Witches Dead levels!

Round 2: Summoner and Witch

Heya i like many on the board have said love the witch.

But i dont like those dead levels are there no accumalitive bonuses or indeed extra class features kicking around to fill the void?

Romani wrote:

Heya i like many on the board have said love the witch.

But i dont like those dead levels are there no accumalitive bonuses or indeed extra class features kicking around to fill the void?

It isnt considered a dead level for a spell casting class if they get a new spell level at that class level

Yeah, I only see 1 dead level- 19. Also, have you seen the wizard, druid, sorcerer, or cleric?

Romani wrote:

Heya i like many on the board have said love the witch.

But i dont like those dead levels are there no accumalitive bonuses or indeed extra class features kicking around to fill the void?

The witch levels aren't dead. There's just a serious plateauing issue in effectiveness of non-spell abilities. Most of it is related to the Attacks of Opportunity on Supernatural Abilities thing that is being discussed elsewhere with Jason.

Serisan wrote:
Romani wrote:

Heya i like many on the board have said love the witch.

But i dont like those dead levels are there no accumalitive bonuses or indeed extra class features kicking around to fill the void?

The witch levels aren't dead. There's just a serious plateauing issue in effectiveness of non-spell abilities. Most of it is related to the Attacks of Opportunity on Supernatural Abilities thing that is being discussed elsewhere with Jason.

Jason already said he was going to fix it, probably by removing the attack of opportunity. I just hope he doesn't go with the SLA route, because that's gonna suck.

Sean FitzSimon wrote:
Serisan wrote:
Romani wrote:

Heya i like many on the board have said love the witch.

But i dont like those dead levels are there no accumalitive bonuses or indeed extra class features kicking around to fill the void?

The witch levels aren't dead. There's just a serious plateauing issue in effectiveness of non-spell abilities. Most of it is related to the Attacks of Opportunity on Supernatural Abilities thing that is being discussed elsewhere with Jason.
Jason already said he was going to fix it, probably by removing the attack of opportunity. I just hope he doesn't go with the SLA route, because that's gonna suck.

A fact for which I am quite glad. I just hope the decision on it comes soon, as I have a playtest game coming up and I'd like to go with the good rules rather than the painful ones. :-)

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