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So I'm bored and wondering what's the longest character name you ever came up with for one of your characters. I'll start with my retired gnome illusionist who was nicknamed "Onetree". Seems short I know, but then it's not his full name which is:
Onetreefallenoverasmallstreaminthemiddleofafieldafterafiercethunderstormrol ledthroughandstruckitwithlightninginthemiddleofsummer
Okay, your turn.

Kuma |

Damian Sagergine "Tetigistus" Valerian Aidelthyme.
(Day-me-ann, Say-jer-guy-n, Tet-e-jist-us, Vuh-leer-ee-un, Eye-dull-time)
He was the only sorcerer I ever played (3.0). A human who claimed to be a half-elf and blew something like 90% of his cash on clothes. (Had to be silk and have continual flame on them, had dozens of ridiculous outfits.)

MerrikCale |

So I'm bored and wondering what's the longest character name you ever came up with for one of your characters. I'll start with my retired gnome illusionist who was nicknamed "Onetree". Seems short I know, but then it's not his full name which is:
Onetreefallenoverasmallstreaminthemiddleofafieldafterafiercethunderstormrol ledthroughandstruckitwithlightninginthemiddleofsummer
Okay, your turn.
was that Dragonlance?

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well, my personal longest was:
Dipthong Polyglot Syllable Tomas d'Sivis.
commonly called Dip.
one of my players is playing a bleachling wizard who collects names...not sure what it is now, but something like
Doctor Master Dumptruck Ellieraepen Chief, Esquire.
There is a LOT more to it, that's just the most I remember offhand.
She goes by "Doc"

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That would be the gnome sorceror I played in a Legacy of Fire campaign, who also did the name collection thing:
Jerboa Weaselfriend Tamperlight Shadecaller Geniekin Fiendflight Copperpot Withertoe Rustkey Spidersnack Searflesh Thumbscrew Gnollbait Goatmaster Greatprotector Newtbane Cactusnibbler Bookfinder Rockzapper... and his companion Niloufar the aqueous ferret

GodEmperorDrothan |

It depends on whether you're talking proper name, or chosen name. For proper name, I played a half-dragon barbarian named Tsalychrlthrin (tsa-lik-ril-ith-er-in). I figured that a draconic name would be long and difficult, and I wanted to make a name with as few vowels as I could. On the other hand, my namesake was a half-orc fighter/wizard who, in a shocking display of egomania, granted himself the title of the Merciful All-Knowing God-Emperor Drothan the Invincible. Squeezing that onto the Name space of a character sheet was a challenge.

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dm4hire wrote:was that Dragonlance?So I'm bored and wondering what's the longest character name you ever came up with for one of your characters. I'll start with my retired gnome illusionist who was nicknamed "Onetree". Seems short I know, but then it's not his full name which is:
Onetreefallenoverasmallstreaminthemiddleofafieldafterafiercethunderstormrol ledthroughandstruckitwithlightninginthemiddleofsummer
Okay, your turn.
No, but it was inspired by Dragonlance.

Houshou Rattengod |

MerrikCale wrote:No, but it was inspired by Dragonlance.dm4hire wrote:was that Dragonlance?So I'm bored and wondering what's the longest character name you ever came up with for one of your characters. I'll start with my retired gnome illusionist who was nicknamed "Onetree". Seems short I know, but then it's not his full name which is:
Onetreefallenoverasmallstreaminthemiddleofafieldafterafiercethunderstormrol ledthroughandstruckitwithlightninginthemiddleofsummer
Okay, your turn.
I was gonna say, where is his life's goal? Don't most Gnome names have to include their life's goal?
But I believe that is how DL does it.

Jesse Brake |
I have a NPC in Forgotten Realms named Nassirbinapal Ubaidur Kelemvor Jaamal al-Din. Nassirbinapal is actually a real name for a friend of mine in high school and from what I can remember when I made his name, Jaamal al-Din meant "beauty of the faith" and Ubaidur Kelemvor meant "Kelemvor's servant".