Lists and Wishlists

Website Feedback

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Digital Products Assistant

Sandro Terminus wrote:
Where could a person suggest a new product or a revision of an old 3.5 book that you would do?

You could try the Pathfinder RPG Products forum.

I have problems with non digital gifts, no option to select someone with a Paizo account (the send stuff on their wishlists)

Edit: Nevermind, missed the "Add to Cart directly from the Wishlists" part.

Grand Lodge

How could we get someone to buy pdfs on our wishlists and have it available in our download pages and not theirs.

Can that person be a guest (in case of someone purchasing for some birthday) How would they do it and specify user?

The specific item I'm looking at is

Beginner Box pdf

Jackarda7 wrote:

How could we get someone to buy pdfs on our wishlists and have it available in our download pages and not theirs.

Can that person be a guest (in case of someone purchasing for some birthday) How would they do it and specify user?

The specific item I'm looking at is

Beginner Box pdf

Adding to cart from your wishlist(s).

If by guess you mean unregistered, no. A user could use the "this item is a gift" in the purchase process, then there is a place to enter username of who you want to give it to.

The list links don't seem to be working for me in certain cases. I can add individual forum posts and products, but not forums, threads, or pages within the store. I click on the link and nothing happens. I'm using Chrome.

The features are still not working with forums and the Delete button for Lists does nothing 99% of the time. Looking back through this thread this has been a problem from implementation ...

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