Forums Are Way Too Long: The Next Generation

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Top of the page. Woo-hoo!

Dark Archive

Of course everyone knows that wikipedia is always wrong (I read it in the New York Times) which means I am right.

Sovereign Court

Garydee wrote:
Top of the page. Woo-hoo!

I disagree.

Callous Jack wrote:
Garydee wrote:
Top of the page. Woo-hoo!
I disagree.

Is this turning into a drive-by argument, a la Family Guy?

David Fryer wrote:
Of course everyone knows that wikipedia is always wrong (I read it in the New York Times) which means I am right.

if the poodles invade this thread you are full of fail


Freehold DM wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
Garydee wrote:
Top of the page. Woo-hoo!
I disagree.
Is this turning into a drive-by argument, a la Family Guy?

Carlos Spicywiener here

I've never been here before. This place is pretty cool. *hikes leg and marks territory*

Cockapoo wrote:
I've never been here before. This place is pretty cool. *hikes leg and marks territory*

welcome to the thread. ~ humps cockapoo's leg~

Dark Archive

Woodraven wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
Garydee wrote:
Top of the page. Woo-hoo!
I disagree.
Is this turning into a drive-by argument, a la Family Guy?
Carlos Spicywiener here

Dude, even poodles think that's wrong.

I forsee this not going well.

Llama Prophet wrote:
I forsee this not going well.

You're a worry wart. Nothing is going to happen. *lays landmine* Heh, I guess something did happen. YAP! YAP!

torches poodles and smiles at the scent of burning fur.

I really want to see this thread turn into a Paizoized version of Castle Crashers.

Dark Archive

Freehold DM wrote:
I really want to see this thread turn into a Paizoized version of Castle Crashers.

Nah, that would be the prison thread.

Dark Archive

Well, I have chores to do. See you all later.

Crimson Jester wrote:
Has anyone ever declined to post in a thread because you disagree with someone and well it would just flame and there is no need for it?


flash_cxxi wrote:

1 hour and 40 minutes sleep.

And it looks like taig and Mairk haven't returned, so Ossuary Golem stays.


Dark Archive

Does anyone else not remember Starro haing a herald called the Faceless Hunter?

The Exchange

David Fryer wrote:

Does anyone else not remember Starro haing a herald called the Faceless Hunter?

Um no.

The Exchange

found it

Dark Archive

~rattles everyone elses chains~

David Fryer wrote:

Does anyone else not remember Starro haing a herald called the Faceless Hunter?

I have a vague memory of that.

The Exchange

Freehold DM wrote:
David Fryer wrote:

Does anyone else not remember Starro haing a herald called the Faceless Hunter?

I have a vague memory of that.

I saw him in a Martian Manhunter story once in the end of a JLA book but um never as a herald of anyone.

Dark Archive

Crimson Jester wrote:
David Fryer wrote:

Does anyone else not remember Starro haing a herald called the Faceless Hunter?

Um no.

He didn't have a herald called the Faceless Hunter. The Faceless Hunter was a DC alien published in the late 60's during the sci-fi boom.

Batman: B&B is just using a character that was already published by DC.

Dark Archive

Crimson Jester wrote:
found it'd.

And is that a bad thing that I knew that off the top of my head???

The Exchange

Mac Boyce wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
found it'd.

And is that a bad thing that I knew that off the top of my head???

yes :P

Crimson Jester wrote:
That's the great thing about this country we can disagree. It is when people think we should all agree with them and if not then we are all idiots ect... that's what upset me.

Luckily I hold no such biases or prejudices. You're all idiots to me. :P

Garydee wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
That's the great thing about this country we can disagree. It is when people think we should all agree with them and if not then we are all idiots ect... that's what upset me.
Coke or Pepsi?

Coke Classic, you mean. :P

Dark Archive

You know what I hate? I hate getting e-mails that say "we have reviewed your application and found you qualified for the position, but you were not among the most highly qualified applicants." If I'm qualified, could you at least grant me an interview?

RPG Superstar 2012

David Fryer wrote:
I have a job interview next week. Yeah!

Good luck!

Dark Archive

Now that I have vented, I'm going to head out again. Have fun.

I have been up since 0330 EST but I woke up a little earlier than that.

I was supposed to have a two hour layover in Atlanta but:

...but our crew was late because a bunch of their hotel van drivers didn't show up. Then, the co-pilot realized that he had left behind some publications/material he is required to have by law so that bumped us back even more. By then, frost had caused a back-up in Atlanta so Delta grounded all its flights going there for a while. I arrived at B31 @ 1030 and my flight DEPARTED from A34 (whichever was the very last A terminal) @ 1050! I busted double time to make it and the seat I was assigned was 44A, the very last seat and on the aisle. :( So, I didn't get to eat anything or to buy anything to eat before getting on board. but, I figured that would be OK because lunch would be served onboard. I started to go into insulin shock so I tried to order lunch early. I was refused (politely) and told it would be coming out shortly. by the time they made it back to me, ALL the lunches had already been sold. the attendant told me I should know that I would need to buy something before I got on the plane if I am the last in line. Of course, I would have missed my plane if I had done that. :( I got peanuts and a couple chips. Tearing open the bags with numb/tingling hands (and a general lack of motor skills) due to the low blodd sugar was a pain.

RPG Superstar 2012

Sorry to hear that, David.

Thing, Wow! That sucks, and I really like the compassion the flight attendant showed for you situation. *eye roll*

Glad you made it, though.

The Exchange

David Fryer wrote:

My kids keep pulling the blinds out of the window. Any ideas?

It's a cry for attention, you could try not abusing them. :P

I know, I know... "STFU and stop being a A-hole Moorluck." ;)

The Exchange

David Fryer wrote:
You know what I hate? I hate getting e-mails that say "we have reviewed your application and found you qualified for the position, but you were not among the most highly qualified applicants." If I'm qualified, could you at least grant me an interview?

Sorry brother, I keep hoping to hear you catch a break soon. :/

Moorluck wrote:
David Fryer wrote:

My kids keep pulling the blinds out of the window. Any ideas?

It's a cry for attention, you could try not abusing them. :P

The difference between you and me: I thought it, you posted it.

David, I hope you hear some good news soon.

The Exchange

The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote:

I have been up since 0330 EST but I woke up a little earlier than that.

** spoiler omitted **

Dude. How did you refrain from using those bada** fangs to eat her face?

The Exchange

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
David Fryer wrote:

My kids keep pulling the blinds out of the window. Any ideas?

It's a cry for attention, you could try not abusing them. :P
The difference between you and me: I thought it, you posted it.

It's a good thing the boards have filters, 'cause I sure as hell don't. ;)

taig wrote:

Sorry to hear that, David.

Thing, Wow! That sucks, and I really like the compassion the flight attendant showed for you situation. *eye roll*

Glad you made it, though.

But, its beatiful and warm outside here. I have a great view of the ocean from my room. :P

And, I can make up to $319 cash withdrawal on the travel card to "feed myself and take care of other basic expenses" while here. :D

The Exchange

Urizen wrote:
Garydee wrote:
Callous Jack wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
That's the great thing about this country we can disagree. It is when people think we should all agree with them and if not then we are all idiots ect... that's what upset me.
Coke or Pepsi?
Coke Classic, you mean. :P

RC Cola, beeyotch! ;)

Moorluck wrote:
The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote:

I have been up since 0330 EST but I woke up a little earlier than that.

** spoiler omitted **

Dude. How did you refrain from using those bada** fangs to eat her face?

Insulin shock and the associated loss of motor skills.

The Exchange

The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote:
taig wrote:

Sorry to hear that, David.

Thing, Wow! That sucks, and I really like the compassion the flight attendant showed for you situation. *eye roll*

Glad you made it, though.

But, its beatiful and warm outside here. I have a great view of the ocean from my room. :P

And, I can make up to $319 cash withdrawal on the travel card to "feed myself and take care of other basic expenses" while here. :D

Nearby gameshop? Tell 'em Pathfinder is food for your mind.

David Fryer wrote:
You know what I hate? I hate getting e-mails that say "we have reviewed your application and found you qualified for the position, but you were not among the most highly qualified applicants." If I'm qualified, could you at least grant me an interview?

Well, I am certain that a good one will come through.

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
David Fryer wrote:

My kids keep pulling the blinds out of the window. Any ideas?

It's a cry for attention, you could try not abusing them. :P
The difference between you and me: I thought it, you posted it.

Same here. :)

Moorluck wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
David Fryer wrote:

My kids keep pulling the blinds out of the window. Any ideas?

It's a cry for attention, you could try not abusing them. :P
The difference between you and me: I thought it, you posted it.
It's a good thing the boards have filters, 'cause I sure as hell don't. ;)

In my defense, I did think it might be too soon to be funny to Solnes, so I skipped posting it. But oh yeah, I instantly thought it.

The Exchange

The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
The Thing from Beyond the Edge wrote:

I have been up since 0330 EST but I woke up a little earlier than that.

** spoiler omitted **

Dude. How did you refrain from using those bada** fangs to eat her face?
Insulin shock and the associated loss of motor skills.

Does suck though. :/

Lucky girl didn't realize she was messin' with The Thing From Beyond the Edge.... Edge of what, I don't know... but it's bound to be scarry. ;)

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