Mistfinder (Pathfinder in Ravenloft)


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Shadow Lodge

Right then the bloodlines are wacky so I'm just going to post up a lot of rough ideas and people can nit pick or suggest at their leisure.

Just looking at it now I'm sure not all socerers will be balanced against each other due to the bloodlines.

Sorry to barge in slightly off-topic, but where was Ebb described? (I have a lot of the earliest RL stuff, and later obtained most of White Wolf's 3.x reboot material but haven't ploughed my way through it yet.)

Shadow Lodge

Bellona wrote:
Sorry to barge in slightly off-topic, but where was Ebb described? (I have a lot of the earliest RL stuff, and later obtained most of White Wolf's 3.x reboot material but haven't ploughed my way through it yet.)

Ebb is described in the White Wolf/Arthaus 3.x material in Gazeteer II. It's a good book, though I'm never sure about Ebb.

Beckett wrote:

I am really not that keen on the Mist Bloodline. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense, (and technically, 90% of the Ravenloft population are Mist "bloodline"), but it also really fits as something special for the Cleric Domain. A Bloodline really cheapens that, in my opinion.

That being said, I think the Draconic Bloodline would be fantastic. It makes more sense to have the Draconic Bloodline if dragons are extremely rare. As for the Elemental Bloodlines, I am not sure. It really doesn't scream at me "Ravenloft". I am not against them, but for one, the nature of the connecting planes just makes it odd, as no one really knows about the Elemental Planes. Maybe, what you could do is kill two birds and lump the Elemental Bloodlines into Ravenloft Plane Bloodline. Keep the powers, but switch the fluff behind them. Not sure if that makes sense.

Sorry to disagree, but I think a Mist bloodline makes a lot more sense than a Draconic bloodline would for Ravenloft. The setting has one dragon, and one that is so rarely seen most people I've encountered who like the setting have either never heard of her, never use her, or don't think she belongs there. I like your idea that they would be the more strange aspects of the Mist as opposed to the beneficial ones espoused by Ezra. Maybe they could have a weird relationship with the church; respected, but never beloved and rarely becoming priests? That's just me though.

Fey bloodlines would seem to be a necessity, as would grave-touched/Undead and Destined(as annoying as a paladin to the big bads).

Bellona wrote:
Sorry to barge in slightly off-topic, but where was Ebb described? (I have a lot of the earliest RL stuff, and later obtained most of White Wolf's 3.x reboot material but haven't ploughed my way through it yet.)
ugly child wrote:
Ebb is described in the White Wolf/Arthaus 3.x material in Gazeteer II. It's a good book, though I'm never sure about Ebb.

Many thanks for your reply! :)

Shadow Lodge

Right this is the most rough material I've posted, pick away. As said I've had some problems with balancing out all the bloodlines against each other, ideas would be a godsend.


The Aberrant Bloodline

Long Limbs: Increase your Outcast rating by 3

Unusual Anatomy: Requires you to drastically change your diet; slugs, animal brains, boneless seafood and offal all raw are now the only palatable foods. If you attempt to eat any other foodstuffs you are sickened for 12 hours. Your blood is now blue.

Aberant Form: Increase your Outcast rating by 7


Abyssal Bloodline

Class Skill: your bloodline class skill is instead Climb

Your voice becomes husky and almost crackles like fire, increase your Outcast rating by 2

Add 5% to all powers checks.

Bonus Spells: Every time you gain access to a new bloodline bonus spell, take a powers check as if you learned a new Evil spell. If that spell is already evil double the chances of failure.

Each time you use a non passive abyssal bloodline power take a 3% powers check.


Arcane Bloodline

Class Skill: You may not choose Knowledge (the planes) as this class skill.

Arcane Bond:
Any bonded object is a sinister possession and any familiar is a dread companion

Arcane Apotheosis:
Whenever you use this ability to use spend less charges from magic items that require charges, you may instead tap into a pact made by the dark powers. Instead of sacrificing spells slots to retain a charge you may take a 3% powers check, if the use of this item requires a powers check add the 3% to that powers check. The dark powers only use this power to entice and you may no longer use it if you become evil.


Celestial Bloodline

Higher Standards: When sorcerer with this bloodline make a powers check they do so at double the usual chance of failure.

Heavenly Fire: Use of this ability to heal may cause a fear save among the people of Ravenloft.

Wings of Heaven: Wings gained from this bloodline ability are broken and pathetic to look upon. You may fly at a speed of 30ft with a maneuverability of clumsy.


Destined Bloodline

Within Reach: If you make use of this bloodline ability, there is a 50% chance that though you are saved, you are enveloped by the mist and transported to another domain. This occurs on the end of the round following the use of this ability, unless you are roused by an ally.

Destiny Realized: You may be detected by the dark lord of a domain as a paladin of your level.


Elemental Bloodline

Dread Element: All effects that you create using where your element is used (spells, bloodline powers) are cosmetically changed.

Air Effects = Gouts of mists and fogs.
Earth Effects = Grave earth, bones and tombstones.
Fire Effects = Burning bones, flames and splinters of wood.
Water Effects = Unclean volumes of blood.


Fey Bloodline

Fey bloodline sorcerers are almost always changelings left in place of a normal child or born of an illicit affair. Either way the seelie or unselie want them back.

Woodland Stride: Fey creatures can see clearly a trail a fey bloodline sorcerer has blazed. If you are travelling through undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) creatures of the fey type have a +10 to detect and track you.

Fleeting Glance: Creatures of the Fey type may still see you and you are only granted a 20% miss chance when using this ability.

Soul of the Fey: When you use this ability to shadow walk or shadow walk by other means, all creatures of the fey type within 10 miles know you have entered the plane of shadows.


Infernal Bloodline

All infernal bloodline sorcerers have a reptilian lisp; increase your Outcast rating by 2.

Add 5% to all powers checks.

Bonus Spells: Every time you gain access to a new bloodline bonus spell, take a powers check as if you learned a new Evil spell. If that spell is already evil double the chances of failure.

Each time you use a non passive infernal bloodline power take a 3% powers check.


Undead Bloodline

You have some telling link to your undead bloodline, a deathly pallor or disturbingly gaze, increase your Outcast rating by 2.

Bonus Spells: Every time you gain access to a new bloodline bonus spell, take a powers check as if you learned a new Necromatic spell. If that spell is already necromantic double the chances of failure.

Each time you use a non passive undead bloodline power take a 3% powers check.


The Abberant Bloodline
Excellent, excellent.

The Abyssal Bloodline
Not a fan. Reminds me waaaaay too much of the 2nd ed Thief quandary.

The Arcane Bloodline
Sounds good.

The Celestial Bloodline
Wings of Heaven is the runaway winner. Your description really came through here for me.

The Destiny Bloodline
We were of one mind on this, I think. I'd like to see a little more oomph put into it though.

The Elemental Bloodline
Meh. I don't think idea itself fits into Ravenloft too well. Still, your excellent descriptions greased it up just enough to squeeze it in.

The Fey Bloodline
See above.

The Infernal Bloodline
Not sure about the lisp, but I think they should have some kind of hypnotic or seductive voice, the Outcast rating increase is good.

The Undead Bloodline
Dead on, pun intended.

Shadow Lodge

I think they all look very good.

I especially liked the Fey Bloodline. (Changling the Lost :) )

I am not certain on the Undead Bloodline, though. It seems like it would make it extremely hard to play a Good Undead Bloodline Sorcerer, sort of the same issue I have with playing a white necromancer (arcane or divine). It seems like the intent of a spell should be just as important as the spell type, and not all necromancy/undead relating magic is dark, evil, foul, etc. . .

It kind of seemed that WW's version of Ravenloft over penulized certain things. A few examples are Speak with Dead, DeathWard, and Disrupt Undead, all being Necromancy spells.

What about, instead of Draconic Bloodline, there is a Golem Bloodline?
***Class Skill: Survival (or Kow Engineering, Disable Device, Heal, Disguise all make sense)

Bonus Spells: 3rd Mage Armor, 5th Resist Energy, ***7th Rage, 9th Fear, 11th Spell Resistance, ***13th, 15th, and 17th Form of the Dragon 1-3 (thematically changed to Form of the Golem), & 19th Wish.

Bonus Feats: replace Imp Init, Quicken Spell, & Spell Focus: Fly with Imp Counterspell, Stunning Fist (no prereqs.), and Skill Focus: Intimidate.

Bloodline Arcana: Remains the same, except that the Sorcerer picks a "parent" Golem/Construct, and thematically gets a certain energy type. (For example, Clay Golem = Earth/Acid, Flesh Golem = Cold, Iron Golem = (possibly) Fire or Earh, etc. . . DM's discrecion).

Bloodline Powers: As above, except that the energy discharge is more along the lines of an alchemical discharge rather than Breath Weapon.

Claws functions the same, except it is thematically treated more as a slam attack than claws. (Mechanically, still claws).

Dragon Resistance: Works the same, just Golem Resistance

Breath Weapon: See "Bloodline Powers" above.

***Wings: is replaced with SPell Resistence: You recieve Spell Resistance equal to 5 + your Sorcerer Level. It does not apply to any spell you cast on yourself, but you can not lower it otherwise. Your Golem like nature simply begins to make you resistant to magic from all outside sorces. Furthermore, it does apply to items that you use on yourself, (Scrolls, Wands, Staffs, and Potions), but does not apply to items with ongoing effects, such as Rings, magical Armor and weapons, etc. . . DM's Discretion.

Power of the Wyrm: Mechanically unchanged, but thematically Golem-like.

Beckett wrote:

I think they all look very good.

I especially liked the Fey Bloodline. (Changling the Lost :) )


Beckett wrote:
What about, instead of Draconic Bloodline, there is a Golem Bloodline?

Not sure about this, because the only golems I know of in Ravenloft are Flesh Golems, and making them seems to be an evil act. Still, this is a possiblity- you put together something nice. I'd get rid of the energy discharge though, and put in something else. I really like the slam attack and spell resistance. I think they should have a really good bonus to save against Enchantment/Charm/mind affecting spells and be of Lawful alignment as well as somewhat unemotional(except for flashes of rage/lust/etc).

Shadow Lodge

Freehold DM wrote:
Beckett wrote:

I think they all look very good.

I especially liked the Fey Bloodline. (Changling the Lost :) )


Beckett wrote:
What about, instead of Draconic Bloodline, there is a Golem Bloodline?
Not sure about this, because the only golems I know of in Ravenloft are Flesh Golems, and making them seems to be an evil act. Still, this is a possiblity- you put together something nice. I'd get rid of the energy discharge though, and put in something else. I really like the slam attack and spell resistance. I think they should have a really good bonus to save against Enchantment/Charm/mind affecting spells and be of Lawful alignment as well as somewhat unemotional(except for flashes of rage/lust/etc).

I was trying to keep it as close to the Draconic Bloodline as possible, mechanically. Only the *** are directly changed, and this way it is open to which types of Golems the character might want, without really being complicated.

I was a bit lost as for a good replacement for the Breath Weapon, though. There is not a lot of similar features in Golems like there are Dragons, and I was thinking that Golem Bloodline Sorcerers might fit slightly better in the more technilogically advanced Domains, so a cone of fire might be similar to a flame thrower, for example. But I agree, it coul use work, I just can't think of anything that would remain similar, but be different enough to say Golem.

Shadow Lodge

Along these lines we could have an artificial bloodline. Changes the flavour slightly but you could still do the same thing with it.

You are descended from an individual created by artificial means or are one yourself. A scientist was perhaps searching for the source of thaumaturgic engergy or maybe it was all a mistake. Perhaps you have been part of a terrible scientific accident

I'll have a think about something more suitable for undead, as said these are my roughest efforts.

Shadow Lodge

Artificial is better name than Golem, I think. Golem is a bit more specific than I had intended, though would probably be the more common of the progenetor types, or Half-Golems at least.

Agreed. You already have a somewhat Changeling: The Lost themed bloodline- why not go for a Promethean: The Created one?

Shadow Lodge

Other than the Draconic -> Artificial one above?

Shadow Lodge

Something Pathfinder compatible with a Ravenloft tinge (thanks to The Giamarga on the Cafe de Nuit board for pointing it out).

Undying Love

Shadow Lodge

Right so a little bit about firearms as I'm doing a little section on equipment. The pistol, the musket and the rifle. I have included the military rifle though it may not be everyone's cup of tea. I include it only at the highest cultural level and only beacuse I think certain domains drift into victoriana (Paridon comes straight to mind).


Weapon Cul Cost Damage Crit Range Increment Weight Type

Pistol 9 250gp 1d10 X3 50ft 3lb Piercing
Bullets 3+ 3gp ___________2lb
Pistol (10)

Musket 8+ 500gp 2d6 X3 150ft 10lb Piercing
Cartridges 3+ 3gp___________2lb
Musket (10)*

Military Rifle 9 650gp 2d8 X3 150ft 10lb Piercing
Bullets 3+ 3gp___________2lb
Rifle (10)

* A musket is usually loaded with pre-made paper cartridges, but may instead be loaded with other projectiles such as stones and glass and a measure of gun powder. In these cases the weapon only does 2d4 damage and on an attack roll of a 1 jams requiring a full-round action, that provokes an attack of opportunity, to clear.

Sorry if this is a bit hard to read but, i've tried to may it clear enough.

ugly child wrote:

Right so a little bit about firearms as I'm doing a little section on equipment. The pistol, the musket and the rifle. I have included the military rifle though it may not be everyone's cup of tea. I include it only at the highest cultural level and only beacuse I think certain domains drift into victoriana (Paridon comes straight to mind).


Weapon Cul Cost Damage Crit Range Increment Weight Type

Pistol 9 250gp 1d10 X3 50ft 3lb Piercing
Bullets 3+ 3gp ___________2lb
Pistol (10)

Musket 8+ 500gp 2d6 X3 150ft 10lb Piercing
Cartridges 3+ 3gp___________2lb
Musket (10)*

Military Rifle 9 650gp 2d8 X3 150ft 10lb Piercing
Bullets 3+ 3gp___________2lb
Rifle (10)

* A musket is usually loaded with pre-made paper cartridges, but may instead be loaded with other projectiles such as stones and glass and a measure of gun powder. In these cases the weapon only does 2d4 damage and on an attack roll of a 1 jams requiring a full-round action, that provokes an attack of opportunity, to clear.

Sorry if this is a bit hard to read but, i've tried to may it clear enough.

I love guns in D&D, and this is the place to put 'em. However, I'm more interested in seeing the critical multiplier for guns go up as they increase in size as opposed to them doing more damage overall- maybe by overdoing it on the gunpowder angle? What was it called when you put too much gunpowder in to result in a more powerful shot?

Shadow Lodge

ugly child wrote:


Weapon Cul Cost Damage Crit Range Increment Weight Type

Pistol 9 250gp 1d10 X3 50ft 3lb Piercing
Bullets 3+ 3gp ___________2lb
Pistol (10)

Weapon: Pistol, Cul. Lvl: 9+, Damage/Crit: 1d10 / x3 (P), Range: 50ft, Weight: 3 lbs

Pistols take Pistol Bullets. Pistol Bullets can be purchased (?) in most areas with a Cultural Level of 3 or higher for 3gp (for 10 Bulets), which weighs 21 lbs.

Is that correct? I was less clear on the later portion of the format.

Shadow Lodge

Beckett wrote:
ugly child wrote:

Weapon Cul Cost Damage Crit Range Increment Weight Type

Pistol 9 250gp 1d10 X3 50ft 3lb Piercing
Bullets 3+ 3gp ___________2lb
Pistol (10)

Weapon: Pistol, Cul. Lvl: 9+, Damage/Crit: 1d10 / x3 (P), Range: 50ft, Weight: 3 lbs

Pistols take Pistol Bullets. Pistol Bullets can be purchased (?) in most areas with a Cultural Level of 3 or higher for 3gp (for 10 Bulets), which weighs 21 lbs.

Is that correct? I was less clear on the later portion of the format.

Sorry the formating is hard to read but Cultural level 3+ has the means to make bullets without a price increase. They cost 3gp per 10 and 10 weigh 2 pounds.

I haven't had a look at the pathfinder campaign setting in much detail, I understand they have guns. Are firearms much different in they're campaign setting?

Shadow Lodge

No problem, I just wanted to see if I was understanding it correctly. Fomatting is difficult to read here, like you said. I am not familiar really with Pathfinder Firearms, but I think this looks good.

One last question, though. What are the Weapon Proficiencies?

Is it just Exotic Weapon: Firearms?

Or Exotic Weapon: Pistol, Exotic Weapon: Rifle?

Beckett wrote:

No problem, I just wanted to see if I was understanding it correctly. Fomatting is difficult to read here, like you said. I am not familiar really with Pathfinder Firearms, but I think this looks good.

One last question, though. What are the Weapon Proficiencies?

Is it just Exotic Weapon: Firearms?

Or Exotic Weapon: Pistol, Exotic Weapon: Rifle?

I think they are separate from each other, yes.

Shadow Lodge

I'd say since they are more widespread, I'd say you could make a case for a cover-all. The 3.5 material for Ravenloft gave it as a Exotic Weapons Proficiency (Firearms).

The alternative is tying a general feat in to higher cultural levels and individual feats per weapon for lower cultural levels. Which might be a bit unwieldy.

Shadow Lodge

How does this strike people for hypnosis?


Heal (Wis)

Add this feature to the heal skill if you come from a domain with a cultural level of 8 or higher.

This use of the heal skill takes 1 hour per attempt and replicates the effects of the hypnotism spell with only one target. The DC of this check is 15 + the target’s will save modifier. If the target is unwilling you must first attempt to hide your intentions with a bluff check and may only make one attempt with such an individual a day. If this skill is use in a loud or distracting environment add +2 to the DC. If you use a prop such as a pocket watch or crystal ball the DC is reduced by 2; but an unwilling individual has a +2 to sense motive to appose your attempt to hide your intentions.

Hypnosis may also be used to aid in the recovery of those who have failed a madness save. You may make an attempt to aid recovery once per week with a particular individual. The DC of your check is the DC of the madness save that individual failed. If you are successful you may restore one ability that has been penalised by the failed madness save by 1 point and decrease the DC of the individual’s recovery check by one. In addition the individual treated may make an immediate recovery check.

Shadow Lodge

ugly child wrote:

How does this strike people for hypnosis?


Heal (Wis)

Add this feature to the heal skill if you come from a domain with a cultural level of 8 or higher.

I like it. Heal makes perfect sense, in my opinion. Not sure about the Cultural Level being so high though. It seems like this should be a fairly common skill for most healers regardless of Cul. Level, though the lower ones are more likely to view it in terms of religion and superstition ((and in Ravenloft be corect) while higher ones might look at (to us, barbarous and probably more hurtful than not) psuedo-science.

Beckett wrote:
ugly child wrote:

How does this strike people for hypnosis?


Heal (Wis)

Add this feature to the heal skill if you come from a domain with a cultural level of 8 or higher.

I like it. Heal makes perfect sense, in my opinion. Not sure about the Cultural Level being so high though. It seems like this should be a fairly common skill for most healers regardless of Cul. Level, though the lower ones are more likely to view it in terms of religion and superstition ((and in Ravenloft be corect) while higher ones might look at (to us, barbarous and probably more hurtful than not) psuedo-science.

Hey, I like hypnosis! ;-)

But this is pretty damn cool. I like it.

Shadow Lodge

Just going through the cultural levels in brief,

0 Savage
1 Stone Age
2 Bronze Age
3 Iron Age
4 Classical Age
5 Dark Age
6 Early Medieval
7 Medieval
8 Chivalric
9 Renaissance

So we could push it to 7 but I think no further. Tepest is the first 6 cul I remember and I can't see the superstitious Tepestians taking out a fob watch and saying "you are feeling sleepy".

Shadow Lodge

Right I'm into the compiling and formating stage for the PDF. So I'll be looking over all the feedback and changes to be made on the thread. Then tidying up the classes, prestiege classes, rules and adding flavour text and the like, before putting them in the nice format you've seen earlier.

This is my first time putting together something of this scale, in a pdf; so you'll more than likely be seeing something without art or bookmarks at the end of March. Then if anyone spots erratta or formatting changes to be made in that document they can let me know.

Another issue is whether we want to host this document and further stuff on another website, as the forums here are not the best locale.

Shadow Lodge

ugly child wrote:

Just going through the cultural levels in brief,

0 Savage
1 Stone Age
2 Bronze Age
3 Iron Age
4 Classical Age
5 Dark Age
6 Early Medieval
7 Medieval
8 Chivalric
9 Renaissance

So we could push it to 7 but I think no further. Tepest is the first 6 cul I remember and I can't see the superstitious Tepestians taking out a fob watch and saying "you are feeling sleepy".

No, but that isn't the only method of hypnosis. I could easily see a CL4 gypsy group using it for tricks, entertainment, or cons. I could also see down to possibly a CL 2 priest/mystic using it for religious experiences such as native american smoking lodges, or shamanistic pain rituals, or a common Cleric giving confession. I would honeslty say the watch would be the least common, and probably least experienced in it.

Shadow Lodge

Beckett wrote:

No, but that isn't the only method of hypnosis. I could easily see a CL4 gypsy group using it for tricks, entertainment, or cons. I could also see down to possibly a CL 2 priest/mystic using it for religious experiences such as native american smoking lodges, or shamanistic pain rituals, or a common Cleric giving confession. I would honeslty say the watch would be the least common, and probably least experienced in it.

Tis a good point, The only thing I would not like to see happening is your common or garden ranger hypnotising people. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Maybe something with the props?

Shadow Lodge

Rather than making it an additional functionof the base skill, it could always be a Feat. Granted, as a feat, it should add a little somthing more than just allowing the extra Heal, but not much.

For example:

Holistic Guidance/Hypnotism/Whatever
Prereqs.: Heal 3 Ranks, Wisdom 13, Knowledge Religion or Knowledge Local 1 Rank.
Benefits: You can use the Heal skill for additional purposses (as listed above for Hypnosis). Additionally, you get a +1 Moral Bonus against Mind-Affecting effects.

As a side note, I would also allow a 50 gp Hypnosis Kit (or else you take a -2 on the check), or a 300 gp Masterwork Hypnosis Kit (that grants a +2), and depending on your charactrs style, this could range from a watch to religious paraphinelia to shamanistic concoctions, etc. . .

Shadow Lodge

Beckett wrote:

Rather than making it an additional functionof the base skill, it could always be a Feat. Granted, as a feat, it should add a little somthing more than just allowing the extra Heal, but not much.

For example:

Holistic Guidance/Hypnotism/Whatever
Prereqs.: Heal 3 Ranks, Wisdom 13, Knowledge Religion or Knowledge Local 1 Rank.
Benefits: You can use the Heal skill for additional purposses (as listed above for Hypnosis). Additionally, you get a +1 Moral Bonus against Mind-Affecting effects.

As a side note, I would also allow a 50 gp Hypnosis Kit (or else you take a -2 on the check), or a 300 gp Masterwork Hypnosis Kit (that grants a +2), and depending on your charactrs style, this could range from a watch to religious paraphinelia to shamanistic concoctions, etc. . .

Good stuff Beckett, I think we may go this way.

Shadow Lodge

ugly child wrote:
Beckett wrote:

Rather than making it an additional functionof the base skill, it could always be a Feat. Granted, as a feat, it should add a little somthing more than just allowing the extra Heal, but not much.

For example:

Holistic Guidance/Hypnotism/Whatever
Prereqs.: Heal 3 Ranks, Wisdom 13, Knowledge Religion or Knowledge Local 1 Rank.
Benefits: You can use the Heal skill for additional purposses (as listed above for Hypnosis). Additionally, you get a +1 Moral Bonus against Mind-Affecting effects.

As a side note, I would also allow a 50 gp Hypnosis Kit (or else you take a -2 on the check), or a 300 gp Masterwork Hypnosis Kit (that grants a +2), and depending on your charactrs style, this could range from a watch to religious paraphinelia to shamanistic concoctions, etc. . .

Good stuff Beckett, I think we may go this way.

Cool, just for the record, feel free to use anything I put up on Ravenloft. I'm not looking for credit or anything. I just enjoy thinking and making up stuff. I had originally wanted to grant a +1 to one of the Horro, Maddnes, or Fear Saves, but not have it stack with any of the other Feats, (like Jaded), but I could not think of their names and also couldn't look them up. If you think that is better, feel free to change it out.

Secondly, I was wanting to keep this, more or less in he hands of Religious types, Gypsy types, and professional types, so do you think the skill requirements fit?

Shadow Lodge

Just incase anyone is interested here is a Ravenloft podcast. Mirage Arcana #5

Liberty's Edge

As I've mentioned elsewhere on the forums, I'm running a Pathfinder Ravenloft game right now. I've been following this thread with interest, though I admit that I've gone a different direction with my own material (which is why I haven't been contributing to this thread until now). I just wanted to mention that I'm currently working on a Mists mystery for oracles in my game. Would there be any interest in me posting it up here as well when I'm done?

Jeremy Puckett

hida_jiremi wrote:

As I've mentioned elsewhere on the forums, I'm running a Pathfinder Ravenloft game right now. I've been following this thread with interest, though I admit that I've gone a different direction with my own material (which is why I haven't been contributing to this thread until now). I just wanted to mention that I'm currently working on a Mists mystery for oracles in my game. Would there be any interest in me posting it up here as well when I'm done?

Jeremy Puckett

Post away! Oracles in Ravenloft must have it pretty hard.

Shadow Lodge

hida_jiremi wrote:

As I've mentioned elsewhere on the forums, I'm running a Pathfinder Ravenloft game right now. I've been following this thread with interest, though I admit that I've gone a different direction with my own material (which is why I haven't been contributing to this thread until now). I just wanted to mention that I'm currently working on a Mists mystery for oracles in my game. Would there be any interest in me posting it up here as well when I'm done?

Jeremy Puckett

I am very interested, please do.

Liberty's Edge

Well, here's what I've got so far. It's not complete, so suggestions are welcome.

New Mystery: Mists
Class Skills: An oracle with the mists mystery adds Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (geography), Perception, and Survival to her list of class skills.
Bonus Spells: obscuring mist (3rd), fog cloud (5th), obscure object (7th), solid fog (9th), mind fog (11th), acid fog (13th), ethereal jaunt (15th), maze (17th), etherealness (19th).
Revelations: An oracle with the mists mystery can choose from any of the following revelations.
Cloud the Mind (Su): You can garb yourself in the mists in order to hide from sight. As a swift action, you can gain the benefits of greater invisibility for 1 round. You can use this ability once per day, plus an additional time per day at 5th level and every five class levels thereafter.
Fog Sight (Su): You can see normally in conditions of fog or mist. Such weather conditions, including magically created fog and mist, do not impose concealment for you.
Ghost Warrior (Su): As a swift action, you can fortify yourself with the stuff of mists, making your body and gear extend into the ethereal plane. For a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier, you can see and affect incorporeal creatures with no miss chance, even if they are currently invisible. You are solid to incorporeal creatures, allowing them to attack you normally, even if de-manifested, but your armor and natural armor apply against such creatures normally. You can use this ability once per day, plus one additional time per day at 5th level and for every five levels thereafter.
Mistwalk (Sp): Once per day, you can cast dimension door as a caster of your oracle level. Starting at 15th level, you can instead use greater teleport once per day as a caster of your oracle level. You must be at least 11th level to select this revelation.
Shield of Ezra (Su): Once a day as a swift action, you can surround yourself with luminous mist that protects you from harm. You gain DR 5/adamantine for rounds equal to your oracle level. At 10th level, this protection increases to DR 10/adamantine. At 5th and 15th levels, you can use this ability one additional time per day.
Stalwart (Ex): The mists inhabit your body, making you resilient against harm. If you make a Fortitude or Will saving throw against an attack that has a reduced effect on a successful save, you instead avoid the effect entirely. You cannot use this ability if you are helpless. You must be at least 11th level to select this revelation.
Traveler (Ex): The mists guide you to your destination. You gain a competence bonus on Survival checks made to avoid becoming lost equal to one-half your oracle level. You also add this bonus on Knowledge (geography) checks and on Perception checks made to notice invisible or incorporeal creatures. Finally, when you lead a group of no more creatures than your oracle level, you never risk becoming mist-led.
Final Revelation: Upon reaching 20th level, you become one with the mists themselves, a living avatar of the ethereal realms. If you are reduced to 0 hit points or less, you automatically stabilize and immediately become incorporeal. You remain incorporeal for rounds equal to your Charisma modifier when this occurs. While you are incorporeal or on the ethereal plane (by whatever means), you gain fast healing 5 as the mists reinforce your life energy. Incorporeal creatures will not attack you unless magically compelled to do so, or unless you or your allies attack them first.

That's what I've got so far. Thoughts?

Jeremy Puckett

Shadow Lodge

Cheers Jeremy, I'd be glad to see anything anyone else has written up. I'll definitely be doing more when the Advanced Players Guide come out, the new classes look great and have great potential with Ravenloft.

I like this. The only thing I would change would be switching out adamantine for silver. Also, how do darklords feel about Oracles? Do they try to possess them(in more ways than one) or do they try to kill them, as per paladins?

This is more of what I had in mind for Ezra-based clerics in Ravenloft, you may have just turned me on to using advanced classes more. In fact, if we were to ever sit down and play a game, I'd make a Mist-based Oracle, an apostate from the faith of Ezra, forever hounded by her former church even as she tries to do her interpretation of good in the world.

Liberty's Edge

Freehold DM wrote:

I like this. The only thing I would change would be switching out adamantine for silver. Also, how do darklords feel about Oracles? Do they try to possess them(in more ways than one) or do they try to kill them, as per paladins?

This is more of what I had in mind for Ezra-based clerics in Ravenloft, you may have just turned me on to using advanced classes more. In fact, if we were to ever sit down and play a game, I'd make a Mist-based Oracle, an apostate from the faith of Ezra, forever hounded by her former church even as she tries to do her interpretation of good in the world.

Silver might be appropriate as well. Mostly, I'm trying to reflect the "shield of Ezra" ability from the Mists Domain that makes you nigh-invulnerable and polishing it up for Pathfinder.

As far as darklords and oracles go, I don't think most darklords would differentiate between oracles and clerics, for example. Paladins are special because they're an embodiment of light and justice in a world of darkness and tyranny. They show up on the radar as natural enemies, basically. Oracles are mechanically just spontaneous cleric, like sorcerers are spontaneous wizards; thematically, they probably have significant importance to the various in-world religions, so a canny darklord will subvert or control them as much as he can, just as he would attempt to subvert or control important religious figures in general.

I started doing this because one of my players was commenting that her Ezran cleric from a few campaigns back would probably have been an oracle in the modern system, since she had a dangerous drawback and got visions from god. (Her character had inherited her mother's "fainting sickness" and occasionally had epileptic visions as well.) I think it needs a few more revelations, but otherwise looks pretty solid overall.

Jeremy Puckett

Shadow Lodge

hida_jiremi wrote:
Final Revelation: Upon reaching 20th level, you become one with the mists themselves, a living avatar of the ethereal realms. If you are reduced to 0 hit points or less, you automatically stabilize and immediately become incorporeal. You remain incorporeal for rounds equal to your Charisma modifier when this occurs. While you are incorporeal or on the ethereal plane (by whatever means), you gain fast healing 5 as the mists reinforce your life energy. Incorporeal creatures will not attack you unless magically compelled to do so, or unless you or your allies attack them first.

A few questions. One for the Final Revelation, is this unlimited? If so, (and I am not saying I do not like it that way) That would make a Myst Oracle very hard to actully kill. Ever.

Another good option for Myst Oracle Revelations might bealong the lines of becomming a Ghost Form for a few minutes a day, sor f like a visible Astral Projection. Allowing you to travel great distances to deliver a message or to see something in person.

Or casting Obscuing Myst for 1Round per level, but only affects 5ft squares from you, (your square and all adjacent squares).

Possibly Mist Tracking, allowing you to find othrs that are lost in the Mists, while never getting lost yourself.

I would also suggest trading Knowledge Arcana for Stealth. Arcana just sort of struck me as odd.

Liberty's Edge

Beckett wrote:
A few questions. One for the Final Revelation, is this unlimited? If so, (and I am not saying I do not like it that way) That would make a Myst Oracle very hard to actully kill. Ever.

Yup. A 20th-level Mist oracle is virtually impossible to kill. Kill them outright, or they'll be back for more.

Beckett wrote:
I would also suggest trading Knowledge Arcana for Stealth. Arcana just sort of struck me as odd.

Servants of Ezra are mystics and astrologers, particularly the Third Sect (Dementlieu). They very much need arcane learning in order to understand the magical nature of reality. Oracles already have Knowledge (planes), so arcana is a good fallback.

Good suggestions on the revelations too. Thanks! ^_^

Jeremy Puckett

Beckett wrote:
Just incase anyone is interested here is a Ravenloft podcast. Mirage Arcana #5


Thanks for posting these guys. I've never heard of them, and the show was enjoyable and thought-provoking.

Shadow Lodge

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Beckett wrote:
Just incase anyone is interested here is a Ravenloft podcast. Mirage Arcana #5


Thanks for posting these guys. I've never heard of them, and the show was enjoyable and thought-provoking.

Your welcome. I really enjoyed it. I had been looking for a Ravenloft podcast for a long time, and they are rare. I really enjoyed it, and just wanted to share.

Shadow Lodge

Sorry for the relative silence, snowed under with work. But formatting goes well and halfway through the Stage Magician prestige class. The capstone ability is called "Ta Da!".

ugly child wrote:
Sorry for the relative silence, snowed under with work. But formatting goes well and halfway through the Stage Magician prestige class. The capstone ability is called "Ta Da!".

Looking forward to it.

You're not going to call the capstone, "The Prestige?" :D

Shadow Lodge

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
You're not going to call the capstone, "The Prestige?" :D

I did love that movie. :)

Shadow Lodge

It's not really Ravenloft related, but I have started up a Cleric Guide, and also a PF style Conversion of some 3E Prestige Classes/Feats if anyone is interested.

Cleric Guide (trying to be similar to TreantMonk's) Here and the Prestige Classes/Feats Here

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