Invar |

Invar moves through the crowds next to Fharalkakhad using his extra height to scan the bustling people for any interesting or unusual sights. He uses the spade as a walking stick, tapping the weighted end to the ground with each step.
Perception check 1d20+7 = 23

Rhiannon d'Deneith |

Rhiannon hides her smile at Farlakkakhad's protective statement and nods, her posture shifting into a markedly martial stance, eyes reading every face in the crowd.
"Bull, heel." She says quietly, the large mastiff brushing up against her leg comfortingly, muscles tensed.

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Fineal slowly approaches the crowd of onlookers that have gathered in front of the inn. In the corner of one eye he thinks he sees some strange shimmering in the air above the inn's roof, but on a closer look ti seems that nothing is there.
The crow consists of people of many different races and nationalities, but it seems that most of them are Brelish. In the center of the crowd is a tall man, heavy with muscles, about forty or fifty years of age. His powerful body is dressed in hides of strange beasts, and beard and hair are braided in hundreds of little braids, decorated with bones and feathers. He looks about ready to draw a great sword on his back and to cleave in half a tall half-elf dressed in fine black leather and silk, with a smirking expression on his face and one hand on the hilt of his rapier.

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Fharlakakhad turns around and sees the commotion of the crowd, and the impending conflict between the two men. Not sure what to make of it , he looks closer at the clothing, trying to learn more about them. Perception 1d20+5
It seems to you that the half-elf is perhaps a rich merchant or a lesser noble, and the huge Brelish man is obviously some kind of hunter or ranger.

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Fineal makes his way through the crowd, hopefully reaching the edge of the fight. Along the way, he questions the other members of the crowd to find out who these people are.
Diplomacy, what will these people tell me? 1d20+12
People around you look at you with some surprise and perhaps caution in their eyes. They obviously do not trust strangers. One of them spits on the street and says: "Those two are at it again. There will be blood some time soon, mark my words."

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Dark Elf shrugs and continues to the entrance of the inn, ignoring the shouting of two warriors in front of it. You follow her into large common room with a lots of tables and two stone bars on the walls left and right from the entrance. There is no fireplace and directly in front of you - on the far wall - are the stairs that lead to the floor above. Left and right of the stairs are the open door to the kitchen, which is made obvious by the tavern wenches who enter and exit the kitchen with platters of food and pitchers of ale.
"This is too crowded", murmurs the Drow. "I must make an impression of a great noblewoman if I am to be believed by our contact. Make me a room through this crowd to those stairs - and try no to kill anybody", she orders.

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The crows slowly parts, allowing you to move to the stairs. You notice that Sickle is watching you intently as if he is judging your worth. Far and Fin 50 XP. Upon reaching the stairs, Lady Morn turns to Rhianon and says: "You, take the shifter and go to the stables behind the inn. There are stables there. There should be at least ten riding lizards waiting for us."

Rhiannon d'Deneith |

Glancing as Reth, Rhiannon guestures toward the door and nods to the drow noble. It chafed her to be leaving a potentially dangerous situation but they needed to work as a team and they all needed an example.
Calling Bull along she made her way to the stables along with the cleric.

Illmanthonil Moorvare |

While Illmanthonil waits for further developments, he watches the crowd in the room carefully, looking for anyone who might not have taken kindly to Fharlakakhad and Fineal's actions. Perception 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (12) + 12 = 24, Sense Motive 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8 (+5 if anyone is trying to use bluff to hide their conversation).

Liriel |

Looking to put some levity into the situation, Liriel casts about looking at the various pieces of jewelry being worn by the crowd. She spots the oddest one that she can find (if need be she pulls one out of her own pockets, tumbling a bunch of odds and ends in the process) and goes into a excited gnome-speed diatribe about all the trivia facts you ever wanted to know about that gem and more, including some of the more oddball ceremonial uses of it.
Gemcrafting 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25

Rhiannon d'Deneith |

"Will Bull react well to these lizards?" Reth asks Rhiannon while accompanying her to the stables. Reth keeps his eyes alert for any signs of trouble.
Perception 1d20
"He'll be fine, he never attacks anything that doesn't need attacking. He may be a little standoffish but that's just him being territorial."

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Upon exiting the inn, Rhiannon and Reth turn towards the building that is obviously the stable. It seems that there is some kind of trouble over there to. A bunch of Brellish looking people has drawn blades against the group of black-clad half-elves. Perhaps this is a continuation of the argument in front of the inn.

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While Illmanthonil waits for further developments, he watches the crowd in the room carefully, looking for anyone who might not have taken kindly to Fharlakakhad and Fineal's actions. Perception 1d20+12, Sense Motive 1d20+6 (+5 if anyone is trying to use bluff to hide their conversation).

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Fharlakakhad notices the whispered exchange, and guesses its import. He resumes his watchful gaze on the crowd, noting the rising tension, and keeping a tight grip on his club. Perception 1d20+5

Fharalkakhad |

Fharalkakhad keeps his face a stoic mask but inside his guts, a feeling of alarm, starts to take hold. He quickly motions to Liriel, and Illmanthonil to fall back towards the stairs.
Any sense of a particular individual who is the source of the tension, or who is the leader of this disturbance. Perception 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

Invar |

Invar notices Fharalkakhad's hand motions and moves to stand in front of the stairs arms crossed and spade resting in the crook of his elbow. With his arms crossed he palms two of the shuriken hidden in his forearm, ready to launch them at the first person to attempt to pass him. Preparations made Invar stands stock still and the glow in his eyes dims slightly as he settles into the familiar role of bodyguard.
Dexterity 1d20+2 = 15

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Fharalkakhad keeps his face a stoic mask but inside his guts, a feeling of alarm, starts to take hold. He quickly motions to Liriel, and Illmanthonil to fall back towards the stairs.
Any sense of a particular individual who is the source of the tension, or who is the leader of this disturbance. Perception 1d20+5

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Perception 1d20 + 3
Sense Motive 1d20 + 3
I will place my spells in the OOC thread as a spoiler later tonight (thanks for the suggestion Liriel), don't have time to pick spells at work :-).