Frustrating moment in creation

Round 2: Summoner and Witch

Hi, i recently began playing a summoner and in order to fit in i made him lvl 8. at first lvl i took spell focus conj feat and the augment summoning feat.

After that i hit a real roadblock. 70% of the summoner is his pets and there is only 1 feat for them. true i could decide to join melee and go nuts, but i prefer to focus on my creations.

suggestion is in 3.5PH2 there is imbue summoning metamagic feat
allows u to apply a spell of 3rd lvl or lower to a creature as it comes into play. such as invis.

or take a note from libris mortis and maybe feats for keeping pets under ur control. eidolon is nice, but the ability to summon is vanilla

Here is a feat that popped into head and i <3

Pet combat Maneuvers. make summon'd pets easier to tactically herd around map. things like flank while avoiding attacks of op. a person can move around threat space. a pet can't? maybe make it a prereq of intelligence? or even better, have the feat be similar to augment summoning but increase the summon'd creatures intelligence and wisdom.

so nobody thinks the summoner is a little vanilla and needs viable feats?

jsin horm wrote:
so nobody thinks the summoner is a little vanilla and needs viable feats?

That has been brought up before - poke around the forum. As Jason has recently stated though the armor stacking is overwhelming the minutiae in the design iterations atm... patience.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I think its very likely that when the Advanced player guide comes out it will have several new feats/spells/items that will be tailor made to fit the new classes (or at least made with their implications in mind.)

Maezer wrote:
I think its very likely that when the Advanced player guide comes out it will have several new feats/spells/items that will be tailor made to fit the new classes (or at least made with their implications in mind.)

This. The Summoner is part of a 320 page rulebook, which is roughly three-fifths larger than the Complete series and about the same size as the Bestiary. There will be new feats and spells for the new classes and old classes alike.

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