Conversion Discussions of Noncore Classes with 20 Levels from 3.5


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I got copies too, thank you!

Much appreciated Elghinn

Scarab Sages

Matt Devney wrote:
Downloaded and flagged for follow-up. Thanks.

Three guesses what I get in my lap tomorrow, together with highlights, post-its, and 'suggestions'...

Uh, what?

I will soon be posting some ideas on the NEW samurai here on the board. I've tried to incorporate the ideas I've received already from Dabbler and Steelfiredragon. I'll want lots of feed back on the samurai so I can get a good rebuild. Also, I'm hoping to hear some feed back about the other rebuilds you've downloaded. I assume you're all checking them out, so I'll be patient for your responses. Apparently 16 people have downloaded my files. That was a surprise. Anyways, enjoy the files and let me know what you think on each of them. If anyone would like to play test the Warlord of Arcaknight, that would be great. I only get to play 1-2 times per year with my group in another city, so anyone willing to try them, and the rebuilds would be great so we can figure out what to change and keep the same. Thanx everyone.

Looking through, I have one suggestion for the Ninja - scrap Sudden Strike, and just make it Sneak Attack as per the rogue instead. It's really such a small difference that it's not worth keeping IMHO. I would also suggest adding some synergy with the Monk there, as both are ki-using classes.

Good point, Dabbler. I changed sudden strike to sneak attack, and added the following at the end of the Ninja's Ki Pool text block

If the ninja has levels in monk, the monk and ninja ki points stack for the purpose of selecting ki related powers.


Snorter wrote:
Matt Devney wrote:
Downloaded and flagged for follow-up. Thanks.
Three guesses what I get in my lap tomorrow, together with highlights, post-its, and 'suggestions'...

Heh heh! Not quite so quickly fella - give me a weekend...

Alright everyone, I've uploaded my Pathfinder Samurai total rebuild on my Mediafire account. Please take a good look and let me know what you think. I tried to keep the true flavor of the historical samurai, with some altereations for playability and choice for the player.


going to look.... back to the first page

looks good so far

Great Steelfiredragon. This thread's been very quiet lately. Is everyone busy elsewhere, take my ideas and run, or what? Just curious. I'd love some feedback about the changes. Later

BTW I have a number of races favored by players in my Campaign World converted to Pathfinder also, as player races with no level adjustments. I also compiled those in the Bestiary I liked.

These include: aasmiar, derro (sort of a 3.5/Pathfinder hybrid-I hated how they nerfed him and made him a fey instead of a dwarf subrace), dragonborn (3.5/4 hybrid), drow (Bestiary), duergar (bestiary), goliath (3.5/4 hybrid), lurpurn my own hound bipeds), ondonti (2E conversion), orog (2E conversion), quickling (2E conversion), Sirjif Minotaur (Minotaur/human hybrids, tough but smaller and more intelligent), svirfneblin (Bestiary), tiefling (Bestiary), udda (my own desert elves, not 3.5), and warforged (3.5 conversion). Let me know, I can post a PDF on my Mediafire account.

An eldritch blast is a ray with a range of 60 feet. It is a ranged touch attack that affects a single target, allowing no saving throw. An eldritch blast deals 1d6 points of damage, with an additional 1d6 points of damage every two levels thereafter (3rd, 5th, 7th, etc.). An eldritch blast is the equivalent of a spell whose level is equal to one-half the warlock’s class level (rounded down) with a minimum spell level of 1st and a maximum of 9th when a warlock reaches 18th level or higher.

I know this is your personal conversion, but didn't they errata out the scaling level of eldritch blast, because it would explicitly exclude the warlock from ever making use of feats like Empower Spell-Like Ability or Quicken Spell-Like Ability? Such feats can only be used on SLA's with an equivalent level much lower than the creature's caster level.

CapriciousFate wrote:
know this is your personal conversion, but didn't they errata out the scaling level of eldritch blast, because it would explicitly exclude the warlock from ever making use of feats like Empower Spell-Like Ability or Quicken Spell-Like Ability? Such feats can only be used on SLA's with an equivalent level much lower than the creature's caster level.

Apparently so.

Complete Arcane wrote:

Change “An eldritch blast is the equivalent of a spell whose level is equal to one-half the warlock’s class level (round down), with a minimum spell level of 1st and a maximum of 9th when the warlock reaches 18th level or higher” to “An eldritch blast is the equivalent of a 1st-level spell. If you apply a blast shape or eldritch essence invocation to your eldritch blast (see page 130),your eldritch blast uses the level equivalent of the shape or essence.”

Any other references to eldritch blast being something other than the equivalent of a 1st-level spell should be disregarded.

Any other references claiming that eldritch blast is not an invocation should be disregarded.

Thanx for the heads up on the change, but that doesn't restrict his access to Spell-Like Ability feats. If your read the Spell-Like Ability feats, they all have the following prerequities:

Prerequisite: Spell-like ability at caster level 6th (10th for Quicken) or higher.

Which to me reads that the Warlock needs to have a spell-like ability by 6th level, at which level he can access the feat. This is supported by the Chart under the Quicken Spell-Like Ability feat in the MM 3.5 (p 304).

This says the following:

Empower and Quicken Spell-Like Ability
Spell Level/Caster Level to Empower/Caster Level to Quicken

Since eldritch blast is considered a 1st-level spell, then the Warlock would need to be 6th level to use Empower Spell-Like Ability feat, and 10th level for the Quicken Spell-Like Ability feat, as shown on the table. So, we're not too screwed. Just have to change what the entry block reads, but Eldritch Blast still works with Spell-Like Ability feats.

I just posted another PDF on my Mediafire account that includes conversions of the Beguiler, Dread Necromancer, Hexblade, Psion and Psychic Warrior.
I've posted the link here for easy access. Hope it works. If not, check the previous post by Matt Devney on page 1 of this thread.

Elghinn Lightbringer Conversions

Dreamscarred Press are doing the 'official' Pathfinder conversions for the psionic classes and races, you might want to look at what they are doing here as they are looking for input.

As for non-standard races without level adjustments I suggested a system that had some good reception here that include options for the Derro and several other 1-3 HD races. Essentially, races with 'unbalanced' statistics and/or abilities can purchase them with racial feats rather than level adjustments.

Scarab Sages

Elghinn that link does not work - it goes to mediafire but does not show the files

I can see what's happened, the link you want is here Ceefood, it's an easy mistake to make when you are copying and pasting URLs ...

Thanx Dabbler. BTW, are the monster conversions at your previous post's link yours. If so, they look great. I did something similar, but only a few Racial Feats for each.

Yes, they are mine, although I had some help fine-tuning them in this thread, particularly from Arakhor and TriOmegaZero. I'd had the idea for ages, but this was the first time I really sat down and worked through it.

I have a quick question about the Warlock, and since the Warlock isn't part of the normal pathfinder, I figured I'd ask here about it.

My friend is looking at your Warlock conversion, and we were just wondering if it is possible to get multiple Eldritch blasts from high BAB or anything like that?

Thanks for providing the downloads. I'll be looking over the classes over the next couple of days and let you know if I have anything to add.

One thing I did notice right off is that there a few classes that are spontaneous arcane spellcasters similar to sorcerors; beguiler and hexblade to name 2. Should they have a taint as per the sorceror class that allows them to cast spells? I'm not at all sure how that would fit into the class but it would seem to me to be logically consistent.

Any thoughts?


I don't see why myself, Pooh. Bards don't, after all.

Dabbler wrote:
I don't see why myself, Pooh. Bards don't, after all.

Or Summoners.

what about an abyssal pact for the new Warlock?

I was considering this before I discovered Pathfinder. That is, that humans do not naturally have magical powers. Divine & druidic powers are bestowed on worthy individuals by outside forces and wizards are taught their skills. For those who cast arcane magic spontaineously, it must be because of something else in their heritage through ancestory or dabbling where they perhaps ought not dabble.

Then along comes Pathfinder and it addresses this topic better than than I was planning to. The one major difference is that Pathfinder only applies bloodlines to sorcerrors and not to others with sorcerror like abilities. The Warlock apparently is addressed as he has some sort of demonic pact powering his magic. Bards gain their magic through their ability to perform and through specialized bardic knowledge.

The thrust of what I was asking about is that if the explanation of sorcerror powers is bloodlines, where do these other character classes derive inate (as opposed to taught or bestowed) magical talent?

Since this thread is working on bringing 3.5 noncore classes to pathfinder, this seemed the logical place to ask. Another reason for bringing this up is that few of the core Pathfinder classes are simply straight conversions from their 3.5 counterparts. They all seem to have a little something extra. If the group here, who have put a lot more effort into this than me, think the noncore 3.5 classes already have that extra something then I can go with that. I just thought I'd ask.


Pooh wrote:

I was considering this before I discovered Pathfinder. That is, that humans do not naturally have magical powers. Divine & druidic powers are bestowed on worthy individuals by outside forces and wizards are taught their skills. For those who cast arcane magic spontaineously, it must be because of something else in their heritage through ancestory or dabbling where they perhaps ought not dabble.

Then along comes Pathfinder and it addresses this topic better than than I was planning to. The one major difference is that Pathfinder only applies bloodlines to sorcerrors and not to others with sorcerror like abilities. The Warlock apparently is addressed as he has some sort of demonic pact powering his magic. Bards gain their magic through their ability to perform and through specialized bardic knowledge.

The thrust of what I was asking about is that if the explanation of sorcerror powers is bloodlines, where do these other character classes derive inate (as opposed to taught or bestowed) magical talent?

You are confusing mechanics and fluff. Bloodlines are a mechanic of Sorcerers, where magic comes from is fluff.

Short answer - who cares? Eberron/Faerun/Greyhawk/Pathfinder world are worlds full of magic and nonsense.

Pooh wrote:
Since this thread is working on bringing 3.5 noncore classes to pathfinder, this seemed the logical place to ask. Another reason for bringing this up is that few of the core Pathfinder classes are simply straight conversions from their 3.5 counterparts. They all seem to have a little something extra. If the group here, who have put a lot more effort into this than me, think the noncore 3.5 classes already have that extra something then I can go with that. I just thought I'd ask.

Well since one of the reasons for reworking the core classes was that non-core classes were getting more powerful/interesting, for many cases I would say it is largely unnecessary. The Scout for example doesn't need much converting. The Samurai needed a big overhaul because it was pretty much appalling, but that was an exception rather than the rule. Classes like the Duskblade or the Beguiler really don't need much converting at all.

I posted a link to here From just so that you know Elghinn Lightbringer,

looking over, for simplicity, I would have dropped the sudden strike from the ninja class and just make it sneak attack. But that is just my opinion.

Other than that, it is looking rather good.

Captain Sir Hexen Ineptus wrote:

looking over, for simplicity, I would have dropped the sudden strike from the ninja class and just make it sneak attack. But that is just my opinion.

Other than that, it is looking rather good.

Me too. The difference isn't really worth mentioning.

Dark Archive

whats a guy gotta do to get a Pathfinder Hexblade.


Name Violation wrote:

whats a guy gotta do to get a Pathfinder Hexblade.


LOL nice pun. The hexblade really needed an entire overhaul.

Looks like there's not much activity here in the past months, up until recently, but the classes done look great!

I've been looking for a decent Favored Soul conversion, but haven't found one. Anybody?

This may be a stupid question, but what is a scout supposed to do with a trap when he finds it? It seems strange to have a class with the trapfinding special ablility, that cannot disable device.

rangerjohn wrote:
This may be a stupid question, but what is a scout supposed to do with a trap when he finds it? It seems strange to have a class with the trapfinding special ablility, that cannot disable device.

They errata'd that. Easy to miss, but they did.

Taemon32 wrote:

Looks like there's not much activity here in the past months, up until recently, but the classes done look great!

I've been looking for a decent Favored Soul conversion, but haven't found one. Anybody?

Well that's going to require retooling the class somewhat probably.

What about a good Hexblade conversion?

Cartigan wrote:
Taemon32 wrote:

Looks like there's not much activity here in the past months, up until recently, but the classes done look great!

I've been looking for a decent Favored Soul conversion, but haven't found one. Anybody?

Well that's going to require retooling the class somewhat probably.

What about a good Hexblade conversion?

Isnt the oracle very similar to the Favored Soul?

Joey Virtue wrote:
Cartigan wrote:
Taemon32 wrote:

Looks like there's not much activity here in the past months, up until recently, but the classes done look great!

I've been looking for a decent Favored Soul conversion, but haven't found one. Anybody?

Well that's going to require retooling the class somewhat probably.

What about a good Hexblade conversion?

Isnt the oracle very similar to the Favored Soul?

Sort of, probably.

fey utterance seems wrong, it the same text as elemental storm and it says that "This power otherwise functions like dominate monster."

there may be a problem

it happens to be found in both the description in this thread and in the downlodable file

Elghinn Lightbringer wrote:
That Old Guy wrote:

I'm a big fan of keeping the base classes to a minimum, having interesting character-customizing feats, and a long list of very, very tightly written prestige classes. I don't want bloat at the bottom, I want expansion on the top. (I gotta get that listed on a dating profile or something.)

With that said, the first thing I saw when I opened the PRPG Core Book was the Sorcerer, which was almost a direct rip of the way I had glommed the Sorc and the Warlock together long ago. I love it.

For my money, the Warlock was a fun flavor class, but it crowded out some niche characters... and I love me some niche characters.

Still, kudos for the writing. You gotta do what keeps your dice rolling, right?

Obviously I created this thread to discuss 20 level class conversion. That said, I agree with That Old Guy. When I saw the Pathfinder Core Classes, they eliminated the need for a lot of the other 20 level classes we saw in 3.5

Swashbuckler= Rogue+Duelist
Samurai=Fighter with specific feat choices, etc.

However, if the Pathfinder guys don't see fit to do conversions of some of our favorite noncore 20 level classes, we can do it by following their process. Right? Right!

hey That Old Guy, here's an bout screw worrying about the niche classes and give us the goddamn class conversions we want so we can play the game the way we want to.

Dark Archive

I don't have time to look over all of this in detail right now but from what I've seen it is clear that you've put a lot of work into this and I am impressed at the quality. I have been looking for conversions like this for a while now and am very glad to have finally found them.

I was wondering what you think about the Archivist, one of my favourite classes from 3.5, does it need much of an overhaul? I've been running them in Pathfinder with no changes except the usual deal about orisons and they seem to run fine. Are you planning on finishing up the other 20 level classes at some point in the future?

Also, aimed at Dabbler, is Dreamscarred Press' work "official" as in Paizo is recognizing it or simply official in the sense that it is being published as a book? I have no problem with third party support (obviously), I am just curious.

Dark Archive

From the Wu Jen;


Spell Secret

At 2nd level, and every four levels thereafter, a wu jen can choose one spell known to her that then becomes permanently modified as though affected by one of the following metamagic feats: Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Silent Spell, and Still Spell.

At 8th level, a wu jen adds Empower Spell and Widen Spell to her list of spell secret metamagic feats. At 16th level, a wu jen adds Heighten Spell, Maximize Spell, and Quicken Spell to her list of spell secret metamagic feats.

2nd level, and every 4 levels thereafter would be 2, 6, 10, 14 and 18.

The additional options at 8th and 16th level suggest that you had some other progression in mind, perhaps?

Switch those to 10th and 18th instead of 8th and 16th. Good catch.

The Exchange

Dabbler wrote:

3) Duels between samurai were often resolved by a single blow. It came down to getting in a devastating first strike. I would suggest giving the samurai class bonus to initiative as they increase in level and a 'devastating strike' ability unique to them. This strike:

  • Can only be used on the first blow in the first round of combat with any given foe.
  • Can only be employed as a single attack in a round - the samurai my not full attack or make any secondary attack
  • As an exception to the above, it may be used as an attack of opportunity on a foe as they move to attack the samurai for the first time.
  • Can be combined with a charge, quick-draw (or iajitsu), sneak attack, sudden strike, Vital Strike, Power Attack or similar.

The devastating strike will give a bonus to hit and damage and a penalty to armour class (the first lesson and the last in kenjitsu schools was apparently a stroke called 'cut as you are cut'). I would suggest +1 to hit, +1d10 damage and -1 or -2 to AC...

Sudden Strike, perhaps?

I have created a PRPG version of the warlock, making it closer to 4e warlock rp-style, cause I have a player fed with playing a warlock in any campaign. I would apreciate an opinion on the topic.

Here it is (kind of a long post, sry):

Alignment: Depends on Pact
Hit Die: d8

Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Intelligence Modifier

1st . 0 . 0 . 0 . +2 Eldritch Blast 1d6, Pact, . Detect Magic, Invocations
2nd . +1 . 0 . 0 . +3 Pact DR 1
3rd . +2 . +1 . +1 . +3 Deceive Item, Pact Power
4th . +3 . +1 . +1 . +4 Eldritch Blast 2d6
5th . +3 . +1 . +1 . +4 Pact Resistance 5, Soul of the . Pact I
6th . +4 . +2 . +2 . +5 Eldritch Blast 3d6, Fearless . Soul
7th . +5 . +2 . +2 . +5 Pact DR 2
8th . +6 . +2 . +2 . +6 Eldritch Blast 4d6
9th . +6 . +3 . +3 . +6 Pact Power, Slippery Mind
10th . +7 . +3 . +3 . +7 Eldritch Blast 5d6, Pact . Resistance 10
11th . +8 . +3 . +3 . +7 Pact DR 3, Soul of the Pact II
12th . +9 . +4 . +4 . +8 Eldritch Blast 6d6
13th . +9 . +4 . +4 . +8 Soul Guardian
14th . +10 . +4 . +4 . +9 Eldritch Blast 7d6
15th . +11 . +5 . +5 . +9 Pact Power, Pact DR 4, Pact . Resistance 15
16th . +12 . +5 . +5 . +10 Eldritch Blast 8d6
17th . +12 . +5 . +5 . +10 Soul of the Pact III
18th . +13 . +6 . +6 . +11 Eldritch Blast 9d6
19th . +14 . +6 . +6 . +11 Mind Guardian, Pact DR 5
20th . +15 . +6 . +6 . +12 Eldritch Blast 10d6, . Final Power, Pact Resistance 20

1st . 2 - - -
2nd . 2 - - -
3rd . 2 - - -
4th . 3 - - -
5th . 3 . 2 - -
6th . 3 . 2 - -
7th . 4 . 2 - -
8th . 4 . 3 - -
9th . 4 . 3 - -
10th . 4 . 3 . 2 -
11th . 4 . 4 . 2 -
12th . 4 . 4 . 2 -
13th . 4 . 4 . 3 -
14th . 4 . 4 . 3 -
15th . 4 . 4 . 3 . 2
16th . 4 . 4 . 4 . 2
17th . 4 . 4 . 4 . 2
18th . 4 . 4 . 4 . 3
19th . 4 . 4 . 4 . 3
20th . 4 . 4 . 4 . 3
Class Features:

Eldritch Blast (Sp.): A Warlock’s signature power is called the Eldritch Blast. All Warlocks know it and it is a fundamental ability to the class. Eldritch Blast is a standard action that requires a ranged touch attack to hit. It has a range of 60 ft. It deals damage equal to table above, according to your class level. Furthermore, each warlock pact has a favoured energy type. When attacking with your eldritch blast you choose whether to deal un-typed damage or the favoured energy of you pact (if Eldritch Blast would hit multiple targets all targets receive the same type of damage). Furthermore, when you use Eldritch Blast to deal your pact’s favoured energy damage you deal extra damage equal to you Charisma modifier.
Some invocations work in conjunction with your eldritch blast. Eldritch Blast is a spell-like ability. It does not function in areas where magic does not function (such as an area affected by an Antimagic Field spell, etc) and it is subject to spell resistance. It has a caster level equal to your caster level in the Warlock class and it is considered a spell of no school with a spell level equal to ½ your class level.

Detect Magic (Sp.): All Warlocks can sense magic around them. They can use Detect Magic at-will as a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to their class level.

Invocations (Sp.): Instead of spells, Warlocks gain spell-like abilities known as invocations. All invocations are usable at will. The number of invocations of each grade known per level is shown above. Invocations do not function in areas where magic does not function (such as an area affected by an Antimagic Field spell, etc) and they are subject to spell resistance (unless an invocation states otherwise). Invocations have a caster level equal to your class level.
Least Invocations are considered 1st level spells.
Lesser Invocations are considered 3rd level spells.
Greater Invocations are considered 5th level spells.
Dark Invocations are considered 7th level spells.
Invocations that mimic specific spells use these spell levels instead of the spell’s actual spell level. When an invocation has an effect that requires a save by the affected target the save DC is equal to 10 + the invocation’s effective spell level + the Warlock’s Charisma Modifier. Invocations are considered arcane in nature and suffer a spell failure chance from any shield or armour that is heavier than light armour.

Pact (Su.): All Warlocks have gained their powers through obscure magical rituals called pacts. Pacts forge a deep connection between the Warlock and (mostly) mysterious faraway entities. Warlocks gain specific abilities according to the pact they have chosen. Warlocks have to obey their pact’s wishes (which hopefully come rarely) in fear of losing their powers. Should a Warlock defy his pact’s wish, the pact might consider draining the powers it granted the warlock or using other methods to make them succumb. When a pact chooses to directly affect the Warlock, generally the warlock has to make a DC 25 Will Save each day or suffer an adverse effect determined by the DM. This might as well continue until the warlock has been striped of his powers (losing all class features except weapon and armour proficiencies). However, when a warlock reaches level 10 in the warlock class he masters his powers and makes them his own. His powers can no longer be taken from him. In the case a warlock of this stature defies his pact’s wishes, the pact might send its agents to capture or dispose of the warlock (a 10th level Warlock with the fiendish pact who defies his pact’s wish might be targeted by demons or other warlocks). A Warlock loses all of his powers if he changes his alignment to one that is not compactable with his current pact no matter what his level in the class is. A Warlock who has lost his powers and wishes to regain them must either find a way to convince his original pact to be forged again or find a way to forge an all-new pact (with a pact of compactable alignment). A warlock that re-forges his pact or makes a new one gains the abilities of a Warlock of his class level. As such, pact entities might be especially hesitant to grant powers to a warlock of 10th level or higher, and may ask the prospective initiate to undertake a test to prove his faith. At 20th level a Warlock becomes a master of his pact. In some way he becomes the same as the entity that granted him his powers. A 20th level warlock can once per year grant a prospective warlock a pact (effectively turning a 0 level commoner into a 0 level warlock) much like how he was initiated (which also might be how the warlock has been initiated). The process takes at least one hour, or more if the 20th level warlock demands complex or additional rituals, but leaves the warlock with no ill effects. Granting a pact to someone who has broken his pact with the warlock before or with another entity can be done limitless times.

Deceive Item (Ex.): At 3rd level, a warlock learns how to better manipulate magic stored within items. He can take 10 on Use Magic Device checks, even when in combat or distracted. He still cannot take 20 on Use Magic Device checks under any circumstances.

Fearless Soul (Ex.): At 6th level, the warlock’s occasional nightmares and visions have shown him many otherworldly horrors. He gains a +4 bonus on Will Saves against Fear effects.

Slippery Mind (Ex.): At 9th level, the warlock becomes more efficient at throwing off enchantment effects. When he is affected by an enchantment spell or effect and fails his saving throw, he can attempt it again 1 round later at the same DC. He gets only one chance to succeed on his saving throw.

Soul Guardian (Su.): At 13th level a warlocks very life force becomes different that those of other beings. He gains a +4 bonus on saves against Death effects, necromancy spells and effects, and effects that cause ability drain or energy drain. He also becomes immune to Trap the Soul.

Mind Guardian (Su.): At 19th level a warlock’s mind is fortified against almost any mental assault. He gains a +4 bonus on saves against Mind-Affecting effects. This also means that against Mind-Affecting Fear effects the warlock’s total bonus on his save is +8.

And a sample pact (the one my player picked out):
THE ASTRAL PACT: You have pledged yourself among the faraway stars, and promised to the night sky to uphold justice and freedom. As the stars burn, you shine.

Alignments: LG, NG, CG
Energy: Fire
Damage Reduction: /Evil
Pact Ritual: You gain Celestial as a bonus language.

Pact Powers:
(LVL1) Dazzling Blast (Sp.) [Eldritch Essence, Light]:
This Eldritch Essence comes forth with a brilliant surge of radiance. Targets hit by the warlock’s eldritch blast with this essence applied become dazzled. Undead and creatures sensitive to light become dazed. Undead creatures especially sensitive to light become stunned.
This is the equivalent of a 1st level spell.

(LVL3) Stardust Blast (Sp.) [Eldritch Essence, Eldritch Shape, Light]:
This Eldritch Essence comes forth as brilliant dust that illuminates its targets. In addition to its initial target, its effect and half the warlock’s eldritch blast damage can apply to any or all creatures adjacent to the target. Targets hit by the warlock’s eldritch blast with this essence applied are as if affected by a Glitterdust spell. This is the equivalent of a 2nd level spell.

(LVL9) Shooting Stars (Sp.) [Eldritch Shape, Light]:
Your Eldritch Blast transforms into small meteors that shoot themselves towards your opponent. With this eldritch shape, you can use a full round action to make a full attack with your eldritch blast as if it was a weapon. Furthermore, each meteor deals an extra 2d6 points of collision damage. This is the equivalent of a 4th level spell.

(LVL15) Prismatic Blast (Sp.) [Eldritch Essence]:
This Eldritch Essence brings forth the seven colors of the rainbow. Targets hit by the warlock’s eldritch blast with this essence applied are affected by the equivalent of a prismatic spay spell. Roll 1d8 to determine the effects as normally. The DC for the effects is 17 + the warlock’s Charisma modifier. This is the equivalent of a 7th level spell.

Soul of the Pact:
(LVL5) Call the Sun (Su.) [Summoning, Light]: The equivalent of a Daylight spell is always centered on the warlock. The effect has a caster level equal to your class level. It does function even in areas where magic does not function (such as an area affected by an Antimagic Field spell, etc). The warlock can dismiss or restart this power as a free action. Also, as a move action, at will the warlock can call forth a floating, miniature version of the sun within 30 ft. The sun has the same effect centered on it. As a move action, the warlock can cause the sun to move up to 30 ft. in any direction, including upwards or downwards. Once per turn as a swift action, the warlock can command the sun to shoot a fiery ray towards an opponent within 60 ft. The ray requires a ranged touch attack to hit and deals damage equal ½ the damage dice of the warlock’s Eldritch Blast plus the Warlock’s Charisma modifier in fire damage. The sun cannot be attacked, affected or dispelled. It is small in size and always occupies its own square. Creatures that pass through the sun’s square take 1d6 points of fire damage. The sun remains for a number of rounds equal to the warlock’s Charisma modifier. The warlock can dismiss the sun at any time. After the sun is dismissed he must wait 1d4 minutes before calling it forth again.

(LVL11) Eyes filled with Light (Ex.): The irises of the warlock’s eyes seem to have turned into miniscule stars. He becomes permanently immune to blindness and dazzle. He also gains a +4 bonus on perception checks. During the night and outdoors this bonus becomes +8.

(LVL17) Unbound Space (Su.): You begin to levitate ignoring things that bound you to the ground such as gravity. You gain a Fly Speed equal to your land speed (Perfect Maneuverability). While levitating like this, the warlock seems to be stepping on light.

Final Power:
You become brilliant like the stars. Your type changes to Outsider and you gain the Native, Good and Elemental subtypes. You become immune to spells and effects whose name includes “Chromatic’ or “Prismatic” and those that have the Light descriptor. Also, you can call two suns with Call the Sun and you can guide both with the same action. Also, as a full round action you can cause the two suns to rush and collide on each other on a certain square which must be within 60 ft. of both suns, dealing damage equal to twice the damage dice of your eldritch blast + twice the warlock’s Charisma modifier in fire damage to all creatures within 120 ft. excluding yourself. Creatures caught in the blast are entitled to a Reflex Save for half damage. The DC is equal to 20 + the warlock’s Charisma modifier. You can only cause the suns to collide every 1d4 hours.

sry for the inconsistency... feel free to ask/correct/advise. thx

Elghinn Lightbringer wrote:

. . .

BTW I also have conversions of the Psion, Psychic Warrior (but no support for that yet than 3.5) . . . At least I think I finished those.
. . .

I was under the impression Dreamscarred Press was doing those.

If it's not official, it is still well done. The betas are looking very nice.

They are, but I did mine before I found that out.

Elghinn, had you given thought to tying the eldritch blast to an ability score, and adding the mod to damage? That might take out some of the suckage at higher levels...CHA would probably fit.

EDIT: You prolly wouldn't want this at lower levels...ranged touch attacks doing 1d6 + CHA might be a bit much...but later it might fit like:
Added punch (Ex): Starting at x level, the Warlock adds his Cha mod to his eldritch blast damage. This damage bonus is doubled on a sucessful critical hit.

EDIT 2: Just thought of another idea...
What about giving them the equivalent of the opposite of the Arcane Blast feat, that would allow them to convert their eldritch blast into a non-damaging spell of a level equal to half its strength. Like for instance a Warlock with a 6d6 EB can convert it to a 3rd level arcane "utility" spell...highest they'd ever get would be 5th level effects...using their Warlock level as caster level...

Copied from other warlock post...

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