Full Name |
Shane A. MacIntyre |
Race |
Human |
Gender |
Male |
Size |
6'3" 200lbs Hair Color: Reddish brown, Eye Color: Blue, |
Age |
22 |
Alignment |
Lawful Good |
Deity |
Cernunos & Brigid |
Location |
North of Jackson Kentucky |
Languages |
English, some Spanish |
Occupation |
Maritine Enforcement Weapon Specialist 2nd Class, in the U.S. Coast Guard. |
About Shane A. MacIntyre
Name: Shane Alexander MacIntyre
Concept: Military/SCA man
Virtue: Justice
Vice: Pride
Morality: 7
Health: 7
Willpower: 4
Size: 5
Speed: 11
Initiative: 5
Defense: 3
Armor: 0
Attributes (5/4/3)
Mental (4)
Intelligence: 2
Wits: 3
Resolve: 2
Physical (5)
Strength: 3
Dexterity: 3
Stamina: 2
Social (3)
Presence: 3
Manipulation: 1
Composure: 2
Skills (11/7/4)
Mental (7)
Physical (11)
Physical (-1 Unskilled)11
Social (4)
Merits (7)
resources: (3)
Fighting Style: Archery (2)
- Draw & Loose
- Rapid Nock
Fighting style: Sword and shield (2)
-Cloak and dagger
-Shield bash
Notes on merits:
Fighting Style: Archery (• to ••••)
Prerequisites: Strength ••, Dexterity ••, Athletics ••
Effect: Your character has devoted years of practice to the bow. She may be a competitive archer, a low-tech hunter or a medieval history enthusiast. Dots purchased in this Merit allow access to special combat maneuvers. Each maneuver is a prerequisite for the next. So, your character can’t have “Rapid Nock” until she has “Draw and Loose.” The maneuvers and their effects are described below. All of the following maneuvers work only with bows.
Draw and Loose (•): Your character’s arm muscles are well-toned for the demanding task of repeatedly drawing a heavy bow. She gains +1 Strength for the purposes of a bow’s minimum Strength, Damage and Range.
Rapid Nock (••): Your character can maintain a withering rate of fire. Once per turn, she may “reload” a bow as a reflexive action.
Fighting Style: Sword and Shield
(Shields; • to •••••)
Prerequisites: Strength •••, Dexterity ••, Stamina ••,
Weaponry ••
Effect: Your character has trained extensively with a weapon in her primary hand and a shield in her off-hand. She has learned to utilize the shield’s strengths, redirecting it towards incoming threats while overcoming some of the clumsiness involved in making attacks from behind a
shield’s protective cover. Dots purchased in this Merit provide access to special combat maneuvers. Each maneuver is a prerequisite for the next. Sword and Shield maneuvers are based on the Weaponry Skill and function only when a character possesses a shield.
Cloak and Dagger (•): Your character’s extensive training with shields allows her to utilize improvised shields more effectively. This maneuver is named for the practice of using one’s cloak to buffet incoming attacks away. A character with this maneuver doubles the effective Structure of an improvised shield (usually an improvised shield can only deflect a number of attacks
equal to its structure before being destroyed) and suffers a –2 penalty to attack rather than the standard –3. This penalty can be further decreased by the maneuver The Shielded Strike below, but improvised shields cannot be used to perform the Shield Bash, Shield Charge, or Stand Strong maneuvers.
Shield Bash (••): Your character has learned how to use the shield defensively and offensively.
Attempts to strike another combatant with the character’s shield still suffer a –1 penalty, but gain a Weapon bonus equal to the shield’s Defense rating. Damage remains bashing. Drawback: A character using a shield to knock an enemy back is not using it for defense. A character does not benefit from a shield’s Defense rating on a turn in which she uses this maneuver. If she has already used the full Defense rating against an incoming attack during the turn, she may not use the maneuver.
Shane MacIntyre was born in 1975 An grew up in the forested foothills and valleys Alleganey National Forest in the Kinzua Heights area, right on the Alleganey Reservoir. He was the middle son, of seven boys. He and his family lived about a dozen miles out of town on 10 acres or so of wooded land. His father was a masonry contractor, and like his older brothers before him. From the age of 13, he worked for his old man each summer and some saturdays during the school year. With the money he earned he had to buy all of his own school clothes and anything else that he need beside room and board.
With the construction business sometimes having it's lean years. An do to the fact seven growing boys can put away alot of food. Growing up Shane had learned how to hunt with both bow and rifle and also how to fish, As well as plant and take care of a vegtable garden and how to can and perserve what was has harvested. An also how to tend to Steers, pigs, chickens and some hutch rabbits. Which meant with even seven boys there were plenty of chores to go around. Also concidering that that they heated there home with a pair of woodstoves and a fireplace. Which meant there was always plenty of wood that need split. Those saturdays that they weren't working or hunting. They were most likely up on the old logging roads cutting wood, then hauling it home in the pick-up, split and stacking it to let it dry a good half year or so. For use that next winter.
Shane and his brothers would one year or another all attend Warren High School. There he was fairly popular, Went to the dances and Proms and had a steady girlfriend. Played the Linebacker position on the Football team and small forward on Basketball teams. He almost had a football scholership to Pitt . But the coach that recruited him was fired. An the incoming Coach didn't want to honor the scholership. so instead he played one season at near by Jamestown College. But dropped out and joined the U.S. Coast Guard. Went to USCG Training Center, Cape May, New Jersey. After recruit and then his specialty training. His first duty station was USCGC Mackinaw (WLBB 30) out of Cleveland Ohio.
For one reason or another Shane had always been interested in history, especially that of pre-gunpowered Europe and the British Isles. As well as, Fantasy. He got the Lord of the Rings Trilogy when he was 10. From his 2nd oldest brother, Jack, who had just read it, At the time he really couldn't get passed the first few chapters. So he kept to his usual Tarzan and Conan books and Comics. But when when 12. he saw the animated presentation of "The Hobbit", on TV. He then read the book "The Hobbit" and from there the whole Trilogy. An started playing Dungeons & Dragons with a weekly group of friends. By the time he was 15 he had read every Edgar Rice Burroughs and Robert E. Howard that there was to be had. When he was 17, he got introduced to the Medieval Recreationist Group called the Society for Creative Anachronism, or the SCA. By one of his D&D buddies, who's friend family, had just joined the local chapter, The Shire of Hornwood of the Kingdom of AEthelmearc. He began to shoot Archery, which he was already good at, As well as begun to train as a Heavy Fighting. He chose as his historical based persona was that of Cormac Wulfnorsen, a bold warrior, fellow Varangian and Shield Brother of the famous Norse King, Harald Hardrada, In Cormac's veins ran the of the Irish, Brian Boru. An the Norse, Ospak. of the Isle of Mann. His Grandfathers, both.When he got on board the Mackinaw, he joined back up with the local chapter of the SCA, Which there was The Barony of the Cleftlands of the Middle Kingdom. Again shooting Archery and fighting Heavy. As well as being known as Cormac Wulfnorsen once again.
Shane had just reenlisted for another four years and had been transfered to his new duty assignment on the USCGCMonhegan (WPB 1305), out of Key West Florida. An on the afternoon of 17 March 1998, was driving his Chevy Pick-up, pulling a U-Haul trailer. That between them held all his earthly belongings. He was heading east on Hwy 15, through the western foothills of the Appalachian mountains. Trying to navigate the tangle of backroads that would get him on Hwy 81 south. He had been staying with a SCA Lady friend of his that lived in Campton, for the last four days before he had . It had been hell to leave her. But if he wanted to report on time to his new duty station. He had to go, he'd be cutting it close as it was.