Ye Olde Dragon Disciple

Round 2: Summoner and Witch

so, looking back at prestige classes make me realize that instead of sorc u could roll 1 lvl summoner and go DD. thinking of builds the optimum atm would probably be Monk for 4+ lvls, 1 summoner, then enough Disciple to make me giddy, (4 lvl's min). if u go the full 10 that would allow for u to cast as an 8th lvl summoner. then 2 lvls more of Summoner and u can give urself improved damage evolution on ur fists to make up for some lost monk lvls. overall, seems pretty strong for the PC while still getting a decent Eidolon.

The Exchange

I might try that.

jsin horm wrote:

so, looking back at prestige classes make me realize that instead of sorc u could roll 1 lvl summoner and go DD. thinking of builds the optimum atm would probably be Monk for 4+ lvls, 1 summoner, then enough Disciple to make me giddy, (4 lvl's min). if u go the full 10 that would allow for u to cast as an 8th lvl summoner. then 2 lvls more of Summoner and u can give urself improved damage evolution on ur fists to make up for some lost monk lvls. overall, seems pretty strong for the PC while still getting a decent Eidolon.

Did you say one level of summoner as in---> Summoner 1/DD 1?

Did you say one level of summoner as in---> Summoner 1/DD 1?

monk 4/summoner 1/DD+

Disciple only requires u speak draconic, 5 ranks of knowledge arcana, and ability to cast 1st lvl arcane spells spontaneously.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

I don't think your eidolon would increase past a 1st level of summoner though. A prestige class that grants +1 level of spellcasting wouldn't increase an eidolon's progression (or animal companion's for that matter).

JoelF847 wrote:
I don't think your eidolon would increase past a 1st level of summoner though. A prestige class that grants +1 level of spellcasting wouldn't increase an eidolon's progression (or animal companion's for that matter).

Correct, it would grant him caster level, spells cast and spells known only. Nothing else. He would have a 2HD eidolon,and he could SAL summon monster I, but it would not increase without taking levels in the summoner class

ouch, upon ur comments i realize that the summoner aspect would drag, but it is still an alternative to get Dragon disciple. /shrug, back to the drawing board

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