Gamender's page

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About Gamender



Female Half-Elf Wizard 9
Chaotic Good Medium Humanoid

Total HP 54


Init +7 Speed 30'
Senses: Perception +10, Low Light Vision
Melee Melee Touch Attack +5 (1d10+1 20/x2)
Ranged Ranged Touch Attack

AC 17 (10+3(Dodge)+2(Deflection)+2(Natural))
-- 21 (With Mage Armor)
Fort +6, Ref +8, Will +9

STR 08(-1) DEX 16(+3) CON 12(+1) INT 22(+6) WIS 13(+1) CHA 12(+1)
BAB +4, CMB: +3, CMD 15

[Spoiler=Skills(7x9=63) Max 9
Spellcraft +19 (9+6(Int)+3(Class)+1(Trait))
Linguistics +18 (9+6(Int)+3(Class))
Disguise +13 (9+1(Cha)+3(Feat))
Perception +12 (9+1(Wis)+2(Familiar))
Knowledge: Arcana +18 (9+6(Int)+3(Class))
Knowledge: Local +18 (9+6(Int)+3(Class))
Bluff +17 (9+1(Cha)+3(Class)+1(Trait)+3(Familiar))
Knowledge: Planes +18 (9+6(Int)+3(Class))

So On...

Favored Class: Wizard (+9hp)
Age: 28
Arcane Bond: Familiar
Arcane School: Illusion
---Extended Illusions (4 rounds)
---Blinding Ray (8/day)
---Invisibility Field (9 rounds)
Restricted Schools: Divination and Necromancy
[Spoiler=Feats and Traits
(f) Alertness
(r) Skill Focus: Disguise
Scribe Scroll
01 Extend Spell
03 Combat Casting
05 Improved Initiative
05 Spell Mastery: Dimension Door, Silent Image, Disguise Self, Invisibility, Fly, Mirror Image
07 Spell Focus: Illusion
09 Greater Spell Focus: Illusion
Classically Schooled
Fast Talker
[SPOILER=Spells Currently Prepared
Cantrips4 = Read Magic, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation, Mage Hand
1st6 = Silent Image(2), Enlarge Person, Obscuring Mist, Charm Person, Disguise Self (b)
2nd6 = Glitterdust(2), Invisibility, Rope Trick, Mirror Image, Minor Image (b)
3rd4 = Haste(2), Fly, Fireball, Major Image (b)
4th3 = Dimension Door, Shout, Illusory Wall (b)
5th2 = Wall of Force, Telekinesis, Persistent Image (b)

[SPOILER=Spells Known
Cantrips = Read Magic, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation, Mage Hand, Message, Open/Close, Mending, Light, Dancing Lights
1st = Mage Armor, Silent Image, Enlarge Person, Obscuring Mist, Charm Person, Disguise Self, Mount, Unseen Servant
2nd = Glitterdust, Invisibility, Rope Trick, Mirror Image, Minor Image, Hideous Laughter, Pyrotechnics, Levitate
3rd = Haste, Fly, Fireball, Suggestion, Dispel Magic, Major Image, Sleet Storm
4th = Dimension Door, Confusion, Shout, Illusory Wall, Hallucinatory Terrain, Stone Shape
5th2 = Wall of Force, Telekinesis, Persistent Image

[SPOILER=Spell List A
Cantrips4 = Read Magic, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation, Mage Hand
1st6 = Mage Armor, Silent Image(2), Enlarge Person, Obscuring Mist, Charm Person, Disguise Self (b)
2nd6 = Glitterdust(2), Invisibility(2), Rope Trick, Mirror Image, Minor Image (b)
3rd4 = Haste(2), Fly, Fireball, Major Image (b)
4th3 = Dimension Door, Confusion, Shout, Illusory Wall (b)
5th2 = Wall of Force, Telekinesis, Persistent Image (b)

Starting Gold: 46000gp
Light Load: 76lbs
Handy Haversack 2000gp 5lbs
Amulet of Natural Armor (+2) 8000gp
Hat of Disguise 1800gp
Headband of Vast Intellect (+2) 4000gp 1lb
Belt of Incredible Dexterity (+2) 4000gp 1lb
Rod of Metamagic: Extend, Lesser 3000gp 5lbs
Rod of Metamagic: Silent, Lesser 3000gp 5lbs
Ring of Sustenance 2500gp
Ring of Protection (+2) 8000gp
Cloak of Resistance (+2) 4000gp 1lb
Backpack 2gp 2lbs

Spells Learned By Scrolls
1/4 x (10 + 25)
2/4 x (40 + 150)
3/3 x (90 + 375)
4/2 x (160 + 700)
5/1 x (250 + 1125) = 5390gp

Total: 19 lbs (Light), 45692gp
308gp left

Viper - +3 Bluff Checks
You spy a tall lithe woman wearing long, flowing robes walking through the crowded marketplace almost dreamily. A thin veil obscures her face from any onlookers. You watch as she picks off an apple from a vendor with no one noticing. She lifts her veil, and the apple was bitten by very Varisian lips.

Shouts ring out, as several of the guard call for her to stop. Without missing a step, she walks behind a pillar...and in a few moments three of her run in three different directions. The guard give chase, unmindful of the headstrong Tian woman that slunk out of the pillar with a big smirk marring her otherwise lovely countenance.

The daughter of a scullery maid in the Aristocrat's home, Amihan grew slowly and beautifully, displaying an affinity to magic early on, which her superstitious mother tried to hide from the world. Unfortunately, her playful and sly nature was at odds with her mother's wishes, culminating in an accident involving a broken vase, a chicken egg, a bottle of whiskey, and a chicken. This brought her to the attention of the Aristocrat. She was immediately sent to be tutored under a renowned wizard, her tuition payed for in full by the Aristocrat.

Years of learning and training passed, and she became an accomplished wizard of her own right. But it came with a price. A horrifying alchemical accident robbed her of her beauty, to the point that her mother barely recognized her. Ashamed, she turned to her magic, each day trying to capture her former visage, and each day never quite achieving the beauty that she once had.