Star Trek Online

Video Games

Woot! I just did my pre order; am considering the Lifetime membership; as Cryptic cheated me out of getting Champions Lifetime membership; thought this game might be successful and new and be around a while.

I like the sci fi genre; have been reading about the game; so do you guys think the game will rock or is it just the same old game with differnent skins.

I am reading it will use the same cryptic engine as COH, and seems to be quest based with the idea that each quest you do is like a tv episode from your favorite series. I really like seeing a new game and exporing; seems geared right to me to do mapping and exploration quests, meet new races; get new tech hehe.

Looks like the Nuetral Zone is going to be the PVP area; you can be a Klingon or Federation. If you want to change your look; I suggest you pre order; as various stores give differing bonus tweaks; like you can have tribbles for pets if you like; hehe have classic colored costumes; I went for the Borg bridge crew member from Amazon.

the figures of people in the game look pretty cartoony with very hard edges; am not liking that very much; but I like the ship design; the look of the ships; and that you can build your own ship with quite a bit of variation.

The three classes, if you will, seem to be one milatant good at fighting, fly somethign like a Reliant class ship; one science that seems the healer and primary support, like Dr. Crushers Science Vessel <which can still kick some A>; and one more or less in the middle with decent fighting and good cargo area, the typical Constitution or Galaxy class vessel.

I'm not much for MMORPG's but as a Star Trek fan it has caught my attention.
If the game play isn't a rehash of the awful ST: legacy or ST: bridge commander I might just sign up.

Liberty's Edge

Star Trek Preview

It looks pretty favorable to me. The away team missions seem to be the closest thing to a hangup(that and the fact that your crew is NPCs rather than being other players, which is just what my friends and I had imagined and hoped for). The game looks like it has a pretty good shot at being good though.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Tarlane wrote:
Star Trek Preview

Ha! I played Savage Tide with the author and narrator of that preview, who's now an editor for escapist. I hope this game is as cool as it looks, and that it's not cost prohibitive to play. It could be just the MMO for me, with the combination of ship and away mission combats.

Well, I have spent a couple days trying to download the beta from various clients; will keep everyone posted on my thoughts and progress in the game.

The biggest complaint I hear in pvp in ground teams is all the snipers; but other than that; I havent done much; I find many forum posters are so full of less than reasonable input; that I wait to try the game for my own impressions first.

will try to give some helpful feedback.

privately, I am hoping the flight and space fights are a bit like either Privateer and associates series, or like what I think was like Star Fleet Battles, but a pc game, shees so many SF titles I forget; in that game you could play any of many the various races like Klingon or Federation and a few others; but pre Borg. The game is narrated by Admiral Sulu and there is general war; so you can play any sized ship against one or more advesaries. Was really cool; I loved the Excellsior in that game; could nearly beat anything; that Klingon Dreadnaught was massive and way cool to fight against and lot of other fun stuff. Think it was called SF; Empires at War.

I'm still holding out for Stargate.

Valegrim wrote:

Well, I have spent a couple days trying to download the beta from various clients; will keep everyone posted on my thoughts and progress in the game.

The biggest complaint I hear in pvp in ground teams is all the snipers; but other than that; I havent done much; I find many forum posters are so full of less than reasonable input; that I wait to try the game for my own impressions first.

will try to give some helpful feedback.

privately, I am hoping the flight and space fights are a bit like either Privateer and associates series, or like what I think was like Star Fleet Battles, but a pc game, shees so many SF titles I forget; in that game you could play any of many the various races like Klingon or Federation and a few others; but pre Borg. The game is narrated by Admiral Sulu and there is general war; so you can play any sized ship against one or more advesaries. Was really cool; I loved the Excellsior in that game; could nearly beat anything; that Klingon Dreadnaught was massive and way cool to fight against and lot of other fun stuff. Think it was called SF; Empires at War.

Starfleet Command II: Empires at war and the expansion Orion Pirates is what you’re thinking of and is IMO the best Star Trek ship battle system ever put out. The flaw in those games was you where only able to fight in 2-D, no depth control. What would really be cool if included in the MMORPG would be ship control based off the 'mark' system in the show where the first coordinates control the relative horizontal angle and the second controls the relative vertical angle. i.e. A command of 90mark280 would send your ship at a gently descending hard right.

I agree; it was the best I had played also; and your right; 3d like that have now would be a huge upgrade. Loved that I could use my headset and actually say commands while also using the keyboard; could say; shield up; and fire phasors and it would do so while I was flying the ship.

hopefully when I get home tomorrow; the game will be finished downloaded without any errors and I will be able to post some info.

Like any other MMORPG, what would attract me to this game would not be the game engine or the graphics, that would be the community.
Not just a community of trekkies mind you, but a community of roleplayers.

This is why i joined some MMORPGs in the past and left many of them, as i was disappointed, even if the game itself was good.

So until know i don't know.
Wait and see...

Seldriss wrote:

Like any other MMORPG, what would attract me to this game would not be the game engine or the graphics, that would be the community.

Not just a community of trekkies mind you, but a community of roleplayers.

This is why i joined some MMORPGs in the past and left many of them, as i was disappointed, even if the game itself was good.

So until know i don't know.
Wait and see...

I can imagine the horror of going on a away mission and having to listen to Star Trek Nerds argue about some bit of esoteric Star Trek trivia while trying to get into the game.

well, there are some gamers that really roleplay; but I would have to say they are a small percentage even on roleplay server; really helps if there is no crafting or player economy; then you dont have spammers out trying to sell all their gear and ruining the roleplay immersion.

ok; after two weeks of not being able to unzip the file; someone told me to use Win rar; and it unzipped and I was finally able to beta.

I wrote my first impressions on the star treck discussion and feedback forum; my account name is AmericanMight; so you can look for my posts if you like.

basically; was very positive; I did find Engineering ships to be much slower than any of the other two; did the tutorial; seems rather rushed; if you have played other cryptic games like I have; then it is pretty much the same keys for movement and powers. I didnt think the learning curve was very high for general gameplay.

the game is not really what I would call beautiful for graphics; but I didnt encounter any bugs or lag. I did find with the distances an speed of my ship; that looting from space debrie took a long time and people could scoop stuff up before I could get there.

The first space station could have minimap clues to name sections; that would have helped; but if you run around though the place; there are signs on the walls.

all and all; am glad I bought it so far; played for a few hours and found it enjoyable.

Well, am off to Del Taco to get my Macho Drink cup; it has a code on it that you can type in and get a free shuttlecraft; gotta eat so might as well get a combo and a free <pet> shuttlecraft.

As for nerds talking; i havent seen or heard anything like that; more of "hey, where is the _____" or "anyone know how "X" works" and of course the incessant spammers trying to sell you in game resources for real money; I really hate that.

The Exchange

Valegrim wrote:

As for nerds talking; i havent seen or heard anything like that; more of "hey, where is the _____" or "anyone know how "X" works" and of course the incessant spammers trying to sell you in game resources for real money; I really hate that.

speaking of which... two star trek online related comics from pvponline I just read.

First contact
A Breach in protocol

Ok; little update; if you get into the are right after you first leave the first starbase you enter; there are lot of Klingon ships; the number; like +6 or +2 or +11; is how many ships there are; nothing tells you that; so you can get dead in seconds; so if you wanna fight some; pick a + number you can handle. I fought them for a few hours cause I havent figured out how to get to my mission areas yet; learning curve and all; it is not like most games where you can easily go back over your mission and reread where your supposed to go.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

I beta-tested for this game. The away team stuff is honestly pretty lame by MMO standards. I didn't really care for the way they handled personal combat and squad management.

The starship battles, though. Oh my god. It's like a wet dream come true for me! I found myself wishing time and time again during the testing that they would just release a single-player starship combat game based on that engine. It was so amazingly glorious.

Unfortunately, I would not commit to paying the $15/mo. to only play part of the game. The away team stuff honestly ruined it for me. I'll hold out for a single-player (or multiplayer non-MMO) starship combat game in the same setting. I do love Star Trek.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Whited Sepulcher wrote:
Valegrim wrote:

As for nerds talking; i havent seen or heard anything like that; more of "hey, where is the _____" or "anyone know how "X" works" and of course the incessant spammers trying to sell you in game resources for real money; I really hate that.

speaking of which... two star trek online related comics from pvponline I just read.

First contact
A Breach in protocol

Thank you. Those made me laugh.

Of course my ship would be the USS Hermitage. "To seek out new worlds, and get people to leave me the hell alone." ;-)

hehe my ship is the USS Bloom County; yep; my captain is Cutter John and Opus is my vulcan science officer and pourtney (from Pourtnouy) is my engineer; hehe referenced Bloom County Babylon; think like page 158 for those on cutter john's wheelchair - enterpoop.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

My ship in Beta was the U.S.S. Aquitaine, a throw-back to the player character's "home ship" in Descent: Freespace (back in 1995 or so).

Fatespinner wrote:

I beta-tested for this game. The away team stuff is honestly pretty lame by MMO standards. I didn't really care for the way they handled personal combat and squad management.

The starship battles, though. Oh my god. It's like a wet dream come true for me! I found myself wishing time and time again during the testing that they would just release a single-player starship combat game based on that engine. It was so amazingly glorious.

Unfortunately, I would not commit to paying the $15/mo. to only play part of the game. The away team stuff honestly ruined it for me. I'll hold out for a single-player (or multiplayer non-MMO) starship combat game in the same setting. I do love Star Trek.


The ship combat was phenomenal. The away missions were as obnoxious and trite as anything in the genre. I thought making a character was fun, but there is little after that to give a character significance. The missions, though varied by an outer space bent, were pretty much the same ol'. I gave it an honest 10 hours, but couldn't get beyond that. Still waiting for my WoW killer =P.

well; the patch took care of most of my issues; had a really good time playing last night; not sure I like the auto group as I am greedy and dont like sharing loot; but it does have its advantages as well. hmm.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Valegrim wrote:
not sure I like the auto group as I am greedy and dont like sharing loot;

Yet another reason why they should use this platform to release a single-player game and not an MMO. :)

There have been so many single player games already; Empires at War is still fun if you wanna just slog out some battles; just pick your enemies and the ship/race you want to play and go at it.

I havent played most of the Star Trek games; watched my friends play a few; but I do like the fleet look of the MMO; is kinda cool to have 8 or so real people help you fight a borg cube. I think it is crypics fault that there is so little loot from a Cube; takes a bunch of ships to take one out and it drops one or two things; like that is all that could be salvaged; that is faily lousy and the most systems I have been in only have 2-4 things to collect; nice thing is most people just go right for fight after fight, but some like me say around and scan the system for stuff to pick up; not that I have a clue what to do with all this stuff since I havent found a research console; strange that a starbase doesnt have one; likely its some future quest.

game seems to work on a first shot; get the kill loot regardless of who does what damage. I think that is lousy and could use a tweak; if it takes 3 people to take down a battleship and slog it out for 20 minutes doing so; kinda lousy for only one guy to get the single drop; though everyone completes the mission so you arent really empty handed; just saying; seems cheap.

Valegrim wrote:
well; the patch took care of most of my issues; had a really good time playing last night; not sure I like the auto group as I am greedy and dont like sharing loot; but it does have its advantages as well. hmm.

When / if they provide a two-week free trial account (as in, no need to shell out $50 of valuable, hard-to-earn cash) for us EVE junkies ... then I'll take a crack at it.

The videos were fairly good though. :)

As a preface, I don't like Star Trek much. I loved the new movie, but the TV series always felt very boring. This game however, is pretty damn awesome. The starship combat is simplistic, strategic, and action packed. It reminds me a bit of Sid Meier’s Pirates!, only with shields, in 3 dimensions, and on a bigger scale. The controls are pretty simple, but it’s pretty awesome to set your ship up for a broadside of phasers, reroute power to port shields, jam their targeting sensors, and overcharge your phaser batteries to punch through their shields so you can hit home with a couple of proton torpedoes, all with a few clicks. The ground combat is about as action packed and fluid as I’ve seen an MMO, it feels more like a slightly clunky squad based action game than an MMO, which is a complement given how the combat in most MMOs is.

If you like Star Trek, or even just Sci Fi, I’d say this game is worth a try.

Liberty's Edge

I have two good friends who have been playing startrek pretty intensively since it came out and have had a lot of good things to say about it but I've been rather on the fence about it so far.

You comparing the combat to a 3 dimensional battle of Sid Meiers Pirates may have just sold me.

Ok; I have been playing it a while now and must say it is the smoothest start up and game play of a new MMO ever, and I have played almost all of them; so that is saying something.

Bugs have been few; I think they are mostly due to lag/server issues; like I have a mission at a system and fly over there and cannot enter; I like bounce off the planet and never get the load screen; same for doing patrol quests; have chased around a bad guys and bounced off his ship several times and never get to enter the fight loading screen. Another would be on a ground "away" mission; finding and anomolie on your tricorder; going over there and not getting the "scan anomolie" button even if your standing on top of it.

If anything; I think the game is too easy, but then, I find it very relaxing and a nice way to pass a few hours and havent screamed at the game once yet; hehe like I have every other game. I am glad I figured out how to turn off the camera follow feature; that helps a lot.

I find ground team missions much much more challenging than space missions; my ship just blows everything away and i hardly take any damage; I have had to respawn a few times after getting my whole away team hacked apart by klingon swordmasters and their batleth weapons which go right through your personal sheild and tend to stun/hold you as well. I find those much more challenging.

There are an adequate number of quests; lots you can repeat; and though I have repeated many over and over ;they still stay pretty fresh as you never know what type you will get when you enter a system; maybe pirates; maybe search artifacts; maybe rescue scientist; enough variability; I do wish they would have more dungeon type quests like "Devil in the Dark" and exploring old ruins like they did original movie.

Just giving a feedback update.

Sovereign Court

Hey gang.
Question: where can i obtain the STO client?
I just renewed my subscription, but looks like i uninstalled the client some time ago.
Can anyone help?

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