Pathfinder Chronicler Requirements Issues

Rules Questions

In the last couple of weeks me and my friends started playing a game and i was scanning the book and I saw the Pathfinder Chronicler prestige class and and fell in love with it and planned out my bard to make all the requirements.

And I thought all was well till I looked at the special requirement.



To qualify to become a Pathfinder chronicler, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.

Skills: Linguistics 3 ranks, Perform (oratory) 5 ranks, Profession (scribe) 5 ranks.

Special: Must have authored or scribed something (other than a magical scroll or other device) for which another person (not a PC) paid at least 50 gp.

I thought this would be tricky but doable as my GM can be a pain in the neck when it comes to prestige classes. So I went to look up the Profession skill as I'd need it for the requirements and the scribing of the what ever for 50gp.



Check: You can earn half your Profession check result in gold pieces per week of dedicated work. You know how to use the tools of your trade, how to perform the profession’s daily tasks, how to supervise helpers, and how to handle common problems. You can also answer questions about your Profession. Basic questions are DC 10, while more complex questions are DC 15 or higher.

Now I might be reading this wrong but to me it seems to scribe anything worth 50gp I need to work for a week as a scribe and scribe a masterpiece by getting a check of over 100. It seems like a sensible rule on the whole but in this case it seems to be preventing people entering this class.

Me and one of my fellow players are talking about maybe if my character did a week here and a week there on scribing our adventures I could keep track of my checks and try to sell something combined but I'm not sure if its meant to be done this way as I couldn't find anything in the book.

Any advice or information on this rule anyone could give me would be highly appreciated. Thank you for your time and forgive any spelling mistakes its nearly 2am.

Personally, I view this requirement less as an obstacle that needs to be overcome by rules and rolls and more one that requires character roleplaying and DM interaction. When I played a character that was interested in being a chronicler, my DM asked me what I was trying to write about, then had me roll a series of checks. Knowledge- to make sure I knew enough about the topic I was writing, Profession Scribe- to do a good job of writing it down and making a good manuscript in general, Diplomacy- to actually sell the writing.

The biggest part here is that the person needs to pay at least 50 gp. It doesn't say that it has to be worth that much... Technically, if your Bluff and Linguistics is high enough, you could forge an expensive document and then sell it to someone for a high price, this would meet the requirements. So would arranging with someone to be the scribe for an expensive document (or the author) which is later sold for the requisite price. Remember, the requirement for the class does not say that you need to work alone, simply that you author or scribe the document.

I would personally also say that you could quite easily accomplish the task over several weeks, and if you feel you need to oblige by rolls and numbers, then this is a perfectly good way to do so.

This requirement, like many of the other special requirements of prestige classes are less statistical in nature and more for roleplaying and to make sure your character fits the role of the class.

Scarab Sages

One of my players is a manager of a theater. The party is all involved with one theater group, so they spent about two months working on a play. (They recreated "Sweeny Todd, Demon Barber" in Westcrown, Cheliax.) I had him make a scribe check for each act (3), modified by the other players' perform (act) assists. They then went through the process of putting on the play and promoting the play. The production and profits all contributed to the total check. Essentially each point in the checks = 1gp.

I had another director buy the script for 85gp and 5% of any net profits from using the script.

He did this while second or third level.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

I think these are all good suggestions for entering the class. I did put in that requirement intentionally as something that would not be just a "by the numbers, take this feat and that skill and have such-and-such BAB" - it DOES require you to work with your DM and figure out how you want to accomplish it, which I think is not a bug but a feature.

Glad to hear you are interested in the PrC and hope you have fun with it.

Liberty's Edge

Just for the rules part, nowhere does it say you have to finish your piece in a week, so you could work for five weeks and succed at a DC20 check each of them, that would total 50gp of work (or 10 weeks with DC10 checks).

You could go by the craft rules as well... :-m

Thank you all for your advice and I will be discussing with my DM once I get the chance to, but as i said he's a pain in the neck with these things, he prefers having things brought down to a dice rolling which is why I was looking at it in that way.

I'll meantion the out come of the talk once it happens, if any one has any more suggestions i'm all ears.

Thank you all again

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

midknight wrote:

Just for the rules part, nowhere does it say you have to finish your piece in a week, so you could work for five weeks and succed at a DC20 check each of them, that would total 50gp of work (or 10 weeks with DC10 checks).

You could go by the craft rules as well... :-m

Absolutely true. There is no set time for completion. Take Craft (books) and spend as much time as you want/need to create 50 gp worth of a book per the standard Craft skill rules and then sell it.

Bingo-bango, your DM can have his/her dice rolling exercise and you can fulfill the requirements of the PrC.

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