Inquisitor Playtest.. 1st level.. 3 PFS adventures

Round 3: Alchemist and Inquisitor

Inquisitor Feed Back

So I played three adventures with my new Inquisitor character…. I live the class, it’s never going to be a damage monster like some classes, but I think it’s a good class overall..

I played three PFS adventures (just got to 2nd level… wooot) and there are only a few things I would tweak in the class, these are just ideas based upon the feel of the class.

1) Give them some marshal weapon proficiency…. Maybe a limited list, but give them something. I fear that players will look at the gods for what weapon training they give instead of a character concept.

2) Give them ability at 1st level to take feats which require a +1 BAB, right now, due to the limitations you pinhole the melee character into ranged combat or two-weapon fighting. I picked a god that gave me pro in Rapier so I would be able to take weapon finesses and two weapon fighting (using rapier/dagger) I originally wanted to go with high strength and Greatsword, but the choice of feats were so limited…. With low BAB progression, the special maneuver (disarm and the like feats) look like a waste, so what is a new character left with?

3) D10 HD please… if you want them in melee, the extra HP will help

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