Is "Orders" the right term to use and a few other thoughts

Round 1: Cavalier and Oracle

I am just incorperating Cavaliers into an ongoing game and ran into a bit of confusion with the concept of Orders which I like. I have an Order of the Silver Dragon which was made up of a bunch of Cav type fighters and paladins. As I started to convert the new class into the backgrowned I noticed found the the NPCs into the Order would all have different "Orders". The "Order" concept is cool and I like it, but it might be wiser to call it "Allegiance", that way a cavalier could belong to an Order of Knights that pledged fealty to a king, but actually have allegiance to himself "Order of the Dragon".

It seems to me more could be done with both the mounted aspect of the cavaliers backgrown and the "nobility" aspect. I would like to see gaining an better (exotic) mount at the higher levels and maybe a penalty for using weapons and armor which would be considered "low class" in a campaign. This would help to seperate the cavalier from a fighter who would care less about image and more about functionality.

Michael Smith 140 wrote:
I would like to see gaining an better (exotic) mount at the higher levels and maybe a penalty for using weapons and armor which would be considered "low class" in a campaign. This would help to seperate the cavalier from a fighter who would care less about image and more about functionality.

Problem I see with "low class" weapons and armor is that will vary from culture to culture and the Cavalier needs to be accessable by several cultures. A cavalier from a chinese-influenced culture will see different weapons and armor as "low class" than ones from an arabian-infuenced culture or a russian-influenced culture. Even in western european influenced areas you will see differences. English, French, Spanish, Germans all had different ideas on what "low weapons" were. And this would all be in the same campaign setting.


RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Weylin wrote:
English, French, Spanish, Germans all had different ideas on what "low weapons" were.

...which were, with uncanny frequency, exactly what the others were using. :)

If I were to pick an alternate name for the orders, it would probably be "traditions." Don't think it's a big issue, though, unless the homonym sticks in your head.

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