Geek Poll: Drizzt v. Vader

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houstonderek wrote:
It is also worth noting that the man who invented Drizzt killed Chewbacca. If he can kill a beloved character and allow a joke to live, imagine what his word processor would do to Lord Vader...

Were you one of the guys yelling "Wookiee killer?" when he appeared at Gencon?

Vader hands down. I doubt it would be much of a fight, although I'm sure Vader's the slower man.

Well, it all depends on how you interpret SR. I like the 3.5 not-quite equivalency. Force effects are close enough to psionic effects so I'd use the optional rule in the 3.5 psionic handbook that states that SR would equate to power resistance, though 10 points less. So Drizzt might have a chance to avoid the force choke... That makes the battle more interesting anyway, imho. So no auto kill for Vader.

So, Vader could throw some heavy stuff at Drizzt, which he could probably avoid, and then it would come down to lightsaber vs. Scimitars...

I think Drizzt takes this actually. Vader's good, but Drizzt is a hell of a lot faster and more agile. Vader can swing his lightsaber pretty well, but isn't nearly as mobile. I'm surprised to find myself giving the fight to Drizzt, but there it is.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Robert Carter 58 wrote:

lightsaber vs. Scimitars...

I think Drizzt takes this actually. Vader's good, but Drizzt is a hell of a lot faster and more agile. Vader can swing his lightsaber pretty well, but isn't nearly as mobile. I'm surprised to find myself giving the fight to Drizzt, but there it is.

A 2hander Power Attacking vs. a dual weapon ranger? I think the DPR Olympics thread has beat this one to death. Vader still wins.

Dark Archive

Drizzt wins this one for a number of reasons.

First, he is the good guy. Even if he gets killed, WotC has too many books behind him to let him die permanently.

Second, he's faster. If you look at the original series, I'm seeing Vader as getting one, maybe two attacks per round. Drizzt's gauntlets give him half a dozen or so.

Third, Drizzt has friends. Vader is, quite clearly, replaceable and not particularly amicable so no one of note would come to his aid in the obligatory boss-fight/final showdown.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Well, they both have d20 stat blocks. I'm throwing down the gauntlet for a blow-by-blow. Who's going to take it up?

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
houstonderek wrote:
Xabulba wrote:
Drizzt's theme song

Drizzt doesn't deserve Radiohead. Couldn't you find an appropriate Backstreet Boys tune?

And Ep. 4/5/6 Vader wins hands down. Drizzt chokes on a bantha's sexual organs and dies, Vader doesn't even need to look up from his resupply reports (Hey, he's in the Empire, I'm sure he has to file paperwork, it's a bureaucracy, after all!).

As far as this person named Anakin you speak of, all I know about him is something Old Ben said about him in passing. I t would be interesting if we ever got to hear about him as a child or a young man. It's a shame that'll probably never happen...


Liberty's Edge

Prince That Howls wrote:
That's not fair, Batman can beat anyone. Ever.

Not Tim Tebow.

Liberty's Edge

I say we let Michael Bay decide... with explosive results!

Sovereign Court

Mikaze wrote:
Can we have Aayla Secura vs Red Sonja now?

See, this is a much more interesting 'fight'. Just as long as Shaak Ti gets to referee it.

houstonderek wrote:
Prince That Howls wrote:
Going to have to go with Drizzt on this one. Not because I like him, or that I think he's actually more powerful, but because Drizzt has plot armor. Nothing trumps plot armor. If the author has it in his mind that his character can't be beat, well then he can't. Vader already has quite the track record for getting his ass kicked, firstly by his old teacher, and secondly by his son who beat him with the jedi equivalent of Tai Chi (see: old man kung fu).
It is also worth noting that the man who invented Drizzt killed Chewbacca. If he can kill a beloved character and allow a joke to live, imagine what his word processor would do to Lord Vader...

Vader authors choke Drizzt's author to death, removing Drizzt's plot armor - 'cause Vader has a lot more authors working for him that Drizzt does.

THEN Vader force chokes the sorry gob into toe jam. No one survived Vader's force choke, no one. Once it latched on, you had to break his concentration...

Liberty's Edge

Turin the Mad wrote:

No one survived Vader's force choke, no one. Once it latched on, you had to break his concentration...

Well, there was the one snarky officer in the meeting room in Episode IV. Of course, that was only because Tarkin told Vader to back off.

(rolls through)

Turin the Mad wrote:

Vader authors choke Drizzt's author to death, removing Drizzt's plot armor - 'cause Vader has a lot more authors working for him that Drizzt does.

THEN Vader force chokes the sorry gob into toe jam. No one survived Vader's force choke, no one. Once it latched on, you had to break his concentration...

No one? Vader killed all of like three people with his force choke two being his own people, and the third being his wife who died of a force choke and being really sad.

And please, if all of the Star Wars authors couldn't save Chewie (a much more beloved character) from Salvatore there's no way they'd be able to do crap about Vader.

Again, I don't really like Drizzt, I just think Vader is a punk. Now Malak, there was a dark lord.

I'd like to propose we send Drizzt to kill Lucas and Vader to kill Salvatore. I think this would solve most problems in both franchises.

Zombie Pizza Delivery Girl wrote:
I'd like to propose we send Drizzt to kill Lucas and Vader to kill Salvatore. I think this would solve most problems in both franchises.

I second this.

But what I think would be a much more interesting battle, provided magic weapons aren't melted by lightsabers, is Vader vs Soth.

This thread is so dumb. I mean, after all, only ONE of these is a real person. The other is just a fictional character.

..which reminds me, I have this artwork of Vader vs Dr Doom somewhere...

Mouthy Upstart wrote:

This thread is so dumb. I mean, after all, only ONE of these is a real person. The other is just a fictional character.


Hmmmm, Courtfool vs. Mairkurion...

Heathansson wrote:
Prince That Howls wrote:
That's not fair, Batman can beat anyone. Ever.
Not Tim Tebow.

Chuck Norris Beard Punch trumps all.

I don't care, I like Drizzt better.

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Mouthy Upstart wrote:

This thread is so dumb. I mean, after all, only ONE of these is a real person. The other is just a fictional character.

Hmmmm, Courtfool vs. Mairkurion...

I think that may have been done already. Don't remember. But CF doesn't seem to be around that much these days. I blame Hero.

houstonderek wrote:
It is also worth noting that the man who invented Drizzt killed Chewbacca. If he can kill a beloved character and allow a joke to live, imagine what his word processor would do to Lord Vader...

R.A. Salvatore was once asked at a panel at a Con, "Who would win in a fight between Elminster and Drizzt?"

His answer?

"That depends on who's writing the book!"

(true story)

Liberty's Edge

Zurai wrote:
houstonderek wrote:
It is also worth noting that the man who invented Drizzt killed Chewbacca. If he can kill a beloved character and allow a joke to live, imagine what his word processor would do to Lord Vader...

R.A. Salvatore was once asked at a panel at a Con, "Who would win in a fight between Elminster and Drizzt?"

His answer?

"That depends on who's writing the book!"

(true story)

I've heard he's gotten similar questions regarding:

Drizzt vs. El Ravager

Drizzt vs. Belkar


Drizzt vs. Mike Ditka

Shadow Lodge

Doom easily. After all, he's gotten rid of inferior copies before.

Liberty's Edge

Lol. Drizzt might get more hits in but wouldn't do much. The parts of Vader that aren't prosthetic have armor under the quilted leather. Unless he's packing Khazid-hea for some reason, his swords don't do much against armor. He hits the weak spots and you can't exactly hamstring Vader or cut him across the neck.

Vader stays inside his sweet ride, the Executor, and shoots at Drizzt from hundreds of miles away with giant lasers. Vader wins.

Also, this probably marks me as a Star Wars nerd, but:

Abraham spalding wrote:
Force Choke and Force lightning... verses melee buffoon? Gee that's a hard one.

Vader couldn't actually use the lightning due to not wanting to fry his own circuits.

Liberty's Edge

Evil Genius wrote:

Vader stays inside his sweet ride, the Executor, and shoots at Drizzt from hundreds of miles away with giant lasers. Vader wins.

Also, this probably marks me as a Star Wars nerd, but:

Abraham spalding wrote:
Force Choke and Force lightning... verses melee buffoon? Gee that's a hard one.
Vader couldn't actually use the lightning due to not wanting to fry his own circuits.

Yeah, they have him using it in games for the cool factor but either Lucas or the writer for the Dark Lord novel which followed EP III, said Vader actually can use it but it would fry the prosthetics in his arms.

Tessius wrote:
Evil Genius wrote:

Vader stays inside his sweet ride, the Executor, and shoots at Drizzt from hundreds of miles away with giant lasers. Vader wins.

Also, this probably marks me as a Star Wars nerd, but:

Abraham spalding wrote:
Force Choke and Force lightning... verses melee buffoon? Gee that's a hard one.
Vader couldn't actually use the lightning due to not wanting to fry his own circuits.
Yeah, they have him using it in games for the cool factor but either Lucas or the writer for the Dark Lord novel which followed EP III, said Vader actually can use it but it would fry the prosthetics in his arms.

Yeah, he surely can use it - I mean, even Luke ends up using it in one random book - but look what happened when old Palpy hit him with it. Messed his respirator & life support up enough to kill him. Vader's smart enough to lay off the force lightning.

The lack of lighting doesn't alter the outcome of Vader v Drizzt at all, of course. Drizzt = smoking crater. That is all.

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