Taylor Lautner Fan To Universal: You Ripped Off Twilight!


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Dark Archive

Apparently Taylor Lautner's fans have determined that "The Wolfman" is a rip off of Twilight. Link Just a taste:

Rabid fan wrote:

To whom this may concern:

This movie was a complete waste and I feel that it offends ALL Twilight Fans around the world, that including myself. For one, it was a COMPLETE remaking of the Wolf Pack from the Twilight Saga: New Moon. It gives the werewolves a bad name and makes them look like some deformed mutation of a rabid dog.

Shadow Lodge

I guess that guy/girl hadn't read far enough into the series to learn the 'Wolf Pack' are not werewolves, but shapeshifters who could only turn into wolves.

Lycanthropy is a curse, not a defense against vampires.

Dark Archive

It is a girl for the record.


<catches breath>






I'd show my wife this when she comes home, but I'm afraid it might kill her when she loses the ability to breathe from the laughter.

David Fryer wrote:
Apparently Taylor Lautner's fans have determined that "The Wolfman" is a rip off of Twilight. Link Just a taste:
Rabid fan wrote:

To whom this may concern:

This movie was a complete waste and I feel that it offends ALL Twilight Fans around the world, that including myself. For one, it was a COMPLETE remaking of the Wolf Pack from the Twilight Saga: New Moon. It gives the werewolves a bad name and makes them look like some deformed mutation of a rabid dog.

*Palm to face, shakes head...*

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Did you read the one about Stephanie Meyer suing Lon Chaney's estate for violation of copyright on her trademarked characters?

Sovereign Court

I'd say this is clearly a joke letter or a fake.. but I've met some Twilight fans.

Scarab Sages

This kind of ignorance makes my brain hurt.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Aberzombie wrote:
This kind of ignorance makes my brain hurt.

The one in your skull or the one on your plate?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber

As I said in the Wolfman thread:
That rumbling noise you hear in the ground is Lon Chaney Jr. spinning in his grave at that much ignorance.

Both of these films had good effects for the werewolves/wolves. However, as much as I liked seeing a dire wolf sized creature in the New Moon preview on iTunes, I'm not seeing the movie. I do admire the work they did on the animation, though, and I'd like to see that used more often.

The Wolfman, on the other hand, was fun to watch, but had too many weak parts to make it a good film.

Wolfman spoiler:
Having Chancey's father as the original Wolfman was ok, but it felt cheap and quickly decided on. Also, the buckets of gore could've been cut back on some.
The original was a classic and this remake only proves that.

Now, the letter from that fan is ridiculous to the point of idiocy. Meyer may be a good author when it comes to appealing to young girls, and that's fine, but this kind of fandom, unfortunately, only proves how foolish some Twilight fans can be.

Liberty's Edge

SilverWolf86 wrote:

Both of these films had good effects for the werewolves/wolves. However, as much as I liked seeing a dire wolf sized creature in the New Moon preview on iTunes, I'm not seeing the movie. I do admire the work they did on the animation, though, and I'd like to see that used more often.

The Wolfman, on the other hand, was fun to watch, but had too many weak parts to make it a good film. ** spoiler omitted **The original was a classic and this remake only proves that.

Now, the letter from that fan is ridiculous to the point of idiocy. Meyer may be a good author when it comes to appealing to young girls, and that's fine, but this kind of fandom, unfortunately, only proves how foolish some Twilight fans can be.

In regards to all the gore, remember that they brought on Rick "American Werewolf in London" Baker to help with the creature and special effects. Cutting back on gore with him would be like asking Ray Harryhausen to not use so much stop-action.

As for the fan herself, I'm reminded of the story of my friend who saw Titanic in the theater (because he wanted to see the special effects of the ship sinking). He mentioned in the line to the movie that he couldn't believe he was waiting two hours for a three hour movie about a boat sinking.

Then the girls behind him were outraged at him and loudly complained that he "gave away the ending".

"In regards to all the gore, remember that they brought on Rick "American Werewolf in London" Baker to help with the creature and special effects. Cutting back on gore with him would be like asking Ray Harryhausen to not use so much stop-action."

That may be so, but from my experience, werewolf movies that lack a good script, or a good director, have a bad habit of adding a load of gore where it isn't really needed.

And I can name several:

The Feeding
Dark Moon
Night Shadow

American Werewolf in London is one of my favorite werewolf movies, but it was so well written and paced that I didn't mind all the gore.

Now, if only White Wolf would approve a story from Werewolf: The Forsaken for filming. I'd love to see a film like THAT.

The Exchange

And to think folks, that girl and others like her, will someday run the world. O_o

Leave my girlfriend alone!

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Taylor Lautner wrote:
Leave my girlfriend alone!

-One silver bullet later-

So... um... yeah

Shadow Lodge

SilverWolf86 wrote:
Now, the letter from that fan is ridiculous to the point of idiocy. Meyer may be a good author when it comes to appealing to young girls, and that's fine, but this kind of fandom, unfortunately, only proves how foolish some Twilight fans can be.

I glad you said "some Twilight fans," because I like the movie, I own two of the books, I have plans to see New Moon, and I have plans with a friend to play a joke on all the other Twilight fans when Eclipse hits theaters.

Fans like the writer of that letter though, just make me laugh. Still waiting for someone to say Dracula sparkled...

NSFW Linky

And finally, Team Alucard!

Scarab Sages

Don't forget this

Scarab Sages

Moorluck wrote:
And to think folks, that girl and others like her, will someday run the world. O_o

Not if we zombies have anything to say about it.

The Exchange

Aberzombie wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
And to think folks, that girl and others like her, will someday run the world. O_o
Not if we zombies have anything to say about it.

Please oh Lord, let the zombiepocolypse strike first. It would be easier to live through.

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

SilverWolf86 wrote:

That may be so, but from my experience, werewolf movies that lack a good script, or a good director, have a bad habit of adding a load of gore where it isn't really needed.

And I can name several:

The Feeding
Dark Moon
Night Shadow

A good little known werewolf movie that doesn't have a lot of the gore is called 'Blood and Chocolate'. I enjoyed, despite the contrivances towards the end.

Shadow Lodge

Moorluck wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
And to think folks, that girl and others like her, will someday run the world. O_o
Not if we zombies have anything to say about it.
Please oh Lord, let the zombiepocolypse strike first. It would be easier to live through.

Zombies Vs. (Twilight)Vampires

Zombies: Move slowly, only want brains/flesh of the living. Bullet to the brain kills.

(Twilight)Vampires: Really fast, strong, smart. Don't age. Can drink animal or human blood. Immortal unless ripped to pieces and burned. Have thousands(if not millions) of people willing to fight for them. Also, each has a special power(mind-reading, sensory deprivation, electricity crawling along the skin, etc.)

Vampires win.

*punts* Dragonborn3

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Twilight Vampires: I'm invulnerable and Shiny!

Tzimisce Vampires: Oh what fun we'll have with that...

Shadow Lodge

Urizen wrote:
*punts* Dragonborn3

I think I'll tell Mr. Fishy you can't can't punt a dragon. What will he think of you then?

Dragonborn3 wrote:
Urizen wrote:
*punts* Dragonborn3
I think I'll tell Mr. Fishy you can't can't punt a dragon. What will he think of you then?

Urizen is the Herald of His Baron-Esquire Fishyness.


Liberty's Edge

Dragonborn3 wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
And to think folks, that girl and others like her, will someday run the world. O_o
Not if we zombies have anything to say about it.
Please oh Lord, let the zombiepocolypse strike first. It would be easier to live through.

Zombies Vs. (Twilight)Vampires

Zombies: Move slowly, only want brains/flesh of the living. Bullet to the brain kills.

(Twilight)Vampires: Really fast, strong, smart. Don't age. Can drink animal or human blood. Immortal unless ripped to pieces and burned. Have thousands(if not millions) of people willing to fight for them. Also, each has a special power(mind-reading, sensory deprivation, electricity crawling along the skin, etc.)

Vampires win.

Also the zombies will starve in a world of Twilight fans - no brains = no food for them.

Shadow Lodge

Nikolaus Athas wrote:
Also the zombies will starve in a world of Twilight fans - no brains = no food for them.

This is false. Brainless Twilight fans are used as cannonfodder *shows everyone the cannon* and guards for the intelligent fans.

Dragonborn3 wrote:
Nikolaus Athas wrote:
Also the zombies will starve in a world of Twilight fans - no brains = no food for them.
This is false. Brainless Twilight fans are used as cannonfodder *shows everyone the cannon* and guards for the intelligent fans.

"Yuh called?"

Shadow Lodge

Yes. Do you see the zombie in this thread? Hop in the cannon while I aim it at his henchmen, Urizen.

Dragonborn3 wrote:
Yes. Do you see the zombie in this thread? Hop in the cannon while I aim it at his henchmen, Urizen.

"I would, but I'm being blinded by that there sparkling lad"

I'll take Romero zombies any day of the week and twice on Saturdays before I'd submit to a Twilight vampire.

Scarab Sages

Dragonborn3 wrote:
Nikolaus Athas wrote:
Also the zombies will starve in a world of Twilight fans - no brains = no food for them.
This is false. Brainless Twilight fans are used as cannonfodder *shows everyone the cannon* and guards for the intelligent fans.

So, we're talking like, what 99.9% canon fodder.

Meanwhile, zombies - bite transmits disease, easily converting any human into a new zombie. Human race eventually dies out.

Twilight "vampires" subsequently fall into deep, angst-filled depression and off themselves.

Zombies win.

Shadow Lodge

Kannonfodder wrote:
Dragonborn3 wrote:
Yes. Do you see the zombie in this thread? Hop in the cannon while I aim it at his henchmen, Urizen.
"I would, but I'm being blinded by that there sparkling lad"

Don't worry then, you don't need to see.

*places Kf in the cannon*
*aims at Urizen*

<does a slo-mo Neo dodge>

Shiny child, please.

Shadow Lodge

Urizen wrote:

<does a slo-mo Neo dodge>

Shiny child, please.

slo-mo dodge vs. dwarf shot from a cannon...

Perhaps you should have dodged faster.

Scarab Sages

Dragonborn3 wrote:

(Twilight)Vampires: Really fast, strong, smart. Don't age. Can drink animal or human blood. Immortal unless ripped to pieces and burned. Have thousands(if not millions) of people willing to fight for them. Also, each has a special power(mind-reading, sensory deprivation, electricity crawling along the skin, etc.)

So, basically, their like the bastard love children of Anne Rice vampires and Marvel mutants.

Aberzombie wrote:
Dragonborn3 wrote:

(Twilight)Vampires: Really fast, strong, smart. Don't age. Can drink animal or human blood. Immortal unless ripped to pieces and burned. Have thousands(if not millions) of people willing to fight for them. Also, each has a special power(mind-reading, sensory deprivation, electricity crawling along the skin, etc.)

So, basically, their like the bastard love children of Anne Rice vampires and Marvel mutants.

I'm glad you realize why they are better than Zombies. You shall be destroyed last.

Scarab Sages

Keaton Bloodfang wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Dragonborn3 wrote:

(Twilight)Vampires: Really fast, strong, smart. Don't age. Can drink animal or human blood. Immortal unless ripped to pieces and burned. Have thousands(if not millions) of people willing to fight for them. Also, each has a special power(mind-reading, sensory deprivation, electricity crawling along the skin, etc.)

So, basically, their like the bastard love children of Anne Rice vampires and Marvel mutants.
I'm glad you realize why they are better than Zombies. You shall be destroyed last.

Oh, that's not to say that they're better, just that the author who created them couldn't decide between which literary figures she'd rather rip-off. Besides, combining two things that suck doesn't mean the result will be awesome.

Dragonborn3 wrote:
Urizen wrote:

<does a slo-mo Neo dodge>

Shiny child, please.

slo-mo dodge vs. dwarf shot from a cannon...

Perhaps you should have dodged faster.

No. We're in different alternate realities where time flows differently.

Shadow Lodge

Urizen wrote:
Dragonborn3 wrote:
Urizen wrote:

<does a slo-mo Neo dodge>

Shiny child, please.

slo-mo dodge vs. dwarf shot from a cannon...

Perhaps you should have dodged faster.

No. We're in different alternate realities where time flows differently.

So your time moves slower, while mine moves faster. Since the dwarf and the cannon are in my flow of time, you cannot possible dodge, because you will not see the dwarf hurdling toward until after it has hit you..

I wouldn't say that I was slower ... I would say that your firing was a bit ... premature. It happens. :p

The Exchange

Aberzombie wrote:
Keaton Bloodfang wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Dragonborn3 wrote:

(Twilight)Vampires: Really fast, strong, smart. Don't age. Can drink animal or human blood. Immortal unless ripped to pieces and burned. Have thousands(if not millions) of people willing to fight for them. Also, each has a special power(mind-reading, sensory deprivation, electricity crawling along the skin, etc.)

So, basically, their like the bastard love children of Anne Rice vampires and Marvel mutants.
I'm glad you realize why they are better than Zombies. You shall be destroyed last.
Oh, that's not to say that they're better, just that the author who created them couldn't decide between which literary figures she'd rather rip-off. Besides, combining two things that suck doesn't mean the result will be awesome.

Marvel Mutants don't suck! Well I mean Emma Frost does, but only if she really likes you. ;)

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

Twilight Vampires? Better than Zombies? Excuse me while I quote Ted Kord: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!

You know any other good jokes? I could use another laugh...

Why does everyone hate glitter fairies?

Shadow Lodge

Of all the things you could be nitpicky about, why is it the vampires themsleves? Are we really discussing the realism of (possibly)imaginary creatures?

I guess we're all gamers to the end.

Liberty's Edge

Dragonborn3 wrote:

Of all the things you could be nitpicky about, why is it the vampires themsleves? Are we really discussing the realism of (possibly)imaginary creatures?

I guess we're all gamers to the end.

I'm surprised no one has statted them up and played out the fight yet.

Shadow Lodge

Cuchulainn wrote:
Dragonborn3 wrote:

Of all the things you could be nitpicky about, why is it the vampires themsleves? Are we really discussing the realism of (possibly)imaginary creatures?

I guess we're all gamers to the end.

I'm surprised no one has statted them up and played out the fight yet.

Normal Vampire Template, minus weakness to the sun, alignment can be any of the Nine, plus Scent and one special power.

Normal Zombie Template.

To make this a valid fight, the race is human, the level is one, and the class is commoner.

Aberzombie wrote:

Meanwhile, zombies - bite transmits disease, easily converting any human into a new zombie. Human race eventually dies out.

Twilight "vampires" subsequently fall into deep, angst-filled depression and off themselves.

Zombies win.

{shakes pom-poms and cheers excitedly:} GUH ZMMMBEEES GUH! GUH ZMMMBEEES GUH- {arm falls off}


Zombies and twinklepires wipe each other out an werewolves inherite the Earth? Bonus!

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