Mad Alchemist |
I saw that Transmogrify is being worked on as a way of restatting your eidolon. I think a spell like the one below could also be usefull. This could let you temporally add gills and swim for an aquatic scout. Or add immunity vs an element when it is needed most. I think the drawbacks in casting I gave would still leave it as not too powerfull while still giving a bit more noncombat utility. Visually I see the summoner touching the eidolons rune duringthe casting time while the new wings or tentacles grow. This shifting also lets the enhenced difficukty with casting make sense. Tell me what you think.
Enhance Eidolon
School transmutation; Level summoner 2
Casting Time 1 round
Components V, S
Range touch
Target summoner’s eidolon
Duration 1 min/Lvl
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no
The summoner may temporarily add evolutions costing up to 1 evolution point plus 1 for every 4 caster levels to his eidolon. Any evolutions chosen must be legal.
Special: Any damage taken by the eidolon during the casting time of this spell also adds forces a concentration check.
I saw that Transmogrify is being worked on as a way of restatting your eidolon. I think a spell like the one below could also be usefull. This could let you temporally add gills and swim for an aquatic scout. Or add immunity vs an element when it is needed most. I think the drawbacks in casting I gave would still leave it as not too powerfull while still giving a bit more noncombat utility. Visually I see the summoner touching the eidolons rune duringthe casting time while the new wings or tentacles grow. This shifting also lets the enhenced difficukty with casting make sense. Tell me what you think.
Enhance Eidolon
School transmutation; Level summoner 2
Casting Time 1 round
Components V, S
Range touch
Target summoner’s eidolon
Duration 1 min/Lvl
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance noThe summoner may temporarily add evolutions costing up to 1 evolution point plus 1 for every 4 caster levels to his eidolon. Any evolutions chosen must be legal.
Special: Any damage taken by the eidolon during the casting time of this spell also adds forces a concentration check.
No thanks. The Eidolon is powerful enough as is, it doesn't need more evolution points. Now perhaps a temporary reconfiguring of 1 point/4 levels might be alright (i.e. my Eidolon has the Flight evolution, but we come to a lake that has some monstrous unhappy thing in it's depths. so i use the spell to temporarily drop it's wings and have it gain the swim and gills evolution) but i think even that could cause balance issues.
Malagfein |
I am thinking Transmogrify is going to be more of a polymorph for the eidolon.
Probably 2nd level, possibly permanent or 24 hour effect but may be 1 hour per level, 10 minute casting time at least - and what it allows you to do is respend the evolution points for the current level of the eidolon to help with the current situation. However, it will probably be costly and/or usable only once per day per eidolon due to stress of an unintended evolution.
Useful yes, but not terribly cost effective if say it is 100 gp / evolution point to be respent, so while it will be a utility spell, you won't be whipping it out for every combat to make a customized Anti-whatever killer.