Vital Strike + Bomb?

Round 3: Alchemist and Inquisitor

With the as writen wouldn't the alchemist be to 'Vital Strike' and 'Improved Vital Strike' his Bombs?

Personally, I dont't see much problem since it would top at level 19 with 30d6 per round (105 on average), wich is kinda weak compared to what an archer can do now, even considering it is touch attack.

Actually I am in favor to this since having a blaster that does reliably crappy damage and got minor self buffs kills me. I liked the fluff of the 3.5 warlock, but got desapointed when I noticed it couldn't add to much to the combat as a straight class.


RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4

YawarFiesta wrote:
With the as writen wouldn't the alchemist be to 'Vital Strike' and 'Improved Vital Strike' his Bombs?


Vital Strike reads as;
When you use the attack action, you can make one attack at your highest base attack bonus that deals additional damage.

Bombs read as;
Detonating a bomb (typically by throwing the vial of volatile liquid) is a standard action that utilizes the “Throw Splash Weapon” special attack (see page 202 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook).

Oh how I wish this were true. It would make the bomb a good force to be reckoned with. Now while the "throw splash weapon" attack is a ranged touch attack. You could interpret the sentence as, "This is a standard action that acts like an attack and follows those rules, but is still a standard action." I hope to be proven wrong.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

To me, since Throwing a splash weapon is a type of attack, I'd say you could do it. If I were the DM I'd say go for it, considering how high a base attack you'd need, you certainly wouldn't be able to get it for a long time.

Technically you could vital strike with thrown splash weapon but the if you read Vital strike you don't multiply the weapons abilities. So I'm think the contain is the strike but the special ability is the explosion. So you double zero for the vial strike on target and apply the explosion damage as normal.

So if say your vial strikes for 1D3 damage then explodes for 10D6 you'd do double for 2D3 + 10D6. Since splash weapons do no damage you don't really double anything.

Just my take on it though.

Personally I would allow it. Given the levels the alchemist can get vital strike it isnt much more D6's then a fireball/lightning bolt/cone of cold etc. And its certainly less effective as an area attack. And even with sticky bomb its easily comparable to empower or maximize. It only pulls away at improved vital strike which an alchemist could not take untill level 15. By level 15 you could just reverse gravity as a wizard, so I am not overly concerned about how much damage an alchemist can do with a bomb at that level.

Level Bomb Spell
1 1d6 1d4/1d6 (burning hands or shocking grasp
2 1d6 2d4/2d6
3 2d6 4d6 (scorching ray)
4 2d6 4d6 (scorching ray)
5 3d6 5d6 (fireball)
6 3d6 6d6
7 4d6 7d6
8 (w vital strike) 8d6 8d6
9 10d6 9d6
10 10d6 10d6
11 12d6 11d6
12 12d6 12d6
13 14d6 13d6
14 14d6 14d6
15 (improved vital strike) 24d6 Reverse Gravity

Dark Archive

Kolokotroni wrote:

Personally I would allow it. Given the levels the alchemist can get vital strike it isnt much more D6's then a fireball/lightning bolt/cone of cold etc. And its certainly less effective as an area attack. And even with sticky bomb its easily comparable to empower or maximize. It only pulls away at improved vital strike which an alchemist could not take untill level 15. By level 15 you could just reverse gravity as a wizard, so I am not overly concerned about how much damage an alchemist can do with a bomb at that level.

Level Bomb Spell
1 1d6 1d4/1d6 (burning hands or shocking grasp
2 1d6 2d4/2d6
3 2d6 4d6 (scorching ray)
4 2d6 4d6 (scorching ray)
5 3d6 5d6 (fireball)
6 3d6 6d6
7 4d6 7d6
8 (w vital strike) 8d6 8d6
9 10d6 9d6
10 10d6 10d6
11 12d6 11d6
12 12d6 12d6
13 14d6 13d6
14 14d6 14d6
15 (improved vital strike) 24d6 Reverse Gravity

this really puts into perspective for ya

personally, i think its fine (and i thought that before your pretty chart here). I simply think Kolokotroni's chart only strengthens my decision even more. This feat doesn't seem like a necessity, but it is for anyone who heavily relies on those bombs.

...and yes, those bombs do need some updates or improvements and fast. I'll use your chart here as an example..

5 3d6 5d6 (fireball)

-so alchemist gets 2 move actions plus a standard plus 3 AoO to do 3d6 by lv 5
-wizard/sorcerer takes 1 standard plus a skill check to avoid AoO to do 5d6 by lv 5

15 (improved vital strike) 24d6 Reverse Gravity

at high levels, the damage is barely comparable, and still requires more effort, more danger, more time, a discovery or 2 and 2 feats! Honestly, i love the concept of the alchemist, and I love where this class is headed, but its just not there yet; and i want to see this class work. Out of all of the classes released, I'd say the alchemist needs the most work.

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