Tommy Butcher |

Seeing Shane fall Tommy charges one of the thugs standing over him. "It's not fair". "He didn't want to be here anyway".
(8-dice, +3 for will power point, -2 for defense = 9 dice)
Fireaxe attack (1d10=5, 1d10=9, 1d10=2, 1d10=6, 1d10=6, 1d10=1, 1d10=7, 1d10=5, 1d10=2)
(1) success ;(.

Tommy Butcher |

I'd forgotten about Greybeard. Any chance he gets involved? per the book he should have a 9L bite attack, and it looks like we could use him
Also, since the game pace has picked up might want to either try to bring back some of the old players, or recruit a couple of new ones. I think 3-5 players is fine for this type of game

Tommy Butcher |

Sigh, I had forgotten him as well. Yeah bring him in. Yeah I had thought of that, gonna let this day ride out and look to finding more players. I am gonna try to keep this pace, so we'll see
I think the game, world and system are really good for PbP we've just got to find the right players. If they're expecting a heavy combat game they will probably be disappointed, as combat is pretty deadly in Wod. I think the pace we're moving at now is good, and we can make this a good game. don't let it's slow start discourage you ;)

Pseudo NPC |

Greybeard who had been carefully investigating the dumpsters out back, came running around the building, and saw his temporary master yelling and fighting some men. His old Police dog training kicked in and he high tailed for the scrum.
Thugs get perception roll to apply defense against surprise
He launches himself at the thug fighting Tommy jumping over Shanes prone form.
Exploding die (1d10=6, 1d10=1, 1d10=6)
(6 successes...If he makes his perception the last two die don't count so 5 successes)

Keeper of Forbidden Lore |

Going for bryan again, sorry got slammed last night so didn't update
Bryan runs forward swinging the handle at "Duck" but the man dodges out of the way. The Ball caped man standing over Shane, swings his pipe at Bryan, but Bryan manages to get the handle up in time to stop the blow.
Tommy runs forward swinging the axe at "Duck" the man jumps back but still the swing cuts though his coat and brings blood. "Duck then lases out with his bat, smashing into Tommys shoulder 3 hits and Tommy goes down
Greybeard leaps to tommys aid, teeth wide, bearing duck to the ground with them ripping at is throat
As Bryan is the only one left up, I am just gonna NPC it.
The Man in the ball cap takes another swing at Bryan but hits only air as Brayn hammers the handle into him, sending him to the ground.
Ok fights over and heres the deal. 2 of those men are still alive, Shane is hurt bad, 1 bruise and 6 points of lethal. He'll wake up in 15 min, but it'll be 6 days before he is back to normal. Tommy has 7 bruise, and be 15 min to wake up and hour and a half before hes back to normal. Actions?

Tommy Butcher |

When Tommy awakens
"Come on Bryan". "Help me get Shane up in the wagon". "Doc can help with these wounds". "They look pretty bad".'
Tommy will load up everything they have found so far, Shane, and his stuff, and quickly begin to make the way back towards the farm.
Field Medicine (1d10=9, 1d10=4, 1d10=9, 1d10=9)Tommy tries to treat the worst of Shane's wounds as Bryan gathers more stuff, and Greybeard patrols the grounds. (If Holistic Medicine Advantage helps he'll use it to double healing rate)

Keeper of Forbidden Lore |

Bryan and Tommy load Shane up into the wagon, along with his bike, as the rain beats down upon the bloodstained blacktop you start back toward the farm, you can see a few people looking but no one nears the wagon.
Your not long outside of the town when Shane awakens, he is sore and badly beaten, To much more and your not sure he would have gotten back up. Once back at the farm Sara and tommy Rush Shane into the house, leaving the others to unload
Where did Holistic Medicine come from need to look it up. And whats the plan with the next few days, Shane even with the best of both Tommy and sara is down at lest 3 days. We do not have to play those days out, I just need to know what your planning for em.

Keeper of Forbidden Lore |

There is a few things y'all can do. Some of the neighbors will stop by of coarse, you still need fire wood and the old well needs some work to get running but doable, You can also help take care of the animals, much harder with no machines. Shane you can leave at any time but it will take 3-5 days for your to heal, before your fully healed you can be killed easier as your more easy to injure. Anyhow up to you guys what ya do

Tommy Butcher |

Bryan and Tommy load Shane up into the wagon, along with his bike, as the rain beats down upon the bloodstained blacktop you start back toward the farm, you can see a few people looking but no one nears the wagon.
Your not long outside of the town when Shane awakens, he is sore and badly beaten, To much more and your not sure he would have gotten back up. Once back at the farm Sara and tommy Rush Shane into the house, leaving the others to unload
Where did Holistic Medicine come from need to look it up. And whats the plan with the next few days, Shane even with the best of both Tommy and sara is down at lest 3 days. We do not have to play those days out, I just need to know what your planning for em.
It's an Edge in the main rulebook. Were we able to fill up the wagon with anything before leaving.

Tommy Butcher |

There is a few things y'all can do. Some of the neighbors will stop by of coarse, you still need fire wood and the old well needs some work to get running but doable, You can also help take care of the animals, much harder with no machines. Shane you can leave at any time but it will take 3-5 days for your to heal, before your fully healed you can be killed easier as your more easy to injure. Anyhow up to you guys what ya do
Well we still need to go get Grandpa, otherwise I'd suggest we stay around here and prepare the farm...Well...Firewood...etc. It's probably not a bad idea to start contacting the other local farms as well. When the looters run out of stuff in town they will get desperate and hungry, and we need to be able to defend ourselves. I'd also like to try to trade something for a cow...The baby will need milk when the formula runs out. Could you list what if anything we got in the wagon before Shane went down.

Keeper of Forbidden Lore |

Sorry guys my weekend is somewhat busy at times so I did not get to post some times on the weekends. You guys had almost done loading when ya was attacked, cases of can goods, baby supplies and the like, you made a solid haul as many people had not started looting on that scale yet. You have enough can goods to do you some time as well as odds and ends of other things and the baby formula should last long enough, if not milk will work. If you wish to get to gandpa ya can do that without two much trouble as ya move fast and avoid the town to much. I'll update this tonight with some NPC interaction and the like. Just let me know what ya plan is all.

Keeper of Forbidden Lore |

It's been two days since the trip to town, two days of Shane being laid up and Bryan and Tommy helping to get things moving at the farm. The rain has stayed steady allowing you to collect water at lest and the tempters have not climbed above 50
Tommy and Bryan took the horses out yesterday and skirted the town to McCoy's place. They had a run in with a few folks but no fights, people are getting desperate with out power for five days. They saw smoke from some of the town and at lest one group patrolling a few streets they decided to Avoid.
McCoy seems fine, if a bit worried, he still had a few squatters and said he had saw some folks on the highway and spoken to a few folks. Looks like at lest some folks got things together he told you a bunch of guys on horses searched though the cars and looked like the hit a few houses. But with Nine people in his house they left him be once he did not give into their demands of food, He is not sure if they are gonna stay gone or not.But the old man is adamant about not leaving
Tommy you can make a persuasion roll here to try and talk him into it
Back on the Farm, Sara makes Shane as comfortable as she can. Anything ya want to add feel free to do so, as I am not sure who you would want to interact here

Tommy Butcher |

Persuasion + Oratory (1d10=10, 1d10=6)
Persuasion + Oratory Exploding (1d10=6)
Tommy normally has trouble expressing himself, but he does make a couple of good points.
"Pops, we could really use your expertise around the farm with the power off and all". "I know you've got more experience than all of us put together".
Once the group is together, hopefully McCoy as well, he will bring the group together for a speech. He will meet with McCoy first(If he comes along) and have him do the speaking as the senior member of the family, but basically wants to discuss their future plans both long term, and short term. It's time to plan for the possibility that things might be like this for a while, and we need to plan what to do.

Keeper of Forbidden Lore |

Tommy tries but the old man is having none of it "I can't just leave these people here and from what I have seen trying to just walk though town is not the best of Ideas, maybe come back with the wagon or some horses and we can take what we can carry but I'll not leave these folks to fend for themselves here
And after that he would not leave, leaving Tommy to make his way back toward the farm, slowly and carefully working though streets and avoiding group which seem to be claiming parts of the town as the cold rain soaked him to the bone.
He is tied when he gets back to the farm, and Sara, Glenda and Shelia have managed to fix some food. Mostly can good, corn, green beans but they had fired some potato cakes so it was a filling meal if nothing else.
After Tommy gets the horse taken care of and makes his way inside he can already see most are around the table in the kitchen, its slightly chilly in the room and a big old style lantern lights the room.
Glenda hugs Tommy and says he needs to get out of those wet things 'Dad wouldn't come would he?" Sara says as she stands in the door way. John waves her off "Let the man get changed and get something hot in him before we get into that"
After he is changed and they say grace and start to eat John looks at Tommy "So how bad is it out there?"

Shane A. MacIntyre |

Shane A. MacIntyre wrote:Keeper of Forbidden Lore wrote:Shane isn't a very good patient. As he hasn't had much experience with it before. Since not once in his 22 years before been admitted to a hospital. Since he had been home birthed by Mid Wives. The worse aliments he had every had were the flu, measles, chicken pox and a sprained ankle when he was playing on the basketball team in high school. Being layed up didn't much agree with his demeanor. He worried about what was happening with Suzanna, up in Campton. He is thankful to those who have attended him. An tries to be patient with being a patient. But it still rancored him that he had agreed, against his better judgement, to go along with taking the Haywagon to town etc. Which had put him in the situation in he was now in, in the first place.
Back on the Farm, Sara makes Shane as comfortable as she can. Anything ya want to add feel free to do so, as I am not sure who you would want to interact here

Shane A. MacIntyre |

John said "You really think going it alone is wise?"[/b]
Shane answered him saying. "Yes, I think would be wise. There's a 100 perchent chance that someone else is going to screw things up for starters. With me having to pay the price. I could of easily evaded that Mob of Thugs we came up against in town, with just riding in the opposite direction on my Mt. Bike. If I hadn't tried to defend the Haywagon. I wouldn't be in the shape I'm in. Once I get back up to where my rig is hidden in the woods, near your Father-in-laws place. I will beable to get my hands on my equipment. So I'll beable to asure something like this won't be happening to me anytime soon. You can bet on that".

Tommy Butcher |

Keeper of Forbidden Lore wrote:John said "You really think going it alone is wise?"[/b]Shane answered him saying. "Yes, I think would be wise. There's a 100 perchent chance that someone else is going to screw things up for starters. With me having to pay the price. I could of easily evaded that Mob of Thugs we came up against in town, with just riding in the opposite direction on my Mt. Bike. If I hadn't tried to defend the Haywagon. I wouldn't be in the shape I'm in. Once I get back up to where my rig is hidden in the woods, near your Father-in-laws place. I will beable to get my hands on my equipment. So I'll beable to asure something like this won't be happening to me anytime soon. You can bet on that".
Overhearing Shane's answer Tommy responds heatedly. "Of course your right a#$hole". "You should have been able to run away". "From the looks of your fighting skill, that is your best course of action". "But remember this...had we not taken the haywagon into town, that baby sleeping over there wouldn't have all those diapers, and all that formula". "We wouldn't have those cases of bottled water, or those boxes of canned goods". "All those tools...somebody else would have those".
"Do you think we could sneak into town fifty times and carry all that stuff away"? "All those stores would be completely looted before we made two trips". "Taking the wagon into town was a risk, but if we hadn't taken it we would have no supplies". "So quit thinking about your own little self contained world, and think about somebody else for a while". "Isn't that why you joined the military in the first place...to help others".
"And now you're being selfish about this trip". "What if something happens to you". "Your girl would have no idea, and if she decides she wants to come down here to safety she'll never know because your're too hard headed to see the facts". "Well OK go off on your own, but do your girl a favor, and leave her name and address here, so if we find your corpse spread out somewhere, some of us can at least get word to her".
And with a final curse under his breath Tommy whirls and leaves the room.

Shane A. MacIntyre |

Shane just slowly shakes his head and quotes Shakespeare's Hamlet, "Me thinks the lady doth protest too much"! In response to Tommy's heated defense of his decisions and actions "I'm sorry, but babies have been getting along just fine in this world, long before Similac and Pampers came upon the scene". Pointing to the baby supplies on the counter. "I myself was breast feed and had cloth diapers, just like all my brothers. An I turned out just fine".
"And this one would of survived just fine with cow or goat milk until you could of found a wet nurse for 'em. An far as cloth diapers go, with all the old clothes that the average american family has in their closets. I'm sure you could of found something to use. Perhaps some of Glenda's old high school homecoming and prom dresses. She looks like the type of young lady who would have plenty of those in her closet. They would make fine diapers. It's not like she's going to
be using them again".
"As far as water goes, you have a well here. I'm sure most of these old farms around here have old manuel pumps somewhere with all the other so called junk, stored in their outbuildings. All it would take is a few hand tools an a little elbow grease and some common sense to switch out a electric pump for the manuel one".
"No offense, but after hearing Tommy talk, I can tell common sense isn't so common around here".
"I thank you for your hospitality and fixing me up. But as soon as I'm mended up and able to travel, I'll be hitting the road. There are to many Chiefs and not enough indians around here for my taste. Which wouldn't be so bad, except some of those who have made themselves Chiefs are pretty much wet behind the ears and have been smoking the Peace Pipe a few times to many"!

Tommy Butcher |

Shane just slowly shakes his head and quotes Shakespeare's Hamlet, "Me thinks the lady doth protest too much"! In response to Tommy's heated defense of his decisions and actions "I'm sorry, but babies have been getting along just fine in this world, long before Similac and Pampers came upon the scene". Pointing to the baby supplies on the counter. "I myself was breast feed and had cloth diapers, just like all my brothers. An I turned out just fine".
"And this one would of survived just fine with cow or goat milk until you could of found a wet nurse for 'em. An far as cloth diapers go, with all the old clothes that the average american family has in their closets. I'm sure you could of found something to use. Perhaps some of Glenda's old high school homecoming and prom dresses. She looks like the type of young lady who would have plenty of those in her closet. They would make fine diapers. It's not like she's going to
be using them again".
"As far as water goes, you have a well here. I'm sure most of these old farms around here have old manuel pumps somewhere with all the other so called junk, stored in their outbuildings. All it would take is a few hand tools an a little elbow grease and some common sense to switch out a electric pump for the manuel one".
"No offense, but after hearing Tommy talk, I can tell common sense isn't so common around here".
"I thank you for your hospitality and fixing me up. But as soon as I'm mended up and able to travel, I'll be hitting the road. There are to many Chiefs and not enough indians around here for my taste. Which wouldn't be so bad, except some of those who have made themselves Chiefs are pretty much wet behind the ears and have been smoking the Peace Pipe a few times to many"!
You're doing a great job playing Shane. I'm finding myself wanting to go beat some sense into his head myself ;-)

Shane A. MacIntyre |

You're doing a great job playing Shane. I'm finding myself wanting to go beat some sense into his head myself ;-)
OOC: Here are Shane's Virtue: Justice and Vice: Pride. You can't say what he says, isn't true. Even though he isn't so diplomatic at saying it. He's a straight shooter. Calls 'em like he sees 'em! Oh!... I just went to Tommy's Profile for the first time to see if he had any Virtues and Vices listed. But didn't find any. An saw the "Half Blood American Indian" info. there. I hadn't realized that before in or out of game. Any how, the Chiefs and Indians thing was just a figure of speech. An we all know what is the #1 Bumper crop grow in the backwoods of Kentucky, right!
27 is a little old to be chasing after that young college tail. I wonder how Sara and John feel about the hired help pursuing and catching their little Princess.;-)Good Gaming,

Tommy Butcher |

Tommy Butcher wrote:
You're doing a great job playing Shane. I'm finding myself wanting to go beat some sense into his head myself ;-)OOC: Here are Shane's Virtue: Justice and Vice: Pride. You can't say what he says, isn't true. Even though he isn't so diplomatic at saying it. He's a straight shooter. Calls 'em like he sees 'em! Oh!... I just went to Tommy's Profile for the first time to see if he had any Virtues and Vices listed. But didn't find any. An saw the "Half Blood American Indian" info. there. I hadn't realized that before in or out of game. Any how, the Chiefs and Indians thing was just a figure of speech. An we all know what is the #1 Bumper crop grow in the backwoods of Kentucky, right!
27 is a little old to be chasing after that young college tail. I wonder how Sara and John feel about the hired help pursuing and catching their little Princess.;-)Good Gaming,
They're on there in the profile...Hope and Lust. And for the record, no I don't believe you're right. It's a matter of opinion and there is no right or wrong...however I must say that one of the goals of any role playing game is to get a 'group' of players to play together and learn as a team to accomplish things, and quite frankly you've done nothing but try to do things on your own, instead of trying to work with the party. The trip to get your girlfriend is a great role playing opportunity, and good for the DM to run, so I can't understand why you're fighting it so hard...but if you're determined to go it on your own I'm tired of trying to work with you...which means the game will probably die, because we're the only frequent posters. Too bad.

Tommy Butcher |

Shane just slowly shakes his head and quotes Shakespeare's Hamlet, "Me thinks the lady doth protest too much"! In response to Tommy's heated defense of his decisions and actions "I'm sorry, but babies have been getting along just fine in this world, long before Similac and Pampers came upon the scene". Pointing to the baby supplies on the counter. "I myself was breast feed and had cloth diapers, just like all my brothers. An I turned out just fine".
"And this one would of survived just fine with cow or goat milk until you could of found a wet nurse for 'em. An far as cloth diapers go, with all the old clothes that the average american family has in their closets. I'm sure you could of found something to use. Perhaps some of Glenda's old high school homecoming and prom dresses. She looks like the type of young lady who would have plenty of those in her closet. They would make fine diapers. It's not like she's going to
be using them again".
"As far as water goes, you have a well here. I'm sure most of these old farms around here have old manuel pumps somewhere with all the other so called junk, stored in their outbuildings. All it would take is a few hand tools an a little elbow grease and some common sense to switch out a electric pump for the manuel one".
"No offense, but after hearing Tommy talk, I can tell common sense isn't so common around here".
"I thank you for your hospitality and fixing me up. But as soon as I'm mended up and able to travel, I'll be hitting the road. There are to many Chiefs and not enough indians around here for my taste. Which wouldn't be so bad, except some of those who have made themselves Chiefs are pretty much wet behind the ears and have been smoking the Peace Pipe a few times to many"!
"Ok Knucklhead...First of all the babies mother is dead, so there goes that part of the feeding. Second of all I don't know if you've looked closely at our cows or goats, but they're horses, and none of them are foaling...we don't have cows or goats...this is a horse farm, so unless you're lactating we're kind of out of luck there".
"Second of all, we don't know when we'll be able to buy clothes again, so using cloth for diapers doesn't make sense until we have to".
"Third, if you can figure out how to pull the water from 160' underground through a 3" pipe...then please do so. We don't have a manual pump, and haven't for 50 years".
"It's pretty obvious that you've got a superiority complex, and don't think you need anybody else to survive, so I'll smoke the peace pipe extra hard, and pray to the spirits of my ancestor that you heal quickly, so you can get the hell out of here". "Then you can be your own chief, and Indian, because nobody else will put up with your BS.
"Forth, and Tommy steps very close for this one". "Question my feelings, motivations, or anything about my relationship with Glenda, and you won't have to worry about being ambushed and killed while travelling".

Keeper of Forbidden Lore |

They're on there in the profile...Hope and Lust. And for the record, no I don't believe you're right. It's a matter of opinion and there is no right or wrong...however I must say that one of the goals of any role playing game is to get a 'group' of players to play together and learn as a team to accomplish things, and quite frankly you've done nothing but try to do things on your own, instead of trying to work with the party. The trip to get your girlfriend is a great role playing opportunity, and good for the DM to run, so I can't understand why you're fighting it so hard...but if you're determined to go it on your own I'm tired of trying to work with you...which means the game will probably die, because we're the only frequent posters. Too bad.
I am gonna have to agree with this, I am a bit at a loss here. We have two players, but yall are active so I have no issues keeping going with two players, however I also feel that Scanford is correct and you have tried very hard to go off on your own and break away from the rest of the group{regardless of group size], and I wont stop you, however I really have no interest in running two pbp's with one player each.
So I thank you guys for taking part in my experiment and sticking around this long, But I think this game is done. Nice gaming with y'all