Wayfinder #11 (PFRPG) PDF

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Created for Pathfinder fans by Pathfinder fans, the eleventh issue of the ENnie Award-winning Wayfinder fanzine revels in the infernal glory that is Cheliax! This free fanzine includes dozens of articles, including original fiction, new monsters, adventures, classes and options, magic items, and even item cards! All this, and much, much more can be yours....

Contributing Authors: Liam Allman, Charlie Bell, Janet Bell, Jason Black, Robert Cameron, Ryan Costello, Jr., Sarah Counts, Robert Feather, Guy Fox, Mark Garringer, Christoph Gimmler, Frank Gori, Garrett Guillotte, Wojciech Gruchała, Jesper Haglund, Sam Harris, Kiel Howell, Scott Janke, Chris Jarvis, Joseph Kellogg, Joe Kondrak, Thomas LeBlanc, John Leising, Anthony C. Li, Russell Litzkow, Nathanael C. Love, Ron Lundeen, Damien McGurrell, Jacob W. Michaels, Yanick Moreau, Ed Ortiz, Jr., Matt Roth, Matt Rupprecht, Russell Schneider, Mark Seifter, Crystle Stevenson, Jeffrey Swank, James Thomas, Margherita Tramontano, James Tyner, Christopher Wasko, Neil Spicer, Todd Stewart, Tanith Tyrr, and Linda Zayas-Palmer.

Contributing Artists: Catherine Batka, Gabrielle Bruer, Darran Caldemeyer, Tyler Clark, Elizabeth Courts, Andrew DeFelice, William Dodds, Peter Fairfax, Crystal Frasier, Erin Frye, Silvia Gonzalez, Frank Hessefort, Michael Jaecks, Jason Kirckof, Adam Koča, Danny Hedager Krog, Mike Lowe, Dave Mallon, Jesse Mohn, Alex Moore, Katey Neve, W. Kristoph Nolen, Alberto Ortiz Leon, Beatrice Pelagatti, Carlos Torreblanca, Nick Russell, Tanyaporn Sangsnit, Hugo “Butterfrog” Solis, Ashton “N'wah” Sperry, Remi Thorensen, Todd Westcot, and Stephen Wood.

Cartography by Michael Arrington and Alex Moore
Cover art by Nick Russell

Wayfinder #11 is a 102-page full-color PDF suitable for printing or viewing on your computer. It is released under the Paizo's Community Use Policy.

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Devilishly Good Times


I'm going to open up by saying that after reading this I immediately started putting together a campaign to utilize the goodies presented. It was that good.

This expansive issue of Wayfinder offers everything you could possibly want related to the nation of Cheliax, including prestige classes, archetypes, specialized wizard schools, cavalier orders, NPCs, stories, the list goes on.

The cavalier orders and wizard schools were my particular favorites. The cavalier orders are designed for cavaliers looking to join the ranks of one of the Hellknight organizations, and there's an order for each, complete with specialized codes, unique abilities, and even some cool SLA's (Order of the Pyre gains fireball as a 1/day SLA with a caster level equal to character level, which is just.... explosive). We literally sat down the moment we got home from PaizoCon and created an entire party out of this book, including an Ossifuer Wizard who transforms into a Bone Devil, two cavaliers, one who specializes in obtaining information and wiping his enemies minds clean of secrets and another who's a master of disguise, and a Summoner diabolist with a fiendish Eidolon who doubled as a somewhat terrifying healer.
If you have any interest in Cheliax or its many fiendish (or otherwise) residents, check this out. It's just good stuff.

A willing journey into the Infernal Kingdom


I have never written a review before, but here it goes.....

This issue of Wayfinder is full of fiendish delights. From Hellknights to devils and character class options to magic items. If you have a diabolic bent, then this issue is right up your alley.

- I'll start with the various fiction written in issue 11. All well written and easily engaging. Very usable for backstory/story driven games.

- While I don't play in Golarion, the adventure hooks found in here are very helpful and interesting. They are written for Golarion, but can be dropped in anywhere. The range from political intrigue to combating an evil cult.
The side trek adventure, The Bookbound Herald puts the PC up against the Hellknights, performing rituals, and a very upset Erinyes. This will be used very soon. The Beginner Box adventure, Little Devils, Is politicaly charged. Very well writen

-Character options? Plenty of hellish options can be found:
There are Infernal Options for some of the wizard school choices (an example is the ossifer school (transform into a bone devil) replaces the trasmutation schools abilities).
Plenty of archtypes to choose from. The one that stuck out for me was the Cruel Huntsman (Ranger). Think of Sam Elliots character in Ghostrider. There is also a prestige class archtype in this issue called the Obedient Diabolist for the Diabolist prestige class.
And speaking of prestige classes, enter the Infernal Aspirant. A spell casting diabolist that has found a shortcut to become a devil as a finale to this class.
Wanna be a Hellknight without taking the prestige class? Then the Cavaliers of the Hellknight Orders might be the way to go for you. This article recreates the different Hellknight orders and organizes them into Cavalier orders. Very nice indeed. (I needed this about 4 months ago sadly.....)
There are several feats that will condemn you, but who cares right?
The one I like is Executioner Adept. Make my crits hit harder and my massive damage harder to survive through? Yes please.
And there are plenty of rogue talents and barbarian rage powers to make them a literal hell to deal with.

With all the hellfire and brimstone within, it is of no surprise that a slew of devils and their friends have found their way on these pages.Of the 5 new devils, I found that i both love and loathe the Lilim (seduction devil), especially with how they 'reproduce'. Corrupt? Hell yeah! And going up against a covey of flue hags will just be annoying. Love me some new monsters!

-Of all of the great things in this issue, The NPC's and the Artwork are my favorites, followed by the Bestiary. The NPC's all have great backgrounds and motivations and the artwork is tops that brings them to life. You have a choice of Hellknights, from the strict and orderly Maralictor Petra Highsmith to Karskin Elrick, a defiant Paladin/Hellknight. And then there is the flamboyant Federico Castrovel a political opera singer. There are plenty of other NPC's that would bring any campaign to life. Did I mention Federico Castrovel?

This is not all that rests within these pages. There are gems to be found by those willing to sell their souls or just plain lucky (did I mention Fedrico Castrovel?).

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Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

WHOOOO its out! And from a quick glance its the best its ever been


Scarab Sages

Whoo! Whoo!
And Thrice Whoo!
(and don't forget to leave a review).

Wheeeeeee! Too early to ask a review?!

Scarab Sages

Just sliding that reminder in there, early on.

You're right; no-one should rush through this, in case it causes them Thrill-Power Overload.
I'm still picking bits of cerebral matter out of the upholstery, after Issue 10.

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Huzzah! I look forward to reading the articles I didn't get to edit/proofread.


This looks really awesome and I'll be devouring this when I have the chance to do so today (when I'm not grilling* or blowing things up to celebrate 'Murica). :D

*catagory 2 hurricane permitting

Also, a huge congratulatory thanks to the editors, proofreaders, contributing authors and artists, and everyone else that worked on this. And a personal thank you and shout out to Tanyaporn Sangsnit for some amazing artwork for my story '14 Neth - Xaos Night'!

I just browsed through the PDF and am very impressed with the quality. Excellent!

A very good product. It'll improve greatly any cheliax-based story and my Way of the Wicked campaign. A question, though. I remenber to have read, somewhere, about an archetipe for infernal asmo-loving witches which is not in the final product. Did I made a mistake or it was cut off?

Hooray, at long last, the wait for this issue has ended. Off to download!

And now begins the wait for a review(s). :)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

My first time working with Wayfinder! It looks great and I'm looking forward to any reviews!

Free is a wonderful thing :)

Even as someone who put words in this issue, just flipping through it all I can say is the art is awesome. Great work as always, folks.

Review, guys! As a prize for the first three reviews, I offer the complete stats of the Iconic Obedient Diabolist (20th-level/10th tier character!)

Shadow Lodge

Good lord so much content. The new kingdom building rules are awesome and I'm waiting to chew up these new archetypes, prestige classes, rage powers... f+~* it I'm excited for all this crunch.

Also that cover art is dope as hell. I want to say he's either a graveknight or the baddest hellknight in town. And that background. All of it is so on point.

Shadow Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Also am I the only one that thinks Fredrico Castrovel looks like Freddy Mercury?

LOL Federico IS Freddy... his name is basically Freddy's translation ^_^

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

I think they are one planet off, but I won't demand my money back over it.

I meant to give it a good read on my flight home, but nodded off. (Not a comment on the quality of the magazine, but just showing how worn out I was after the con.) What I did see of it is, as usual, top notch.

How does one go about getting their content published in this? I would love to contribute to later editions of this!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

The magazine itself contains the rules for submissions.

David knott 242 wrote:

The magazine itself contains the rules for submissions.

Thank you!


The Brimstone Den (p.12), tiefling brothel and de-facto Arshean temple. Well done, Rogue Eidolon! :) I wanna see Senara developed further now!

Scarab Sages

David knott 242 wrote:
I think they are one planet off, but I won't demand my money back over it.

I originally looked for a Hermes/Mercury analogue among the planets, but the nearest was Apostae, the Messenger, which wasn't suitable at all.

So I checked the other planets and went for Castrovel, since it is a planet noted for 'lust and fecundity', and it sounds sort of Spanish, therefore 'Chelish' enough for my purposes.

If one is going to adopt a celestial body as one's namesake, then one can do far worse than pick the home of the tall, slender, ever-youthful elves, and the fabulous dinosaur-riding amazons of the Lashunta.
The name positively rings, my dear. It cries OUT to be TAKEN!

Scarab Sages

And if anyone wants to speculate on the real-life analogue to Arbor Gottfried, be my guest.

Hint: it isn't 'Billy, The Bard of Barking', whose song homage appears in the issue. It's another protest singer, who's a big inspiration on both Bragg, and the writer of the third song, which got cut for space.
"Yeah, that's a lot of help." I hear you say, but there is a clue in his description, and Crystal did a good job on the face, by my reckoning.

Dark Archive

Random thoughts after a quick read through;

Senara, City of Hellspawn is just crazy adventure-friendly. Friendly to tieflings, a Hellknight presence that is openly comfortable not only working with adventurers, but also with Paladins. Play your cards right you could be fighting free-range devils *for Hellknights,* smuggling slaves for the Bellflower Network or even recovering astrological lore for a green dragon! Awesome.

Kharijite is also a neat place, a Chelish territory on the edge of Rahadoum, where you could end up smuggling people into or out of either nation (or preventing such shenanigans!). I like the mention of purified seawater providing it's water needs.

Rage powers flavored by the 'Fury of Hell?' That's certainly not an intuitive direction, and therefore is very cool.

Infernal Options - Arcane Schools is very cool. There's been mention of arcane academies in places like Korvosa, so it's a treat to see what sort of special techniques one might learn in those sorts of places.

Hellknight Cavalier Orders? Excellent way to integrate new rules options (such as the Cavalier class) into a pre-existing setting location, and Hellknight Cavalier orders are definitely one of those things that fit together six-fingered hand in devil-scale glove!

A great expansion of the Realm Building rules to include Chelish flavored buildings, like conjuratoriums, gallows and opera houses!

Knacks of Villainy - very cool Rogue talents. I love the utility and regional relevance to them. One question though, Unholy Annointment lacks a duration. Perhaps it should be caster level = to Rogue level?

P. 99, there's a handy legend to the various superscript product references scattered throughout the PDF. That's just crazy useful, so I don't have to guess what book something is in that I want to go look up for further reference! Great idea.

I'm pretty clueless about who writes what, usually, since I prefer to not judge entries based on some sort of popularity contest, but it seemed like when I saw Nathanael Love's name, it was because I loved the article and was looking up to see who wrote it. Great stuff, man!


AlgaeNymph wrote:


The Brimstone Den (p.12), tiefling brothel and de-facto Arshean temple. Well done, Rogue Eidolon! :) I wanna see Senara developed further now!

Thanks! I was sure I'd see a post by Mikaze first with at least five exclamation marks, but maybe he didn't have time to read Wayfinder yet.

I guess I have more free time. Also, I found your ask thread.

Scarab Sages

Mark Seifter wrote:
Thanks! I was sure I'd see a post by Mikaze first with at least five exclamation marks, but maybe he didn't have time to read Wayfinder yet.

He's too busy writing his long-awaited, intelligent, cultured, and sexxxy, sexxxy orcs.

We need more Mmmmmmmmrijka!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Snorter wrote:

And if anyone wants to speculate on the real-life analogue to Arbor Gottfried, be my guest.

Hint: it isn't 'Billy, The Bard of Barking', whose song homage appears in the issue. It's another protest singer, who's a big inspiration on both Bragg, and the writer of the third song, which got cut for space.
"Yeah, that's a lot of help." I hear you say, but there is a clue in his description, and Crystal did a good job on the face, by my reckoning.

Going by the inscription on his instrument I was a bit surprised you didn't use one of the songs from the Mermaid Avenue albums instead - so I know who I'd guess it to be.

People who like guessing can also try figuring out the one thing in my County of Hell's Teeth article was inspired by an actual thing in Swedish history.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Set wrote:
Senara, City of Hellspawn is just crazy adventure-friendly. Friendly to tieflings, a Hellknight presence that is openly comfortable not only working with adventurers, but also with Paladins. Play your cards right you could be fighting free-range devils *for Hellknights,* smuggling slaves for the Bellflower Network or even recovering astrological lore for a green dragon! Awesome.

Thanks! I was really looking for a lot of adventure links. To add a few more possibilities:

*In addition to trying to the help Athervox adventure, she could succeed at her rumored revenge, forcing PCs to fight cosmic horrors culminating in a battle with the draconic astronomer herself amidst a swirling orrery that releases strange and horrific effects during the fight.

*Golden Virtue Preparatory School adventure with the characters as students investigating unusual occurrences, played for either mystery or horror.

*Political intrigue adventure where the PCs wind up acting as proxies for the Lord Mayor or the High Priest. The Master of Blades and Ilara Karnazi might become involved in such an adventure too. Play up the rumors and uncertainty, laying out some truths for the PCs to find amongst the rumors, but planting four false rumors for every true.

Scarab Sages

Prize for Kajehase, bonus point for not spoiling it for the others.

I'm impressed how far those songs have travelled. Language or cultural barriers are no match for the common language of universal suffrage.


(Whoops, channeled Doodlebug for a moment, there.)

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Set wrote:
A lot of stuff that looked a lot like a review ...

Too subtle? ;)

Seriously, thanks for all the positive feedback folks. If you get a chance we would love to see some reviews posted ... the glow from a positive review (or the insight from a negative review) is, after all, the only form of payment anyone involved with the project gets. ;)

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

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Silly question, what would be the "Hag Trait" for a Flue Hag (Wayfinder #11 p. 78) Changeling?

Lord Fyre wrote:
Silly question, what would be the "Hag Trait" for a Flue Hag (Wayfinder #11 p. 78) Changeling?

Not a silly question at all. I hope you like the entry, btw.

This is my quickly-made-up answer/suggestion, 1st draft:

Hearth Spawn (Flue Hag): The changeling gains a +1 racial bonus on saving throws against fire effects.

What do you think? The text is borrowed from the Desert Child regional trait in UC, but I think it fits. Perhaps the +4 hot conditions bonus could be included, too. Or the fire save bonus could be +2?

I'll keep thinking to see if I can improve this or come up with something better. I'm interested to hear your feedback.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ignotus Advenium wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:
Silly question, what would be the "Hag Trait" for a Flue Hag (Wayfinder #11 p. 78) Changeling?

Not a silly question at all. I hope you like the entry, btw.

This is my quickly-made-up answer/suggestion, 1st draft:

Hearth Spawn (Flue Hag): The changeling gains a +1 racial bonus on saving throws against fire effects.

What do you think? The text is borrowed from the Desert Child regional trait in UC, but I think it fits. Perhaps the +4 hot conditions bonus could be included, too. Or the fire save bonus could be +2?

I'll keep thinking to see if I can improve this or come up with something better. I'm interested to hear your feedback.

How about

Chimney Slip (Flue Hag): The changeling may gain compression at will for a number of rounds equal to her class level each day and a +1 racial bonus to Escape Artist checks.

Garrett Guillotte wrote:
Ignotus Advenium wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:
Silly question, what would be the "Hag Trait" for a Flue Hag (Wayfinder #11 p. 78) Changeling?

Not a silly question at all. I hope you like the entry, btw.

This is my quickly-made-up answer/suggestion, 1st draft:

Hearth Spawn (Flue Hag): The changeling gains a +1 racial bonus on saving throws against fire effects.

What do you think? The text is borrowed from the Desert Child regional trait in UC, but I think it fits. Perhaps the +4 hot conditions bonus could be included, too. Or the fire save bonus could be +2?

I'll keep thinking to see if I can improve this or come up with something better. I'm interested to hear your feedback.

How about

Chimney Slip (Flue Hag): The changeling may gain compression at will for a number of rounds equal to her class level each day and a +1 racial bonus to Escape Artist checks.

I like that idea, too, Garrett.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

HOLY HELL!!!! My favorite Wayfinder by far.

Sovereign Court

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Glad to hear it! So what were your favorite parts? Were there any articles that really stood out for you? How was the art?

And before anyone actually posts their answers to these questions, why not take that minute or two you were going to spend posting a reply and post a review instead?

What? Too soon after my other request for product reviews?

You know, there is one definite way to get me to stop posting requests for product reviews ... one guess, that's all you get. ;)

EDIT: Seriously though, I am glad to hear everyone is enjoying the issue. I just see "reminding folks about the importance of product reviews" as a secondary job once an issue gets released into the wild.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

I just gotta say, I love the fact that I get to be in the same book as Mark or Neil and artists like Liz and Crystal along with everyone else.

Then when I read the other things and looked at all the other art...I was even more ecstatic. Fantastic issue!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm happy to get a monster in. I figured a well-dwelling fey would be a weird but cool fit to the diabolic bestiary :)

6 people marked this as a favorite.
zylphryx wrote:

Glad to hear it! So what were your favorite parts? Were there any articles that really stood out for you? How was the art?

And before anyone actually posts their answers to these questions, why not take that minute or two you were going to spend posting a reply and post a review instead?

What? Too soon after my other request for product reviews?

You know, there is one definite way to get me to stop posting requests for product reviews ... one guess, that's all you get. ;)

EDIT: Seriously though, I am glad to hear everyone is enjoying the issue. I just see "reminding folks about the importance of product reviews" as a secondary job once an issue gets released into the wild.

As requested, I did review it. As it was my first review ever, it was done to the best of my current ability.

Sovereign Court

Strongblade, you are an excellent individual! Thank you for taking the time to give the review. :)

Speaking of which, it is a really well done review, especially for a first review ever. Kudos to you! :)

And as promised I will now stop pestering everyone repeatedly about posting a review (though I strongly recommend you all take strongblade's lead and post your own review on this issue ;) ... last time, I promise.)

Scarab Sages

One thing I noticed amidst all the awesomeness was that many of the Hellknight cavalier orders, while thematically amazing, are missing critical snippets of information like caster level for granted SLA's. My first read through involved drool and positively unnecessary levels of excitement, but my second involved a pencil and notepad to address all of the little issues that would need to be taken care of prior to our newly inspired Chelaxian campaign.

Liberty's Edge

If I wanted to write an article who should I talk to?


2 people marked this as a favorite.

Qstor: Here's the link to the call for contributions to the next issue, all about Osirion.

Liberty's Edge Contributor

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Ssalarn wrote:
One thing I noticed amidst all the awesomeness was that many of the Hellknight cavalier orders, while thematically amazing, are missing critical snippets of information like caster level for granted SLA's. My first read through involved drool and positively unnecessary levels of excitement, but my second involved a pencil and notepad to address all of the little issues that would need to be taken care of prior to our newly inspired Chelaxian campaign.

Hi, Ssalarn. I'm glad you like the Hellknight cavalier orders. While most cavalier orders in other sources only offer Extraordinary abilities, the nature of the Hellknights and the abilities described led us to veer from that practice, which does make them a little more complicated.

You should note that for spell-like abilities, when caster level is not given in an ability's description or a monster's statblock, the caster level is equal to the character's level or the creature's Hit Dice. (This is from the Universal Monster Rules, but it applies to all spell-like abilities.)

Paris Crenshaw
Wayfinder Assistant Editor-in-Chief


Need to place a Paizo order to get it shipped all the way to the Infernal Empire...

Thanks to everyone who made it happen!


So honored to be in this awesome issue. So many great articles and ideas. And the art is just stunning.

And for the first time I was able to combine two of my favorite things, poetry and pathfinder.

Bardess wrote:
Review, guys! As a prize for the first three reviews, I offer the complete stats of the Iconic Obedient Diabolist (20th-level/10th tier character!)

Is this still available? :)

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