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I have always preferred "Class Variants" to creating brand new 20 level classes or prestige classes unnecessarily, much like the racial substitution levels introduced in 3.5... I've always felt that many concepts fit closely to one pre-existing class or another...
One Class Variant in particular was the Battle Sorcerer presented in the Unearthed Arcana.
I would love to hear what some of you have done in the same manner for PFRPG!
(And to Paizo - will we be seeing things like this in the future, officially?)

Lokai |

Well i created one after some people talked about how " broken " a cleric can be. Plus i always disliked the " wade " into thick of it combat style of the cleric so... i composed this which, most of my friends liked, and said i should post BUT honestly i just never bothered but since asked... and by the way before some cleric junkie jumps me i in no way find cleric OP or anything of the sort so yea just saying that ahead of time!
<u><b>Variant Cleric: The Priest</u></b>
Hit Dice: d6
Saves: +2 will, +0 fort, +0 reflex
Profiencys: simple weapons only
Blessed Mark: the cleric blesses one person with a divine gift, this creates a glowing mark upon forehead of the blessed person, it can not be hidden or masked and glows through any armor or clothing worn(it does not shed light however). This mark allows the cleric to choose origin of his channel energy from ethier himself or the marked person. At level 10 you gain greater blessed mark which allows you to consume 2 channels in order to empower(as the feat) your channel energy, and at level 20 can consume 3 channels to maxmize your channel energy.
Faith Focused: a preist is not a cleric and since devote there life and time to there divine power instead of martial combat are much more potent with there spells. When ever they cast an inflict, or cure spell they may instead choose to cast that spell as a ranged touch spell. Against allies, they need not roll an attack roll against unwilling targets must succeed at a normal ranged touch attack roll. This does not consume a higher spell level, or have any other adverse effects to the priest, a priest has a range of 30 feet or 6 sqaures with any touch attack. this only effects cure and inflict spells.
Spell Failure: unlike clerics,and paladins priests do not train in armor and thus suffer spell failure when wearing armor.
Touched by God: at 1st level a priest may choose to gain spells per day as a cleric or may also choose to gain spells as a sorcerer/oracle. If they choose to gain spells as a sorcerer, must alot 1 of there known spells per level as a domain spell. For example if you could know 4 1st level spells you'd be able to choose 4 of any spell and 1 from ethier of your domains.
<u>Final Thoughts</u>
This is my Variant cleric, removes clerics " melee " power and replaces it with more wizard/sorc feel to it. Its a backline healer/buffer/damage dealer(depending on build) yet a chance to test it, but plan to come my next campaign. In addition i would probably give them access to mage armor or a variant type spell since, lack armor and mage armor is kind of a basic spell for low levels and high levels alike but not decided if i will yet or not is basic run down.

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It's a great concept, but wouldn't it work better to make it a Sorcerer Variant Class? You get the concept that you wanted, but instead of the Sorcerer Bloodline, maybe you work those class abilities as substitutions and then allow them to choose domains. Maybe that would limit the Spell Choices too much to make sense...
Any other ideas?

Lokai |

It's a great concept, but wouldn't it work better to make it a Sorcerer Variant Class? You get the concept that you wanted, but instead of the Sorcerer Bloodline, maybe you work those class abilities as substitutions and then allow them to choose domains. Maybe that would limit the Spell Choices too much to make sense...
Any other ideas?
i dont think it would work as a sorcerer concept, because it IS a divine caster. Could do it as a sorcerer, have to change more have to give sorc abilities of cleric, toss out blood line, and alot more. Doing it this way get abilities of a cleric, with some modifications and " choice " to cast like a sorcerer or, like a cleric. Alot want a cleric but want to spontaneously cast like a sorc and still have channel energy(which oracle doesn't get).
I felt was best way to take it, though always thought a cool feat for celestial sorc would have been a feat to " add " domain spells of your diety to your sorc spell list...actually i think is a feat like that from one book somewhere! as for other variants i dunno none i have designed just yet =)

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i dont think it would work as a sorcerer concept, because it IS a divine caster. Could do it as a sorcerer, have to change more have to give sorc abilities of cleric, toss out blood line, and alot more. Doing it this way get abilities of a cleric, with some modifications and " choice " to cast like a sorcerer or, like a cleric. Alot want a cleric but want to spontaneously cast like a sorc and still have channel energy(which oracle doesn't get).I felt was best way to take it, though always thought a cool feat for celestial sorc would have been a feat to " add " domain spells of your diety to your sorc spell list...actually i think is a feat like that from one book somewhere! as for other variants i dunno none i have designed just yet =)
Oh yeah, I forgot. You want to hold on to the Channel Energy and Domains, huh? I didn't actually look at it closely, but that makes sense...
I have always been interested in Fighter variants, non-spellcasting Bard variants, and Sorcerer/Wizard variants... I once had an idea about a Runic Soldier that was a Barbarian variant, but was mostly a flavor change for the class.
I look forward to hear from all of the Community!

bogbear |

I did like the variant classes offered by Unearthed Arcana. Perhaps we could get something like that? It allowed slight specifications and alterations which would let the player customize their character to best fit the role they wanted them to fit in. But that was for 3.5, as Pathfinder is right now, there are already(not quite as drastic)variations available to each class from the start. I wouldn't be against an set of Unearthed Arcana-esque variants for Pathfinder though. I don't think it's necessary but if they became available, I would certainly use them (or at least have them as an option when creating my own characters/having my players make theirs when I GM).

veector |

Well i created one after some people talked about how " broken " a cleric can be. Plus i always disliked the " wade " into thick of it combat style of the cleric so... i composed this which, most of my friends liked, and said i should post BUT honestly i just never bothered but since asked... and by the way before some cleric junkie jumps me i in no way find cleric OP or anything of the sort so yea just saying that ahead of time!
<u><b>Variant Cleric: The Priest</u></b>
Hit Dice: d6
Saves: +2 will, +0 fort, +0 reflex
Profiencys: simple weapons only
Blessed Mark: the cleric blesses one person with a divine gift, this creates a glowing mark upon forehead of the blessed person, it can not be hidden or masked and glows through any armor or clothing worn(it does not shed light however). This mark allows the cleric to choose origin of his channel energy from ethier himself or the marked person. At level 10 you gain greater blessed mark which allows you to consume 2 channels in order to empower(as the feat) your channel energy, and at level 20 can consume 3 channels to maxmize your channel energy.
Faith Focused: a preist is not a cleric and since devote there life and time to there divine power instead of martial combat are much more potent with there spells. When ever they cast an inflict, or cure spell they may instead choose to cast that spell as a ranged touch spell. Against allies, they need not roll an attack roll against unwilling targets must succeed at a normal ranged touch attack roll. This does not consume a higher spell level, or have any other adverse effects to the priest, a priest has a range of 30 feet or 6 sqaures with any touch attack. this only effects cure and inflict spells.
Spell Failure: unlike clerics,and paladins priests do not train in armor and thus suffer spell failure when wearing armor.
Touched by God: at 1st level a priest may choose to gain spells per day as a cleric or may also choose to gain spells as a sorcerer/oracle. If they choose to gain spells as a...

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I gots a few variant ideas.
Actually, I have used your ninja for one of my players in my Rise of the Runelords Campaign! He wanted to be a ninja so bad, so I found your site on the messageboards. Many thanks to you... keep it up!
Like I said, I would prefer to have class variants rather than a whole bunch of new classes. Unless you have a distinctly different class, like the new classes offered in the APG. Many of them really don't fit as variants, but some of them could be. (Though they really wouldn't be as cool!) I just don't want PFRPG to be overloaded with redundant classes, like 3.5 quickly became.

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Tom Baumbach wrote:I gots a few variant ideas.Actually, I have used your ninja for one of my players in my Rise of the Runelords Campaign! He wanted to be a ninja so bad, so I found your site on the messageboards. Many thanks to you... keep it up!
Like I said, I would prefer to have class variants rather than a whole bunch of new classes. Unless you have a distinctly different class, like the new classes offered in the APG. Many of them really don't fit as variants, but some of them could be. (Though they really wouldn't be as cool!) I just don't want PFRPG to be overloaded with redundant classes, like 3.5 quickly became.
Have you checked out the Pathfinder variants in Kobold Quarterly? I can point you to Issue 11, for instance, which has a Spell-less Ranger variant you might like.
I also hear the author of that article has some additional Pathfinder variant material, as well as a new base class, in the pipeline ... ;)

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Aeshuura wrote:It's a great concept, but wouldn't it work better to make it a Sorcerer Variant Class? You get the concept that you wanted, but instead of the Sorcerer Bloodline, maybe you work those class abilities as substitutions and then allow them to choose domains. Maybe that would limit the Spell Choices too much to make sense...
Any other ideas?
i dont think it would work as a sorcerer concept, because it IS a divine caster. Could do it as a sorcerer, have to change more have to give sorc abilities of cleric, toss out blood line, and alot more. Doing it this way get abilities of a cleric, with some modifications and " choice " to cast like a sorcerer or, like a cleric. Alot want a cleric but want to spontaneously cast like a sorc and still have channel energy(which oracle doesn't get).
I felt was best way to take it, though always thought a cool feat for celestial sorc would have been a feat to " add " domain spells of your diety to your sorc spell list...actually i think is a feat like that from one book somewhere! as for other variants i dunno none i have designed just yet =)
Sorcerer + celestial bloodline = divine positive energy caster
Sorcerer + fiendish or abyssal bloodline = divine negative energy casterJust a thought if you're looking for a variant cleric...the only adjustment would be the spell list...spells known, # spells/day, bloodline feats, etc. would all remain the same, they would just pull from divine spell list instead of sorc/wiz spell list.
EDIT: i do like the faith focused ability...would add this on top of what i just posted.

Lokai |

Lokai wrote:Aeshuura wrote:It's a great concept, but wouldn't it work better to make it a Sorcerer Variant Class? You get the concept that you wanted, but instead of the Sorcerer Bloodline, maybe you work those class abilities as substitutions and then allow them to choose domains. Maybe that would limit the Spell Choices too much to make sense...
Any other ideas?
i dont think it would work as a sorcerer concept, because it IS a divine caster. Could do it as a sorcerer, have to change more have to give sorc abilities of cleric, toss out blood line, and alot more. Doing it this way get abilities of a cleric, with some modifications and " choice " to cast like a sorcerer or, like a cleric. Alot want a cleric but want to spontaneously cast like a sorc and still have channel energy(which oracle doesn't get).
I felt was best way to take it, though always thought a cool feat for celestial sorc would have been a feat to " add " domain spells of your diety to your sorc spell list...actually i think is a feat like that from one book somewhere! as for other variants i dunno none i have designed just yet =)
Sorcerer + celestial bloodline = divine positive energy caster
Sorcerer + fiendish or abyssal bloodline = divine negative energy casterJust a thought if you're looking for a variant cleric...the only adjustment would be the spell list...spells known, # spells/day, bloodline feats, etc. would all remain the same, they would just pull from divine spell list instead of sorc/wiz spell list.
EDIT: i do like the faith focused ability...would add this on top of what i just posted.
Its true that i considered doing it that way however, key reason i chose not to is Channel energy, giving clerics core power to sorc didn't feel really in tune with what i wanted to do. Entire concept was " make cleric a ranged clothie" and, yes i do think celestial sorc should have more access to clerical spells or option to draw from divine spell list over arcane =) i had giant post wrote up as to why i did what i did but, forum ate it =( and to lazy to rewrite it, maybe tomorrow i'll try, but gah can't be bothered to rewrite giant post!
Faith Focused was purely to compensate for loss of melee power, if cant stand in battle and heal/damage with core powers because squishie need something to compensate for lack there of. Faith focused was best way i could think of to do it. Other idea was that cleric could cast spell and marked ally could deliver the cure/inflict as a swift action on next turn but, seemed a bit complicated and over thought out. Making cures/inflicts ranged seemed easiest solution.

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Have you checked out the Pathfinder variants in Kobold Quarterly? I can point you to Issue 11, for instance, which has a Spell-less Ranger variant you might like.
I also hear the author of that article has some additional Pathfinder variant material, as well as a new base class, in the pipeline ... ;)
Actually, I haven't. I heard they had the one Ranger variant, but haven't heard any of the other stuff. Does the author have a website? Or should just wait for stuff to come out on Kobold Quarterly?

Charender |

Marc Radle 81 wrote:Actually, I haven't. I heard they had the one Ranger variant, but haven't heard any of the other stuff. Does the author have a website? Or should just wait for stuff to come out on Kobold Quarterly?
Have you checked out the Pathfinder variants in Kobold Quarterly? I can point you to Issue 11, for instance, which has a Spell-less Ranger variant you might like.
I also hear the author of that article has some additional Pathfinder variant material, as well as a new base class, in the pipeline ... ;)
There was another ranger variant bouncing around these boards that was a skirmisher. It was basically another set of ranger bonus feat choices along the lines of fleet, spring attack, vital strike, etc. It allowed the ranger to fill the role of the 3.5 scout base class.

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Marc Radle 81 wrote:Actually, I haven't. I heard they had the one Ranger variant, but haven't heard any of the other stuff. Does the author have a website? Or should just wait for stuff to come out on Kobold Quarterly?
Have you checked out the Pathfinder variants in Kobold Quarterly? I can point you to Issue 11, for instance, which has a Spell-less Ranger variant you might like.
I also hear the author of that article has some additional Pathfinder variant material, as well as a new base class, in the pipeline ... ;)
Heh ... Sorry, I was being a bit coy there ;) I actually wrote the Spell-less Ranger class. You can head over to koboldquarterly.com and pick up a print or PDF copy of the issue or you can get it right here on Paizo's site.
I really highly reccomend Kobold Quartely magazine. If you don't already, you really should strongly consider subscribing - it is a great mag!
As far as other Pathfinder variants in KQ, of the top of my head I know there were some cleric veriants in this last issue. And like I said I have a few things in the pipeline that I am very excited about. Hopefully you will get to check them out soon!

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Heh ... Sorry, I was being a bit coy there ;) I actually wrote the Spell-less Ranger class. You can head over to koboldquarterly.com and pick up a print or PDF copy of the issue or you can get it right here on Paizo's site.
I really highly reccomend Kobold Quartely magazine. If you don't already, you really should strongly consider subscribing - it is a great mag!
As far as other Pathfinder variants in KQ, of the top of my head I know there were some cleric veriants in this last issue. And like I said I have a few things in the pipeline that I am very excited about. Hopefully you will get to check them out soon!
Ah, I understand... I will look at Kobold Quarterly then! Do they send you actual magazines, or is it strictly online? Thanks for all of the updates! I wonder if any of this kind of thing will be in the APG?

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Ah, I understand... I will look at Kobold Quarterly then! Do they send you actual magazines, or is it strictly online? Thanks for all of the updates! I wonder if any of this kind of thing will be in the APG?
Oh no - Kobold Quarterly is an actual professional quality print magazine. It's been called the 'spititual successor to Dragon magazine' by Eric Mona himself. You can also buy PDF versions of the mag if you prefer. If you subscribe, you can get a Print + free PDF subscription or just a PDF subscription.
Here are some links to get you started:
Check it out - it really is a great magazine!

Ellington |

Druid variant.
Wild Empathy
Animal Companion
'Animal' spells
The ability to wildshape into animals
Vermin Empathy
Vermin Companion
'Vermin' spells (the same as the animal ones, except these affect vermin and not animals)
The ability to wildshape into vermin
He'd also gain the ability to summon vermin instead of animals on the Summon Nature's Ally list. This one is mostly for flavor, but I like it for that reason. It might not be as good as a normal druid in most situations, but it would make for a great villain!

MerrikCale |

Ah, I understand... I will look at Kobold Quarterly then! Do they send you actual magazines, or is it strictly online? Thanks for all of the updates! I wonder if any of this kind of thing will be in the APG?
You should get KQ. Its great, like old school Dragon magazine. In the last two issues, they have had a spell-less Ranger (very cool) and variant clerics (some good, some not so much) for Pathfinder

AlQahir |

Does anyone know of any Wizard variants? Are there any in KQ? I looked at your wizard variant Tom Baumbach and thought it was great! Regrettably for me to be allowed to use it(or any variant),it must be printed by pathfinder. I may be able to talk my GM into something from KQ though, if they have one.

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The subscription for KQ is 4 issues, so I am assuming every quarter year? Hence the name QUARTERLY? Just want to clarify... how thick is each issue? AP thick? I will probably subscribe regardless...
I would be interested in some Fighter or Rogue variants... hmmm... I was actually coming up with a Monk variant... Too bad I don't have as much time as I would like to spend on these things... or the other noggins to bounce the ideas off of... or do I? ^_^

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Does anyone know of any Wizard variants? Are there any in KQ? I looked at your wizard variant Tom Baumbach and thought it was great! Regrettably for me to be allowed to use it(or any variant),it must be printed by pathfinder. I may be able to talk my GM into something from KQ though, if they have one.
Bummer Al, I know how that feels. *sigh* You can do it! Talk your GM into it! Hahaha!

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The subscription for KQ is 4 issues, so I am assuming every quarter year? Hence the name QUARTERLY? Just want to clarify... how thick is each issue? AP thick? I will probably subscribe regardless...
Yep, quarterly - 4 times a year BUT they tend to release an additional issue, so it's more like 5 a year sometimes ...
The mags are more or less as thick as an AP. Think of a recent issue of Dragon or Dungeon (well, recent as in when Paizo was still producing the mag). It's pretty much like that.
Can't say it enough - you really can't go wrong subscribing!
Heck, if you want, pick up a print copy of Issue 11 and see what you think - that way you know you will get a Pathfinder variant class in the issue and you can see if you like the mag enough to subscribe.

Skaorn |

One easy one to do would be a Sorcerer that was a mystic conduit rather then by bloodline, a Channeler. This could be done easily with some cosmetic changes but I'd like to go a bit further. I'd just change around the bloodlines to be a bit different and throw in some thins like a Positive Energy channeller to balance out Negative (Undead Bloodline).
I also like the idea of a Mystic, a Monk/Cleric combo. One with 6 levels of spells and a lot of touch attack spells that they can added to an unarmed strike.

Bwang |

Use the spell Contagion ;)
Actually, I was more interested in ideas to replace the Wild Empathy and the Animal Companion. The ability to wildshape into animals was suggested by a player to be replaced with Merlin's turning into a cold virus. And, no, not gonna happen. I have a disease resistance-then-immunity and disease touch that allows acting as a carrier. Disease and DC scale.

MerrikCale |

Heck, if you want, pick up a print copy of Issue 11 and see what you think - that way you know you will get a Pathfinder variant class in the issue and you can see if you like the mag enough to subscribe.
The class is worth the price of the magazine alone. The designer is like a genius or something, don't ya think?

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Marc Radle 81 wrote:Heck, if you want, pick up a print copy of Issue 11 and see what you think - that way you know you will get a Pathfinder variant class in the issue and you can see if you like the mag enough to subscribe.The class is worth the price of the magazine alone. The designer is like a genius or something, don't ya think?
Nah, more of a hack I'd say!

Lyingbastard |

The sorcerer is probably one of the easiest classes to modify. Just create a new bloodline and PRESTO!
Personally, I'd like to see a genie bloodline in the APG, as I feel the elemental bloodline doesn't quite capture the feel.
There's 10 new bloodlines in the Book of Arcane Magic, by 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming, available on this site. Genie is one of them. In addition, there is a free downloadable PDF featuring the "Reborn Soul" bloodline here on Paizo.
And we also made the Elementalist Wizard (elemental schools instead of spell-type schools) class variant in Paths of Power, as Merrick pointed out.
We've been kicking around the idea of a few other class variants but with so many other specific products already in the pipeline, it's hard to find the time to work on them!

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Ellington wrote:Use the spell Contagion ;)Actually, I was more interested in ideas to replace the Wild Empathy and the Animal Companion. The ability to wildshape into animals was suggested by a player to be replaced with Merlin's turning into a cold virus. And, no, not gonna happen. I have a disease resistance-then-immunity and disease touch that allows acting as a carrier. Disease and DC scale.
To replace the animal companion, perhaps your character can 'enhance' their Summon Nature's Ally castings by having the animals called up be carriers of disease could be one option. Perhaps even with two sub-options, to summon up 'rabid' animals, which are basically stuck in a state of rage (easier to hit, but attack more ferociously), and incapable of non-combat actions, or animals that are carriers, with the types of disease available starting with the lowly Filth Fever, and including tougher stuff with higher levels in Druid.
Alternately, they have a relatively normal companion, but it must come from a list of disease-associated animals (ravens, vultures, coyotes and hyenas, associated with carrion), animals that are carriers (dire rats), or animals that are rabid, and only just barely kept in control by your link (pretty much any animal, although you might want to increase the level required, if the animal ends up getting the benefits of Rage). There is also the fun possibility of a Swarm Companion, using disease-bearing rabid bats or rats, or even flies.
For Wild Empathy, I'd come up with some Heal improvements (just as Wild Empathy is a kinda/sorta Diplomacy/Handle Animal tweak), allowing the Plague Druid special bonuses to cure disease, diagnose disease, alleviate the symptoms of disease (perhaps restoring ability points lost to disease at an increased rate with treatment, or allowing the effects to be suppressed for a time) and, on the darker side, to inflict disease or encourage disease / infection in those he treats, so that while he seems to be helping them, they gain no benefits, and indeed, suffer a downward spiral...
That last bit is mostly for evil NPC use ('cause, really, how often is your PC Plague Druid going to end up providing medical assistance to people he wants to die?), but the ability to provide ability score restoration (from disease only!) or even to allow an ally to temporarily ignore the penalties from an illness (perhaps at a cost, such as being allowed to function unpenalized for a short time, at the price of having to suffer a new attack of the disease, sort of a 'lie down or you'll just make it worse' situation), could be useful additions to the Heal skill, and, as the GM is the one in charge of when disease strikes the party, just as the GM is in charge of when you face animals that could be affected by Wild Empathy, the exact utility / situationality of the power remains subject to the GM's whim.

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my Golarion based alternates
Barbarians of the Cold Lands such as Linnorm Kings, Mammoth Lords, or the Worldwound: Replace Trap Sense with 2 points of cold resistance, per point of trap sense a character would normally have.
Barbarians from the Inner Sea region: They have traditionally found work as gladiators, so as to find an outlet for their rage without alienating the local authorities. Alter their class skills to represent that by Adding; Bluff (Cha), Knowledge(Dungeoneering) (Int), and Perform (Cha) to your skill list, and remove Craft, Ride, and Knowledge: Nature as class skills.
Bards Trained at one of the Great Schools of the Inner Sea: Replace Bardic Knowledge with Specialized Training.
Specialized Training (Ex): at 1st level a bard must choose a single category of the Perform skill, whenever the bard performs bardic music using the chosen category of the perform skill, he is treated as being 2 levels higher when determining the effect and save DC. In addition, when bardic performances are exhausted, as a standard action they can roll this Perform against a DC of 5+ Total Bardic Music rounds to continue the effects of a bardic performance.
Bards of Alkenstar or other Magic poor lands: Loose two spells of each level, and gain Handy and Offhand Shot.
Handy (Ex): As Per Bardic Knowledge, Save that it applies to Craft and Profession Skills.
Offhand Shot (Ex): You are proficient with Firearms. In addition a Pistol or Revolver is treated as a Light weapon in your hands.
Clerics who view themselves as Holy Warriors rather then shepherds or proselytizing: Replace Domains, gain Cleric level as BAB and a d10 hit die.
Clerics who are Priests of their Gods Primarily: Downgrade BAB to ½ of level (rounded down) as per a wizard, and a d6 hit die, loose medium armor proficiencies, gain 2 additional domains and an additional domain spell of each level and 4+ Int Modifier as Skill points each level.
Druids and Rangers of the Mountains: Replace Woodland stride with Mountain Stride.
Mountain Stride (Ex): A Druid/Ranger with this ability can move through rocky terrain at her normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. Magically manipulated terrain such as spike stones, affects her normally.
Fighters (All): At first level, and every odd level thereafter, the Fighter picks one skill, which receives bonus ranks equal to ½ of their fighter level, minimum of +1.
Fighters Trained at famous war colleges or fighting schools: Gain the following class skills (in addition to the normal fighter class skills): Acrobatics (Dex), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (Geography) (Int), Knowledge (Nobility) (Int), Sense Motive (Wis). And Gain 4 + Int Modifier skill points each level. They however loose their first level fighter feat
Rogues in high society often function Courtiers and Spies: Replace the skill Knowledge (Dungeoning) (Int) with Knowledge (Nobility) (Int), They Loose Trap Sense, Instead gaining poison sense.
Poison Sense (Ex): at 3rd level a rogue gains an intuitive sense that alerts her to danger from poison, giving her a +1 bonus on fortitude saves made to resist poisons, to treat poison with the heal skill, and to the DC of poisons they use against others. These bonuses rise to +2 when the rogue reaches 6th level and continues to advance as a replacement to Trap sense.

Spyder25 |

I'm making a steampunk campaign and I want to make something similar to the arcane mechanik from Privateer Press' Iron Kingdoms. I was thinking about using the wizard as a base. Though I'm not sure how to go about. In this setting the tech is powered by elemental crystals, they have all the elements within them, called catacryst (still working on a name for them). Any way should I try to figure out how incorporate that into the class or am I thinking too much into that? Any thoughts?

Felgoroth |

Well i created one after some people talked about how " broken " a cleric can be. Plus i always disliked the " wade " into thick of it combat style of the cleric so... i composed this which, most of my friends liked, and said i should post BUT honestly i just never bothered but since asked... and by the way before some cleric junkie jumps me i in no way find cleric OP or anything of the sort so yea just saying that ahead of time!
<u><b>Variant Cleric: The Priest</u></b>
Hit Dice: d6
Saves: +2 will, +0 fort, +0 reflex
Profiencys: simple weapons only
Blessed Mark: the cleric blesses one person with a divine gift, this creates a glowing mark upon forehead of the blessed person, it can not be hidden or masked and glows through any armor or clothing worn(it does not shed light however). This mark allows the cleric to choose origin of his channel energy from ethier himself or the marked person. At level 10 you gain greater blessed mark which allows you to consume 2 channels in order to empower(as the feat) your channel energy, and at level 20 can consume 3 channels to maxmize your channel energy.
Faith Focused: a preist is not a cleric and since devote there life and time to there divine power instead of martial combat are much more potent with there spells. When ever they cast an inflict, or cure spell they may instead choose to cast that spell as a ranged touch spell. Against allies, they need not roll an attack roll against unwilling targets must succeed at a normal ranged touch attack roll. This does not consume a higher spell level, or have any other adverse effects to the priest, a priest has a range of 30 feet or 6 sqaures with any touch attack. this only effects cure and inflict spells.
Spell Failure: unlike clerics,and paladins priests do not train in armor and thus suffer spell failure when wearing armor.
Touched by God: at 1st level a priest may choose to gain spells per day as a cleric or may also choose to gain spells as a sorcerer/oracle. If they choose to gain spells as a...
I don't know if anyone's pointed this out but divine spell casters never incur spell failure chances from armor because they cast divine spells and spell failure applies to arcane spells. I understand why you did it I just thought I'd point that out. Other than that I like the idea.

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my Golarion based alternates
Barbarians of the Cold Lands such as Linnorm Kings, Mammoth Lords, or the Worldwound: Replace Trap Sense with 2 points of cold resistance, per point of trap sense a character would normally have.Barbarians from the Inner Sea region: They have traditionally found work as gladiators, so as to find an outlet for their rage without alienating the local authorities. Alter their class skills to represent that by Adding; Bluff (Cha), Knowledge(Dungeoneering) (Int), and Perform (Cha) to your skill list, and remove Craft, Ride, and Knowledge: Nature as class skills.
Bards Trained at one of the Great Schools of the Inner Sea: Replace Bardic Knowledge with Specialized Training.
Specialized Training (Ex): at 1st level a bard must choose a single category of the Perform skill, whenever the bard performs bardic music using the chosen category of the perform skill, he is treated as being 2 levels higher when determining the effect and save DC. In addition, when bardic performances are exhausted, as a standard action they can roll this Perform against a DC of 5+ Total Bardic Music rounds to continue the effects of a bardic performance.Bards of Alkenstar or other Magic poor lands: Loose two spells of each level, and gain Handy and Offhand Shot.
Handy (Ex): As Per Bardic Knowledge, Save that it applies to Craft and Profession Skills.
Offhand Shot (Ex): You are proficient with Firearms. In addition a Pistol or Revolver is treated as a Light weapon in your hands.Clerics who view themselves as Holy Warriors rather then shepherds or proselytizing: Replace Domains, gain Cleric level as BAB and a d10 hit die.
Clerics who are Priests of their Gods Primarily: Downgrade BAB to ½ of level (rounded down) as per a wizard, and a d6 hit die, loose medium armor proficiencies, gain 2 additional domains and an additional domain spell of each level and 4+ Int Modifier as Skill points each level.
Druids and Rangers of the Mountains: Replace Woodland stride with Mountain Stride.
This is a nice collection of variants! I would probably throw out a couple of them that don't fit my running style/philosophy, but this was the kind of stuff I was looking for. Good show mate!

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I'm making a steampunk campaign and I want to make something similar to the arcane mechanik from Privateer Press' Iron Kingdoms. I was thinking about using the wizard as a base. Though I'm not sure how to go about. In this setting the tech is powered by elemental crystals, they have all the elements within them, called catacryst (still working on a name for them). Any way should I try to figure out how incorporate that into the class or am I thinking too much into that? Any thoughts?
I'm sorry, but I don't really know much about the Iron Kingdoms, so I am not much help... sorry, bud. ^_^