New Race, The Xacksium

Homebrew and House Rules

The Xacksium

Medium sized Aberration
+2 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Cha
Normal Speed 30ft
+2 Disguise, +2 Intimidate, +2 Perception
Darkvision 60ft
Abnormal Anatomy: light fortification 25%

Physical appearance: the Xacksium appear mostly like a human except they have pure white skin yellow eyes and white hair with yellow roots as well as strange markings in the skin appearing as spirals and lines indented in the skin.

northbrb wrote:

The Xacksium

Medium sized Aberration
+2 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Cha
Normal Speed 30ft
+2 Disguise, +2 Intimidate, +2 Perception
Darkvision 60ft
Abnormal Anatomy: light fortification 25%

Physical appearance: the Xacksium appear mostly like a human except they have pure white skin yellow eyes and white hair with yellow roots as well as strange markings in the skin appearing as spirals and lines indented in the skin.

Interesting. Unfortunately, I have little to say about it. Could you give us some background on the race as a whole? Why do they have abnormal anatomies? Why the stat bonuses and penalties? Why the Darkvision? Why the associated skill bonuses?

So far, the crunch seems fine. I'm only unsure of the Light Fortification, but I would really have to see it in play to judge it. I think it should be okay as is.

The Xacksium were created by the elder gods of the dark edges of space, originally created as an attempt at a race similar to humans the Xacksium travel around the world in disguise learning about other races and there cultures.

Although the Xacksium appear humanoid they are in fact aberrations and as such many of there organs and physiology is far different than most creatures on the material plane.

The Xacksium have no real culture and tend to travel alone from others of there race.

Liberty's Edge

northbrb wrote:

The Xacksium were created by the elder gods of the dark edges of space, originally created as an attempt at a race similar to humans the Xacksium travel around the world in disguise learning about other races and there cultures.

Although the Xacksium appear humanoid they are in fact aberrations and as such many of there organs and physiology is far different than most creatures on the material plane.

The Xacksium have no real culture and tend to travel alone from others of there race.

Fluff and crunch seem interesting, but i have trouble seeing them outside of a homebrew campaign. Seems like emissaries would be few and far between, and why would they spend their time adventuring when they would learn much more about human culture by staying in cities or working with members of the ruling class?

the way i view it, its kind of like the idea was they were supposed to be emissaries but it turned out more like they were left here with no purpose.

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