Biped = Humanoid?

Round 2: Summoner and Witch

If you decide to create a bipedal eidolon that wears armor, does it count as humanoid? Otherwise, it suffers from a x2 price modifier.

I guess if you add any limbs, tails or tentacles to the eidolon, you start stretching the definition of humanoid.

I'd say no, just to simplify things (and slightly depower the immense AC bonus Eidolons can achieve).

I would say no, since the description says they should apear as a 'fantastic creature' that isnt going to be very humanoid to me.

Dark Archive

Kolokotroni wrote:
I would say no, since the description says they should apear as a 'fantastic creature' that isnt going to be very humanoid to me.

However, you could be making a angelic eidolon or have some other humanoid based idea for your eidolon. I would say that with the base biped form, it would be humaniod. However, if you start adding extra limbs, wings, tails etc. you would have to pay the increased armor cost. ( even horns if your armor choice includes a helm ).

See, I had started another thread about equipment about whether it is considered humanoid or not...since that effects a lot of the magic items it can use too. We need a ruling on if it is in fact humanoid and if magic items were intended to boost it up. Since you know all of them are going to carry around two rings of counterspells, one for dismissal and the other for banishment.

I don't see why you couldn't put armor on them, even if your eidolon was say a great, white ape with fangs and a unicorn horn. It would still be able to wear a chain shirt.

Shoot, you could even buy barding and modify it to fit your inky black,tentecled puma-like quadaped eidolon! ^_^

I thought biped simply meant 'walk on two legs'. A T-Rex is a good example of a creature that walks on two legs but definitively doesn't qualify as a humanoid.

Laurefindel wrote:
I thought biped simply meant 'walk on two legs'. A T-Rex is a good example of a creature that walks on two legs but definitively doesn't qualify as a humanoid.

What a terrifically specist thing to say about the noble tyrannosaur. Many of them identify as humanoid and would be awfully upset with you for saying otherwise!

Scarab Sages

DM discretion I'd say. If it has two legs, two arms, and is generally the same size/shape as a humanoid, sure! If it has four arms and a tail and other weird stuff going on, then charge extra :)

Liberty's Edge

Maeloke wrote:
Laurefindel wrote:
I thought biped simply meant 'walk on two legs'. A T-Rex is a good example of a creature that walks on two legs but definitively doesn't qualify as a humanoid.
What a terrifically specist thing to say about the noble tyrannosaur. Many of them identify as humanoid and would be awfully upset with you for saying otherwise!

Imagine if James Jacobs saw that! Tsk tsk...

"Zurai' wrote:
I'd say no, just to simplify things (and slightly depower the immense AC bonus Eidolons can achieve).


Scarab Sages

Jagyr Ebonwood wrote:
Maeloke wrote:
Laurefindel wrote:
I thought biped simply meant 'walk on two legs'. A T-Rex is a good example of a creature that walks on two legs but definitively doesn't qualify as a humanoid.
What a terrifically specist thing to say about the noble tyrannosaur. Many of them identify as humanoid and would be awfully upset with you for saying otherwise!

Imagine if James Jacobs saw that! Tsk tsk...

"Zurai' wrote:
I'd say no, just to simplify things (and slightly depower the immense AC bonus Eidolons can achieve).

How is it that big of a depower anyways? Worse case scenario the armor costs double. I mean even with full plate armor, that's only 3,000 instead of 1,500. .

Paizo Employee Creative Director

We don't believe that old wive's tale that "you are what you eat." We're most definitely NOT humanoids. And proud of it.

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