Any good solo D&D-type games?

Gamer Life General Discussion

Years ago, there were a few mods created for solo play. Does anyone know of any D&D-type board game or roleplaying game that works well?

You mean solo as one single player and a GM ?
Or solo as just by yourself, alone ?

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4

Umm...I ran a very successful game of the Mouseguard RPG online with a friend over googlechat.

I still have the old D&D Redbox with the solo-play in to avoid that I think.

Seldriss wrote:

You mean solo as one single player and a GM ?

Or solo as just by yourself, alone ?

Solo as in alone. I heard Tales of the Arabian Knights was interesting, but wanted to know if anyone knows any with D&D-flavor.

Garygax wrote:
Solo as in alone. I heard Tales of the Arabian Knights was interesting, but wanted to know if anyone knows any with D&D-flavor.

Oh. Well then i don't really know what to recommend, sorry.

If you were to play alone, why not playing a MMORPG ? You'll get some roleplaying, maybe not much but you would still be in the D&D or RPG atmosphere, and you wouldn't actually be alone, as you would be part of a community.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4

There's always Neverwinter Nights. I enjoyed it a fair amount.

Scipion del Ferro wrote:
There's always Neverwinter Nights. I enjoyed it a fair amount.


And of course, Baldur's Gate, Planescape Torment and others. Great games, even nowadays.
But i was refering to the MMORPGs for the community aspect, the social interaction with other players, which gives opportunities for some roleplaying.

I think you are talking about board games, not computer games, as Tales of the Arabian Nights is a board game.

Arkham Horror can be played solo, but it's not a D&D themed game. The old Warhammer Quest game could be played solo - I guess you could find a copy on ebay.

Basically, any "cooperative" game can be played alone - just look around BoardGameGeeks for fantasy themed ones:

Yes, i know Gary was asking for table or board games, but i was proposing the alternative of online games so he wouldn't play alone.

Seldriss wrote:
Yes, i know Gary was asking for table or board games, but i was proposing the alternative of online games so he wouldn't play alone.

And what gave you the idea I was addressing/correcting you? I though it was clear my answer was adressed at the OP...

Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I've been reading good stuff about Thunderstone but I don't have it...

Shadow Lodge

I know that they released a Solo adventure through DDI for D&D 4e, but you have to have a subscription to get it, so I'm not sure if that's exactly viable. :)

CunningMongoose wrote:
And what gave you the idea I was addressing/correcting you? I though it was clear my answer was adressed at the OP...

Nothing, nothing, all is good. Cheers :)

By the way, it reminds me i saw a compendium of solo adventures in my store, not long ago.
I don't remember who was the publisher.

if OP has a decent system buy NWN 1-2 and BG series, all of these are pretty amazing D&D games, and offer a wide variety of downloadable solo campaigns and if decent coder can even make own! i swear by these games, if wanting solo content its best route to go. Also Temple of elemental evil which revised for 3.5 alot dissed it but i found it pretty fun till my CD got roached.

Lokai wrote:
if OP has a decent system buy NWN 1-2 and BG series, all of these are pretty amazing D&D games, and offer a wide variety of downloadable solo campaigns and if decent coder can even make own! i swear by these games, if wanting solo content its best route to go. Also Temple of elemental evil which revised for 3.5 alot dissed it but i found it pretty fun till my CD got roached.

Thanks guys. Yes, I loved NWN 1, played them all. Was looking for solo pen and paper adventuring like Tunnels and Trolls, but something else. Boardgames too. Shame that Warhammer Quest is like $300 - $600. Looks like Runebound Second Edition is available for solo play. Has anyone ever played one of those old-school text-based MUDD games?

Garygax wrote:
Shame that Warhammer Quest is like $300 - $600.

Just found two boxes on ebay for 50-150$

Or try the Fabled Land java app :

Shadow Lodge

And then there's the best solo adventure of them all.

Choose your own adventure!

Garygax wrote:
Has anyone ever played one of those old-school text-based MUDD games?

I did several years ago, on my old Linux box. I was part of a couple games, one of which was a VtM game, and the other was a more traditional fantasy game. All you need to do is grab a MUD client, connect to a server, and join a game. Almost all of which I assume can be done via a web search. As I haven't used it for several years, I cannot remember or even begin to recommend anything. I did enjoy playing though, damn did I enjoy playing.

Garygax wrote:
Seldriss wrote:

You mean solo as one single player and a GM ?

Or solo as just by yourself, alone ?
Solo as in alone. I heard Tales of the Arabian Knights was interesting, but wanted to know if anyone knows any with D&D-flavor.

Kenzer and XRP did one or two of those types of adventures. The XRP one can be found here. The Kenzer ones can be found either on their website or on RPGNow in pdf form. They even have a free sample version that can be found here.

Mongoose Press, when they had their D20 Lone Wolf game, had a free download solo adventure version based on the first Lone Wolf book, Flight from the Dark. Emphasis on the word had- since they discontinued that particular line (but they still sell the revised version of the Lone Wolf books only).

Back in the day it was 'Fighting Fantasy' novels between sessions.
Still worth a look at.
Great fun with 2d6!

Shifty wrote:

Back in the day it was 'Fighting Fantasy' novels between sessions.

Still worth a look at.
Great fun with 2d6!

WOW that brings back memories!

I tried to start a >community project to build DM Decks< that would allow a solo player to experience a limited adventure with a bit of re-play value. It got a few nibbles of participation (along with a lot of chatter.)

I know this doesn't exactly answer your question, but I believe there is a market out there for this type of system.

If you're interested, please submit some card ideas to the thread. Over time, if enough people submit ideas there will be a repository of cards available for use, and available to stimulate the imagination for new cards.

p.s. You will have to ignore the *haters* who popped into the beginning of that thread. That was a time full of wrath and angst.

MisterSlanky wrote:

And then there's the best solo adventure of them all.

Choose your own adventure!

Wow, I haven't thought about those in a long time. Lemee see, the only one of that bunch I recognize is "Revolt of the Dwarves."

OT, I haven't seen much aside from what was already mentioned.

o i c

Though a bit clichè, try thinking Legend of Zelda, or a medieval Metal Gear Solid. Use old dungeon maps no one uses from LoZ(the first one). There was an old PC game called THIEF that did very well for its time. Unfortunately, I'm not use to solo missions, aside from video games and detective novels. Perhaps look at some movies for inspiration.

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