Alchemist + Infusion + Death

Advanced Player's Guide Playtest: Final Playtest

So, I'm currently writing a campaign in which an alchemist is the main bad guy, and over the course of the story a few of his apprentices will face off against the party as well. In considering this, it occurred to me: What happens to an alchemist's infused extracts when he or she dies? Do they retain their power or do they go inert? I could understand it either way, just wanted to know the official ruling.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

I would assume that anything that needed to be within an alchemist's aura would no longer function once that aura was extinguished.

Infused extracts no longer have to be in the alchemist's aura, though. They effectively become potions, they can be passed around and used by anyone. Hence my confusion.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Sorry, my error.

In that case, they have to remain good. Otherwise, the party's cleric could hold onto an infusion and use detect magic to determine whether the alchemist who created it, and who then placed herself in danger, is still alive.

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