Sticky Bomb

Round 3: Alchemist and Inquisitor

I need a clarification.
"Creatures that take a direct hit from a sticky bomb take the damage again 1 round later."
Is it willing to mean that a 20th level Alchemist may throw bombs that do 10d6+whatever on direct hit and then 10d6+whatever again in the following round?
It would mean a minimum of 400d6 damage per day (20 bombs/day, 10d6 + 10d6 for each one). That's huge.

I dont think you roll for the second hit. I think it just does the same damage that the first hit did. So the potential is the same, but the reality will be less.

Well, it always mean an average of 35 points of damage, which becomes 35+35, and multiplied by 20 (not counting Int bonus) means 1400 average damage.
Enough to scare McGuyver.

That gets bomb damage up to "respectable", I think. Now they just need to split the bomb discoveries up so that some of them can be combined.

1400 damage over 200 full round actions is nothing. As I saw in a recent thread, an archer can do that over about 5 rounds.

It's a full-round action, too. That's what irks me the most, he really should get an ability to prepare bombs as a swift action at some point.

Rokku wrote:

That gets bomb damage up to "respectable", I think. Now they just need to split the bomb discoveries up so that some of them can be combined.

1400 damage over 200 full round actions is nothing. As I saw in a recent thread, an archer can do that over about 5 rounds.

70 (average) points of damage per attack and considering that even the fourth attack always hits? What archer is it?

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