Pathfinderized Order of the Stick

Gamer Life General Discussion

In this thread I am going to be posting Pathfinder stats for the Order of the stick from Rich Berlew's famous comic.

If you've never read the Order of the Stick, I highly recommend it. Bear in mind that all the statistics I will be posting are not perfectly accurate. I did everything I could to stay true to the characters from the comic (including some horrible skill choices), but there were some places that I had to extrapolate. In any places where we are certain what equipment or skill ranks a character has I stayed true to places where we don't know anything or just have vague clues, I tried to fill in those blanks as best I could. In certain circumstances, there are things that had the characters been statted up for Pathfinder in the first place...they might be slightly different, in those cases I altered them to fit the rules.

All characters were built using 20 point-buy (High Fantasy).

Roy Greenhilt


Male Human Fighter 13
LG Medium Humanoid
Init +2; Senses Perception +11.

AC 28, touch 15, flat-footed (+13 Armor +2 Dex +3 Defl)
hp 184 (13d10+39+13+13)
Fort +14 (8+4+2), Ref +8 (4+2+2), Will +9 (4+1+2+2) +3 vs. Fear

Defensive Abilities DR 3/-
Spd 30 ft
Melee +29 melee, Greenhilt Sword (2d6+21/17-20 + 4confirm critical)
+29/+24/+19 melee, Greenhilt Sword (2d6+21/17-20 +4 confirm critical)
+25 melee, Power Attack (2d6+33/17-20 +4 confirm critical)
+25/+20/+15 melee, Full Power Attack (2d6+33/17-20 +4 confirm critical)
+2 hit, +2d6 damage vs. Undead
Special Attacks Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Disruptive, Spellbreaker, Penetrating Strike.
Str 18/22, Dex 10/14, Con 13/17, Int 14, Wis 13, Cha 13
Base Atk +13; CMB +19; CMD 31
Feats Iron Will (Human), Power Attack (1), Weapon Focus: Greatsword (Ftr1), Cleave (Ftr2), Endurance (3), Weapon Specialization: Greatsword (Ftr4), Toughness (5), Great Cleave (Ftr6), Disruptive (7), Greater Weapon Focus: Greatsword (Ftr8), Improved Critical: Greatsword (9), Spellbreaker (Ftr10), Critical Focus (11), Penetrating Strike: Greatsword (Ftr12), Greater Weapon Specialization: Greatsword (13).
Skills Climb +16 (10-3 acp), Diplomacy*+13 (12), Intimidate +9 (5), Knowledge: Dungeoneering +15 (10), Perception*+11 (10), Profession: Fighter +12 (8), Ride +6 (1), Survival +8 (4), Swim +11 (5-3 acp). *Denotes a Non-Class Skill
Languages Common, Dwarven, Goblin.
Traits Natural Born-Leader, Ancestral Weapon
SQ Favored Class: Fighter (+13hp), Bravery +3, Armor Training (+3 Max Dex, -3 ACP, Move in Heavy Armor), Weapon Training (Heavy Blades +3, Polearms +2, Hammers +1)
Combat Gear The Greenhilt Sword (+5 Undead Bane Ghost Touch Starmetal Greatsword), +4 Light Fortification Adamantine Full-Plate, Oil of Shillelagh x2, Potion of Delay Poison, Potions of Cure Serious Wounds x3 (3d8+5), Potion of Protection from Fire, Potion of Haste.
Other Gear Ring of Protection +3, Ring of Mind Shielding, Boots of the Winterlands, Belt of Physical Perfection +4, Gray Bag of Tricks, Cloak of Resistance +2, Sextant, Xykon Notes, Book (History of the Greenhilt Sword), Bedroll, Greatclub, Other Mundane Equipment as needed.

Note: Roy has slightly more gear than reflected by his Wealth by Level. Chiefly, his sword was reforged and enchanted for him as a reward for saving Azure City. Also, as he has the Ancestral Weapon trait, he inherited the Greenhilt Sword from his grandfather. What abilities it possessed before being broken are unknown.

Ancestral Weapon (Magic Trait)
by Yasha0006.


Your family has an ancestral weapon that it has passed down through the ages. This weapon might bear an archiac inscription...hinting at old powers locked within the steel and wood, or it might bear your family crest. However your family came by this storied weapon, you and your entire family place their faith within it. By making offerings of prayers and by treating this weapon with absolute care, perhaps one day the storied abilities it possesses will reawaken. Should you ever lose or have your Ancestral weapon destroyed, you are honor bound to quest after it or have it reforged as quickly as possible.
You begin play with a free Masterwork weapon of your choice.

If you devote one trait:
Weapon Bonus Cost Minimum Character Level
+1 1,000 gp 3th
+2 4,000 gp 6th
+3 9,000 gp 9th
+4 16,000 gp 12th
+5 25,000 gp 15th

If you devote both traits:
Weapon Bonus Cost Minimum Character Level
+1 1,000 gp 2th
+2 4,000 gp 4th
+3 9,000 gp 6th
+4 16,000 gp 8th
+5 25,000 gp 10th
+6* 36,000 gp 12th
+7* 49,000 gp 14th
+8* 64,000 gp 16th
+9* 81,000 gp 18th
+10* 100,000 gp 19th

*A Weapon cannot actually have higher than a +5 enhancement bonus, this higher number reflects other weapon abilities. Cost amounts are total gp cost, not cumulative.

Haley Starshine


Female Human Rogue 14
Chaotic Good (Neutral) Medium Humanoid
Init +5; Senses Perception +15
AC 23, touch 18, flat-footed 17 (+5 Armor +5 Dex +2 Defl +1 Dodge)
hp 115 (14d8+28+6)
Fort +9 (4+2+3), Ref +17 (9+5+3), Will +7 (4+0+3)

Defensive Abilities Improved Evasion, Trap Sense +4, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Wind Stance.
Resist Fire 10 (Armor)
Spd 30 ft
Melee +13 melee, +2 Shortsword (1d6+3/19-20)
Ranged +22 ranged, +5 Icy Burst Longbow (1d8+5/19-20/x3 + Icy Burst)
+20(2 arrows)/+20/+15 ranged, Rapid Shot and Manyshot
+19 ranged, Deadly Aim (1d8+11/19-20/x3 + Icy Burst)
+17(2 arrows)/+12/+7 ranged, Deadly Aim, Rapid Shot, Manyshot (1d8+11/19-20/x3 + Icy Burst)
Special Attacks Sneak Attack +7d6, Point-blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Manyshot, Opportunist, Surprise Attack, Deadly Aim, Shot on the Run.
Str 12, Dex 20, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 12
Base Atk +10; CMB +11; CMD 26
Feats Martial Weapon Proficiency: Longbow (Human), Point-blank Shot (1), Precise Shot (3), Weapon Focus: Longbow (RT4), Rapid Shot (5), Dodge (7), Deadly Aim (RT8), Mobility (9), Manyshot (11), Shot on the Run (13), Improved Critical: Longbow (AT14).
Skills Acrobatics +24 (11+5 Boots), Appraise +16 (12), Bluff +18 (14), Climb +14 (10), Diplomacy +7 (2+1 trait), Disable Device +22 (14), Disguise +6 (2), Escape Artist +18 (10), Intimidate +9 (5), Knowledge: Dungeoneering +6 (2), Knowledge: Local +14 (10), Linguistics +5 (1), Perception +15 (12), Profession: Fence +6 (3), Sense Motive +6 (2+1 trait), Sleight of Hand +22 (14), Stealth +22 (14), Swim +9 (5), Use Magic Device +10 (6).
Languages Common, Goblin.
Traits Charming, Suspicious.
SQ Favored Class (Rogue: +6hp, +8 skills), Trapfinding, Evasion, Trap Sense +4, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Rogue Talents (Combat Trick, Ledge Walker, Surprise Attack, Weapon Training), Advanced Talents (Feat, Improved Evasion, Opportunist).
Combat Gear +5 Icy Burst Longbow, +2 Shortsword, +3 Fire Resistance Leather Armor, Boots of Striding and Springing, 2 Potions of Cure Serious Wounds (3d8+5), Potions of Cure Light Wounds x5 (1d8+1), Potions of Entropic Shield x2, Potion of Barkskin (+2).
Other Gear x8 Bags of Holding (all Type I), Ring of Protection +2, Ring of Resistance +3, Lesser Bracers of Archery, Dust of Tracelessness, Universal Solvent x2, Efficient Quiver (Worn), Masterwork Thieves Tools, Rope, Bedroll, Trowel, x10 Quivers (20 Arrows each), x2 Quivers (20 Silver Arrows each), x2 Quivers (20 Cold Iron Arrows each), 250ft Rope and Grapple, ~200,000 gp and assorted gems in the bags of holding. Any other basic equipment desired.

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Male Human Bard 13/Dashing Swordsman 1
Chaotic Good Medium Humanoid
Init +4; Senses Perception +4.

AC 24, touch 19, flat-footed 17 (+5 Armor +4 Dex +2 Defl +1 Cha +1 Dodge)
hp 102 (13d8+1d10+13)
Fort +9 (4+0+5), Ref +18 (9+4+5), Will +12 (8-1+5) +4 vs. Sonic/language/Bardic effects

Defensive Abilities Immune to Disease
Spd 30 ft
Melee +17 melee, +3 Keen Silver Rapier, Vital Strike (2d6+4/15-20) or (2d6+12/15-20)
+17/+12 melee, +3 Keen Silver Rapier, Full Attack
Ranged Ranged Touch +14
Special Attacks Spells, Bardic Performance (Swift Action), Demoralizing Blow, Vital Strike, Lunge.
Spellcasting Caster Level 13, Ranged Touch +14.
Spells per Day: -/7/7/6/5/2 Bonus Spells: -/2/2/2/2/1 Base: -/5/5/4/3/1
Spells Known: 6/6/5/5/4/2
Cantrips: Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, Lullaby, Mending, Message, Prestidigitation.
1st Level: Animate Rope, Cure Light Wounds, Disguise Self, Hypnotism, Silent Image, Ventriloquism.
2nd Level: Blur, Heroism, Hypnotic Pattern, Shatter, Sound Burst.
3rd Level: Cure Serious Wounds, Haste, Major Image, Slow, Tiny Hut.
4th Level: Break Enchantment, Dimension Door, Neutralize Poison, Shout.
5th Level: Greater Dispel Magic, Mass Cure Light Wounds.
Str 13, Dex 14/18, Con 10, Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 20/26
Base Atk +10; CMB +11; CMD 25
Feats Dodge (Human), Weapon Finesse (1), Blind-Fight (3), Arcane Strike (5), Still Spell (7), Mobility (9), Lunge (11), Vital Strike (13).
Skills Acrobatics +17 (5+5), Appraise +3 (1), Bluff +12 (1), Climb +9 (5), Diplomacy +12 (1), Disguise +8 (0), Escape Artist +8 (1), Intimidate +12 (1), Knowledge: Arcana +6 (0+6), Knowledge: Dungeoneering +6 (0+6), Knowledge: Engineering +6 (0+6), Knowledge: Geography +6 (0+6), Knowledge: History +6 (0+6), Knowledge: Local +6 (0+6), Knowledge: Nature +6 (0+6), Knowledge: Nobility +6 (0+6), Knowledge: Planes +6 (0+6), Knowledge: Religion +6 (0+6), Linguistics +3 (1), Perception +4 (2), Perform: String +23/+25 (12), Perform: Dance +21 (10), Perform: Oratory +21 (10), Perform: Sing +21 (10), Perform: Wind Instrument +21 (10), Ride*+6 (2), Sense Motive +3 (1), Sleight of Hand +8 (1), Spellcraft +4 (2), Stealth +12 (5), Use Magic Device +12 (1). *Non-Class Skill
Languages Common, Halfling, Xvart.
Traits Charming, Fencer
SQ Favored Class: Bard (+13hp), Bardic Knowledge, Bardic Performance (28+Cha mod rounds/day), Cantrips, Countersong, Distraction, Fascinate (WDC 16+cha), Inspire Courage +3, Versatile Performance (String, Dance, Sing), Well-Versed, Inspire Competence +4, Lore Master 2/day, Suggestion (WDC 16+cha), Dirge of Doom, Inspire Greatness, Jack-of-all-Trades, Soothing Performance, Unearthly Grace, Demoralizing Blow.
Combat Gear +3 Keen Silver Rapier, Bracers of Armor +5, Potions of Invisibility x2, Potions of Cure Serious Wounds x2 (3d8+5), Potions of Shield of Faith (+2) x3, Potions of Cure Light Wounds x3, Potion of Barkskin (+2).
Other Gear Circlet of Charisma +6, Belt of Incredible Dexterity +4, Ring of Protection +2, Ring of Counterspells, Cloak of Resistance +5, Periapt of Health, Pearl of the Sirines, Restorative Ointment, Wind Fan, Belt of Feminity/Masculinity (Cursed, Not worn), Boots of Elvenkind, Feather Tokens (Anchor x2, Bird x1, Swan Boat x1, Whip x1), Banjo Handpuppet, Masterwork Lute, Dashing Hero Outfit. Other mundane equipment as needed.

The Dashing Swordsman Prestige Class by Yasha0006.


The Dashing Swordsman (DSM) is the prime example of the overly dramatic, flamboyant wielder of both blade and quip. Taunting their opponents as they strike, they drive their foes to both distraction and anger, leaving an opening in which to drive home their blade! While others (like the Duelist) thrive by nimbly maneuvering around the battlefield, a Dashing Swordsman instead strives for the most dramatic circumstances possible. And usually survives through sheer luck and perhaps occasional divine intervention. Honestly. There has to be some god out there watching out for these folks and laughing at the sheer insanity of their style.

Alignment: Dashing Swordsmen must be of chaotic one else would ever believe this is actually a Prestige Class.

Hit Dice: d10

To qualify to become a Dashing Swordsmen, a character must fulfill the following criteria.

Base Attack Bonus: +5

Skills: Acrobatics 5 Ranks, Bluff 5 ranks, Escape Artist 5 Ranks (you escape dramatically!)

Feats: Blind-Fight, Dodge, Weapon Finesse.

Class Skills
The Dashing Swordsmans class skills are: Acrobatics (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Diplomacy (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Sense Motive (Wis) and Swim (Str).

Skill ranks at each level: 4 + Int Modifier

Class Features Chart
Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1st +1 +0 +1 +0 Unearthly Grace (AC), Demoralizing Blow
2nd +2 +1 +1 +1 Luck Pool, Deflect Arrows
3rd +3 +1 +2 +1 Blindsense 5ft, Parry
4th +4 +1 +2 +1 Defensive Combat Training
5th +5 +2 +3 +2 Riposte
6th +6 +2 +3 +2 Acrobatic charge, Blindsense 10ft
7th +7 +2 +4 +2 Unearthly Grace (Saves)
8th +8 +3 +4 +3 No Retreat
9th +9 +3 +5 +3 Blindsense 15ft
10th +10 +3 +5 +3 Luck of the Gods

Class Features
1) Unearthly Grace (Ex): At 1st level when wearing light or no armor and not using a shield, a Dashing Swordsman adds 1 point of Charisma bonus (if any) per Dashing Swordsman class level to her Dexterity bonus to modify Armor Class while wielding a melee weapon. If a DSM is caught flat-footed, denied her Dexterity bonus or when dramatically appropriate, she also loses this bonus.

At 7th Level, the DSM also applies this bonus to Saving throws as well.

2) Demoralizing Blow (Ex): A DSM gains the ability to strike opponents when off-guard with a light or one-handed piercing weapon, adding their Charisma bonus (if any) to her damage roll. Note that the DSM cannot be holding anything in their other hand when making demoralizing blows...unless its appropriately dramatic, the free hand is typically used for making rude gestures.
Any creature that cannot understand the DSM's puns or comments or that has no intelligence is unaffected by this ability. This is a Language-dependant ability.

3) Luck Pool (Ex): The DSM, perhaps out of sheer contrariness, seem favored by some sick and twisted deity out there...and it shows. Only one luck point may be spent per round!!
Beginning at 2nd Level, a DSM gains a luck pool equal to 1/2 his DSM level + Cha modifier. This
pool replenishes after 8 hours of rest...or at some dramatic moment. Spending a Luck Point is
always an Immediate Action (since thats more dramatic!)

+4 Dodge bonus to AC for 1 round.
+4 bonus to CMD for 1 round.
+5 to any one skill check.
"Forget" any one condition suffered by the character for 1 round.
Grant the DSM Evasion for one saving throw.
Reroll any one saving throw (but may only be done once per roll).

4) Deflect Arrows (Feat): The DSM gains standard use of the Deflect Arrows feat, except he/she may use his/her weapon to deflect the arrow....just to make it look cooler.

5) Blindsense (Ex): Using nonvisual senses, such as acute smell or hearing, a creature with blindsense notices things it cannot see. The creature usually does not need to make Perception checks to pinpoint the location of a creature within range of its blindsense ability, provided that it has line of effect to that creature. Any opponent the creature cannot see still has total concealment against the creature with blindsense, and the creature still has the normal miss chance when attacking foes that have concealment. Visibility still affects the movement of a creature with blindsense. A creature with blindsense is still denied its Dexterity bonus to Armor Class against attacks from creatures it cannot see.
At Level 3: 5ft
At Level 6: 10ft
At Level 9: 15ft

6) Parry (Ex): At 2nd level, a DSM learns to parry the attacks of other creatures, causing them to miss. Whenever the DSM takes a full attack action with a light or one-handed piercing weapon, she can elect not to take one of her attacks. At any time before her next turn, she can attempt to parry an attack against her or an adjacent ally as an immediate action. To parry the attack, the DSM makes an attack roll, using the same bonuses as the attack she chose to forego during her previous action. If her attack roll is greater than the roll of the attacking creature, the attack automatically misses. For each size category that the attacking creature is larger than the DSM, the DSM takes a –4 penalty on her attack roll. The DSM also takes a –4 penalty when attempting to parry an attack made against an adjacent ally. The DSM must declare the use of this ability after the attack is announced, but before the roll is made.

7) Defensive Combat Training (Feat): Because you never see the good guy get grappled in stories. Well...almost never. Thus the DSM gains this as a bonus feat at level 4.

8) Riposte (Ex): The DSM can make an attack of opportunity against any creature whose attack she successfully parries, so long as the creature she is attacking is within reach.

9) Acrobatic Charge (Ex): At 6th level, a DSM gains the ability to charge in situations where others cannot. She may charge over difficult terrain that normally slows movement. Depending on the circumstance, she may still need to make appropriate checks to successfully move over the terrain.

10) No Retreat (Ex): At 8th level, enemies adjacent to the DSM that take a withdraw action provoke an attack of opportunity from the duelist.

11) Luck of the Gods (??): At 10th level, the Dashing Swordsmans total luck pool doubles to DSM level (i.e. 10 + Charisma Modifier x2) plus two times charisma modifier. Also, the DSM no long has to abide by any rules when spending luck points, including spending more than one point in a round.

Belkar Bitterleaf


Halfling Ranger 12/Barbarian 2
Chaotic Evil Small Humanoid
Init +8; Senses Perception +0, Keen Senses.

AC 28, touch 15, flat-footed 24 (+9 Armor +4 Dex +4 Nat +1 Size)
hp 177 (12d10 + 2d12 + 42 + 12)
Fort +19 (11+3+1+4), Ref +19 (8+6+1+4), Will +7 (4-2+1+4) +2 vs Fear

Defensive Abilities Evasion, Uncanny Dodge.

Spd 30 ft
Melee +25 melee, +3 Small Dagger (1d3+7 /17-20, +4 confirm, +2 dmg on crit)
+23/+18/+13 and +23/+18/+13 melee, Full Attack +3 Small Daggers x2
Ranged +25 ranged, +3 Small Dagger, Thrown (1d3+7/17-20, +4 confirm, +2 dmg on crit)
Special Attacks Power Attack, Improved Sunder, Two-Weapon Rend (1d10+6).
Str 14/18, Dex 19/23, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 7, Cha 11
Base Atk +14 +1 Size; CMB +15; CMD 29
Feats Power Attack (1), Two-Weapon Fighting (Rgr2), Improved Sunder (3), Endurace (Rgr3), Double Slice (Rgr4), Step-Up (5), Improved Two-Weapon Fighting (Rgr6), Weapon Focus: Daggers (7), Improved Critical: Daggers (Rgr8), Improved Initiative (9), Greater Two-Weapon Fighting (10), Two-Weapon Rend (11), Weapon Finesse (Rgr12), Critical Focus (13).
Skills Acrobatics +21/+31 (12/+10 Jumping), Climb +21 (14), Craft: Cooking +8 (5), Handle Animal +0 (0), Heal +6 (5), Intimidate +17 (14), Knowledge: Dungeoneering +4 (1), Knowledge: Nature +4 (1), Perception +0 (0+2-2), Profession: Gourmet Chef +5 (4), Ride +14 (5), Stealth +27 (14+4 Size), Survival +6 (0+6 Ranger), Swim +12 (5).
Languages Common, Halfling.
Traits Killer, Dirty Fighter
SQ Favored Class (Ranger: +12hp), Halfling Luck, Fearless, Keen Senses, Weapon Familiarity, Dervish: Ranger Variant (Belkar gains no spells, he instead gains a bonus combat feat at levels 4, 8, 12, 16, 20), Favored Enemy (Humanoid: Goblinoid +4, Humanoid: Reptilian +4, Undead +2), Track, Wild Empathy, Combat Style (Two-Weapon), Favored Terrain (Urban, Underground), Hunter's Bond (Animal Companion: Mr. Scruffy), Woodland Stride, Swift Tracker, Evasion, Quarry, Camoflage, Fast Movement, Rage (9 Rounds/Day), Rage Power (No Escape), Uncanny Dodge.
Combat Gear +3 Small Daggers x3, Cloak of Resistance +4, Ring of Improved Jumping, +5 Glamered Mithral Chain Shirt, Potions of Cure Serious Wounds x4 (3d8+5), Potions of Shield of Faith x2 (+2), Potions of Undetectable Alignment x2, Elixir of Fire Breath, Potion of Protection from Lightning (60), Potion of Greater Magic Fang, Potions of Haste x2, Stone Salve.
Other Gear Amulet of Natural Armor +4, Rope of Climbing, Dust of Appearance, Belt of Physical Might +4 (Str/Dex), Brooch of Shielding, Potion of Contagion, Potion of Water Breathing, Chef's Hat, Bit of String, Bedroll, Lead Sheet, Mama Bitterleaf's +2 Secret Ingredient, Stilts, Disguise Kit, Red Chalk. Any other basic equipment desired.

Mr. Scruffy


Male Cat Animal Companion (Belkar Bitterleaf)
Neutral Tiny Animal
Init +10; Senses Perception +7, Low-light Vision, Scent.
AC 25, touch 19, flat-footed 18 (+6 Nat +6 Dex +2 Size +1 Dodge)
hp (8d8+8)
Fort +7 (6+1), Ref +12 (6+6), Will +5 (2+3) +4 vs Enchantments
Defensive Abilities Evasion
Spd 30 ft
Melee +12 melee, Claw (1d2-2)
+12 melee, 2 Claws (1d2-2) and +10 melee, Bite (1d3-2)
Special Attacks Multiattack
Str 6, Dex 22, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 16, Cha 9
Base Atk +6 (+2 Size); CMB +2 (-2 Size); CMD 18 (-2 Size)
Feats (4): Weapon Finesse, Stealthy, Dodge, Improved Initiative.
Skills (8): Acrobatics +19 (2+8), Climb +15 (2+4), Perception +7 (1), Stealth +25/+29 (2+4 racial +8 size +2 feat/+4 in cover), Swim +2 (1)
Tricks (4+6): Attack, Come, Fetch, Heel, Seek, Stay. Belkar is unable to teach any tricks to Mr. Scruffy, as he has no ranks in Handle Animal.
SQ Racial Skill Bonuses (+4 Climb and Stealth, +8 Acrobatics), Natural Camoflage (extra +4 Stealth in heavy undergrowth or grass, Uses Dex to modify Climb skill), Link, Share Spells, Devotion.
Other Gear
4th-Level Advancement Variant: Size Unchanged; Ability Scores Dex +2, Con +2, Wis +4, Cha +2.

Durkon Thundershield


Male Dwarf Cleric of Thor 14
Lawful Good Medium Humanoid
Init +0; Senses Perception +7, Darkvision 60ft.

AC 33, touch 10, flat-footed (+12 Armor +8 Shield +3 Nat) +4 vs. Giant subtype
hp 169 (14d8+70+14)
Fort +17 (9+5+3), Ref +7 (4+0+3), Will +20 (9+7+1+3) +2 vs. Poison and Spells
Defensive Abilities
Resist Electricity 20
Spd 20 ft
Melee +18 melee, Vedrmund, Vital Strike (2d8+/19-20/x3 +1d6 Shock + Thundering)
+18/+13 melee, Vedrmund, Full Attack (1d8+/19-20/x3 +1d6 Shock + Thundering)
Ranged +10 ranged, Lightning Arc (1d6+7 electricity, 30ft range, 10/day)
+10 ranged, Storm Burst (1d6+7 nonlethal + -2 for 1 round, 30ft range, 10/day)
Special Attacks Spells, Channel Energy 7d6, Lightning Arc, Storm Burst, Lightning Lord (14 Bolts/day), Turn Undead (WDC 17).
Spellcasting Caster Level 14, Ranged Touch +10.
Spells per Day: 4/6+1/6+1/6+1/5+1/4+1/4+1/3+1
Bonus Spells: -/2/2/2/1/1/1/1 Base: 4/4+1/4+1/4+1/4+1/3+1/3+1/2+1
Orisons: Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Purify Food and Drink.
1st Level: Deathwatch, Divine Favor, Hide from Undead, Remove Fear, Sanctuary, Shield of Faith, Obscuring Mist*.
2nd Level: Align Weapon, Hold Person, Remove Paralysis x2, Lesser Restoration, Shield Other, Wind Wall*.
3rd Level: Create Food and Water, Dispel Magic x2, Invisibility Purge, Protection from Energy, Prayer, Gaseous Form*.
4th Level: Death Ward, Dismissal, Divine Power, Neutralize Poison, Spell Immunity, Air Walk*.
5th Level: Disrupting Weapon, Thor's (Righteous) Might, Spell Resistance, True Seeing, Ice Storm*.
6th Level: Banishment, Greater Dispel Magic, Heal, Undeath to Death, Chain Lightning*.
7th Level: Destruction, Holy Word, Mass Cure Serious Wounds, Control Weather*.
Air Domain Spells: 1st—obscuring mist, 2nd—wind wall, 3rd—gaseous form, 4th—air walk, 5th—control winds, 6th—chain lightning, 7th—elemental body IV (air only), 8th—whirlwind, 9th—elemental swarm (air spell only).
Weather Domain Spells: 1st—obscuring mist, 2nd—fog cloud, 3rd—call lightning, 4th—sleet storm, 5th—ice storm, 6th—control winds, 7th—control weather, 8th—whirlwind, 9th—storm of vengeance.
*Denotes Domain Spell prepared.

Str 14/18, Dex 10, Con 16/20, Int 10, Wis 20/24, Cha 10
Base Atk +10; CMB +14; CMD 24
Feats Toughness (1), Turn Undead (3), Extra Channeling (5), Shield Focus (7), Weapon Focus: Warhammer (9), Vital Strike (11), Improved Critical: Warhammer (13).
Skills Appraise+6 (1+2), Diplomacy +8 (5), Heal +15 (5), Knowledge: Arcana +4 (1), Knowledge: History +6 (3), Knowledge: Nobility +4 (1), Knowledge: Planes +4 (1), Knowledge: Religion +7 (4), Linguistics +4 (1), Ride*+0 (0), Sense Motive +13 (3), Spellcraft +6 (3). *Non-Class Skill.
Languages Common, Dwarven, Giant, Orc, Goblin, Undercommon.
Traits Indomitable Faith, Armor Expert
SQ Favored Class: Cleric (+14hp), Slow and Steady, Darkvision, Defensive Training, Greed, Hatred, Hardy, Stonecunning, Weapon Familiarity, Aura, Channel Energy 7d6 (WDC 17, 5/day), Domains: Air and Weather, Orisons, Spontaneous Conversion (Cure Spells).
Combat Gear +3 Full Plate Armor, The Thundershield (+5 Heavy Shield), Vedrmund (+3 Shock Thundering Warhammer), Potions of Cure Serious Wounds x4 (3d8+5), Ring of the Ram (50 charges).

Other Gear Amulet of Natural Armor +3, Cloak of Resistance +3, Belt of Physical Might +4 (Str/Con), Scroll of Sending, Headband of Inspired Wisdom +4, Immovable Rod, Holy Symbol of Thor, Bedroll, Spyglass, Priest's Vestments. Other Mundane Items as needed.

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Androgynous Elf Wizard 14
Neutral Medium Humanoid (Elf)
Init +1; Senses Perception +4, Keen Senses, Low-Light Vision.

AC 20, touch 14, flat-footed 19 (+6 Armor +1 Dex +3 Defl)
hp 87 (14d6+14+14)
Fort +9 (4+1+4), Ref +9 (4+1+4), Will +14 (9+1+4)

Defensive Abilities Immune to Sleep, +2 vs Enchantments
Resist Fire 10
Spd 30 ft
Melee None
Ranged +8 Ranged Touch
+8 Ranged Touch, Force Missile (1d4+7 force, 12/day)
Special Attacks Elven Magic (+2 vs SR), Spells, Intense Spells, Force Missile, Elemental Wall.
Spellcasting Caster Level 14, Ranged Touch +8, Concentration +20 (+4+2).
Spells per Day: 4/7+1/6+1/6+1/6+1/5+1/4+1/3+1
Bonus Spells: -/3/2/2/2/2/1/1/1/1 Base: 4/4/4/4/4/3/3/2

Str 9, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 23/29, Wis 12, Cha 7
Base Atk +7; CMB +6; CMD 17
Feats Eschew Materials (1), Scribe Scroll (Wiz1), Combat Casting (3), Improved Counterspell (5), Empower Spell (Wiz5), Maximize Spell (7), Craft Wondrous Item (9), Quicken Spell (Wiz10), Forge Ring (11), Widen Spell (13), Alertness (Familiar).
Skills Appraise +18 (6+3), Craft: Alchemy +23 (11), Fly +18 (14), Knowledge: Arcana +26 (14), Knowledge: Dungeoneering +19 (7), Knowledge: Engineering +14 (2), Knowledge: History +26 (10/14), Knowledge: Local +15 (3), Knowledge: Nature +26 (8/14), Knowledge: Nobility +18 (6), Knowledge: Planes +26 (8/14), Knowledge: Religion +17 (5), Linguistics +16 (4), Perception* +4 (0+2+2), Ride*+1 (0), Spellcraft +27 (14+1). *Non-Class Skill.
Languages Common, Elven, many others (just not Draconic).
Traits Classically Schooled, Desperate Focus
SQ Favored Class: Wizard (+14hp), Keen Senses, Elven Weapon Familiarity, Elven Magic, Arcane Bond: Familiar (Blackwing), Arcane School: Evocation (Intense Spells, Force Missile, Elemental Wall), Opposition Schools: Conjuration and Necromancy, Cantrips.
Combat Gear Staff of Fire (10 Charges).

Other Gear Circlet of Vast Intellect +6 (Know: Nature, Know: History, Know: Planes), Ring of Wizardry III, Ring of Protection +3, Bracers of Armor +6, Cloak of Resistance +4, Handy Haversack, Hand of Glory, Ring of Minor Fire Resistance, Stone of Alarm, Boots of Levitation, Robe of Scintillating Pastel Colors, many spellbooks, ink, parchment, two small gemstones (500gp ruby and 750gp Alexandrite), Book: Finding Plot Holes for Dummies, assorted other books (titles unknown), jar of diamond dust (10,000gp worth), Spell Component pouch. Other mundane equipment as needed.
*Vaarsuvius' wealth will reflect that he crafted some of his magic items himself, including the following: Circlet of Vast Intellect +6, Ring of Wizardry III, Bracers of Armor +6, Cloak of Resistance +4, Handy Haversack.

Spellbooks (*Denotes Evocation Spells, ^Denotes Conjuration or Necromancy Spells)
Cantrips: Arcane Mark, Daze, Dancing Lights*, Detect Magic, Light*, Mage Hand, Mending, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost*, Read Magic.
1st Level: Alarm, Burning Hands*, Charm Person, Color Spray, Comprehend Languages, Enlarge Person, Expeditious Retreat, Feather Fall, Floating Disc*, Hold Portal, Magic Aura, Magic Missile*, Reduce Person, Shield, Shocking Grasp*, Sleep.
2nd Level: Alter Self, Arcane Lock, Bear's Endurance, Blur, Bull's Strength, Daze Monster, Detect Thoughts, Flaming Sphere*, Fox's Cunning, Gust of Wind*, Invisibility, Knock, Levitate, Locate Object, Misdirection, Owl's Wisdom, Protection from Arrows, Scorching Ray*, See Invisibility, Shatter*, Touch of Idiocy, Whispering Wind.
3rd Level: Arcane Sight, Daylight*, Deep Slumber, Dispel Magic, Explosive Runes, Fireball*, Fly, Haste, Heroism, Hold Person, Invisibility Sphere, Lightning Bolt*, Nondetection, Protection from Energy, Suggestion, Vampiric Touch^, Wind Wall*.
4th Level: Arcane Eye, Beast Shape II, Black Tentacles^, Charm Monster, Crushing Despair, Detect Scrying, Dimensional Anchor, Dimension Door^, Fire Shield*, Fire Trap, Ice Storm*, Lesser Globe of Invulnerability, Mass Enlarge Person, Rainbow Pattern, Scrying, Secret Chest, Stoneskin, Wall of Fire*, Wall of Ice*.
5th Level: Charm Monster, Dismissal, Cone of Cold*, Hold Monster, Interposing Hand*, Overland Flight, Sending*, Teleport^, Vaarsuvius' Greater Animal Messenger, Wall of Force*.
6th Level: Chain Lightning*, Disintegrate, Evan's Spiked Tentacles of Forced Intrusion^, Freezing Sphere*, Greater Dispel Magic, Mass Bear's Endurance, Mass Bull's Strength, True Seeing, Veil.
7th Level: Banishment, Forcecage, Grasping Hand, Greater Scrying, Greater Teleport^, Limited Wish, Power Word: Blind, Prismatic Spray, Spell Turning.



Male Raven Familiar 14 HD
Neutral Tiny Magical Beast
Init +2; Senses Perception +8, Low-Light Vision.
AC 21, touch 14, flat-footed 19 (+2 Dex +7 Nat +2 Size)
hp 44 (14HD Familiar)
Fort +4 (4+0), Ref +6 (4+2), Will +11 (9+2)

Defensive Abilities Improved Evasion, SR 19
Spd 10 ft, Fly 40 ft (Average)
Melee +11 melee, Claws (1d2-5)
Str 1, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 6
Base Atk +7 (+2 Size); CMB +0 (-2 Size); CMD 10 (-2 Size)
Feats Alertness.
Skills Acrobatics +2 (0), Climb -5 (0), Fly +23 (14+4), Perception +6 (1+2), Stealth +8 (0+8), Swim -5 (0).
Languages Common
SQ Share Spells, Empathic Link, Deliver Touch Spells, Speak with Master, Speak with Animals (Corvids), Spell Resistance 19, Scry on Familiar.

Animal Messenger


School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting]; Level sorcerer/wizard 2

Casting Time 1 minute

Components V, S, M (a morsel of food the animal likes)

Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

Target one Tiny animal

Duration 1 day/level

Saving Throw none; see text; Spell Resistance yes

You compel a Tiny animal to go to a spot you designate. The most common use for this spell is to get an animal to carry a message to your allies. The animal cannot be one tamed or trained by someone else, including such creatures as familiars and animal companions.

Using some type of food desirable to the animal as a lure, you call the animal to you. It advances and awaits your bidding. You can mentally impress on the animal a certain place well known to you or an obvious landmark. The directions must be simple, because the animal depends on your knowledge and can't find a destination on its own. You can attach a small item or note to the messenger. The animal then goes to the designated location and waits there until the duration of the spell expires, whereupon it resumes its normal activities.

During this period of waiting, the messenger allows others to approach it and remove any scroll or token it carries. The intended recipient gains no special ability to communicate with the animal or read any attached message (if it's written in a language he doesn't know, for example).

This is merely an arcane variant of the Animal Messenger spell (one that doesn't require singing to the damned animals like the bardic one does!).

Evan's Spiked Tentacles of Forced Intrusion


School conjuration (creation); Level sorcerer/wizard 6

Casting Time 1 standard action

Components V, S, M (octopus or squid tentacle)

Range medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)

Area 20-ft.-radius spread

Duration 1 round/level (D)

Saving Throw: none (Fortitude negates); Spell Resistance: no

This spell causes a field of spiked mauve tentacles to appear, burrowing up from the floor and reaching for any creature in the area.

Every creature within the area of the spell is the target of a combat maneuver check made to grapple each round at the beginning of your turn, including the round that spiked tentacles is cast. Creatures that enter the area of effect are also automatically attacked. The tentacles do not provoke attacks of opportunity. When determining the tentacles' CMB, the tentacles use your caster level as their base attack bonus and receive a +4 bonus due to their Strength and a +1 size bonus. Roll only once for the entire spell effect each round and apply the result to all creatures in the area of effect.

If the tentacles succeed in grappling a foe, that foe takes 1d8+4 points of damage and gains the grappled condition. Grappled opponents cannot move without first breaking the grapple. All other movement is prohibited unless the creature breaks the grapple first. The spiked tentacles spell receives a +5 bonus on grapple checks made against opponents it is already grappling, but cannot move foes or pin foes. Each round that spiked tentacles succeeds on a grapple check, it deals an additional 1d8+4 points of damage. The CMD of spiked tentacles, for the purposes of escaping the grapple, is equal to 10 + its CMB.

In addition, anything grappled by the spiked tentacle are forcibly probed in extremely uncomfortable fashion. Those so violated must make a Fortitude save or be Nauseated until they either brake the grapple or it fails. While breaking a grapple is normally a standard action, those in the grips of this intrusive magic usually find some reserve deep within themselves that helps them to escape. Attempting to break the grapple while in the grips of this spell and Nauseated by using a move action to do so is allowed, but only due to the circumstances involved and their sheer desperation. All non-nauseated characters must still spend a standard action to escape the tentacles as normal.

The tentacles created by this spell cannot be damaged, but they can be dispelled as normal. The entire area of effect is considered difficult terrain while the tentacles last.

Vaarsuvius' Greater Animal Messenger


School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting]; Level sorcerer/wizard 4

Casting Time 5 minutes

Components V, S, M (a morsel of food the animal likes)

Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

Target 1d4 Tiny animals +1/5 caster levels

Duration 1 day/level

Saving Throw none; see text; Spell Resistance yes

You compel some Tiny animals to go to a spot you designate. This spell affects 1d4 animals plus 1 for every 5 levels of experience. The most common use for this spell is to get the animals to carry a message to your allies. These animals cannot be already tamed or trained by someone else, including such creatures as familiars and animal companions. This more powerful version of the Animal Messenger spell enchants more than one animal just in case there are archers or other impediments to all of the animals arriving at the targets of the message.

Using some type of food desirable to the animals as a lure, you call the animals to you. They advance and await your bidding. You can mentally impress on the animals a certain place well known to you or an obvious landmark. The directions must be simple, because the animals depend on your knowledge and can't find a destination on their own. You can attach a small item or note to the messengers. The animals then goes to the designated location and wait there until the duration of the spell expires, whereupon they resumes their normal activities.

During this period of waiting, the messengers allows others to approach it and remove any scroll or token it carries. The intended recipient gains no special ability to communicate with the animal or read any attached message (if it's written in a language he doesn't know, for example).

This is based on an arcane variant of the Animal Messenger spell and also does not require singing to the damned animals like the bardic one does!.

For anyone who looks at these, bear in mind that things like the Dashing Swordsman PrC and such were created with a great deal of humor in mind, but also with a mind towards the mechanics involved. Basically, I wanted to design something that wasn't broken, and might (if you are so inclined and can stand playing a silly game) actually work in a campaign.

That being said, while I don't think anyone could ever actually play a Dashing Swordsman with seriousness in mind...who knows?

The Ancestral Weapon Trait(s) I put set up chiefly because I couldn't think of a better way to handle Roy's heirloom sword. Its based off of the Samurai Ancestral Daisho ability from the 3.0 Oriental Adventures book, and in play (at least in my experience) isn't overpowered. Having it implemented as a Trait instead of as a class feature, while different, might make for some interesting character background and development.

Mechanically speaking, a 1st level character gets a Masterwork weapon for free. Not overpowered at all if you look at this trait

Rich Parents
You were born into a rich family, perhaps even the nobility, and even though you turned to a life of adventure anyway, you enjoyed a one-time benefit to your initial finances and your starting cash increases to 900 gp. Source: Second Darkness Player's Guide.

As for being able to enhance/enchant your weapon as time goes on, thats also not overpowered (though it may appear that way at first glance).
See here: Master Craftsman Feat

Considering that one trait is supposed to equal 1/2 a feat, I did put in the option of taking both traits as Ancestral Weapon which is a more powerful version of the trait. And roughly equivalent to 1 feat.
The cost to enhance your Ancestral Weapon in that fashion is also equal to the amount of gold you would have to spend to Craft one of equivalent bonus. The only real difference is the method you use.

Yasha0006 wrote:

Haley Starshine

** spoiler omitted **...

Hmm...curses. Going back and looking at things, and I realize it did mention what those boots she had dyed are. Boots of Speed

Of course...its too late to edit on the boards...grr.

List of Changes: Roy
-The Greenhilt Sword should lose the Ghost Touch special ability. That was taken out in the final draft. Grr...

List of Changes: Haley
-Change Boots of Striding and Springing to Boots of Speed
-Change Haley's Acrobatics to +19 (since she doesn't have the +5 from the Boots of Striding and Springing).

List of Changes: Vaarsuvius
-Vaarsuvius' Greater Animal Messenger should be in his 4th level spells, not his 5th level spells.

This is the problem when you have more than one draft going at the same time. My apologies.

Liberty's Edge

Epic. Win. Period.

Seriously, I may have to use the Dashing Swordsman class later on.

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:

Epic. Win. Period.

Seriously, I may have to use the Dashing Swordsman class later on.

Awesome Shiny!

Sovereign Court

The only problem I have is that the animal messenger spells created for varsuvius don't mimic what we saw in the comic. The animals sought out specific people, Haley and Belkar were not in some area that Varsuvius would know of off the top of his head and just sending them to Azure city would have been useless. At least the greater version should include a honing feature to a specific person as well as location, instead of just an arcane transfer of the druid version.

You know...that is a good point, Lastknightleft. I hadn't considered that. I'll have to make some adjustments. Thanks.

Now as to why I couldn't find that comic while writing up the spell...I'm not sure. Found it in about 10 seconds today.

Shadow Lodge

I am officially stealing all of this. Just thought you should know.

*steals thread, runs away*

Dragonborn3 wrote:

I am officially stealing all of this. Just thought you should know.

*steals thread, runs away*

Hahah...hey, thats one of the reasons I put these up here.

Now, for a redone version of Vaarsuvius' Greater Animal Messenger.


Vaarsuvius' Greater Animal Messenger

School enchantment (compulsion) [mind-affecting]; Level sorcerer/wizard 4

Casting Time 30 minutes

Components V, S, M (a morsel of food the animal likes)

Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

Target 1d4 Tiny animals +1/5 caster levels

Duration 1 day/level

Saving Throw none; see text; Spell Resistance yes

You compel some Tiny animals to go to a person or spot you designate. This spell affects 1d4 animals plus 1 for every 5 levels of experience. The most common use for this spell is to get the animals to carry a message to your allies. These animals cannot be already tamed or trained by someone else, including such creatures as familiars and animal companions. This more powerful version of the Animal Messenger spell enchants more than one animal just in case there are archers or other impediments to all of the animals arriving at the targets of the message.

Using some type of food desirable to the animals as a lure, you call the animals to you. They advance and await your bidding. You can mentally impress on the animals a certain place or persons well known to you or an obvious landmark. The animals will find the target(s) unerringly. In the persuit of their targets, the animals are rendered immune to illusions and to any abjuration effects that conceal or hide the targets. The animals then make best speed towards the target(s) or designated location and deliver the message, whereupon they resumes their normal activities.

The animals deliver the message by speech, and the message can be delivered in any language the caster knows. The entire message can be up to 25 words long. Note that the caster can send individual animals to different targets and have each deliver a different message, however they cannot exceed the maximum message length of 25 words for the entire spell. Once the message has been spoken, the animals wait patiently for the target(s) to reply to the message, again with a maximum of 25 words between all the targets. Once the target(s) have replied, the enchanted animals return to the spellcaster at their best speed to relay the message.

This is based on an arcane variant of the Animal Messenger spell and also does not require singing to the damned animals like the bardic one does!.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber


Work will be starting on the next part of my OotS project here just as soon as I work up to it.

Off-hand though, I'm not sure whether I will be moving to Xykon and his cronies (Xykon will be tough without Pathfinder Epic rules...) or the Linear Guild.

Probably the Linear Guild.

Liberty's Edge

Yasha0006 wrote:

Work will be starting on the next part of my OotS project here just as soon as I work up to it.

Off-hand though, I'm not sure whether I will be moving to Xykon and his cronies (Xykon will be tough without Pathfinder Epic rules...) or the Linear Guild.

Probably the Linear Guild.

thog lift with knees, not with back.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Yasha0006 wrote:

Haley Starshine

** spoiler omitted **...

Raise Haley's Charisma a bit, she is both very good a Bluff/Fast Talk and many character comment about her beauty. :)

Lord Fyre wrote:

Raise Haley's Charisma a bit, she is both very good a Bluff/Fast Talk and many character comment about her beauty. :)

Trust me, its something I considered...but I also had to go with all the evidence presented as to what her other stats were. And, with all characters built using a 20 point buy, my hands were somewhat tied.

Of course, if you make the assumption instead that the characters all rolled for stats, it would then be simple to raise her charisma somewhat. I wanted to do a standard ability score set though, so point-buy it was.

Nice. If I recall, there's a thread in the gitp forums that compiles their official 3.5 stats (at least the ones that are shown in comic)Here it is.

Oh, and dashing swordsmen are immune to damage from shattered glass.

Gamender wrote:

Nice. If I recall, there's a thread in the gitp forums that compiles their official 3.5 stats (at least the ones that are shown in comic)Here it is.

Oh, and dashing swordsmen are immune to damage from shattered glass.

Yes, very true...but gaining DR/everything but broken glass seemed a poor class mechanic. That issue is one of the reasons I rolled the luck mechanic into the class, to cover issues of dramatic entrances and escapes and such. Besides, its not as though there is anything in the rules that gives the damage for going through a breaking window it'd technically be the DMs call anyhow.

And yeah, these builds were based off of that very thread Gamender. Even then, the thread of GTIP doesn't include full stat blocks for all of the characters. Also, certain characters, like Roy seem to have way more points to buy stats than the other characters.

Thats kinda why I decided to do this thread. I wanted this to be a place where people could see what the characters from OotS would look like in the Pathfinder Ruleset and as full statblocks. I didn't want to just post bits and pieces like the GTIP thread does.

Everyone please do note however, that I did include every bit of information from the statistics in that thread Gamendar mentioned in order to make these builds.

Oh, one further thing about Haley and her Charisma score. While we know she has max Bluff skill, we don't have any proof of an above average charisma, other than her appearance.

So...while Charisma is the stat that appearance is based upon, its not the only thing. Vaarsuvius for example is supposed to be quite attractive. His/her charisma is terrible though, as evinced by his/her attitudes and actions towards others.

Also, thats one reason I gave Haley the Charming trait.



Blessed with good looks, you’ve come to depend on the fact that others find you attractive. You gain a +1 trait bonus when you use Bluff or Diplomacy on a character that is (or could be) sexually attracted to you, and a +1 trait bonus to the save DC of any language-dependent spell you cast on such characters or creatures. Source: Second Darkness Player's Guide.

Sovereign Court

Heh, varsuvius rolled a 1 on his animal messenger spell lol.

Sovereign Court

Yasha0006 wrote:
Gamender wrote:

Nice. If I recall, there's a thread in the gitp forums that compiles their official 3.5 stats (at least the ones that are shown in comic)Here it is.

Oh, and dashing swordsmen are immune to damage from shattered glass.

Yes, very true...but gaining DR/everything but broken glass seemed a poor class mechanic. That issue is one of the reasons I rolled the luck mechanic into the class, to cover issues of dramatic entrances and escapes and such. Besides, its not as though there is anything in the rules that gives the damage for going through a breaking window it'd technically be the DMs call anyhow.

Why not just give them an ability like

[b]Impressive entrance (Ex)[b]: Dashing swordsmen are prone to making an entrance, as such they take no damage from shattered glass, ignore the first 5 points of hardness to any door they attempt to break down, and gain a +10 bonus to strength checks to break through walls so long as the yell "oh yeah!" upon entrance.

(that last added just for the hell of it, but you get the idea, a unique immunity can be covered without DR/Anything but glass.)

Liberty's Edge

I think you've got Elan's Charisma too high. If we assume that the characters actually are somewhat familiar with each other's stats, then Elan had an unmodified Charisma of 18 only about three levels ago. It's probably up to 19 now - I think they've hit level 12 since that strip, and he probably bumped it up then - but it's almost certainly not at 20.

Shisumo wrote:
I think you've got Elan's Charisma too high. If we assume that the characters actually are somewhat familiar with each other's stats, then Elan had an unmodified Charisma of 18 only about three levels ago. It's probably up to 19 now - I think they've hit level 12 since that strip, and he probably bumped it up then - but it's almost certainly not at 20.

For Elan's charisma Shisumo, I looked at the GTIP geekery thread, where people have spent far more time reading the comics for character level and stat clues than I have. On there, they suggest as of current ~comic 700, for his natural Charisma to be 20. Thats what I based it on.



Male Half-Orc Barbarian 11/Fighter 2
Chaotic Evil Medium Humanoid
Init +1; Senses Perception +4, Darkvision 60ft.

AC 22, touch 12, flat-footed 21 (+9 Armor +1 Dex +1 Defl)
hp 171 (11d12+2d10+39+13) when Raging: +39 temporary hp.
Fort +14 (10+3+1), Ref +4 (3+1), Will +3 (3+0) +1 vs Fear, +3 vs Traps.

Defensive Abilities DR 2/- (DR 4/- while Raging)
Resist Electricity 10
Spd 30 ft
Melee +26/+21/+16 melee, +4 Thundering Greataxe (1d12+16/19-20 +4 confirm crits, thundering)
+22/+17/+12 melee, Greataxe Power Attack (1d12+28/19-20 +4 confirm crits, thundering)
Special Attacks Greater Rage (27 Rounds/day, +6 Str/+6 Con, +3 morale on Will saves), Power Attack, Great Cleave, Bleeding Critical, Staggering Critical.
Str 22/26, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 8
Base Atk +13; CMB +21; CMD
Feats Power Attack (1), Cleave (3), Great Cleave (5), Weapon Focus: Greataxe (Ftr1), Step-Up (7), Improved Critical: Greataxe (Ftr2), Critical Focus (9), Bleeding Critical (11), Staggering Critical (13).
Skills Acrobatics +5 (1), Climb +22 (6+5), Intimidate +16 (13+2+2), Perception +4 (1), Ride +5 (1), Survival +4 (1), Swim +17 (1+5).
Languages Common, Orc.
Traits Resilient, Brute
SQ Favored Class: Barbarian (+11hp), Darkvision, Intimidating, Orc Blood, Orc Ferocity, Weapon Familiarity, Fast Movement, Rage, Rage Powers (Roused Anger, Renewed Vigor, Knockback, Increased Damage Reduction x2), Trap Sense +3, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Damage Reduction 2/-, Greater Rage, Bravery +1.
Combat Gear +3 Moderate Fortification Breastplate, +4 Thundering Greataxe, Potions of Cure Serious Wounds x3, Potion of Barkskin (+2), Potion of Heroism.

Other Gear Belt of Giant Strength +4, Ring of Protection +1, Ring of Minor Electricity Resistance, Periapt of Wound Closure, Gloves of Swimming and Climbing.

* Orc Ferocity: Once per day, when a half-orc is brought below 0 hit points but not killed, he can fight on for one more round as if disabled. At the end of his next turn, unless brought to above 0 hit points, he immediately falls unconscious and begins dying.

Liberty's Edge

Yasha0006 wrote:


** spoiler omitted **...

Alright, but I'd say more like Chaotic Neutral with Evil tendencies.

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Yasha0006 wrote:


** spoiler omitted **...

Alright, but I'd say more like Chaotic Neutral with Evil tendencies.

Hmm...good point...but considering his pure willingness to do evil at whim, I'm more for a somewhat happy Chaotic Evil than a somewhat evil Chaotic Neutral.

However, that is a slight adjustment, if you like to change it.

Yasha0006 wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Yasha0006 wrote:


** spoiler omitted **...

Alright, but I'd say more like Chaotic Neutral with Evil tendencies.

Hmm...good point...but considering his pure willingness to do evil at whim, I'm more for a somewhat happy Chaotic Evil than a somewhat evil Chaotic Neutral.

However, that is a slight adjustment, if you like to change it.

See, I always figured he was too stupid to really understand good/evil, he just did whatever he was told to do or that came to his mind. It always seemed to me he was just doing stuff because "Hey, that seems fun."

Liberty's Edge

ChrisRevocateur wrote:
Yasha0006 wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Yasha0006 wrote:


** spoiler omitted **...

Alright, but I'd say more like Chaotic Neutral with Evil tendencies.

Hmm...good point...but considering his pure willingness to do evil at whim, I'm more for a somewhat happy Chaotic Evil than a somewhat evil Chaotic Neutral.

However, that is a slight adjustment, if you like to change it.

See, I always figured he was too stupid to really understand good/evil, he just did whatever he was told to do or that came to his mind. It always seemed to me he was just doing stuff because "Hey, that seems fun."

That was what I gathered as well.

Those are good points. The only strip that makes me question it is this one.


Maybe his alignment should be Chaotic Ambiguous.

Yasha0006 wrote:

Those are good points. The only strip that makes me question it is this one.


Maybe his alignment should be Chaotic Ambiguous.

I think he just got caught up in the killing. He wasn't even thinking about fighting, he was on auto-pilot.

At least that's how I interpreted it.

Alright, after having given it some serious thought...I am revising Thog to have an alignment of Chaotic Neutral (Evil).

I'd thought about that as well...but I trusted the GTIP Thread without too much additional thinking about his character when I did his sheet.

Thanks for the responses.

Sovereign Court

I actually agree with the evil alignment because of this strip here see how even without their influence he's more than happy to go on rampages, nuetral and good people don't rampage out of boredom, for him evil is fun.

lastknightleft wrote:
I actually agree with the evil alignment because of this strip here see how even without their influence he's more than happy to go on rampages, nuetral and good people don't rampage out of boredom, for him evil is fun.

I'd say that chaotic neutrals that are also barbarians and combat monsters would rampage out of boredom. Neutrals aren't "good" after all. keep this thread from devolving into a thread about Alignment discussion...lets just go with Chaotic Neutral (Evil).

Liberty's Edge

lastknightleft wrote:
I actually agree with the evil alignment because of this strip here see how even without their influence he's more than happy to go on rampages, nuetral and good people don't rampage out of boredom, for him evil is fun.

Is it just me, or does Sabine really look like Zoe from 'Firefly'?

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:

Is it just me, or does Sabine really look like Zoe from 'Firefly'?


Speaking of Sabine, the 'semi-official' unofficial GTIP thread lists Sabine as a Succubus. However, much like V's gender...thats an issue thats always been very ambiguous. Suggestions? Comments?

Here's Nale!


Male Human Fighter 3/Rogue 3/Sorcerer (Fey-Bloodline) 8
Lawful Evil Medium Humanoid
Init +7; Senses Perception +8, Trapfinding.

AC 24, touch 18, flat-footed 20 (+6 Armor +3 Dex +4 Defl +1 Dodge)
hp 106 (3d10+3d8+8d6+14+8)
Fort +10 (6+1+3), Ref +12 (6+3+3), Will +11 (8+0+3) +3 vs Fear, +1 vs Traps

Defensive Abilities Evasion, Mobility, Adaptation, Arrow Snaring, Mind Shielding.

Spd 30 ft
Melee +15/+10 melee, +2 Unholy Longsword (1d8+5/19-20 +2d6 unholy)
Ranged by spell, Ranged Touch +12
Special Attacks Spells, Sneak Attack +2d6, Bleeding Attack, Laughing Touch (8/day), Spring Attack.
Spellcasting Caster Level 8, Ranged Touch +12, Save DC 15+Spell Level.
Concentration +13.
Spells per Day: -/8/7/6/4 Bonus Spells: -/2/1/1/1/1 Base: -/6/6/5/3
Spells Known: 8/5/3/2/1
Cantrips: Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Message, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic.
1st Level: Charm Person, Entangle*, Expeditious Retreat, Ray of Enfeeblement, Shield, Shocking Grasp.
2nd Level: Hideous Laughter*^, Mirror Image, Scorching Ray, Touch of Idiocy^.
3rd Level: Deep Slumber*^, Hold Person^, Suggestion^.
4th Level: Charm Monster.
*Bloodline Spell
^Compulsion Spell (+2 DC).

Str 14/16, Dex 14/16, Con 12, Int 16/20, Wis 10, Cha 16/20
Base Atk +9; CMB +12; CMD 30
Feats Dodge (Human), Weapon Focus: Longsword (1), Mobility (Ftr1), Combat Expertise (Ftr2), Defensive Combat Training (3), Spring Attack (5), Arcane Strike (7), Eschew Materials (Sorc1), Arcane Armor Training (9), Silent Spell (11), Improved Initiative (Sorc7), Extend Spell (13).
Skills Acrobatics +11 (5), Appraise +11 (3), Bluff +20/+21 (12), Climb +8 (2), Diplomacy +20/+21 (12), Disable Device +9 (3), Disguise +11 (3), Escape Artist +9 (3), Intimidate +13 (5), Knowledge: Arcana +14 (6), Knowledge: Dungeoneering +22 (2/14), Knowledge: Local +13 (5), Knowledge: Nature +22 (1/14), Linguistics +11 (3), Perception +8 (5), Ride +8 (2), Sense Motive +9 (6), Sleight of Hand +11 (5), Spellcraft +14 (6), Stealth +12 (6), Swim +8 (2), Survival +5 (2), Use Magic Device +11 (3).
Languages Common, Orc, Infernal, Abyssal, Draconic, Elven, Kobold, Goblin, Gnoll, Giant, Undercommon, Gnome.
Traits Charming, Jaded
SQ Favored Class: Sorcerer (+8 hp), Bravery +1, Armor Training 1, Sneak Attack +2d6, Trapfinding, Evasion, Trap Sense +1, Rogue Talents (Bleeding Attack), Cantrips, Fey Arcana (+2 DC on Compulsion spells), Laughing Touch, Woodland Stride.
Combat Gear +4 Leather Armor, +2 Unholy Longsword, Scabbard of Keen Edges, Potions of Cure Serious Wounds x3 (3d8+5), Potion of Invisibility, Potion of Barkskin (+2), Potion of Haste.

Other Gear Cloak of Resistance +3, Belt of Physical Might +2 (Str/Dex), Headband of Mental Prowess +4 (Int/Cha, Knowledge: Nature and Knowledge: Dungeoneering), Ring of Protection +4, Ring of Mind Shielding, Gloves of Arrow Snaring, Slippers of Spider Climbing, Bag of Holding (Type II), Necklace of Adaptation, Chime of Opening (7 charges).

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
lastknightleft wrote:
I actually agree with the evil alignment because of this strip here see how even without their influence he's more than happy to go on rampages, nuetral and good people don't rampage out of boredom, for him evil is fun.
Is it just me, or does Sabine really look like Zoe from 'Firefly'?

Yes, and I suspect that the resemblence to Gina Torres is not accidental. :)

Yasha0006 wrote:
Speaking of Sabine, the 'semi-official' unofficial GTIP thread lists Sabine as a Succubus. However, much like V's gender...thats an issue thats always been very ambiguous. Suggestions? Comments?

Well, since you are doing "Pathfiderized" versions, the PRPG Bestiary has divered the Succubus and Erinyes. The Erinyes devil is no longer a seductress in the PathfinderRPG, so go with the Succubus.

Lord Fyre wrote:

Well, since you are doing "Pathfiderized" versions, the PRPG Bestiary has divered the Succubus and Erinyes. The Erinyes devil is no longer a seductress in the PathfinderRPG, so go with the Succubus.

Thanks Lord Fyre. She's probably going to be who I do next. Core Linear Guild first...second stringers afterwards.

Note: Nale should have an additional +2 Int from Sabine's Profane Gift ability that modifies all Int-based skills as appropriate.

(I chose Int instead of another stat since Nale is always so proud of his 'master-plans' and his 'intellect').

The Exchange

have you posted any of these at GitPG?



Female Advanced Succubus Rogue 5 (CR 13)
Chaotic Evil Medium Outsider
Init +8; Senses Perception +19, Darkvision 60ft, Trapfinding.

AC 27, touch 18, flat-footed 19 (+9 Nat +8 Dex)
hp 151 (8d10+5d8+78)
Fort +9 (3+6), Ref +18 (10+8), Will +15 (7+6+2) +1 vs Traps.

Defensive Abilities Evasion, Uncanny Dodge, Trap Sense +1, Combat Expertise
DR 10/Cold Iron or Good
Immune: Electricity, Fire and Poison.
Resist: Acid 10, Cold 10
SR 18

Spd 30 ft., fly 50 ft. (average)
Melee +21 melee, 2 claws (2d6+4)
Ranged +19 ranged touch
Special Attacks Energy Drain, Profane Gift, Sneak Attack +3d6, Combat Reflexes.
Spell-Like Abilities Caster Level 12
Constant—detect good, tongues
At will—charm monster (WDC 25), detect thoughts (WDC 23), ethereal jaunt (self plus 50 lbs. of objects only), suggestion (WDC 26), greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs. of objects only), vampiric touch.
3/day-- empowered vampiric touch.
1/day—dominate person (DC 26), summon (level 3, 1 babau 50%)

Str 19, Dex 26, Con 22, Int 22, Wis 22, Cha 33
Base Atk +11; CMB +15; CMD 33
Feats Combat Reflexes (1), Iron Will (3), Flyby Attack (5), Improved Natural Attack: Claws (7), Empower Spell-like Ability: Vampiric Touch (9), Weapon Finesse (Rog2), Improved Natural Attack: Claws (11), Combat Expertise (Rog4), Ability Focus: Suggestion (13).
Skills Acrobatics +16 (5), Appraise +14 (5), Bluff +27 (13), Climb (Str), Diplomacy +27 (13), Disable Device +14 (5), Disguise +27 (13), Escape Artist +16 (5), Fly +24 (13), Intimidate +27 (13), Knowledge: Dungeoneering +14 (5), Knowledge: Local +15 (6), Knowledge: Planes +22 (13), Perception +19 (10), Sense Motive +22 (13), Sleight of Hand +19 (8), Stealth +21 (10), Swim +10 (3), and Use Magic Device +27 (13).
Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common, Draconic; tongues, telepathy 100 ft.
SQ Change Shape (alter self, Small or Medium humanoid), Sneak Attack +3d6, Trapfinding, Rogue Talents (Finesse Rogue, Combat Trick), Trap Sense +1, Uncanny Dodge.
Combat Gear Amulet of Mighty Fists +2.

Other Gear Clothing and mundane equipment as needed.

Notes: Sabine is built using the following rules:
Advanced Template
Adjustments to Attributes according to all monsters with class levels
Double Standard Treasure (CR 13 monster, medium table, even then she hasn't spent all of it)

Crimson Jester wrote:
have you posted any of these at GitPG?

Nope. Like I just mentioned to someone in the Paizo Chatroom...honestly, I really don't want to deal with any of the uproar I'd likely face if I'd posted them on the GTIP forums.

Even if I put a disclaimer at the top of such a thread that read:

These complete statistics for the Order of the Stick and Linear Guild characters are my interpretation only...etc...etc...

I think I'd still get people going crazy that I gave Roy heavy armor (instead of medium, but in PF Fighters can move just fine in heavy armor after level it made sense...) or that I gave them a complete list of equipment.

Anyone who wants to cut/paste these statblocks over there, feel free. I hardly ever even go on those forums though and would rather not deal with it though.

Yasha0006 this was such a great thread. Thank you! Really, I have spent such a long time looking for someone to create the stats for Order of the Stick. I especially like the Dashing Swordsmen Prestige Class, and Belkar is spot on!

One observation. I think Nale has Dimension DOor as his fourth level spell.

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