O-level extracts??

Round 3: Alchemist and Inquisitor

A Quote from the page 3 of the Alchemist document =

"...An alchemist begins play knowing four 0-level formulae and two 1st-level formulae of his choice, chosen...."

So the alchemist can know 4 0-level formulae, but it does not list any possible 0-level extracts listed later in the document. It doesn't even include comments about anywhere else in the document about 0-level extract formulae.

So what is it? Are 0-level extracts available to alchemists or not? And if they are allowed then are they unlimited like the wizards cantrips?

Fun classes.... Keep up the good work Paizo...

Mike Cook

The Exchange

This has already been addressed as a typo.

Hunterofthedusk wrote:
This has already been addressed as a typo.

Sorry... I didn't realize that...

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I thought your title was the Alchemist's attempt at a cheesy pick up line:

"Hey baby, would you like to try my O Level Extract?"

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