Play-by-Post Discussion

Grand Lodge

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#9 The Crocodile King: OOC

Please everyone check in with your character. If everyone is ready by Tuesday, we will begin #47, The Darkest Vengeance!

The Exchange

Olo sleeps and dreams of cracking skulls with his ax....

"he , he , he...<snore>"

Dark Archive

Female Human Rogue 1

Marianna brushes some smotes of dust from her scribe's outfit. After all, it pays to look the part. She had spent much of the few weeks she had been in Absalom in the local inkhouses, using the languages she knew as a cover to begin the long, laborious task of building an information network through the city.

She had presented herself at the Pathfinder Society Grand Lodge and they had accepted her application, and now she simply waited for her chance to prove herself to perhaps the largest group of people who spent their time discovering secrets.

Cheers for the votes of confidence, I'll do my best not to let anyone down. Looking forward to running through these Society modules with you guys! Also, is that itsgottabeodin of Myth Weavers fame?

Liberty's Edge

Tambric scratches the feathers at the nape of Shalla's neck affectionately, then fishes out a field mouse from a pouch on his belt and proffers it to the pearly white eidolon, who bites into it hungrily with her razor sharp beak.

It turns out that I've not taken GM credit for Eye of the Crocodile King yet, so I can add Tambric to the reporting sheet, similarly, you'll be able to get credit for this adventure with Caelwyn if you wanted.

Grand Lodge

I thought you only got 1/3 of a credit for running a scenario, and you've got to run it three times to get the full credit(Which IMHO is lame). I hope I'm wrong.

P.S. You're all going to Ustalav, up north, specifically Karcau. Prepare for a long journey(OOC... IC you'll have just arrived)!

Sovereign Court

Male Human (Chelish) 1st Level Sorcerer

Levistus interrupts his busy schedule of social events and and dinner parties for this brief distraction. ::sigh:: one must keep up appearances for the Pathfinder guild and it makes good table conversation....leaving out small details such as crawling through sewers of course.

Liberty's Edge

Back in the old Guide you got partial credit full stop, with no way of getting the full amount, as of version 2.2 though, GM credit is for the full amount, even if you've already played the scenario (which I was surprised by, but Josh said that's how it works).

Dark Archive

Female Human Rogue 1

"Ugh, Ustalav, really?" Marianna rolls her eyes at the mention of the Principality. Information brokerage would have to wait for a while.

Grand Lodge

Tambric wrote:
... as of version 2.2 though, GM credit is for the full amount, even if you've already played the scenario (which I was surprised by, but Josh said that's how it works).

Woohoo! Awesome news.

Alright, everyone but Thovar has checked in, so we'll get this started soon. I'll DMPC Thovar until he recovers.

Expect the first post Tuesday.
(My Tuesday(EST), for you people halfway across the globe.)

Grand Lodge

Let The Darkest Vengeance Begin!

The first post is up!

EDIT: Just have to say: Caelwyn's going to be pissed that he missed this!

Sovereign Court

An opera, my high level character would have enjoyed this one.

Grand Lodge

Lev, you still about?

I meant to say that while the pathfinders on the previous adventure would have recognized each other and socialized on the boat, there were other passengers besides pathfinders on the ship, and it wouldn't have been obvious that Marianna and Tambric were pathfinders unless they let it be known(or until just a moment ago, as you all waited for the same contact(the usher)).

Expect a 'moving the plot along' post from me by the end of the day.

Sovereign Court

Male Human (Chelish) 1st Level Sorcerer
Itsgottabeodin wrote:

Lev, you still about?

I meant to say that while the pathfinders on the previous adventure would have recognized each other and socialized on the boat, there were other passengers besides pathfinders on the ship, and it wouldn't have been obvious that Marianna and Tambric were pathfinders unless they let it be known(or until just a moment ago, as you all waited for the same contact(the usher)).

Expect a 'moving the plot along' post from me by the end of the day.

I am! Life just got crazy busy and I forgot to check this thread, sorry.

Grand Lodge

No worries. Just checking to see if you're still in the game. (I'm a nervous DM) :p

Anyone who has the skill can give me a knowledge(local) check about Skeldon Miregold.

Grand Lodge

Yes, its the Flying dutchman. I thought about Der Vampyr, but it was all romance and no action. I'm no playwright to come up with my own Opera on command. :p

Olo, you sound like me, when my wife dragged me to this one. :p
I am not a man of the fine arts ;)

Grand Lodge

Olomorn Rubyax wrote:
Grrr...but I totally agree with your logic. My "secret phrase" bluff sucked ...:)

It was a good bluff Olo, but the head guy got wind of it with a great sense motive roll(Read: Nat 20). Plus, if you kill him that quick, I wouldn't get to try and kill you! ;)

I've been rolling a ton of bluff checks and all of your opposed sense motive rolls(Off-site so as to not give anything away), but they've been rolling really well, while you guys have been rolling terrible! Its just now that he has finally slipped up.

Well that was a fun little Charade(for me). What gave it away Olo? Just the torches?

Liberty's Edge

It's because you mentioned owlbears, they're very unlucky you know!

Grand Lodge

FYI guys, I'm going to be on vacation 5/27-6/1.

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