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I will finalize findings later but initial feelings is the ED for the summoner still has balance issues. He outshines everybody and makes the rest of the party secondary characters. A party of summoners would be a nightmare to balance an encounter against in its current form. I think the ability to buff the pet may have something to do with it. ,Maybe a buff limit? Having an ED fully buffed that is super strong with feats was a bit much. The strength stacking of the large to huge plus a magic item gave the 12th level characters a pet with a 39 strength and a 40 AC. Fully buffed it was a nightmare. The summoner had no incentive to protect the ED since he suffered no penalties if the ED died unlike every other class with a pet. The witch played fine and had fun until he became aware that he really was not that useful with the ED around.

xJoe3x |
I will finalize findings later but initial feelings is the ED for the summoner still has balance issues. He outshines everybody and makes the rest of the party secondary characters. A party of summoners would be a nightmare to balance an encounter against in its current form. I think the ability to buff the pet may have something to do with it. ,Maybe a buff limit? Having an ED fully buffed that is super strong with feats was a bit much. The strength stacking of the large to huge plus a magic item gave the 12th level characters a pet with a 39 strength and a 40 AC. Fully buffed it was a nightmare. The summoner had no incentive to protect the ED since he suffered no penalties if the ED died unlike every other class with a pet. The witch played fine and had fun until he became aware that he really was not that useful with the ED around.
Just guessing that the 39 str had something to do with size bonuses. I am ok with this really. The super strong pets are stopped by small doors. :p

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The druid requires 24 hours of uninterrupted prayer, the summoner requires one minute the next day anytime. it does not say 24 hours, the assumption could be made that it takes 24 hours in between but things like this it is best to specify. I like the class, the concept kicks ass. I just think it needs reeled in a bit.

Kolokotroni |

I am curious to see the details of the characters. I am wondering how the Eidolon was built for instance that it so dramatically outshined the cavalier.
Another question, did the summoner only buff the eidolon? Did he send any the way of the rest of the party?
I am not questioning your findings I am just curious. I am gonna post results tonight of a playtest (waiting for a player to email me the details of his pet) in which the eidolon actually did not outperform the party barbarian or paladin quite the opposite in fact), and though mine was at a lower level (5), i'd like to see what the difference was.

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I'm also interested in seeing more details. In a PFS module at lvl 1, I'd say my summoner was good but not making everyone secondary. The Druid probably took MVP. Our Rogue is brand spanking new to the hobby and he is decently if not perfectly made. I'd say we performed about equally. Our Cleric is the absolute suck and not worth comparing two farts to.