Monkeys and other things

Rules Questions

The monkey familiar does 1d3-4 dmg. Does it simply do 1 point of nonlethal every time?

Yes. Unless its strength were boosted or its size (upping the damage die of its natural attack).

Monkeys bite. They do lethal damage.

KaeYoss wrote:
Monkeys bite. They do lethal damage.

Bad Monkey!! BAD!!! No Bite!!!

Sometimes I think monkeys are a tad overpowered.


Greg Wasson wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:
Monkeys bite. They do lethal damage.

Bad Monkey!! BAD!!! No Bite!!!

Sometimes I think monkeys are a tad overpowered.


Then you are obviously overlooking the 800-lb-gorilla in the room.

KaeYoss wrote:
Greg Wasson wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:
Monkeys bite. They do lethal damage.

Bad Monkey!! BAD!!! No Bite!!!

Sometimes I think monkeys are a tad overpowered.


Then you are obviously overlooking the 800-lb-gorilla in the room.

That would be the 800-lb APE in the room, Human!

If it is impossible to roll even a 1 - how can you do lethal damage? I guess my question really is, how do damage stats such as "1d3-4" work?

Dark Archive

Aeglos Erikson wrote:
If it is impossible to roll even a 1 - how can you do lethal damage? I guess my question really is, how do damage stats such as "1d3-4" work?

even with a negative from str, it deals damage. a toddler has about a 3-4 str. hand him a knife, it can do lethal damage. but it won't stab far into you (d4-4) or 1 point of damage. its actual damage, not just a bruise that goes away (nonlethal)

I think I am just dense.

So, if someone rolls a 1 controlling a monkey, the result is 1-4, or -3.

A roll of 2 results in 2-4, or -2.

A roll of 3 results in 3-4, or -1.

Given the Core Rulebook, "If penalties reduce the damage to a result to less than 1, a hit still deals 1 point of nonlethal damage." (179).

Thus, a monkey can never do better than -1 and so always deals 1 point of nonlethal damage, provided it hits?

But if a 20th level Druid casts Greater Magic Fang in the Monkey's bite, it would deal 1d3+1.


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