
Axe A Shoanti's page

12 posts. Alias of Black Dow.


Pha! Manling propaganda spread by the Shoanti snaketalkers... ;)

Mikaze wrote:

Actually, didn't the Shoanti article say they accept their half-orc brethren as full Shoanti, even if they see them with pity?



Also, nothing is said anywhere about Shoanti abandoning half-orc babies.

Personally I'd wager half-orcs raised amongst Shoanti get treated a hell of a lot better than most raized by Belkzenian orcs. Because Belkzenian orcs.

See these "half-orc" that are accepted are less "half orc" and more "half-Shoanti"... their weakness shines through and plants the seeds of pity in manling hearts and as for Belkzen raised half-orcs being badly treated... we treat all the whelps the same - with an even hand [and closed fist] ;)

Despite the fact that half orc blood clearly strengthens their puny culture they stupidly tend to kill or abandon such infants... however those that somehow survive such abandonment on the Cinderlands would have to be earmarked by fates for greatness ;)*

* They'd also likely be brutal forces of nature too...

Shuriken Nekogami wrote:
if you really want an Undead Rakshasa cub. i will give you one on the winter solstice of 2015. how does that sound? become one of my clerics and you will get one that won't try to eat you.

While here in Belkzen we're more likely to eat that manky little catnip [with a nice gnome plums sauce]

Yours hungrily

Axe A Shoanti

zog ;)

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Nile wrote:
The more Gnome the better!

I agree - helps fill out the sandwich

Ask a Shoanti wrote:
Eric Hinkle wrote:
Mikaze wrote:

No Belt of Masculinity/Femininity?

That was a fun item to include at times, wasn't it? Even if it could lead to a pummeled DM.
Can't promise what makes it to the final cut, but I believe it will be there in spirit with a brief cameo of sorts.

Hey if anyone's gonna know about the Belt of He/She it's you Shoanti ;)

heh. I kill me coz no one else can...

Dogbert wrote:

Upon closing my Entombed with the Pharaohs game, a character mentioned taking vacations then stopped dead wondering... where?

Sure, the middle ages weren't exactly famous for their "tourism industry" but, if suddenly your heroes wanted vacations, where would they go to get the best...

- Sightseeing?
- Beaches and fun in the sun? (without getting eaten by tentacled, gash-mouthed monsters)
- Zoo?
- R&R?
- Place to "get away from it all"?

Mind you... where does a forest ranger go to "get away from it all" anyway?

I don't ask about places to get the best of "Arts and Ertentainment" though, as that's an easy one.

So, ideas?

Come to Belkzen - you can get away from it all here... plenty to see [Ogre troubadour's Skull Jig] and do [you can volunteer your skull for the afrementioned jig] - foods good [you bring it we eat you] and the weather while harsh, keeps those pesky Shoanti from spoiling the fun...

So come on down - the water's warm [but we've only just started boiling the cooking pot] ;)

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:
Back on topic (getting a little bored of the constant mentioning of the oracle's name.) Are we going to see a half-orc iconic? Core race needs some love, and everybody loves Belkzen!

Indeed everyone does love Belkzen - come on over for supper [we're having you and your children], play a little "spike the Shoanti", help us with our half breed program... what's not to love people?

Maybe the Half-Orc Iconic could be a Half Breed Gigolo - crude, stinks a bit but has a big upside ;)

Belkzen - loved by people and loving them back...

KaeYoss wrote:
Axe A Shoanti wrote:

I'm all in favour of trying a shoanti girl - can I recommend her with a side of firepelt cougar chops and some cinderweed salad - tis the Belkzen recipe of the month.

I call your bluff. Orcs don't eat salad. Nor do they cook beyond the "put it on the fire until it is charred" type of "cooking".

Busted. In truth I'm a half-orc... [damn my human breeding and salad eating molars!]

In defence of our cooking we here in Belkzen do tenderise our meat - with hammers, maces and clubs... and we gave the world the delicacy of Cockatrice Au Sang - see we're not total savages... yet.

Axe A Shoanti wrote:

For true thrill seeking try one of our females - she'll put hair on your chest manling.
Nah. I've been told they taste awful.

See above - tenderising needed

Sydnael Ardre wrote:
Hrm. Since I last visited some shoanti territory, I was left with the curiosity to have some thrills like dating a shoanti girl, that's half the reason for the post (although the recommendations to get rid of the other one's backstabby habits have been taken much into account, thank you). So, in less words. Should I try a shoanti girl? Or is there a less-risky thrill around there waiting for me?

I'm all in favour of trying a shoanti girl - can I recommend her with a side of firepelt cougar chops and some cinderweed salad - tis the Belkzen recipe of the month.

For true thrill seeking try one of our females - she'll put hair on your chest manling.

Dear Ask a Shoanti

It seems to me that despite your people's reputation in Belkzen [tough fighters and tough eating] much of the requests upon you are from the races made weak by their civilised comforts and lack of strength to eat their own kind during the lean times...

Now while pandering to their wimperings may be your way - can I offer to help by providing more straight talking, merciless advice?

With my elf ear necklace I'm always listening...


Axe A Shoanti