Eox game

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Dark Archive

male wraith biomedical scientist lv5/ film director lv3

hey people this is for people to talk about the Eox game, and also this is for people to discuss the challenges of playing in an airless enviroment with only undead... *gulp*

ps hope to start this game soon! we need characters!

Male Elf Monk 1

My concept is based on an elf confined to a monastery due to a wasting disease. The cataclysm that turned all life on Eox into undead cured Aerian of that sickness, giving him the strength and vigor to leave his confinement. While not remember much of his earlier years, in unlife Aerian Ruayr has found a new life.

M Human / Skeletal Champion Racial 2 + Cleric 2

I hate to be a party-pooper, but... should we be giving Peebo / Thraxx Ummguud a chance to post in the game thread? He posted just yesterday that he should be ready to start. He probably just doesn't have access to his computer right now, or to the internet. I mean, I'm having great fun here, and I don't want to stop, and I certainly don't want to stop any of you, but still... after today, I won't have much chance to post for three days. I shudder to think how far the game will go on without me.

Right now, our characters are just talking anyway. I suppose Thraxx can insert his comments in between ours. Still, I feel compelled to point this out.

Dark Archive

male wraith biomedical scientist lv5/ film director lv3
Filleox Amaretle wrote:

I hate to be a party-pooper, but... should we be giving Peebo / Thraxx Ummguud a chance to post in the game thread? He posted just yesterday that he should be ready to start. He probably just doesn't have access to his computer right now, or to the internet. I mean, I'm having great fun here, and I don't want to stop, and I certainly don't want to stop any of you, but still... after today, I won't have much chance to post for three days. I shudder to think how far the game will go on without me.

Right now, our characters are just talking anyway. I suppose Thraxx can insert his comments in between ours. Still, I feel compelled to point this out.

i'll try my best to make sure no one is left out, and hey given that is play by post, i'm sure there will be some lag between posts

Male no, I think I'll just sit here, you go ahead though... Father 2/Geek8

Don't mind me, i can post now, I was just recovering from a 24 hour NYE party, sorry.

The Exchange

Don't want to sound selfish here, but since we got 5 players, we should be able to move the storyline forward if at least the majority (3) has posted.

But what about the other player who could potentially post? A fair alternative is to have ulgulanoth set a deadline (like every other day), thereby sending a clear signal to everyone that "if you want your action to impact the game, please post before a certain time, otherwise you're just holding everyone up."

Again, I don't want to sound inconsiderate, but I have been doing pbps for a while and too many times a great game lose momentum because everyone's waiting for 1 person. And I am not saying it's that 1 person's fault; I just think he can always rejoin the game later.

Dark Archive

male wraith biomedical scientist lv5/ film director lv3

good point... i'll say every sunday before we move the plot foward then yea?

I'm sorry if I was posting to much, I was just having fun, and didn't think it would impact much since it was just the intro. Has everyone posted yet or are we still waiting on someone?

The Exchange

ulgulanoth wrote:
good point... i'll say every sunday before we move the plot foward then yea?

Sounds good. And I wasn't trying to single out anyone with my previous post; I just think it's a good idea for the GM to set a pace that he is comfortable with. Onward with the adventure!

Male no, I think I'll just sit here, you go ahead though... Father 2/Geek8

i fully agree with you, Wilhelm, whole threads on hold for a small amount of players is what causes PbP death.

M Human / Skeletal Champion Racial 2 + Cleric 2

I DEFINITELY don't want to ruin anyone's fun. And I'll admit that I don't have much experience with PBPs. I withdraw my remark.

Dark Archive

male wraith biomedical scientist lv5/ film director lv3

so staying true to this disscussion, i'm going to move the plot foward...
*prepair your selves!*

Dark Archive

male wraith biomedical scientist lv5/ film director lv3

show of hands who *needs* a battle map from now on?

*ok really, really wants one?

Male Elf Monk 1

I think Filleox's post below best illustrates why, in my opinion, a battle map is way to go:

Filleox Amaretle wrote:

In the event that I can reach a wolf with a 5' step, I would do so and make a full attack with 2 claws.

If I can't do that, I would still walk up to one of the two "free" wolves. Then I can make ONE claw attack, anyway. (I already rolled for that.) I would want to move in such a way that other PCs can reach the same wolf and make a melee attack, if they choose. But I don't want to provoke an AoO under any circumstances, even if this means I block other PCs.

Got all that?

And without entering a "web" square?

I don't think the battle (6 wolves vs. 4 nearby PCs) was that complicated. No one did anything that was unusual. Deseco's web spell, under the circumstances, was something that any PC, had they had the means to, would have done. Yet as the battle unfold, things started to get complicated w/out a visual. Am I close enough to 5' step to attack? Can I move in such a way that other PC can reach the same monster AND not provoke an AoO? What about web squares?

Keep in mind that's just during 1 turn. As things keep changing, it will be literally be impossible to keep the battle straight in anyone's head. Everyone might have different impressions of where they are/what they can do.

Of course, it is easy for the GM to say, "yes you can do that" or "no," but then it really boils down to the GM's interpretation. Without a way to keep everyone on the same page, "yes" "no" often seem pretty random to me.

I must emphasize that this post is not to push ulgulanoth into start making maps (which is nice but tedious), but to make a point. I sincerely believe that non-map battles are severely limited to a point where the capability of a character are bounded by the GM's "yes" "no" and "I guess."

Male no, I think I'll just sit here, you go ahead though... Father 2/Geek8

in my opinion, unless we are in a dungeon, we shouldn't need a map, if i may make a suggestion to the DM, work out before hand where the party will be in relation to the enemy, and then just say "They are X feet away" and use a post-it for DM only battle map.

this is how i run a lot of my PbP games on other boards.

my hand is not up for a battle map.

Male Half-Elf/ Skeleton Champion Sorcerer 1

Whose turn is it, did we loose someone?

Male Human (Skeletal Champion template) Rogue 2
Zerric Dar-Bannan wrote:
Whose turn is it, did we loose someone?

I believe it is Deseco, then the wolves and then Filleox turn to act.

Male Half-Elf/ Skeleton Champion Sorcerer 1

Ahh so the DM is MIA, oh well maybe he had a busy weekend.

Dark Archive

male wraith biomedical scientist lv5/ film director lv3
Zerric Dar-Bannan wrote:
Ahh so the DM is MIA, oh well maybe he had a busy weekend.

no my pc died on me :(

Male Half-Elf/ Skeleton Champion Sorcerer 1

I am confused about the game, is everyone getting an AoO or just the two the DM said? I don't think my guy should be getting one, but is there some PbP rule I am unaware of?

Dark Archive

male wraith biomedical scientist lv5/ film director lv3

not one for PbP just this one
*this DM will always try to rule in you favour*
so roll you AoO!

Male Orc/Skeleton Champion Barbarian 1

DM, a few things have come up, so could i ask you to please DMPC my character for a little while, no longer than a week.

thank you.

Dark Archive

male wraith biomedical scientist lv5/ film director lv3

wow its been a while


looking for two new players

anyone new interested?

Dark Archive

male wraith biomedical scientist lv5/ film director lv3

guys do not be afraid of the zombie gribbering mouther!

M Human / Skeletal Champion Racial 2 + Cleric 2
ulgulanoth wrote:
guys do not be afraid of the zombie gribbering mouther!

May I ask why not? I know that I suggested staying to face it, but that was when I only THOUGHT it was a mouther. Now that I KNOW it, I feel the urge to keep a respectful distance.

Male Human (Skeletal Champion template) Rogue 2
Filleox Amaretle wrote:
ulgulanoth wrote:
guys do not be afraid of the zombie gribbering mouther!
May I ask why not? I know that I suggested staying to face it, but that was when I only THOUGHT it was a mouther. Now that I KNOW it, I feel the urge to keep a respectful distance.

Hey we're all one big happy undead family! What's to worry about?

M Human / Skeletal Champion Racial 2 + Cleric 2

I must tell you that my availability will be very limited soon. I'll be able to post freely for another day or two. Then for the next 5 days, I will be able to post very seldom. Then for the next 2 or 3 days after THAT, I won't be able to post at all. The GM might have to take over my PC now and then during that time. Or maybe the GM might pass control of my character to another player during that time.

Dark Archive

male wraith biomedical scientist lv5/ film director lv3


M Human / Skeletal Champion Racial 2 + Cleric 2

Okay, I'm going now. There's a slim chance I might post just once in another day or two, but other than that, you won't hear from me for another 4-5 days. See you then.

Dark Archive

male wraith biomedical scientist lv5/ film director lv3

i'll try to make sure you don't miss too much

Male Human (Skeletal Champion template) Rogue 2

HP roll 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Character is updated to level 2, please review, thanks.

M Human / Skeletal Champion Racial 2 + Cleric 2

Hot dog! This is the first time I've ever levelled up in a PBP... although it's the PBP I've MOST recently joined. Go figure.

hp = 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

And now I'm updated to level 2 also, and ready for inspection, sir.

Dark Archive

male wraith biomedical scientist lv5/ film director lv3

looks good

Male Elf Monk 1

Hey guys, I will have to bow out of this one. Ulgulanoth, thanks for the opportunity to play in your game. Philip & Filleox, it's been a pleasure; I thought we made a great team. Hope to see you all in another game!

Dark Archive

male wraith biomedical scientist lv5/ film director lv3

thx for playing the game

Male Human (Skeletal Champion template) Rogue 2
ulgulanoth wrote:
thx for playing the game

So are we done then, or will you try recruiting replacement players?

Dark Archive

male wraith biomedical scientist lv5/ film director lv3

its on pause until we can get another 2 players (and actually this is a good time to do so) unfortunatly...

ulgulanoth wrote:
its on pause until we can get another 2 players (and actually this is a good time to do so) unfortunatly...

10-4, I will keep an eye on the recruitment thread, he he

Grand Lodge

i'd like to give it a shot. this would be my first PBP here... 2nd or 3rd overall. what classes are your miss/ in need of...

M Human / Skeletal Champion Racial 2 + Cleric 2

Hi, roger Gilbert. While the real authority is obviously the GM, who is ulgulanoth, I'd like to venture my opinion that ANY class would be welcome. But we currently have a cleric and a rogue.

Grand Lodge

i'd like to play something for the advanced players guide... but would be willing to play a fighter...


Hi guys,

I've i'd like to fill a spot in your game.

bout me: havent played a 3.5 game in about a year, havent played a PBP in about 1.5 years. looking to start again. i'm pretty good with all the rules, I have a decent character concept, thinking maybe a human barbarian (i think rogue and cleric might need some muscle).

only thing i'm bit shady on is what you guys use for your rolls? & what books i can use for character creation ?(complete warrior, complete scoundrel, complete adventurer etc)

Lemme know if you'll have me and are happy with the class choice and i'll start working on something right away.

Fem Elf Bard 3

*Holds up hand* Showing interest. =)

Um, would the Paizo Quadiran Mummy template be all right/appropriate?

Much cheers. No real idea for class of race yet..V_V

Sunset wrote:

*Holds up hand* Showing interest. =)

Um, would the Paizo Quadiran Mummy template be all right/appropriate?

Much cheers. No real idea for class of race yet..V_V

As far as I know, every one has the Skeletal Champion template, although i will wait until ulgulanoth confirms this, he he.

Fem Elf Bard 3

But the Quadiran Mummy has sooo much more....um...potential..yeah, that's the word I'm looking for.


*points to certain Pharaoh illustration in certain adventure module*


Heh, nothing saying an actual 'Mummy' type wouldn't go astray either? Just starting at the low end of the shifts. (^_~)

Sunset wrote:

But the Quadiran Mummy has sooo much more....um...potential..yeah, that's the word I'm looking for.


*points to certain Pharaoh illustration in certain adventure module*


Heh, nothing saying an actual 'Mummy' type wouldn't go astray either? Just starting at the low end of the shifts. (^_~)

Great, now I have Mummy envy, he he. ;-)



Lets just hope the GM is still around :D

Wessels wrote:
Lets just hope the GM is still around :D

Yeah he is still hanging around, he he

Fem Elf Bard 3

While that is the module...this -> Link is the art work I was more thinking about....;)

Sunset wrote:
While that is the module...this -> Link is the art work I was more thinking about....;)

ooooh Mummy dearest! he he...;-)

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