Nathonicus |
Ok, so my 5 level 7 PCs are set to try and cross a large river soon, and lurking in the river are 3 scrags.
I could use some advice on the encounter, both in terms of tactics for the scrags and trying to make it more fun for the PCs.
1. Forewarning. They will likely have to rent/buy/steal a boat for the crossing. A nearby community can assist, with legends of the scrags. (Diplomacy to gather info.) Due to the hazards of the river, the community owns a Wand of Water Breathing. This could be be bought/stolen/ or simply the use of it could be paid for by party. Intense scanning of the river for hazards reveals much debris from recent storms, including whole trees, drifting in the river, and may reveal the presence of a scrag swimming with eyes above water to search for food (Perception vs. stealth + mods for distance, cover, etc.)
So with that forewarning, PCs who treat the river crossing as dangerous should at least have some preparation, and might even choose to delay crossing or better prepare.
2. The river. The river has an average width of 500', swim dc of 15, and a fair amount of debris moving with the current. (These either require a REF save if they move into your square for 1d6 bludgeoning, or can be mounted with an acrobatics roll to get out of the water and keep from drowning.) The scrags are hungry but smart, and will attack in the center, when shore is roughly 250' away. PCs who are watching the rear of the boat will have a chance to spot them swimming below the surface of the water.
3. Tactics. Here's where I can use the most help. The PCs will likely be in one or two small boats. I was thinking the scrags might start by striking the bottom of the boats to get them rocking, or even trying to tip them one way or the other. (Acrobatics checks to keep from sliding to the edge, or if at the edge, from falling in the River). Having them grab PCs and then try to drag them into the water seems like a fair way to have them attack - as it exposes them to AoO and also makes them sit out of the water for a round before they can try and move the character into the drink. Most of the time they won't be attacking in mass or with full attacks, as they are trying to come at the party from all sides and separate them.
4. Consequences. Anyone going for a swim may have a really tough time. Also, the scrags are going to try and split the party, taking PCs into the river to drown.
Is this too tough? They've fought trolls before, so know how tough they can be, so there should be no fooling around. My gut says it's a challenging encounter, but not too bad for a 7th Level Ninja/Witch/Fighter/Barbarian/Ranger unless they go in blindly or react foolishly. The scrags want to live, so will retreat if they get into the Danger Zone.
Your thoughts much appreciated.
Rumtum |
3. Tactics. Here's where I can use the most help. The PCs will likely be in one or two small boats. I was thinking the scrags might start by striking the bottom of the boats to get them rocking, or even trying to tip them one way or the other. (Acrobatics checks to keep from sliding to the edge, or if at the edge, from falling in the River). Having them grab PCs and then try to drag them into the water seems like a fair way to have them attack - as it exposes them to AoO and also makes them sit...
We had a similar situation crop up years ago in a young campaign. We had to cross a swamp which we weren't prepared for but decided to go for it anyway.
Taking the boat we'd acquired we set off and it wasn't long before we were set upon by lizardmen. They drowned all of us in a matter of rounds. Total tpk.
Fighting underwater is serious business. Especially if the players aren't fully prepared for it.
Nathonicus |
Fighting underwater is serious business. Especially if the players aren't fully prepared for it.
Yeah, I want to try and avoid that. :D I won't pull punches, but I'm not out to kill either. They have a witch that can fly at will, a character with a ring of invisibility, and then 3 pretty tough martial characters. I think they should be able to pull it off if they play smart and aren't afraid to run.
Dosgamer |
I ran an encounter with scrags (and their sea hag druid mistress, but she was a separate encounter after the scrags were dealt with) in the middle of a river. I think my PCs were level 5 at the time (but there were 6 of them)?
Trolls/Scrags are CR 5, so 3 of them is a CR 8 encounter plus 1 for the unfavorable terrain for the PCs. that's a CR 9 (APL +2) encounter. Only you know whether it's too much for your PCs or not (based on their builds, point levels, WBL, and so on).
My encounter had a wide river with the scrags setting up shop in the middle of the river where they capsize and sink vessels. The latest capture was capsized and largely underwater except for the hull. This was to give the PCs a base to work from as they rescued the stranded victims off the wreckage.
Underwater combats can be tricky. Be sure you read up on all of the requisite rules about swim checks (and armor check penalties), how fire magic works underwater, missile fire, etc. Good luck!
Wiggz |
Boat Tipping:
Opposed Strength (Scrags) vs. Dexterity (PC's) check, OR vs. Profession: Sailing with the possibility of other PC's using the aid another on one side and multiple Scrags using aid another on the other side.
Anyone not aiding one side or the other can make attacks, but the Scrags get partial cover for being partially submerged.
Remember that water breathing will do nothing to prevent sinking (for armored characters) or being swept away by the current. Also, remember that while the PC's are fighting they are not rowing, meaning that their boat is caught in the current, likely being drawn away from their destination by x number of feet/rd.
Finally, consider rolling for a random hazard every round, just a d6 with results something like this:
1 - nothing happens
2 - nothing happens
3 - nothing happens
4 - nothing happens
5 - debris strikes boat, +4 bonus to scrags attempt to tip the boat over
6 - boat strikes debris, 2d6 bludgeoning damage to anyone holding onto the side of the boat (Scrags or PC's), Strength check (DC = damage taken) to keep from being knocked free from the boat. Scrags/PC's can release the boat to avoid taking damage.
Just a few thoughts...
Nathonicus |
My encounter had a wide river with the scrags setting up shop in the middle of the river where they capsize and sink vessels. The latest capture was capsized and largely underwater except for the hull. This was to give the PCs a base to work from as they rescued the stranded victims off the wreckage.
Hey, thanks, this gives me a great idea! I'll have a few very small islands in the river. These will give folks a good place to run/swim to if they get in trouble, and they could even choose to make for one in the boat to make a stand there. Plus, one of them could have an entrance to a troll cave (kind of like a beaver dam) below the waterline which could be searched for treasure.
I think plopping a few islands in there alleviates the last misgivings I had about such an encounter.
Boat Tipping:
Opposed Strength (Scrags) vs. Dexterity (PC's) check, OR vs. Profession: Sailing with the possibility of other PC's using the aid another on one side and multiple Scrags using aid another on the other side.Anyone not aiding one side or the other can make attacks, but the Scrags get partial cover for being partially submerged.
Finally, consider rolling for a random hazard every round, just a d6 with results something like this:
Like it. A random event table is a really good idea. I'll probably use a d12 (it gets so little love) and add some things like an eddy (boat spins, scrags may be spun away also.) Thanks guy!s