PFRPG Core Rulebook Errata. When?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

I remember asking about this, about 3 months after the release of the book. (Errata v1.0 had already been released). I remember being told that the book was going to be reprinted again soon, and that the new errata would be released.

That was many, many months ago and still no errata. The errata thread is bulging with errata:
Wraith's Errata Thread

I know that Paizo generally likes to co-incide their errata with a revised print edition, but for the core rulebook, that will never work. Could you please just schedule errata's for the core rulebook more frequently (i.e.: every 6 months)? This has been an exceptionally long wait. In every other way, your support for your products is top-notch, but in this 1 case I feel like you have let us down.

They have said in other threads that new errata will not be released til they do a 3rd printing of the core book, which will not happen til the 2nd printing sells out. They also said they will release two separate errata pdf's, one that contains everything and updates from 1st print to 3rd and one the just has the newer errata and updates from 2nd to 3rd. So unless the core book is selling even better than they are telling us, do not expect the 3rd printing and a new errata document til late summer or early fall.

Shadow Lodge

Enevhar Aldarion wrote:
So unless the core book is selling even better than they are telling us, do not expect the 3rd printing and a new errata document til late summer or early fall.

They just announced on Facebook that the second printing has sold out and the third will be out in about two weeks.

When the errata list is finally released, how will you incorporate it into your existing rulebook? Games Workshop used to (and maybe still does) release their errata in cut-&-pastable blocks so you could glue them over the offending paragraphs/sections and thus incorporate them directly into the book. The only other method I can think of (and that I did with my bestiary) is put small stickers next to relevant passages as a reminder to check the errata document, which I printed out and trimmed to fit inside the front cover. Any other thoughts? I eagerly await the official errata document, but am willing to wait longer if it means it'll be more complete.


Liberty's Edge

Any idea on the 2nd printing of the Bestiary?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Yep as Misterslankey says, the 2nd printing is sold out and the 3rd one should be at paizo soon.

Liberty's Edge

Any word on when the 2nd printing of the Bestiary will be out?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

None that I have seen yet.

Although that's great to hear that a 3rd printing may be in the works soon (hrmm, so well timed with Gencon), I don't believe that I as a customer should wait until Paizo meets is sales quotas for me to get an update for the Core Rulebook.

This is the most important book, and I don't believe errata for this book should be tied to a new printing. Any of the Paizo products that are core products (the Core Rulebook, the Bestiary, the Advanced Player's Book, etc), should not have erratas tied to new printings. That is a horrible customer service method!

I don't think it is unrealistic to request an errata to be produced at least every 6 months for a core book?

If you absolely MUST link the erratas to new printings, could you please limit your print runs to 2000 copies. This will ensure timely updates/errata. Sure this is a silly idea, but so is having all your customers wait for such an important update!

Orcs have never had great Diplomacy skills, but I have to say, in premise, I agree with what Kor is saying.

I'm all for incorporating errata into print runs, but couldn't there at least be a .pdf of the errata (just the errata that's being officially recognized, mind, and which is scheduled for implementation during the print run) that could be maintained in-between print runs?

I get that it's a lot of extra work for someone, but it would be much, much more convenient.

Dark_Mistress wrote:
Yep as Misterslankey says, the 2nd printing is sold out and the 3rd one should be at paizo soon.

That is good. I was waiting for a second confirmation, because from my experience on some other websites, the phrase "two weeks" actually means eventually or some day. lol

Plus, I hate facebook and twitter and don't use them, so I have been waiting to see something about this posted here at paizo.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

check the core book product forum thread. Lisa made a post about it this evening. Thats how I knew about it.

From another thread posted today:

Vic Wertz wrote:
Eric Clingenpeel wrote:
Do you know when we can expect the pdf to be updated? I just bought it, and wondered. Thanks.
In a few weeks, probably shortly after we release the new errata docs and PDFs for the Core Rulebook and Bestiary.

Good to hear!

Obvious Troll Is Obvious wrote:
Orcs have never had great Diplomacy skills, but I have to say, in premise, I agree with what Kor is saying.

Hehe. My diplomacy skills are expended daily at work. When I get home, all that's left are my cranky gamer skills. However, somewhere in my rants above, I was trying to ask the Paizo staff a question. So, while there is still some semblance of diplomacy currently left in me today...

Would it possible to release errata more frequently for core rulebook products, and not released only with re-printings?

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

Although that's great to hear that a 3rd printing may be in the works soon (hrmm, so well timed with Gencon), I don't believe that I as a customer should wait until Paizo meets is sales quotas for me to get an update for the Core Rulebook.

This is the most important book, and I don't believe errata for this book should be tied to a new printing. Any of the Paizo products that are core products (the Core Rulebook, the Bestiary, the Advanced Player's Book, etc), should not have erratas tied to new printings. That is a horrible customer service method!

I don't think it is unrealistic to request an errata to be produced at least every 6 months for a core book?

If you absolely MUST link the erratas to new printings, could you please limit your print runs to 2000 copies. This will ensure timely updates/errata. Sure this is a silly idea, but so is having all your customers wait for such an important update!

It's not about meeting sales quotas. It's about Paizo not being interested in having printed book which says X and online documents that say Y.

2000 copies printings ? That's totally unrealistic, unless you want the book to cost 200 USD.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

Would it possible to release errata more frequently for core rulebook products, and not released only with re-printings?

Probably, but not until we get our products back on schedule.

The posting of the next Core Rulebook errata will come very shortly. Until May 14, the priority is getting all of our Gen Con product shipped out the door (including the Advanced Player's Guide). After that, the errata is the #1 priority, and I'm told that it is within an hour or two of being ready for posting.

But first things first. We'll get to it very soon, and then we'll discuss how to formulate a more timely and responsive errata policy.

But the boys need to get these Gen Con books out the door, so a tiny bit more patience is much appreciated.

Erik Mona wrote:
Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

Would it possible to release errata more frequently for core rulebook products, and not released only with re-printings?

Probably, but not until we get our products back on schedule.

The posting of the next Core Rulebook errata will come very shortly. Until May 14, the priority is getting all of our Gen Con product shipped out the door (including the Advanced Player's Guide). After that, the errata is the #1 priority, and I'm told that it is within an hour or two of being ready for posting.

But first things first. We'll get to it very soon, and then we'll discuss how to formulate a more timely and responsive errata policy.

But the boys need to get these Gen Con books out the door, so a tiny bit more patience is much appreciated.

Will that errata appear at the top of the downloads page like the other?

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

I assume so.

Erik Mona wrote:
I assume so.

Cool, thanks.

Erik Mona wrote:
I assume so.

So it will be posted an hour or 2 from now. I just woke up and english is like my 5th language when I just wake up.

wraithstrike wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:
I assume so.
So it will be posted an hour or 2 from now. I just woke up and english is like my 5th language when I just wake up.

No, he means there is probably another hour or two worth of work to be done before the errata document is finished. The new errata will not be available for download til after the 3rd printing of the core book is in stock in the store in a couple of weeks.

Enevhar Aldarion wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:
I assume so.
So it will be posted an hour or 2 from now. I just woke up and english is like my 5th language when I just wake up.
No, he means there is probably another hour or two worth of work to be done before the errata document is finished. The new errata will not be available for download til after the 3rd printing of the core book is in stock in the store in a couple of weeks.

Which means that no changes will be made to the Core Rulebook with regard to errata for the 3rd printing since it isn't finished yet. Pity.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Silus Gray wrote:
Enevhar Aldarion wrote:
wraithstrike wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:
I assume so.
So it will be posted an hour or 2 from now. I just woke up and english is like my 5th language when I just wake up.
No, he means there is probably another hour or two worth of work to be done before the errata document is finished. The new errata will not be available for download til after the 3rd printing of the core book is in stock in the store in a couple of weeks.
Which means that no changes will be made to the Core Rulebook with regard to errata for the 3rd printing since it isn't finished yet. Pity.

I believe all the errata that had been collected and checked up to the time of the printing of the 3rd printing is indeed in their. Keep in mind putting errata into a book is not exactly the same as making a errata PDF document of changes. They focused on the former first and the later... well later.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

All of the errata that we release in a couple of weeks will be incorporated into the third printing. There may be a few things we've caught since we sent the file to the printer a couple of months ago, but it's not much.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Enevhar Aldarion wrote:
No, he means there is probably another hour or two worth of work to be done before the errata document is finished. The new errata will not be available for download til after the 3rd printing of the core book is in stock in the store in a couple of weeks.

Yes—pretty much that. Though I'd also add that Erik only has part of the picture on the "hour or two" thing. Posting Core Rulebook errata actually has a lot of distinct parts—we have to create a PDF for 1st printing owners that covers the changes from 1st printing to 3rd printing, another PDF for owners of the 2nd printing that covers the changes from 2nd to 3rd printing, and we have to recreate the full Core Rulebook PDF in both single-file and one-file-per-chapter versions, and we have to update the online PRD to match them all. And then we have to proof them to make sure we didn't screw any of them up, and that all of the bookmarks and hyperlinks and such work properly. And most of that work isn't included in Erik's "hour or two"—most of those steps will take hours themselves.

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Right. My statement covers on the editorial portion. There are lots of moving parts that need to work in synch to get something like this up.

It's coming soon.

How soon?


The Exchange


Liberty's Edge

Estragon al'Godot wrote:


Liberty's Edge

Not sure this matters, but I was going to order a copy as a gift for a friend and amazon is sold out..... 05/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1274490325&sr=8-1

I wonder if this a sign the 3d printing is coming?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Estragon al'Godot wrote:

Yup. Still soon.


Lord Belgar wrote:

Not sure this matters, but I was going to order a copy as a gift for a friend and amazon is sold out..... 05/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1274490325&sr=8-1

I wonder if this a sign the 3d printing is coming?

3rd printing is in the warehouse already according to lisa...they're working on the PDF now not sure if that ment updated the download PDF or the eratta pdf

Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

Hehe. My diplomacy skills are expended daily at work.


I've heard rumors that Kor's diplomacy is so lost by the time he gets home that his gamer friends are forced to enter through a side garage entrance rather than through the front door... :)

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