awesome! Via which nation? For recreation or work?

markofbane wrote:
Kalderaan wrote:
Wandslinger wrote:
Waiting for update...

Totally my hold up folks. Been traveling like a fiend lately, including up to the Arctic Circle. Can you say internet challenged up there? Umm, yeah. Will get back on track with updates by Monday.

Thanks folks!

Arctic Circle? Awesome! Via which nation? For recreation or work?

I was there doing training (for work) at a mine right near the Hudson Bay. I stayed a night in Iqaluit (highest spot North I went). This is all considered a Northern Territory for Canada.

It was barren and cold but quite the experience.

Okay - back in business.

RP the feast first.

Scout Darga's palace second.

I will then be throwing challenges at you steadily in this setting.

Primary objective is to seek information on Sarlacc Project.

Allerick wrote:
Allerick smiles at the Hutt and leans in conspiratorially. "Imperials, eh? [/b]Notoriously stingy with credits, I tell you. I once worked on a contract for them. Always with the hovering over your shoulder, counting every coin, goals, goals, goals. Terrible to work for, and always 'I've altered the deal; pray I don't alter it further!' Hideous manners, too.[/b] "

OMG. I. Work. For. The. Empire.

markofbane wrote:
Allerick wrote:
Allerick smiles at the Hutt and leans in conspiratorially. "Imperials, eh? [/b]Notoriously stingy with credits, I tell you. I once worked on a contract for them. Always with the hovering over your shoulder, counting every coin, goals, goals, goals. Terrible to work for, and always 'I've altered the deal; pray I don't alter it further!' Hideous manners, too.[/b] "
OMG. I. Work. For. The. Empire.

Most of us do, my friend, most of us do. Only my employers don't have the dignity to issue me my standard white armor and incredibly inaccurate firearm...

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Nerd 5/Expert 1

This actually means I'm in training to work for the Empire. Wow.

On track to post tonight or tomorrow (most likely tomorrow).

There are several key things to resolve so I need to read up to make sure they are done in the right order. ;D

Kalderaan wrote:

On track to post tonight or tomorrow (most likely tomorrow).

There are several key things to resolve so I need to read up to make sure they are done in the right order. ;D


First - you guys are a great group of players. You take the lulls of PbP with grace and jump right back in when things get hot.

Second - I am likely going to bump a level for you as we achieve goals in this Act. Please mark up your Level 5 summary for me to view so that I can approve it ahead of time!

The only thing wrong with this game is that it is not table top. I think this is one of the best groups from GM on down I have ever played with. Having a ton of fun.

I am doing Scoundrel at level 5 and taking the talent Lucky Shot. The rest I will update later.

Dennis Harry wrote:

The only thing wrong with this game is that it is not table top. I think this is one of the best groups from GM on down I have ever played with. Having a ton of fun.

I am doing Scoundrel at level 5 and taking the talent Lucky Shot. The rest I will update later.

I know, right?

You guys had me busting a gut in almost every post yesterday. Awesome stuff!

Male Human

Woah you guys! I turn my head for just a wee bit o' time and I see a whole lot of posts waiting for me to sort through. Nice!

And I totally agree with this game and group being quite a bit of fun!

As for the 5th level...

Alistair Cray (Jedi 5th):

Base Attack: +1

Damage: No change (odd level)

Defenses: +1

Hit Points Gained: +8

Force Points: 7

Destiny Points: 5

Skills: No change (odd level)

Talent (Jedi): Block [Lightsaber Combat Talent Tree]

Alistair has a green light to go.

I'll keep you posted on when to level. Won't be long now.

Likely you will all be six level at the end of this episode.

Allerick Hosh (Scoundrel 5th):

Base Attack: no change
Damage: No change (odd level)
Defenses: +1
Hit Points Gained: +7
Force Points: 7
Destiny Points: 5
Skills: No change (odd level)
Talent: Labryinthe Mind (Scum & Villainy)

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32

Dennis Harry wrote:

The only thing wrong with this game is that it is not table top. I think this is one of the best groups from GM on down I have ever played with. Having a ton of fun.

I am doing Scoundrel at level 5 and taking the talent Lucky Shot. The rest I will update later.

Seriously. This is the most fun I've had playing a character on any PbP I've ever done. And this is a great group. I'd love to play in person.

Allerick Hosh wrote:

Allerick Hosh (Scoundrel 5th):

Base Attack: no change
Damage: No change (odd level)
Defenses: +1
Hit Points Gained: +7
Force Points: 7
Destiny Points: 5
Skills: No change (odd level)
Talent: to be chosen

Once you chose a Talent, let me know. No problem with what you have so far.

Kalderaan wrote:

Once you chose a Talent, let me know. No problem with what you have so far.

I'm going with Labrythine Mind form Scum & Villainy. Once per encounter, Allerick can choose to become immune to mind-affecting effects. I like the idea that Allerick's mind is so needlessly complex that he can throw off mind-affecting effects.

Allerick Hosh wrote:
Kalderaan wrote:

Once you chose a Talent, let me know. No problem with what you have so far.
I'm going with Labrythine Mind form Scum & Villainy. Once per encounter, Allerick can choose to become immune to mind-affecting effects. I like the idea that Allerick's mind is so needlessly complex that he can throw off mind-affecting effects.

I like it. How is it activated - standard, immediate, etc.?

Nevermind, I will dig in and read up on it.

It's a reaction and lasts until the end of my next turn.

Soldier 5
BAB +1
Defences +1
Hit Points: 6+ somthin, I forgott how droids calculate hit points as they have no con score, I'll have to look it up.
Force Points: 7
Destiny Points: 5
Talent: Indomitable

I'll have to work it out for Stone tonight when I have my book. I'm not sure what his Talent is going to be yet.

Eamch Stone, Soldier 5
BAB +1
Defenses +1
Hit Points +8
Force Points 7
Destiny Points 5
Talent TBD

Allerick Hosh wrote:
It's a reaction and lasts until the end of my next turn.

Perfect. Consider it approved then.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Nerd 5/Expert 1

Tamara Kess Jedi 5
BAB +1
Defenses +1
HP: I don't remember how we do this.
FP: 7
DP: 4
Talent: Deflect

Wandslinger wrote:

Tamara Kess Jedi 5

BAB +1
Defenses +1
HP: I don't remember how we do this.
FP: 7
DP: 4
Talent: Deflect

Average HP for Jedi is 6. Add CON to that.

It would be +7 HP for you.

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