Burning magic does it stack? multiple hits and multiple oracles

Round 1: Cavalier and Oracle

Burning magic:
Whenever a creature fails a
saving throw and takes fire damage from one of your
spells, it catches on fire. This fire deals 1 point of fire
damage per spell level at the beginning of the burning
creature’s turn. The fire lasts for 1d4 rounds.

Question one: if an oracle casts porduce flames and hits a target multiple time do the difrent "bits" of flame cause difrent burning damage.

Question two: two difrent oracles in the party hit with difrent fire spells each with burning magic. does the high level burning magic take effect or do they both burn?

Produce flames won't work because it doesn't allow a saving throw. Burning Magic requires the target to fail a save vs one of your [fire] spells.

Being on fire is a condition. You can only be affected once by any condition. That means Burning Magic won't stack if two different Oracles of Flame hit the same guy with a fireball and he fails both saves. However, he would be on fire for the longest duration rolled (or possibly the durations would add together).

Actually, being on fire is not a condition, although it probably should be. And occasionally a condition does stack (certain bleeding effects), but those specifically state they state, so unless burning magic states it stacks with itself, I would say just the highest level one takes effect.

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