Kobold Devilspeaker

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So one of my players is playing the Engineer Archtype for the alchemist, which gives him grit and some engineer deeds at 2nd level. My basic question is does he get access to normal Deeds to? it doesn't specifically say for the engineer that they do but since grit and deeds feel so integrated it feels odd for him to have grit but not deeds at first level.

So i thought i'd ask and see what people think in general.

We turn them off, and the TV and the Radio, ect only thing we have on is a laptop with our ebook resources and that is under the GM's watch. During a game we are all at full attention, if someone cant follow that rule then they are probably better off in a different group.

So i was sitting and reading ultimate combat i kind of love idea but was missing something critical! what you ask? BOMBS! yes bombs! i really loved idea of a gun totting bomb throwing psychopath!

Now is great because we now have the alchemist! and the gun slinger! so my question is thus! is there an archetype out there for the gunslinger that gives them bombs like the alchemist? i really don't want all magic involved in the alchemist itself i'd much prefer to have grit/deeds over extracts and such but having discoveries and all cool bombs from alchemist would be great!

of course i COULD make my own and fiddled with a few ideas...but i just wonder... if one already out there and it would save me a ton of work!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

errmm hate to be barer of bade news but...

Skill based is 1990's and out dated...sorry but it just will not fly with current mmo market. Is not ONE AAA mmo has a skill based system that was made in last 10 years did anything but tank. You have to understand as an avid mmo player are integral issues with Skill based system and biggest of them being balance. It is impossible to balance a system like this with out limiting points you can have which in turn ends up like talent points...

I was kind of excited about this project but i realize immediatly that sandbox is just dated... and tend to require teidious endless grinding that ends up kill 1000 monsters here, go kill 100 of these now go kill these... and in a round about way that ends up so tedious and unfun...

Bioware has the right idea when comes to mmo's and they are setting a new standard in mmo's. If you guys are SERIOUS about making a paizo mmo i suggest you go look at TOR. Even if you opt for an action oriented mmo over traditional hotkey mmo look at how they presented the game. Because presentation means alot!

Finally... research research research! because what was in 20 years ago is not in now. Things worked in SWG or EQ do not fly in the present market... so if your set on sandbox that is fine but, your going to have to make it appeal to general population! Sandbox when it comes to end game=good idea, sandbox while leveling not so much. In general skill based systems suck something fierce and you have great foundation is pathfinder rpg...use it!


back in 2e they were necromancy and yes i never understood the change myself. They control/manipulate life energy which falls under necromancy in my book.

My group uses a few 4e rules we liked, and it works wonderfully yes we use the bonus HP at level 1, as well as 1/4 of max hp as a negative number before your dead, so it does prevent dieing so easy, and doesn't stop dieing over all. Helps in early levels BUT doesn't do as much by level 5-10 the bonus got is a moot point.

I never found anything wrong with 4e as a gaming system it works fine... just not very D&D is all.

my own input is... no matter how its removed the horn itself is " holy " or good aligned because of creature its taken from. A unicorns horn is " source " of there power, and its VERY likely that it retains some abilities that a unicorn had. So here are my own thoughts...

decide how big unicorn was... and made it a piercing weapon, either 1d4 dagger or 1d6 rapier like damage. Next, make it a +1 weapon good aligned, and be done thats what it has at the get go HOWEVER! here is where fun comes in...

idecided this because of whats in beastry

Magical Strike (Ex) A unicorn’s gore attack is treated as
a magic good weapon for the purposes of damage reduction.

Take that horn to an evil arcane magic user or cleric, corrupt it, and infuse it with negative energy and enchant it into a magic weapon. now using a very powerful HOLY item to make an unholy weapon probably end up like this.

Unholy dagger/rapier 1d6+x(depending on how greatly its enchanted)Bane vs Good. 1/day Unicorn Teleport Bane: when ever an enemy teleports this dagger glows purple and teleports the wielder at same time, to same destination and area as the target that teleported. Wielder appears 1d10 sqaures from the target.

essentially becomes a unicorn slaying weapon, useable against teleporting enemies(since thats a unicorns usual tactic teleport away). Now any enemy tries to teleport away wielder can teleport with them, and continue the battle. It makes weapon interesting and unique and plays on theme of the unicorn.

So he did a long chain of quests to " acquire " this power? and now he's changing or going against what he did to earn it? not be be a downer but... in most cases that a mortal " earns " a template from another power such as this, if he goes against the ways and mentality of what ever power gave him the template chances are going to revoke the power gave and return him to normal or even worse... curse him for betraying or soiling there name. I'm not sure on all the details but may want to consider powers that be, and how they feel about this guy changing like that... and what there reaction might be to said change.

fighter/ranger/barb is not going to be weak depending on how you design it. Melee types aren't like a mage where you lose your main ability ie magic when you cross class. Let me go into more detail...

Barbarian: Rage, fast movement
Fighter: bonus feats(permanent)
Ranger: two weapon fighting/bow abilities

none of those things are severely impacted by multi-classing yourself, only real thing lose out on are animal companion levels, and rage duration/times per day. I believe is an actual feat lets your animal companion scale with your total class levels or at least +4 like practiced caster.

Further more...

Base attack for each class is +1 per level, meaning your base attack will be same if your a 20 fighter or Barb or a 10 fighter/5 barb/5 ranger.

As you can see a feat like you propose would make taking barbarian a bit useless, since get all those nice rage bonuses with out needing to take much in class itself. A prc might be better course a fighter type, gains rage abilities and animal companion bonuses prehaps? i'm not sure... but yea even with base rules his multi-classed character would be fairly decent if built right.

didn't bother to read all 10 pages BUT in eberron book is an undead skeleton and zombie called " deathless " created using positive energy, and basically what your looking for, a good create undead spell. Tend to be smarter and more dangerous then normal undead but i think also more expensive and can say " no " but not sure i don't wanna dig my eberron book out off hand.

thanks! i'll do that! i've always liked psionics but never got to play one, i think gonna change that soon ^^

While i doubt ever see a paizo psionic book, its something i've always liked, and enjoyed and still compatible, but past the expanded and complete psion books are there any other good psion source books? anyone can lead me in right direction would be awesome!

Tanis wrote:

The DM isn't worried about TPK, just 2 weeks ago the whole party got wiped. It wasn't his intention, but we have a policy of letting the dice fall where they may, and he just happened to roll 89. If he'd rolled a monster that wasn't interested in talking, we'd already be dead.

We don't have to go there for a couple of levels but Goldie told me that if I reneged he'd make it his life quest to hunt me and party down.

Besides that, we want that dragon hoard! Just don't want to die getting it.

Unfortunately, Frostburn isn't allowed. Like I said in the OP All 'Complete' books are open as well as Spell Compendium.

I don't think talking is an option, once we get there, it's on.

I either betray the party or betray Goldie. Dragons have more treasure (and i hate PvP) so my (lack of) options seem clear.

Any other spells/items/cheap tricks anyone can think of?

good policy but do know what problem is? putting a CR 11 monster on a random encounter chart for level 4 characters... most you guys should be facing is maybe a CR 8 at the most. a CR 11? thats over the top and silly, your not winning that fight regardless of what you do. You'll never beat his SR, and have to TOUCH him for shivering touch good luck not getting cut to ribbons in the process.

My advice? go find an evil dragon, and tell it you know where a gold is... especially if its red it might be willing to help you for a price(such as servitude, or gold/items) and chance to kill a metallic? its to good to pass up, thats only way i see that encounter playing out well but in general your screwed...

Clerics have always been extreamly potent given right build. Alot of power came from certain feats and abilitys that paizo was smart and changed. Though i do think need a capstone ability i don't think not having one makes them weak by any means.

Clerics have ability to cast in full plate, to those say " but took heavy armor away" it SERIOUSLY not going to effect you, take a fighter level or grab the damn feat, i'd have to say clerics are far far far from balanced but then not exactally the atempt.

Here is my thing when comes to the cleric people generally say " well suppose to battle priests " well yea would work IF wasn't already a full plate wearing divine champion of gods in game. Paladin REALLY should be one wearing full plate armor and using divine magic, not the cleric. Cleric to me has always seemed a bit off... in terms of what it can do/has vs everyone else. Like a fighter, with full magic progression... that being said don't unbalance games but... anyone tries to claim there weak or need a buff is seriously crazy.

I've already developed a variant removes all of the clerics melee power and makes them more of a wizard styled caster. Having tried it out i found worked amazingly well with no issues. Clerics don't need full plate to do there job, certainly don't need all versatility they have on top of, amazing casting power. If not mistaken weren't dex clerics ones had crazy stupid AC's/to hit ratings in 3.5 anyway?

Paizo did very little to balance the cleric aside from a few spells but trying to keep spirit of original game intact. I still find cleric to be over all best class in game, HANDS down. Clerics aren't broken but are however best class from level 1-20 and retain an amazing balance whole way through.

Shad0wdrag0n wrote:
The idea that rogues should be high dps combat monsters makes me laugh. If you want to play someone who's good at killing stuff play a fighter or a spellcaster. Rogues should be skill-based characters. They should be the ones sneaking around, disarming traps, picking locks, etc. They should not be front-line fighters. The whole idea behind rogues being able to sneak attack is silly. It's an ability more suited to assassins than rogues. In fact, the way rogues are going you might as well just call them assassins. But, I guess this is D&D, where anything not tweaked for combat is immediately deemed "useless".

Rogues are a dps class believe it or not, skills are a secondary feature, if all a rogue can do is find traps he's pretty second rate. I see this ALOT in D&D online rogues gear JUST to find traps then everyone has weird perception that they suck. because know what? if a class can not pull its weight in combat, then its just worthless. Rogues are a light armor, light weapon melee dps class first, and a trap finder second. Take away there dps and they are not worth taking along. Anyone with a high perception can spot a trap just not always disarm it, my monk is pretty effective at handling traps by just setting them off and ethier dodging damage or soaking it, we dont really need a rogue for this reason, not to just find traps.

So question is compared to other dps classes how much damage can a rogue put out? well actually quite a bit if they can get a full round action to do there attack.

Two weapon fighter, imp two weapon fighting, pure rogue= around 6 attacks i believe. so thats something like.... 66d6 damage at level 20 for a pure rogue but only if hit every attack, but still a huge chunk however... do to rogues requiring positioning, team work, and keeping enemy still never found this OP. oh and thats with OUT magic gear/spells boosting the damage.

Rogues are fine, if you want to complain about balance issues WoW is that way! >>============>>

This sort of stuff i've come accross as a player, and as main healer in group i continually warned my group that, being lawful good living saint(back in 3.5) i wouldn't stand for it. In end my character left the group because they refused to acknowledge that killing helpless be they evil or not, is still an evil act. A good person doesn't kill unless forced to do so, will hand them over to authorities, ect but won't kill needlessly my one groupies excuse was " i'm neutral so its ok" no no and no! i am sorry being neutral doesnt give you access to commit evil because it suits you. unless maybe your chaotic neutral and border line crazy anyway! One of best games i've had ruined because others didn't get that evil is as evil does... and if your doing as evil do, then no one who is good will continue to help you no matter your reasons.

Edit: ras al ghoul was lawful evil, he wanted to do good things(or so he believed) but he was willing to slaughter entire nations yet he had a morale code all his own, and did believe in what he was doing. definatly lawful evil or borderline lawful neutral.

Selgard wrote:

Going by memory here:

Doesn't the 3.0+ Draconomicon list the slots that dragons have? I do believe they can wear rings, bracers, boots, and all that jazz. You could even craft actual armor for a dragon if you wanted (though for what price? yeouch lol).

The book had some types of armors for them. Wing protectors and whatnot.

As for "how to level them" and such- I would say that you just need to pick a method. Whatever method you use for the dragons just apply it equally. You might even want to make them all pick a class just to keep it even. (the draconomicon even has some decent dragon-only classes in it)


Things noticing as we plan our small group, things like... fly speed, natural armor, ect that the racial dragon class gets seems like it should keep advancing. What i did and we are still working on balancing them is create a dragon racial class for each of base classes from old 2e setting(fighter, mage, priest, psionicist) each with own little flair. Big thing working on is ability to " continue " progressing in racial class stats, AC, movement speed sort of natural things expect a dragon to keep gaining, with own little twists once we figure how to get all balanced post them up for critique. As for wearing armor and such don't like that idea personally... seems weird to have a dragon wearing barding or something of sort, so i've decided this route probably works best. Bracers, wing gaurds, rings and such do work nicely but not gonna compensate for massive amounts of AC lost.

Example say a blue dragon cross classes at level 5 so 6-15 they take a prc. here is what they lose

+8 natural armor
+4 strength
+50 fly speed

So can see thats a massive amount of AC, that they drop strength as well, and even fly speed for size loss. To me and my group, seems a big hit and makes PRCs not even a viable option, so our solution has been a prc based around the classes allow them to continue stat, ac, natural skill progression but losing out on special abilities. we may start campaign soon gonna be testing how it works out, but should keep them in line with there racial class.

We have one player keeping to racial class so we can use him to compare to others are using prc's. So hopefully have some data to report as well as revised Pathfiner CoW up soon =)

Actually i stand corrected, after reading a line from forums and checking page.

Page 72 of complete arcane clearly states, spell and spell like abilities, can indeed qualify you for prc requirements. " a prc requiring a must know X spell, can be qualified by a spell like ability or invocation that simulates that spell" being an offical book i cant really dispute this. Seems like, this is offical and all sorry i guess i was wrong =)

ItoSaithWebb wrote:

OK, so my group is doing a little sandbox game and we are all creating level 5 characters.

One of the characters I want to make is a Oracle/Sorcerer/ Mystic Theurge because I really like the idea of a spontaneous divine and arcane caster combo working together hand by hand.

Now one the requirements for the Mystic Theurge Prestige class is that my character must be able to cast both 2nd level divine and arcane spells. This means my character would have to be at least level 8 before she can take the prestige class so I am trying to find a way around that so that she can take the prestige class sooner.

My idea is that she could be a Drow Noble for her race. Since Drow Noble can cast levitate at will I think that fits the bill for. Now I think that fits the criteria but I am just double checking to see if that is a legal move.

I am also wondering if there are any 3.5 feats out there that will help me with casting a 2nd level divine spell early as well if the the above is legal as well.

I am just trying to figure this out because I like the prestige class but it's spell casting requirement puts your character really behind the spell casting curve by 2 spell levels.

people tried this in 3.5 and it didn't work then, need to reword it to levels of the class. One of easiest fixes to the whole MT issue, is that says " cast 2nd level arcane/divine spells" first off this creates problem of people trying to cheese with spell like abilities ect, no offense ment its trying to circumvent problem with the class i realize that, but still cheesing =P. So how do we get around this problem? well if your keeping core isn't a way to fix it, what i did for my group was a real easy fix.

I simply did this to the requirement " you must have 3 levels in an arcane class, and 3 levels in a divine class " what does this do? changes nothing integrally, what does is insure that a sorcerer or a wizard are taking SAME levels to achieve the class. 6 total levels, sure could do paladin or bard or some such none sense but surely wouldn't work as well.

but i digress, having a spell like ability that simulates a spell DOES not mean can cast spells of that level or are even casting the spell. You can not take some weird race has some spell like power simulates a second level spell and assume it counts because it doesn't. Spell like abilities ARE not same as casting actual spell. My advice, go to your DM explain what i said above see if change requirement...not going to effect your over all performance, just gain class at same time as a wizard/cleric still be level behind then as far as spells go and see what they say.

Edit: further prove my point is a key line need to read here from PF bestiary '

Spell-like abilities are magical
and work just like spells (though they are not spells and so
have no verbal, somatic, focus, or material components).

key words here are " work like spells THOUGH ARE NOT SPELLS" basically means simulate or emulate spells but aren't spells and don't qualify as a spell even if mechanically act like one.

wasnt there a group was trying to pathfinderize psionics? i was almost sure i read that somewhere.

Old Nekron wrote:
I'm looking at playing a Barb/Sorc/DD (for the flavor) and wondering why a sorcery based prestige class would have an Int boost instead of a Cha boost? Any thoughts?

The dragon diciple gets stats based on half dragon template, which is if i recall right +8 strength +2 con +2 charisma and +2 int! so this is why get an int boost, because its part of the template.

So curious on some people's opinions, because as i go through to start a small campaign with a few friends to test this CoW set out i come accross something i disagree with original writer.

they believed that cross classing as a dragon would be same as old kits, for example a dragon could take wizard levels if wanted and level up as a wizard, or a fighter and would be same as a dragon priest or dragon mage from old 2e setting however, here is my own thoughts on that.

In 2e setting when you chose a dragon priest or mage basically continued to gain your dragon racial abilities, while increasing AC and SR ect but gained spell progression as a wizard or mage ect. Now in 3.5 dragons can't use armor, or weapons for most part not like they need it but does create a rather interesting little issue.

That issue is! if i as a dragon decide to cross class into a wizard, i effectivly CANT use most gear(amulants, rings as far as armor goes, probably could wield a rod,wand or staff easily enough) so i basically stop progressing in AC, and stats, effectively means that i can't use 90% of gear a normal player would be wielding of same level and while i DO start out a bit better(ok alot better) seems as if picking up a normal profession(and what dragons do in CoW) is more a hindrance then anything else.Typical feral dragon(dragons using racial class) going to have, better AC, better hp, more skills, and decent sorc spell levels and all those nice spell like abilities.

So question is... should dragon mage, fighter, priest, psionicist ect be a special PRC lets them retain or gain stats to some extent from there racial class, while losing there special abilities or is it fine that there losing so much to gain PC classes? i want some opinions my friends and i are on side that... seems like dragons NEED there racial Ac at very least, what are your thoughts?

Hi all, may be some have seen my post on main forums, about 3.5 council of wyrms file i stumbled on. After much work managed to take out all copywrite details of file to make it downloadable. To those don't know what council of Wyrms was, it was an old 2e campaign setting where players got to take up role of a dragon! setting took place on an island full of dragons! Not sure if person who orginally did this is still around, but i intend to make own modifications to the work they started and hopefully have a nice homebrew pathfinderized version of CoW!

Original File: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YYW27O8S

this is file in its orginal content with certain images and such removed caused it to break ogl agreement, be forewarned all i have is open office so if your using word may not come out properly formated... anyone would like to give input or ideas for viable changes or CoW PrC's are welcome to post them here =D

gonna move this thread to homebrewed area, and probably edit somethings myself are a few aspects stay tuned for more!

well biggest issue is bypassing DR but not exactally as hard as it sounds. Just make it so that certain special metals can bypass DR so a mundane sword of adamantine for example might Perice through all DR effects making it highly sought after, rare but something players could aquire with out getting tons of magic gear.

That being said gear is factored in its hard to just " take it" away and not destroy your party. Control i think is better route for the game, never just hand players manual and say " here buy what want" always leads to bad things happening. What i do is actually use oblivions system for selling stuff. Each shop keeper, has own set of gear, depending on partys reputation time of year, current economy of city what mark up will by. So a great sword of awesome might cost 100,000 in book but when players go to a big city where such items can be attained if its being sold might be 250,000 depending on mark up. Doing quests, good or bad deeds can effect these mark ups for better or worse, thus i keep a tight reign on how much gold party has and how much gear costs, while giving appearance of a real moving economy. Its worked well so far for my groups both in 4e and pathfinder campaigns i've run.

Xpltvdeleted wrote:
Lokai wrote:
Aeshuura wrote:

It's a great concept, but wouldn't it work better to make it a Sorcerer Variant Class? You get the concept that you wanted, but instead of the Sorcerer Bloodline, maybe you work those class abilities as substitutions and then allow them to choose domains. Maybe that would limit the Spell Choices too much to make sense...

Any other ideas?

i dont think it would work as a sorcerer concept, because it IS a divine caster. Could do it as a sorcerer, have to change more have to give sorc abilities of cleric, toss out blood line, and alot more. Doing it this way get abilities of a cleric, with some modifications and " choice " to cast like a sorcerer or, like a cleric. Alot want a cleric but want to spontaneously cast like a sorc and still have channel energy(which oracle doesn't get).

I felt was best way to take it, though always thought a cool feat for celestial sorc would have been a feat to " add " domain spells of your diety to your sorc spell list...actually i think is a feat like that from one book somewhere! as for other variants i dunno none i have designed just yet =)

Sorcerer + celestial bloodline = divine positive energy caster

Sorcerer + fiendish or abyssal bloodline = divine negative energy caster

Just a thought if you're looking for a variant cleric...the only adjustment would be the spell list...spells known, # spells/day, bloodline feats, etc. would all remain the same, they would just pull from divine spell list instead of sorc/wiz spell list.

EDIT: i do like the faith focused ability...would add this on top of what i just posted.

Its true that i considered doing it that way however, key reason i chose not to is Channel energy, giving clerics core power to sorc didn't feel really in tune with what i wanted to do. Entire concept was " make cleric a ranged clothie" and, yes i do think celestial sorc should have more access to clerical spells or option to draw from divine spell list over arcane =) i had giant post wrote up as to why i did what i did but, forum ate it =( and to lazy to rewrite it, maybe tomorrow i'll try, but gah can't be bothered to rewrite giant post!

Faith Focused was purely to compensate for loss of melee power, if cant stand in battle and heal/damage with core powers because squishie need something to compensate for lack there of. Faith focused was best way i could think of to do it. Other idea was that cleric could cast spell and marked ally could deliver the cure/inflict as a swift action on next turn but, seemed a bit complicated and over thought out. Making cures/inflicts ranged seemed easiest solution.

Alright i took all info copy/pasted it into a document but i dont have word so i used open office so if open this in word may have formatting issues... hoping its still readable and not to terrible. Also not saying its in great quality i fixed what i could but didnt paste to terrible well(in fact open license part i didnt bother to fix text around in it). But should be decent enough i hope.

I removed all of images so shouldn't be any copyright issues if some one sees something think might cause issues post here and i'll try and fix it, otherwise enjoy what this person has done =)


Aeshuura wrote:

It's a great concept, but wouldn't it work better to make it a Sorcerer Variant Class? You get the concept that you wanted, but instead of the Sorcerer Bloodline, maybe you work those class abilities as substitutions and then allow them to choose domains. Maybe that would limit the Spell Choices too much to make sense...

Any other ideas?

i dont think it would work as a sorcerer concept, because it IS a divine caster. Could do it as a sorcerer, have to change more have to give sorc abilities of cleric, toss out blood line, and alot more. Doing it this way get abilities of a cleric, with some modifications and " choice " to cast like a sorcerer or, like a cleric. Alot want a cleric but want to spontaneously cast like a sorc and still have channel energy(which oracle doesn't get).

I felt was best way to take it, though always thought a cool feat for celestial sorc would have been a feat to " add " domain spells of your diety to your sorc spell list...actually i think is a feat like that from one book somewhere! as for other variants i dunno none i have designed just yet =)

look at book of 9 swords was there basic train of thought. Fighters seem kind of dull what can we do to spice them up, and thus was born many melee fighters with " combat " abilities could be used sort of like spells. I do so love book of 9 swords, and thought about using that as a basis and creating a series of maneuvers for fighters and rogues, or ripping some from book to create one for base fighter/rogue.

bonus feat>everything else, humans are and have remained absolute BEST choice for any class and will remain as such untill bonus feat is removed. I've considered house ruleing bonus feat removed and replaced but never figured just what to give them in place of that amazing feat would, not make them crappy. Just an example is the amazing 3 feats a fighter gets at level 1 just because they are human(i think remains in PF ugg to lazy to pop my book open). No humans aren't weakest race by a long shot in fact, i feel there strongest race of base races by a mile! problem i have is that i dislike humans yet always feel not getting bonus feat so rehabilitating to what ever build i am doing.

Well i created one after some people talked about how " broken " a cleric can be. Plus i always disliked the " wade " into thick of it combat style of the cleric so... i composed this which, most of my friends liked, and said i should post BUT honestly i just never bothered but since asked... and by the way before some cleric junkie jumps me i in no way find cleric OP or anything of the sort so yea just saying that ahead of time!

<u><b>Variant Cleric: The Priest</u></b>

Hit Dice: d6

Saves: +2 will, +0 fort, +0 reflex

Profiencys: simple weapons only

Blessed Mark: the cleric blesses one person with a divine gift, this creates a glowing mark upon forehead of the blessed person, it can not be hidden or masked and glows through any armor or clothing worn(it does not shed light however). This mark allows the cleric to choose origin of his channel energy from ethier himself or the marked person. At level 10 you gain greater blessed mark which allows you to consume 2 channels in order to empower(as the feat) your channel energy, and at level 20 can consume 3 channels to maxmize your channel energy.

Faith Focused: a preist is not a cleric and since devote there life and time to there divine power instead of martial combat are much more potent with there spells. When ever they cast an inflict, or cure spell they may instead choose to cast that spell as a ranged touch spell. Against allies, they need not roll an attack roll against unwilling targets must succeed at a normal ranged touch attack roll. This does not consume a higher spell level, or have any other adverse effects to the priest, a priest has a range of 30 feet or 6 sqaures with any touch attack. this only effects cure and inflict spells.

Spell Failure: unlike clerics,and paladins priests do not train in armor and thus suffer spell failure when wearing armor.

Touched by God: at 1st level a priest may choose to gain spells per day as a cleric or may also choose to gain spells as a sorcerer/oracle. If they choose to gain spells as a sorcerer, must alot 1 of there known spells per level as a domain spell. For example if you could know 4 1st level spells you'd be able to choose 4 of any spell and 1 from ethier of your domains.

<u>Final Thoughts</u>
This is my Variant cleric, removes clerics " melee " power and replaces it with more wizard/sorc feel to it. Its a backline healer/buffer/damage dealer(depending on build) yet a chance to test it, but plan to come my next campaign. In addition i would probably give them access to mage armor or a variant type spell since, lack armor and mage armor is kind of a basic spell for low levels and high levels alike but not decided if i will yet or not is basic run down.

So putting all the information from that pdf into a text document, removing all images, and feat descriptions and information from wotc, and dumbing it down to just bare classes, and basic information to play it. Will reference, books can find additional information(such as feats, and such) and i'll put it up for those want to use it or at least look at it. Removing anything i think would irritate wotc.

i could probably pull text off, to remove images, and remove any content pertaining to actual feats(just list them) and would probably make it postable i would assume yes? some one out have a better idea of what is ok and whats not ok to keep in the file i assume, any detailed descriptions of feats, pictures, or direct copys of pages of books are out, but anything else should still be ok right?

Dorje Sylas wrote:

I wasn't aware anyone had adapted it to 3.5. It was a fairly nice setting and one the best examples of how playing monsters can be very fun in D&D.

Looks like Bill Slavicsek is still writing for Wizards (as Director of RPG R&D) I guess you could send a message to their customer service to pass along.

Mind linking to the 3.5 remake site, if its legal?

Ok well went back to site... Scribd was name of it, seems wizard asked them to remove it. Obviously violating something i wonder what though, looking copy over again only thing isn't purely fan based seems to be feats listed from other source books(which they note and give credit to). I'd love to pass this along but seems may be diffcult now... guess lucky i grabbed it before it was taken down. I assumed was ok since was a fan made and based seems questionable now.

Could be that copied some of the feats into the pdf? or used some of old Art? confused as to what violated to get it removed.

if OP has a decent system buy NWN 1-2 and BG series, all of these are pretty amazing D&D games, and offer a wide variety of downloadable solo campaigns and if decent coder can even make own! i swear by these games, if wanting solo content its best route to go. Also Temple of elemental evil which revised for 3.5 alot dissed it but i found it pretty fun till my CD got roached.

As an old 2e player, i recently found old books while digging in my closet, it brought back alot of fond memories. I'm curious how many remember this old setting, how many actually played it and further how many would actually pick it up again if they got a chance?

Recently stumbled on old books made me go looking for a 3.5 version which i actually found! at first i thought was an outdated 3.0 copy but upon looking its copyright as of 2010, meaning its fairly new! mentioning both pathfinder and dragon magazines, its a bit tweaked and still a beta. So interesting got some friends are going to give it a whirl come next week, so i was just curious how many out there still remember this, as its one of my favorites of old days, its really nice to pick it up and give it a whirl once again!

P.s: also if any knows how to contact author of this, love to send them feedback no e-mail address or information pertaining to this =\ all i got is the name.

ermmm, idea of a paladin is a knight of X god, who forgoes normal clergy and is more of a knight or crusader. That being said, i always liked idea of a paladin choosing his deity and matching his alignment to said deity or ideal. After glancing at unearthed arcana the options there are a very nice basis on how to do it.

Basically went and gave them a new set alignment based in what were about, changed aura of good to evil ect, and smite evil to smite good or its variant. As for lay hands, it actually was a damaging touch looked pretty basic so much so i may emply a PF version of it to my paladins in game.

MT is so-so most of its levels but gains alot of power in epic levels, i played one into teens, a sorc/shugenja 3.5 version. I ended up taking the ultimate magus and revamping it for a theurge style build. Worked really well, big issue with theurge is that it requires so much that lag behind. Are very verstile and i do like changes to new theurge, but i do think requirements need fiddled with to make it more viable even if... its gain +1 in primary caster class and +1 in secondary caster class every other level. One day have to sit down and see if is a viable way to make class work in lower level.

I suppose not entirely a PF question though, i stumbled on my old council of wyrms setting which prompted me to find my dragon 320 and 332 magazines, and my friends and i decided would be interesting to Actually combine the materials. So we are going to do a CoW campaign using the DM 320 and 332, and CoW setting but, problem we came to was... only goes to level 20 and young dragon. Is an epic level progression out there for these classes? fan made or otherwise? save me alot of work =)

M P 433 wrote:

In older editions this wouldn't have worked. Golems were immune to spells unless specifically listed as vulnerable. Although we've gone rule crazy in later editions, the spirit of what golems were supposed to do remains that spells don't work on them. When in doubt, I'd go with spirit of the original creature rather than rules lawyering over the meaning and intent.

changed wording somewhat in PF and i dont like it... golems are SUPPOSE to be immune to any and all spells unless other wise stated. Keep and go by this rule, if not listed as effected by the spell then it should fizzle. When ever a player tries to cheese a fight like this best to just say " no " and be done with it.

honestly in my old council of wyrms 2e book was this plain awesome dragon slayer kit, i would LOVE to see made into a viable prc... it had some amazing abilities really made it feel like a dragon slayer. things like...

wing clip: prevents dragons from flying for X rounds
throat strike: prevents dragon from using its breath weapon for X rounds

two i can think up with out digging that book out... kind of stuff would really make a dragon slayer stand out... i may have a project ahead of me! to the closet!

Zmar wrote:

The false image spell was among those that I mentioned in my post, but please note that teleport just des 1d6 damage ans shoves you into the next viable spot... not quite the thing annoying to the players with access to these spells. Greater glyph of warding on the other hand with mass hold person could be a different matter IMO.

Please note that Scry allows SR and a will save, so possible defense could also involve these factors...

wonderful thing about D&D is that rules are not set in stone, if i suddenly feel that PC's are abusing a mechanic and feel need to be taught a lesson. Well then by god some one is losing a limb inside a wall. Think most people forget that rule books are just guide lines. Rules can be changed at DM's discretion maybe its old 2e DM in my talking but, if i dont like something or way something works, it gets changed with out a second thought. If players are using scy and die tactic knowingly abusing it then... making wizard lose his arm in a wall is a pretty good way to get point accross to " stop doing that". Then again i guess i'm a bastard of a DM =P

What are you expecting? i like the class it does what its ment to do, gain some sneak attack on your rays. You get more skills, and retain most of your caster power. yes will be behind a pure caster BUT your not ment to out perform them, or a pure rogue. Btw who ever said ray damage wasn't impressive... get a ray does 1d6/lvl(i know a few just to lazy open my book) now quicken that so its 2 lets assume level 10...

10d6 ray+4d6 sneak attack x2

so if land both rays, your effectively dealing 14d6 damage on your opening round or when your flanking the enemy. Now, lets compare that to a pure level 10 wizard.

only doing 10d6 x2 so losing out on 4d6 sneak attack damage.

assuming your allowed to take practiced caster, if not losing 3 caster levels in damage but still coming off 11d6 total damage. If your allowed to use some of old 3.5 stuff....well i once designed a rogue/mage could deal something like 30-40d6 damage x2 at level 20 thats epic level damage. Anyway class is fine it works fine does what its ment to do, end of story.

Now add suprise spell and can suddenly throw a fire ball and deal aoe damage and sneak attack damage. Build an arcane trickster as a blaster and there a blast, or build it to sneak hide and such and still do your job. I like the trickster, its one of my all time favorite classes.

well if its becoming a real problem just pull a trick from wrath of dragon god movie. Have them scry but have enemy have set a spell that gives a false image around him, so when party teleports in 1 of them ends up with arm in a wall, or a leg in the floor. Will quickly make them think twice about using these tactics, or my favorite " oh hey look he's alone!" so they teleport in what DIDN'T see was small army just outside the scy radius in the background.

but as i've said on these forums before sometimes just better to say " no you cant do that" then to mess with it.

Dudley DidWrong wrote:
thx for the list. question, how possible is it for a goblin to stop being evil and join regular society? won't most ppl attack on sight?

Actually depends on setting, but no i dont think they would. I played a PC kobold and i was thought of by most npc's as more of an annoyance then a threat. Goblins and Kobolds are common in big cities i think as pests, or beggers and general annoyance. Not to far fetched to see a goblin as part of a thieves guild or, an outcast from his tribe/clan living in the streets some where. My kobold was on a " vision " quest and thus away from his clan, just talk to your DM and find some source books on goblins if can find anything.

haha yea its mostly DM's not doing any research. Was a time my friends thought kobolds were just cannon fodder. Then after a short " out post" they changed minds. Was right after i got on my " kobolds are awesome" kick,and i got several source books. Goblins are probably not so differant from kobolds, also idea that goblins and kobolds are " dumb " i dont think is accurate. They come off that way because common isn't there primary language never rp'd or had a goblin or kobold in my campaigns be dumb mentally.

Think about it a second, when your 1/2 size of guys usually work for(orcs, ogres ect) have to make up your size some how. Ingenuity, is usually how you'll do it. be it traps(kobolds) or stealth and guile(goblins) you WILL make up your size some how. When DM's stop thinking of orcs, goblins, kobolds, gnolls and the like as cannon fodder or morons fights get alot more interesting!

yukarjama wrote:
Lokai wrote:

So if REALLY want to weaken or beat the class solution is to simply tone them down for your games if thats your issue.

Step 1: give them spell failure in armor
Step 2: give them D6 hit dice
Step 3: remove there armor proficiency.

I don't think clerics need THAT much nerfing, the broken options(Divine metamagic,Persistant Spell...etc.) do not appear in PFRPG,yet.

Clerics need to keep decent HP, AC and saves since they're likely to be the priority targets of enemy. And before channeling appeared, clerics had to stand right next to another party member in order to heal, that makes them easy targets of enemy brutes.
If clerics's hit dice dropped to d6, cannot wear armor, it's easy to imagine that they will die very quickly, unless their spell lists got an overhaul.

This was just a hypothetical suggestion, not a " is what i believe should be done" suggestion. People are complaining there broken and need some kind of nerf or reduction in power. If you nerfed them as i said above, made heals ranged then wouldn't be an issue. Make them priests not walking tanks of destruction. The initial problem with priest is that get full armor, decent hp, amazing buffs and healing on top of that. Why have a fighter tank? when a battle priest can pretty much take his place... as for getting killed... i beg to differ, i played a shugenja which is a divine sorc with cloth armor(i used cloth because i was a priest not a warrior priest) and i never had an issue with getting killed. Even when i was focus fired i had enough buffs and such to survive any attack i came under.

Low base attack: doesnt hurt them just makes them more of a caster then a pew pew melee whore.

Low HP: would be an issue if cleric was charging into front line, but if cure spells became ranged(30 feet 6 sqaures) wouldn't be an issue. Play the cleric like a caster, use ranged spells to heal, buff ect. you'd be a back line healer, ONLY thing probably need is a form of mage armor spell since most get at low level is a +2 AC but not to hard to implement.

Lack of Armor: is made up for by spells buffs and the like. Nothing stopping you from grabbing a level of fighter and returning to your glory of a melee warrior.

I restate real problem with cleric is... get GOOD attack bonuses, GOOD armor, and GOOD hp presents a general problem with healer of the game being able to fill role of fighter, tank and dps and with right build can do all 3 at same time. Its not just a few select feats, and PF did alot to fix classes but still alot of power difference between the classes. If people really want to " balance " the class powers paizo would have to do alot of redesign of the classes, like i've suggested however!

LET ME make it very clear i feel the game works fine as is! why? because D&D is about being a team player, so idea one class is stronger then other i dont think is as big a deal as people make it out to be. I have no issues with cleric in my games, and use core PF so yea not saying class needs adjusted, just giving suggestions to those do want to alter them to depower them some how.

to the OP anarchy is usually seen as a lawless government or lack of or very little laws. Anarchy is typically seen as " chaotic " a very spontaneous and with out structure archtype. so answer is... not really paladins are all about " law and order" to do the right and just thing, following a strict code of ethics and order. To follow anarchy would require a paladin to give up his code of ethics and his sound laws and rules, i'd say no a paladin cant really be an anarchist, just seems to be opposite of what we generally think of a paladin doing. Now just base rules of course, always ways to modify the paladin but yea using core anyway.

Beckett wrote:
Abraham spalding wrote:
Lokai wrote:

Side Note: a side note,spells like wish, limited wish, miracle i strictly control as a DM i WOULD never allow a cleric to use a spell like that to simulate an arcane spell. Just like i'd ever allow an arcane caster to use a similar spell to simulate a divine spell. Why? because thats not your spell type no reason to allow you to use spell to throw a fireball or heal(as a wizard). If its something specific like need that spell to kill the uber bad guy maybe then... but yea as a DM do need to control uber spells like wish and miracle.

just my 2 cents.

yeah I got a big problem with this in general.

I agree. Using Miracle to cast Fireball (which some Clerics can actually cast now, by the way), :) , is still a Divine, Cleric Spell. They are not using a differen type of magic or actually becoming a Wizard for that spell.

They are requesting that the universe, a deity, an angel/demon, etc . . . is making this happen on your behalf. Not trying to be rude, but that is just a terrible GM call. Your job as a DM is not to "stricktly control" the Player's characters, but especially not when the rules specifically allow for something you say no to. Now, I could understand if you are playing in a specific setting that includes setting related rules against this, (for example, in Dragonlance all healing magic is graned y the deities, so Bard's must have a patron deity in order to cast Cure Light Wounds). That is a different story, but I doubt this is the case, here.

your missing the point actually, not that a clerics deity couldn't give them that power its that now you have a cleric can cast both divine and arcane spells as he pleases. Why bring a wizard now? your cleric can cast all major divine spells and vice versa, SO now using limited wish or wish a wizard or sorc can now effectively cast cure or raise dead so sort of defeats idea of being a wizard or cleric. In my campaigns if your a wizard YOU use arcane spells and dont tred on divine spell list(are rare exceptions) and vice versa its not a bad GM call its a choice in keeping wizard and cleric seperate classes with out treding in each others domain. domain class abilities are exceptions of course. Can say what you like but, not about to let my wizards or sorcs start healing or bring dead back to life, and i'm not about to let my cleric suddenly cast mordinkens(know i'm spelling that wrong) disjunction out of the blue.

in end MUST be a separation between arcane and divine and these spells blur that line to much for my tastes. Thus no i won't allow it, and if players dont like it well find a new DM my game my rules... are never bad GM choices, just players cant take idea that DM can change the rules. Most players complain of these rules do so because now cant abuse the rule, like i said are exceptions using it as a last ditch effort to kill certain enemies HAS to be used is fine, but using wish(not i'd ever give my players wish) to cast raise dead or miracle to use disjunction just not gonna allow that. It has to be to move plot or beat certain enemy, MAYBE to raise a cleric died but thats it.

you don't have to agree with me... because i don't care if you agree or not thats beauty of having an opinion ^,^

no is no immunity items,feats or abilities in pathfinder with out a shapeshift though, can reduce the effects, getting a monk level or two can give you improved evasion so can negate some fire attacks, or as some one said fire shield. Thats probably about best you can hope for, i think idea is that... can no longer achieve god mode in pathfinder why removed energy immunity spell.

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