Share your Majenko stories

Curse of the Crimson Throne

Liberty's Edge

Got any amusing stories regarding Majenko and his presence in the campaign. I've got one or two but I need to look through the adventures to remind myself where they were. I'm at work so it will have to wait till I'm not.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

In my campaign, Majenko was freed by the wizard of the party, and the begging of the rogue and priestess. Majenko has a fondness for all the party members, but gave his year of gratitude to the wizard, and just recently they became Master and Improved Familiar after much wrangling over "pay" ('No, you can't have a whole cow to eat every week!' sort of thing <G>).

But the fun part has been when the party has asked Majenko to help them out with certain unruly folks they'd rather capture than kill ... Majenko managed a crit on the to hit with his stinger, and rolling a location die it came up as a head shot. I thought a moment and judged it was a stinger up the nose to a nice, sensitive spot, and had the pleasure of watching my whole party wince. Since then, they presume that is where Majenko is aiming when he goes in for a sting :)

Liberty's Edge

My players, and I, forgot about Majenko during the chase as it had been two months between sessions. Following that, I ruled that if we forgot about Majenko, he was not interested in helping that day. Chaotic beings and their oaths and all.

However he more than made up for it later on. First during an optional Otyugh breakout and later when encountering the Derro in Rolth's lab. He scored Critical hits by rolling two twenties in a row. He has become very cocky since including claiming credit for a kill, when his poison failed to take effect but an attack from someone else dropped the foe, and when he hit an opponent already at 0 hp.

That said he mostly only does things when the party, primarily the Barbarian responsible for his release, asks him.

Liberty's Edge

The other amusing story about Majenko, thus far, is the circumstances surrounding his rescue.

It all started with the PCs not wanting to take on the unknown quantity of Devargo. They succesfully negotiated for the information from Devargo, after some amusing games of Knivesies, the shocking winner being the Sorcerer. They left and planned a night-time water-based assault on Eel's End. The complication arose from their chosen point of entry.

They planned to use the Silence spell and basically smash their way through the hull. Their chosen spot of entry however led them directly into Chittersnap's lair. He sensed the vibrations and notified Devargo. Long story short, their stealthy snatch-and-grab, turned into an all out attack. When the dust settled Chittersnap, Devargo, and some of Devargo's men were dead and the rest of his men surrendered and Majenko rescued.

The only near fatality was the party wizard who set up at the back of a room away from the combat but unfortunately right next to the other door into which Devargo ran, oops.

Dark Archive

In our first CotCT campaign, the group's Zorro-esque Varisian bard was telepathically contacted by Majenko. After a game of knivesies and some tense bargaining with Devargo, the bard called the agreed-upon attack word: "Taaaaaync...."

Taync being the more-dwarf-than-human fighter with a fondness for the earthbreaker.

During the bloody melee that followed, a couple ended up in the Chittersnap-trap drop, and Devargo chugged the invisibility potion and fled downstairs. They were pretty dang worn when they freed Majenko and then started started hunting for him there, as one noticed the door opening itself in the "throneroom."

Finally found him in his quarters, they rightly figured him to be a threat. Taync decided to forego a subdual attack and, (quote) "just give him one good smack" to solidify their end of negotiations.

A 20, confirmation, and draw from the Critical Hit Deck later, and the King of Spiders was on the receiving end of triple two-handed Power Attack earthbreaker damage.

They stowed his body in the lock-up, used the Harrow deck to project a major image of Devargo escorting them out and barking at the Eel's End guards to back off, and made good their escape.

Majenko spent the rest of the time of the campaign telepathically messing with enemies' heads, and combing the characters' hair with his claws while perched on their shoulders.

Our new CotCT campaign starts in a month or so, and even though pseudodragons aren't by the rules telepathic in 4E, I'm bending that one. Love Majenko.

Silver Crusade

In our game, Majenko has turned out to be a mean drunk.

He has however proven mostly well-meaning when sober, has been a valuable scouting asset, mascot for the fighter's mercenary company, and served as "wingman" for the party's rogue and sorcerer when they picked up dates for a night at the opera.

He also developed a strong rapport with the rogue's mother. The rogue's irritation at this has been palpable.

Silver Crusade

SO in our home game we could not keep a fourth player for the life of us. As the GM I said, "Fine, we will give Majenko character classes and give him a 20-point buy for stats." I run him as an NPC and if anyone shows up and wants to join us at our gaming store they get to run Majenko.

He just leveled up. Majenko is now a third level sorcerer with the Warped bloodline. Also, because our fourth player was the bard, Majenko is now the party face. When he gets 2nd level spells he will take Alter Self to at least look human.

My group went to see DeVargo during Escape from Old Korvosa, and rescued Majenko as part of a price for doing DeVargo a favor. He became the party wizard's familiar (with a little rule bending).

During Legacy of Ashes, Majenko handled himself well during a Red Mantis ambush--scoring the last hp of damage against a wounded assassin. After that, he began putting on airs. His sleepy stinger has been effective...twice.

During Scarwall, he went a little nuts upon finding a certain dragon's hoard, and momentarily forgot who his master was. He was given a pile of coppers to sleep on from then on.

He was also polymorphed into a medium dragon for one game in which we had a returning player for that session. He got to feel real dragon power, as it were.

For the most part, the wizard keeps him out of the way. :)

In my group, the wizard wanted to open an Alchemy shop during his downtime after EoA. Zellara's shop seemed like the natural place to open this. No one reported Zellara dead and they started to pay for the shop's rent and taxes. The wizard then realized that Majenko has some pretty good Diplomacy. So now, customers are mainly served by Zellara's Major Image or Majenko.

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Our Majenko was elected president of the pseudo-dragon population flying over Korvosa's skies.

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