Forums Are Way Too Long: The Next Generation

Off-Topic Discussions

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Twin Agate Dragons wrote:
Urizen wrote:
Twin Agate Dragons wrote:
*pops in from the great beyond*
Look what the Great Beyond crowned and gave birth to. Hiya TAD
How are you today Urizen?

Awake and it's past midnight. You?

The poster two above is a bona fide camper.

Liberty's Edge

late 1800s and always a favorite sing along at old time music gatherings.

Tis the old time religion
Give me that old time religion
Tis the old time religion
And its good enough for me

It Makes me love everybody
It Makes me love everybody
It Makes me love everybody
And its good enough for me

It was good for Paul and Peter
It was good for Paul and Peter
It was good for Paul and Peter
And its good enough for me

It was good for the hebrew children
It was good for the hebrew children
It was good for the hebrew children
And its good enough for me

Give me that old time religion
Give me that old time religion
Give me that old time religion
And Its good enough for me

Urizen wrote:
Awake and it's past midnight. You?

Doing good. Working on converting Star wars D20 Revised force feats for Sarunia.

morning bookmark post


Scarab Sages


Scarab Sages

Maple Sticky Rolls

• 1/4 cup butter
• 2 tablespoons firmly packed brown sugar
• 1/4 cup Hungry Jack® Microwave Ready Regular Syrup
• 1/4 cup chopped pecans or walnuts
• 1 (8 oz.) can refrigerated crescent dinner rolls
• 1 tablespoon sugar
• 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

Preparation Directions:
1. HEAT oven to 375°F. In 8 or 9-inch ungreased round cake pan, combine butter, brown sugar and syrup. Place in oven for 2 to 4 minutes or until butter melts. Blend well. Sprinkle with pecans.
2. REMOVE dough from can in 2 rolled sections. Do not unroll. Cut each roll of dough into 6 slices. Combine sugar and cinnamon in small bowl. Dip both sides of each slice in sugar mixture. Arrange slices over butter mixture in pan. Sprinkle with any remaining sugar mixture.
3. BAKE 17 to 23 minutes or until golden brown. Cool 1 minute. Invert onto serving plate. Serve warm.

Yield: 12 rolls
Prep Time: 10 min
Cook Time: 20 min

The Exchange

Bookmark. Have fun ya'll.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

I no longer hate myself. It is now only extreme dislike. We'll see what tomorrow brings.

Urizen wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Urizen wrote:
C'mon....offer a discount coupon at Derriere's. :P
LOL, I dont think so. I don't dance for anyone other than hubby. ;)
nonono, I mean we get a coupon from your store to get a discount @ the club. I'm business cross-strategizing. I'm an ideas man. :P

I can't offer anything off dances but I can get ya in free. That work for you?

flash_cxxi wrote:
I no longer hate myself. It is now only extreme dislike. We'll see what tomorrow brings.

Ya well...I love ya babe. *hugs* Please feel better soon. :(

I has migrane post.

Solnes wrote:
I has migrane post.

Take 3 advil. You should feel better relatively soon.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Solnes wrote:
flash_cxxi wrote:
I no longer hate myself. It is now only extreme dislike. We'll see what tomorrow brings.
Ya well...I love ya babe. *hugs* Please feel better soon. :(

I'll try...

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Solnes wrote:
I has migrane post.

I hope you feel better soon. :)

Twin Agate Dragons wrote:
Solnes wrote:
I has migrane post.
Take 3 advil. You should feel better relatively soon.

I don't have Advil. I took 5 Tylenol. it should help. What I need is some sleep. :\

flash_cxxi wrote:
Solnes wrote:
I has migrane post.
I hope you feel better soon. :)

Thanks babes. I just need some sleep. I get bad migranes when I dont get enough sleep.

flash_cxxi wrote:
Solnes wrote:
flash_cxxi wrote:
I no longer hate myself. It is now only extreme dislike. We'll see what tomorrow brings.
Ya well...I love ya babe. *hugs* Please feel better soon. :(
I'll try...

You has e-mail. :)

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Do you know how hard it is to be funny when you're depressed? It's like my mind is fighting itself. :/
I see something and think of a funny retort/comback/situation/whatever, but have absolutely no inclination or drive to actually make the comment.
It's even hard to comment on the SuperStar Entries at the moment but I haven't had the will to look at them and I know if I don't do it now (at the cost of more sleep and probable worsening of my state) then it won't get done and I do wan to comment so I'm forcing myself to do it. :(

flash_cxxi wrote:

Do you know how hard it is to be funny when you're depressed? It's like my mind is fighting itself. :/

I see something and think of a funny retort/comback/situation/whatever, but have absolutely no inclination or drive to actually make the comment.
It's even hard to comment on the SuperStar Entries at the moment but I haven't had the will to look at them and I know if I don't do it now (at the cost of more sleep and probable worsening of my state) then it won't get done and I do wan to comment so I'm forcing myself to do it. :(

Babe its after midnight. You should really get some sleep. When you are depressed lack of sleep ad rest makes things horribly worse.

Sorry to hear you are down, Flash. We've missed you. Hope you are better soon.

Is anybody else kind of let down by the monster entries this year? I only voted for three.

Solnes wrote:
flash_cxxi wrote:

Do you know how hard it is to be funny when you're depressed? It's like my mind is fighting itself. :/

I see something and think of a funny retort/comback/situation/whatever, but have absolutely no inclination or drive to actually make the comment.
It's even hard to comment on the SuperStar Entries at the moment but I haven't had the will to look at them and I know if I don't do it now (at the cost of more sleep and probable worsening of my state) then it won't get done and I do wan to comment so I'm forcing myself to do it. :(
Babe its after midnight. You should really get some sleep. When you are depressed lack of sleep ad rest makes things horribly worse.


Get some sleep! The Forums are not so important that you are causing yourself for be depressed. You MUST take care of yourself, if only for your kids sake. Part of that is making sure that you get sufficient sleep.

Twin Agate Dragons wrote:
Urizen wrote:
Awake and it's past midnight. You?
Doing good. Working on converting Star wars D20 Revised force feats for Sarunia.

What are you going to do with the campaign once it's done? I don't think you have a group you play with, right?

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Solnes wrote:


Solnes wrote:
Urizen wrote:
nonono, I mean we get a coupon from your store to get a discount @ the club. I'm business cross-strategizing. I'm an ideas man. :P
I can't offer anything off dances but I can get ya in free. That work for you?

What's the cover charge #, anyway?

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

Sorry to hear you are down, Flash. We've missed you. Hope you are better soon.

Is anybody else kind of let down by the monster entries this year? I only voted for three.

Really? I could have voted for 6 or 7 of them. Which ones?

RPG Superstar 2012

Sharoth wrote:
Solnes wrote:
flash_cxxi wrote:

Do you know how hard it is to be funny when you're depressed? It's like my mind is fighting itself. :/

I see something and think of a funny retort/comback/situation/whatever, but have absolutely no inclination or drive to actually make the comment.
It's even hard to comment on the SuperStar Entries at the moment but I haven't had the will to look at them and I know if I don't do it now (at the cost of more sleep and probable worsening of my state) then it won't get done and I do wan to comment so I'm forcing myself to do it. :(
Babe its after midnight. You should really get some sleep. When you are depressed lack of sleep ad rest makes things horribly worse.


Get some sleep! The Forums are not so important that you are causing yourself for be depressed. You MUST take care of yourself, if only for your kids sake. Part of that is making sure that you get sufficient sleep.


Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Urizen wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

Sorry to hear you are down, Flash. We've missed you. Hope you are better soon.

Is anybody else kind of let down by the monster entries this year? I only voted for three.

Really? I could have voted for 6 or 7 of them. Which ones?

Same here. I could have voted for 8 of them. After that, though, there was a precipitous drop off.

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Time to drive on the icy roads to work.

Back in about 2 hours. :)

taig wrote:
Solnes wrote:


Thanks!! :D

Urizen wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Urizen wrote:
nonono, I mean we get a coupon from your store to get a discount @ the club. I'm business cross-strategizing. I'm an ideas man. :P
I can't offer anything off dances but I can get ya in free. That work for you?
What's the cover charge #, anyway?

For Derrieres its 25$, So I would be saving you a bundle. I think its about 15-20 for the others. And I can get ya in those as well.

Grrrr....I am in one heck of a bad mood. Head hurt so tired. And oh yeah, I work tonight. And I have to go buy birth cirtificates for teh kids so I can get my taxes done, and get Kellen from school, and do the dishes, and I shoudl take teh trash off. UGH!


Out here, it's not really much in the way of a cover charge; they just pile on the watered down drink charges.

But I'm sure the cost is necessary to make up for the fact that it's BYOB and some people may just sit there and not interact and thus they need to make their operating costs met somehow.

Solnes wrote:
Grrrr....I am in one heck of a bad mood. Head hurt so tired. And oh yeah, I work tonight. And I have to go buy birth cirtificates for teh kids so I can get my taxes done, and get Kellen from school, and do the dishes, and I shoudl take teh trash off. UGH!

You have to buy birth certificates to get the taxes done? Why so?

We have been up and at em for two hours now. Little ones have been fed and have watched soem tv, I think I will see if I can get them to take a slightly early nap. So I can lay down before I have to get Kellen. Oh....I don't think my head has hurt this bad in forever.

Urizen wrote:
Solnes wrote:
Grrrr....I am in one heck of a bad mood. Head hurt so tired. And oh yeah, I work tonight. And I have to go buy birth cirtificates for teh kids so I can get my taxes done, and get Kellen from school, and do the dishes, and I shoudl take teh trash off. UGH!
You have to buy birth certificates to get the taxes done? Why so?

I don't know to be honest. Talking with my Aunt...who is my accountant she says she needs teh kids Birth Certificates. And you aren;t given them here, you have to buy them.

Solnes wrote:
I don't know to be honest. Talking with my Aunt...who is my accountant she says she needs teh kids Birth Certificates. And you aren;t given them here, you have to buy them.

Well, you can purchase replacements if you've lost the original (I've done that before). But have you even needed them the previous years you've filed taxes? Just wondering why it would be different this year. <shrug>

I'd check that out before you waste time on a needless trip and money spent.

Urizen wrote:
Solnes wrote:
I don't know to be honest. Talking with my Aunt...who is my accountant she says she needs teh kids Birth Certificates. And you aren;t given them here, you have to buy them.

Well, you can purchase replacements if you've lost the original (I've done that before). But have you even needed them the previous years you've filed taxes? Just wondering why it would be different this year. <shrug>

I'd check that out before you waste time on a needless trip and money spent.

I just emailed her. She said before that it was something new. But no one here in SC needed them. And she is in PA. Honestly It is worth payng out 25 bucks for her, she does my taxes for free and all. Its not replacements though....I never got them before. I have to apply and pay out for them. I have Kellen's...I just need teh younger two.

Dark Archive

I need more Cowbell, thus sayith Thor!

Dark Archive

Is it just me or are some people just as closed minded and bigoted as the claim others are?

Solnes wrote:
I just emailed her. She said before that it was something new. But no one here in SC needed them. And she is in PA. Honestly It is worth payng out 25 bucks for her, she does my taxes for free and all. Its not replacements though....I never got them before. I have to apply and pay out for them. I have Kellen's...I just need teh younger two.

I was fishing around the IRS site and I can't see why...unless there's something about state tax filing in SC that I have familiarity about. Aside from just needing their SSN, it just doesn't make sense. It's not like you send copies of them when submitting your papers to get your refund or pay what you owe. If it's a relative doing them, then I'll drop it. :D Just looking out.

David Fryer wrote:
Is it just me or are some people just as closed minded and bigoted as the claim others are?

Referencing anything in specific?

Urizen wrote:
Solnes wrote:
I just emailed her. She said before that it was something new. But no one here in SC needed them. And she is in PA. Honestly It is worth payng out 25 bucks for her, she does my taxes for free and all. Its not replacements though....I never got them before. I have to apply and pay out for them. I have Kellen's...I just need teh younger two.
I was fishing around the IRS site and I can't see why...unless there's something about state tax filing in SC that I have familiarity about. Aside from just needing their SSN, it just doesn't make sense. It's not like you send copies of them when submitting your papers to get your refund or pay what you owe. If it's a relative doing them, then I'll drop it. :D Just looking out.

She has always done right by me. I will try and just do what she says. But I did email her and let her know money was way tight, so if we could avoid it was there any way. If she says no...than I know she needs it. And I appreciate it, :)

Dark Archive

Urizen wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Is it just me or are some people just as closed minded and bigoted as the claim others are?
Referencing anything in specific?

A certain comment in the prison thread. The one where the poster basically says that nobody with any knowledge of the prison system could ever disagree with them.

flash_cxxi wrote:
I no longer hate myself. It is now only extreme dislike. We'll see what tomorrow brings.

Vell zis isz a start. Ve vill zee vat ve can do.

David Fryer wrote:
Urizen wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Is it just me or are some people just as closed minded and bigoted as the claim others are?
Referencing anything in specific?
A certain comment in the prison thread. The one where the poster basically says that nobody with any knowledge of the prison system could ever disagree with them.

Ah. I'm not sure I picked up bigotry in there, though... unless I blinked.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

I don't think I'm going to make it through the last 14 Entries which is a shame I would have liked to comment on them all. Even from the first 18 though I have 8 in my Keep pile, so II don't think that the entries were particularly bad, just there were some pretty average ones.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Solnes wrote:
Oh....I don't think my head has hurt this bad in forever.

You should lay down and not be staring at the laptop screen. It won't be helping your migraine any.

Says the person who can't take advice... :/

Dark Archive

Urizen wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Urizen wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
Is it just me or are some people just as closed minded and bigoted as the claim others are?
Referencing anything in specific?
A certain comment in the prison thread. The one where the poster basically says that nobody with any knowledge of the prison system could ever disagree with them.
Ah. I'm not sure I picked up bigotry in there, though... unless I blinked.

The bigotry is the idea that if you veiw this issue differently then the poster, you must not have any experience with the penal system outside of movies/television.

Hi guys, sorry I have been away for so long. I have a problem and maybe you guys can give me some advice. I was invited to spend the summer doing a study abroad program in Paris studying art history and psychology. However I'm not sure if I should go or not. What do you guys think?

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